Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Illuminating the Heart [Hikam 13]

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The speakers discuss the importance of Islam in achieving goals and personal growth. They stress the need for people to have a positive perspective and consider their actions as something they are doing. The speakers also emphasize the importance of avoiding negative impact from the dust and the need to be mindful of one's behavior. They also emphasize the importance of shaping one's behavior and avoiding harm to others.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam
ala so you didn't even want to he was so happy he
got a lot of terracotta machinery for calling me woman la mujer de
la hula who neuron from Allah will be new. Lakota is not a standard
ek for usually who COBOL was who acquired him on top of your actual
female earthy, he was subhanaw taala says in the Quran that
whoever Allah subhanaw taala doesn't place any nor for any
light for them, there is no light for that person. This is a very
general statement that although Allah subhanaw taala as he says in
the Quran, Allah Who knows similar to what Allah is the the knower of
the heavens and the earth. That is the literal translation many of
them have Assyrian have explained that to mean Allah whom we know we
are similar to a lot. If somebody is the light, then clearly,
there's no point in having a light that doesn't go anywhere. The
light means it's the shine aligns manifest everywhere, just like his
his His power, His majesty, His beauty is manifest everywhere, his
latest manifest everywhere. So essentially, what it means is that
Allah is the illuminator as well, he is the Lord and he's the
illuminated as many Hadees we'd speak about Allah subhanho wa
taala, veiled by 70, veils of law, etc, etc. The point we're trying
to make is that Allah subhanaw taala places nor so what is the
external light that we see by which we actually see what things
are in this world, that's the first light which everybody shares
in whether a person is a believer or, or a disbeliever. Then of
course, there's the light, which shows you the right way, which
shows you the basic right way, which is the Iman that
Hamdulillah, we've been blessed with that as Muslims, we've been
shown the right way. So we have that additional level of law
already Hamdulillah. Now, beyond that, there is an increase of the
node. And that node increases increases until a person becomes a
body of Allah. So the more nor a person will have, then that is how
much more a worldly a person is to Allah subhanaw taala, when he just
means to be close to Allah, close associate, a friend, in a sense, a
friend in the sense of not in the worldly sense of buddies and
things of that nature, but a friend in the sense that we're
there is there for you, as the promise of the Lord is central, in
our bus of your loved one.
When he was sitting with him on the same animal, he said,
follow the law here.
You will be mindful of Allah and Allah will be mindful of you.
Therefore the law digital to Jack, be mindful of Allah and you will
actually find him in front of you. Clearly not gonna see him, but you
will find him in front of you, which means that you will see his
effects in front of you, you will see his assistance is defense is
his light, whatever it is, however, that's manifested, Allah
has everything in his disposal. So
the one who Allah subhanaw taala has not placed any note for
then he has no other No, there is no other way to get more. So we're
going to look at this.
This verse in the light of where we are, so clearly the light we
have, Iman we have, but then we're not getting beyond our human. This
is why we're here. We're not moving ahead. When we're
struggling. We hear the stories of these great pious individuals and
we just can't seem to come close because we're fine for a few days
we find during Ramadan we find when we go for Hajj, and then
suddenly we start losing it.
As soon as you start, normal daily routine, your heart starts to take
on the effects of the dunya again,
clear experience from hygiene Hajj, you're not seeing any non
Muslims you're not seeing any haram. You know you to do haram
that you really have to go out of your way to do haram. But then you
come back and it's around you so then you get influenced by that.
And then it the heart starts to react to that in that same kind of
Subhan Allah
then if nada Allah he says K for usually Kukulkan but then how is
your heart? So based on that verse, you're saying, How is a
heart going to be illumined when it has the forms? So a Quan Quan
means the plural of tone beings. According is beings, different
everything's being including us and everything else. So when
beings are in our heart, when other creatures are in our heart,
very means by creatures being in our heart is our heart reflects
what's inside what we think about or we're concerned about what our
worry is what our whole golden ambition is in life. So what is
something we declare but the other is what we actually do with our
heart. We will declare to be faithful we will declare to be
close to Allah wanting to be close to Allah, but our heart doesn't
sometimes follow because he's not prepared for that yet. So then how
can a he says Keifa usually go collingbourne? How can a heart
become illumined when the forms of other creatures
are fixed, and are reflected on its own
years. So that's maybe wealth, certain positions in life, certain
companies we may want to work for.
Which, again, there's nothing wrong with wanting to work for a
company, as long as that doesn't become your main objective of
As long as the objective is something else, I want to work for
this company. So what is our work for that company because of the
prestige, it will bring me and you know, how I will look like in
front of others. Another way to think about that is I want to work
for that company. So that I get enough prestige and respect so
that I can give better down maybe
I want to get a PhD so that people take me more seriously.
I want to have more money, so that I can have more, more power to
help people.
So you're getting the same thing.
You're getting the same thing. But your perspective is different. So
what's in your heart is not that job. But it's what's beyond that
job. That people with short sightedness, they only look at the
immediate, the people who Allah subhanaw taala has given wisdom
and Baraka, they will look beyond it. And they'll have what the
other person has or what the other person wants. But they'd have more
Baraka because their perspective is something much further away.
And our perspectives have to be like that, because we're not
limited to this world. So anybody whose perspective is only this
world, then they fooling themselves, because we know
there's more to it than this world. So our perspective has to
extend to that world, in everything we do. We should be
thinking about how it's going to impact the hereafter, then we're
clever. And even in from a worldly sense, somebody who thinks only
for tomorrow is not as intelligent as somebody who thinks for 10
years, somebody who thinks for 50 years, I was sitting in a in a
gathering of psychologists and the teacher actually he said once he
ended up in Ireland, and he saw these guys from India down the
Hindus from India, down the road, this was when the war was going
on. You know, 20 years ago, Ira
was disguised from India during here. So his partner, he said, Oh,
I actually just spoke to them yesterday, they're coming, and
they're buying up all of these houses. They're buying up all of
these houses here that are selling for 510 1000 pounds, because
nobody wants to live here. They're buying them, they're going to bank
them. And after 30 years, when all of this stops is the nature of the
world, you know, the nature of the world is like that. Unfortunately,
Afghanistan has been going on for much longer than that. But still,
it's the nature of the world that generally things move around.
Then they'll catch up on those houses, they'll sit there waiting,
they're willing to sit with them for 30 years, 40 years, if it
takes them.
How far are they thinking for the world? How far are they thinking.
And there's nothing wrong with thinking like that for the world,
as long as you're not cheating, deceiving anybody. But we've got
even beyond that to think we're not going to just turn to dust.
After that there's going to be a revival or resurrection, or
there's going to be a resurrection. So we believe in
that life. And we believe that to be even more important than this
life. So the one Allah subhanaw taala gives the realisation of
that life to will be the most successful person, when that
becomes a reality. And I don't know, people have probably had
this experience. But the older you get,
and you're trying, you do sometimes get the sparks of that
life in the sense that that is the most important thing. That
realisation if only it stayed for longer.
At weak moments in our life, when we feel our vulnerability, when we
sense our mortality, and we are going to die one day, then you
start thinking about that.
But sometimes it's only for that moment, and the one who are
blessed with the light of Allah, they'll always be thinking about
that, because that's what that's what he mentioned, a thorough who
is there other than a remote. But the most fortunate one is the one
who is most abundantly in preparation for His death and what
is to come because that becomes a reality.
Until that doesn't become a reality, then this world is just
normal. This world is just normal. That's what we do. So we ask Allah
to give us the understanding of the Hereafter making a reality in
our sight so that our life then changes, because then the life
takes an absolutely new meaning. Then your intention start becoming
correct. In fact, that's probably the only way to correct your
intention. You can be told about intentions having to be correct, I
mean sincerity. But when you're so attached to this world, sincerity
is very difficult.
You may verbally say I want sincerity. And in some things, you
may be able to do that. But the deeper things are more complex.
It's very difficult to have sense. I could never understand this
But that's why they say you have to go to the machine to learn the
sincerity. I used to always wonder about that. But the reason you'll
get it
It is because that's what they talk about worse talks about that
level of sincerity and where the whole focus is on that topic.
So once you start focusing on the hereafter, your sincerity will
increase. And that's why the Sahaba sincerity was like none
other. That's why for them to even donate, someone in the path of
Allah was worth more than our donating a big Masjid in the heart
of Allah. Because their level of sincerity, the meaning with which
they did it, the whole story of why they're doing it is a totally
different story of ours.
So the more nor a person has and the more other things the person
takes out, you'll achieve the same thing in this world. But you will
achieve it for the right reason.
And how beautiful is that?
To get the same thing to have the same amount of money to drive the
same cause as somebody who's just for the world, but you're driving
and you gotta ask your insha Allah as well.
Remember, this is a different perspective to resilvered
Sufism in general, what I mean by that is people who've been
focusing on the hereafter, have gone through a number of different
types of focuses. So there is the Sufism of asceticism, which was
the initial one like Abdullah Hill, Nevada, couple latest,
certainly all of these were just about cutting away from the world.
He tried to say that to somebody today, it is much more difficult.
It's virtually impossible for most people to do, especially in this
country. So we don't talk about that anymore. Because that's a
hard battle to fight. But dunya we're living in the dunya, there's
no way you escape that, especially in the West, this is the fitna to
survive. This is the challenge of prosperity that we're dealing with
today. So that's why many of them are shaking. This is what it is.
It's live in this world, but be connected to Allah subhanaw taala.
And hope Allah subhanaw taala helps us and the Prophet SAW
wasn't shown both ways. Though he preferred the solid way. He showed
both ways.
In the sense that he brought expensive things, he did eat some
expensive foods when it was there. But then mostly he decided not to.
And his dua was oh, Allah gather me among the Masaki.
Because it's an easier path. It's an easier path in the hereafter
where it matters, though it's more difficult in this world to live
like that. But of course, we like ease in this world. So we do the
other way. Hopefully, Allah subhanaw taala. I mean, it's when
you have to fill in a tax form. Right? It's the same thing, if you
only make 7000 a year, or 9000 a year, you simply just fill in one
type of income, 9000, colors, finish, no tax, nothing,
everything else, Na na na, but you've got shares, you've got a
property, you've got this, you've got all of these different things,
then you've got to fill in all of that, provide proof for it, and
make sure you're recording it right. Otherwise, they'll come and
check and get you in trouble. So it gets more complicated. I think
this whole tech system is developed to tell us about the
hereafter, that this is the kind of scrutiny you're going to have
some heilala Subhanallah whereas here we might even be able to
trick them by really hiding something and not declaring
something and doing it properly. But in the hereafter that's
absolutely not the password. So that's where the Moroccan are
going to have an easy but nothing to show you is this is what it is.
how do we live in this world and do what we're doing shall as long
as we avoid the harangue, do the huddle. Enjoy the Barakat, Allah
subhanaw taala has given us this has been the narrative of many of
the Sufis, this has been the narrative of many of the latest
Sufis. In fact, according to the tea journeys, they saying the way
to get to Allah subhanaw taala is through sugar. You've got what you
have do sugar of it. But sugar is a very complex way of doing sugar.
If you've got sugar, then you're not going to use your wealth in
And be honest, I mean, think about it, to commit any haram, you have
to spend money, that money comes from Allah subhanaw taala so if
you look, Allah is giving you money, and I'm spending that in
his disobedience what a blessing.
That's why one of the one of the most prominent laws in hustle and
bustle is 670 Dua collection is, Oh Allah I seek your refuge from I
seek your forgiveness from all of those sins that I've committed
using the money you gave me.
What a blessing is, Can Allah, but Allah is so Clement, Allah is so
forbearing that he forgives us these things, he overlooks them,
he doesn't see as a straightaway, he doesn't see the straightaway
for that. So
for our hearts to be
for our hearts to be illumined and to become more nor more mulawa so
that we can get closer to Allah subhana wa Tada. We're gonna have
to play
showerheads. If you've ever seen any plating, gold plating, silver
plating, or copper plating or anything else that's done, the way
they do it is they first had that the vessel the pot, the surface
has to be fully cleared, that can be a speck of dirt on it. So they
really polish it polish it first to remove all the dirt. In fact it
takes longer to clean it if it's dirty, it takes longer to clean it
first. And then the polish will just come right over really easy.
They just have to melt a bit and then just totally flow over very
easily. But it has dirt and everything it just won't be
proper. So the NOR of Allah subhanho wa Taala to polish our
heart Cicala to collude as the professor Larson said, the
polishing of the heart is not going to happen. When we got for
you, it's going to be uneven, it's not going to be full. If there's
even any space in there to start with, if the if there's too many
forms of other creatures is not going to happen. That's why then
when a person's heart is not illumined, they can't have the
Quran, Allah subhanaw taala. When you can't have the walk on Allah
subhana wa Tada, the what is the antithesis to depression.
If you think about it, depression, and Tawakkol are on opposing ends,
the only time you'll have depression is if you've got a lack
of power, the more lack of Torquil you have, the more depression you
are prone to having. Because when you rely on Allah and you know,
everything comes from Allah, then why should there be any
depression, anything happens in your life, oh, Allah knows what's
going on. This is a kind of a test, or this is this or this,
you're going to be able to deal with it in the right way.
When you don't have the workload, then there's going to be generally
depression comes from a loss of something.
Not from having too much, too much of a negative thing, maybe but not
having too much of a positive thing. It's less of it. I got no
money. I've got diseases, I've got illnesses. I'm losing my job. I'm
losing promotions, I'm getting accidents. I'm doing this, I'm
doing that all of that is what leads to depression. And the more
darker the heart is the board this will negatively impacts because
there's not the worker.
The motor, what could you have you now to deal with? So it's a
setback, okay, for us, it's a setback world is full of these.
This is the way Allah subhanaw taala may raise Allah or maybe
he's teaching me a lesson because of some deed I did before. We're
going to know how to deal with this is going to make us reflect
and if it causes us to Towba I mean, how great is that? Right? So
if a calamity makes us do Toba, beautiful.
And then beyond that, if it makes us get closer to Allah or he wants
to raise my status, we just feel closer to him that Oh ALLAH is
that he gave that to the prophets. He's tested the prophets. He's
testing us as well. So suddenly, you just suddenly increase in
that. So
that's the way it moved our team. The Olia of Allah will deal with
calamities. Everybody has calamities in this world. It's
just some people know how to deal with them. Some people don't know
how to deal with them. That is the major difference, because it's the
law that helps. Do you have the fortitude to deal with it? Do you
have the Do you have the heart to deal with it? It's that it's
courage. It's courage, in a sense, in a spiritual sense to deal with
it or being cowardly. If there's no Tawakkol, you will be cowardly.
And if you if you have to overcome and the law of Allah, then you
will have the courage, the bravery to be able to deal with it. So our
whole perspective in life is to
try to get closer to Allah subhanaw taala have the note fully
in our hearts. And the way to do that is to shift our attention
away from those things which are occupying our heart that are
incorrect. That's what Allah subhanaw taala says manager and
Allah will be Rajan when calvini fee JioFi you can't have two
hearts in there. Allah hasn't placed two hearts in anybody, any
inside. Now it's kind of very interesting that Jeremy hearts are
associated with the chests, as Allah says Kuru will Latifi sudo.
But in this case, he said Jove, Jove means the inner in a hollow
the inner part of the body. The reason is that and he also said
men here, whereas generally he would leave it general. The reason
he said men here is because women sometimes do have two hearts in
their body, not their own hearts, but their child's heart, right in
their body. But
the point is the same, nobody has for themselves two hearts. So you
can't have you know, put a partition in your heart. This is
for my dunya and this is for my earthhero You're, you're the best
way to do it is to do your dunya through your Acura and let it be
for your Acura. That is very important to do what you have to
do in this world. But the focus make that right. And you will see
more Baraka in the dunya aspect because it's coked in the book
Ravi aspect of it, that is very important. So you're doing vicar
of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. Now that is trying to purify the heart.
Now, if we've left all the dunya if we've left thinking about the
dunya and pursuit of the dunya for the dunya right, so it's pursuit
for the dunya for the accuracy
By the suit for the dunya for the dunya is problematic.
Right? So if we've left the streets of the dunya for the
dunya, and then we're doing vicar, then it will push that the dunya
from the previous life out. It will start purifying, but we're
doing Vicodin Hamdulillah, you know doing maraca, you're doing
this and but then at the same time, we're also continuing our
testament of the world. So now there's a there's a there's a war
raging inside. Now what's going to dominate? Do we do more than
pursuit of the dunya?
But do we do more pursuit of the dunya than than the vicar? We do?
Yes, if you're doing five hours of liquor a day and you're still
doing dunya, you'll probably still win. Because mashallah five hours
of liquor is you know, that concentration is very powerful.
But if you're doing 10 minutes of liquor, and our Salah isn't
counted a vicar because we got no concentration in it. Right? We're
not there yet. And the dunya is just going to envelope us that's
that is that is the challenge that we're talking about. That's that's
the reality that's going on inside our heart. We just can't feel it.
We just feel the effects of it outside the cliche in
superlatives, everything has a punish was a little Kulu Victrola.
This is what's mentioned in the heavy
so you can do the vicar but you have to stop the world, you have
to change your perspective. Otherwise, then that vicar will
become a Polish. Otherwise, it's too we're doing even on one that
we're going to the masjid then we're going to the club
afterwards, or the other way around. But generally you spend
more time in a club than the Masjid. mustiness, 10 minutes.
SubhanAllah. The reason we've closed this door is because it
gets too cold. Right?
It's caught, it's closed, but it's a bit stuffy.
But if we open it, it's going to be colder than in a stuffy. So
that's a choice we've made right now.
The other thing about living on a main road like this is that you
open the windows, you open the doors, and you're going to you get
a lot of dust, and you get dust everywhere. But I think on this on
this floor, because it's such a movement, you get more dust, I
So now we'll close the window to dust when you don't need it or to
the cold.
It's only dust, it's not going to be any more than that. In fact,
the other day, I don't know, just before hatch, there was one day it
rained, like in the middle of the day very strongly. And it held as
well. And I was it was after July I think and I was outside and I'd
left my window open. Like off the hook and open. And I came back,
the head was up to here from that window, the water and the head was
up to there. And it's quite scary, you know, because if the good job
that computer which was on was under the table otherwise, that
would have been wet. And I don't know, it could have been much
worse on my work, but hamdulillah so you close the door to avoid the
dust you close the window to avoid the dust.
In the body, we have four ways that dust gets in, if not more
than US minimally dust, the eyes,
the ears,
the tongue,
and the thought process.
These are four ways that our heart is influenced. And the minimal
influence is the dust that comes from our eyes is going to have a
dusting of haram on our hearts if if not a full blown effect. We're
just taking the minimum. So now just as we close the window just
coming in.
Then we need to shut
the avenues of this dust settling in our hearts.
So if we keep a focus in our hearts, then all of these things
will stay in focus.
For men generally
their problem is eyes more than for women.
Women also have problems with their eyes. Those who like window
shopping. The new bag, the new this any woman's got a new bag,
you know and every woman is carrying a Louis Vuitton bag these
days. Right? So everybody wants one now. Right? For men, it's a
different thing. You got much more variety. As a big fitna. Because
everything is a fitna, even though you can't have some of you still
want it. At least we're women, they can buy that bag, they just
have to save up a bit maybe for men, they can't have what they
want. It's a different fitna. It's a more challenging fitna. It's a
more wasteful fitna, because you can't even get what you want. And
yeah, hundreds of different hierarchies you're committing and
are committing in a day, and you can't have all of those so it's
more absurd. So we may have a different fitness. So Men's
Fitness generally with the ice, the is both probably the same. And
when it comes to the tongue,
it's debatable who's who's worse in that case, but then the thought
process during the rollover mentioned that the women are more
than that because they think about these negative thoughts more than
men do. Because
Men generally have to be occupied with different things unless a
person is perverted in their mind. And that's an exception issue. But
there's a lot of lot more jealousy when it comes in wearing of each
other. Right. And that kind of agreed, and just a lot more, they
think more about that because they're more emotional, right?
This doesn't mean that when men don't have that problem, it's just
generally we're just trying to highlight where the bigger problem
lies for them. So
these four doors have to be closed, so that the dirt from them
doesn't settle in the heart. If it does,
we know when we look at when our eyes fall on something,
even in hajus, the case you got men and women in the Haram, you
know that you're gonna, you're gonna glance at a woman, you just
have to immediately glance away, that's the test of it, it helps
you being in that pure atmosphere, there's just less shaytani
influence, right. And it's not as bad as what you see in London, you
know, for men, I'm saying, right. So as soon as you see something
coming, your eyes should be close to it. So we need to divert so
that the dust doesn't come in and sets and we blocked it, we see
that that's coming, we've just closed the door.
Avoid the case. So we need to do that so that the dust doesn't
settle in the heart. Once the dust settles in the heart, now, I've
got a bit of dust maybe on top of there, I clean it up, it doesn't
make too much of a mess that it can easily wipe it up. But if you
carry on, let the settle and settle, then it becomes hot, then
it becomes dark. And we've seen that dust becomes dark, then the
cloth that you use becomes dark, you need actually some spray
afterwards to get rid of it. So now just imagine where we are now,
all of us who are doing vicar and we're feeling that it's not having
the effect that we generally hear about.
Well, you know, you can't just kind of get a cloth and just pass
it over you we need to use more than that. So it's going to take a
while if we haven't done thicker for a long time we've our crimes
have been big, then it's going to take a bit longer. But it doesn't
mean it's not doing anything, every clock that you wait over
there, it's going to make a difference. It just if you use a
specific type of spray, it's going to be faster.
If you try to you just use water, it's not going to remove it. But
when you get some chemicals, it's going to make a difference. So
that's why they say different Vickers will help your solid does
help every solid does help. But because the concentration in our
solid is not there, it's not having the same impact. It's just
like a cloth going over the top. But it's not enough to remove the
hard stains that are there.
And then you've got the verbal ticker that is very effective, you
get reward for doing so. But then you got the Heartseeker which is
attacking it directly. That's like an intravenous That's why they say
the maraca is so powerful. And that's why it's the most difficult
Oh no, I'm gonna that you do is the most difficult. You can sit
and do this be 100 SP is no problem. 100 is that far no
problem 100 salawat and or even read Quran, no problem. But try to
sit and concentrate for 10 minutes on your maraca. And that is more
And anybody who's mastered the maraca, but that's when you will
see that there must everything else as well. So it's to close the
door, and to clean up what's inside and keep the door closed.
So that more is not more is not happening.
The easiest way, the easiest way to sort this matter out is the
heart. The heart is something which loves to be associated with
something, the nature of the heart, you can't say I don't want
you to be associated with anything. You have to give it a
friend, you have to give it something to
and if it's the wrong thing, then it's going to be the wrong thing.
That's why get the heart connected to Allah subhanaw taala See, that
everything else will eventually diminish. Because the heart needs
a friend and give it the right friend and all others will
diminish. We're not giving our hardware intellectually
just out outwardly we're giving it the wrong things too indulgent.
So give it the heart and then you will notice that it will have a
big difference.
And I will know who Dino harness for Allah is the pure Dean that is
the pure Dean is for Allah subhanaw taala.
And the root of all enhancement is to have the heart associated with
Allah subhanaw taala
then the figure of the ocular will come.
When that happens,
you're body, our body and our heart will actually the heart is
very powerful. People with certain allergies. They can tell I've got
a nephew who apparently can tell if there's egg in food without
even tasting it to another square egg. I cannot believe it. Right.
You mostly gets it right as well. I think you may get it wrong or
sometimes I don't know. But because he doesn't he doesn't like
egg so he's got such an aversion that he can kind of like just tell
it to me or something. Something weird like that.
If that can happen with people like that, then there are many
stories about people who can smell haram.
For example, there's one of the great pious individuals of the
Indian subcontinent Mirza
Messiah, John John His name
is once he somebody brought him some grapes. Generally people
bring him something he needs it but this time he refused to eat
these grapes. Why not? Because
after somebody insisted he said I smell corpses. I smell corpses
from these grapes.
Dead people from this great now what dead people association with
these grapes. Now this person was the one of the hot themes one of
the people who are close to him, he knew that there's something
more than it's not just an arbitrary statement he's making.
So he went and found out where he got the grease on so the person
who bought the grapes off the person in the market, whoever he
was, as a where'd you get your grapes from? He said, Oh, I buy it
from such and such a supplier. So he went to that guy for a
supplier. He says Wait, you know, where do you get your grapes
because I grow them? He says yes. But you know there must be
something more to it than nice is
the this is what the Sheikh said or this is he mentioned something
and it came out that this person was using the public graveyard
land to grow his grapes in illegally.
So is it haram land is growing and the Sheikh is reading the corpses
from the and he is refusing to eat is
one of the scholars of the past and Tanya Eliza Dean ignored the
salam. Once he was brought a gift by one of his friends who used to
live one of a close associate, obviously used to live outside the
city. He sent him a number of different things, including some
cheese with one of his servants. So as the sermon is coming with
all of this stuff, he tripped and the cheese fell down. We're not
talking about cheddar cheese. We're talking about you know, the
January the white cheese that you know the feta cheese kind of
started probably it fell down became all dirty and everything.
So he thought I can't take this. So when he got into the city,
Egypt into Cairo, he went to one of the local cheese sellers and he
bought some he's a Christian cheese seller, and he brought it
from her right to replace what he had lost. When he got to the chef,
he gave her everything. The Sheikh took everything except that Jesus
says I can't have the cheese. Why can you have the cheese is I smell
I smell Nasrani from
Christianity from this can't be you know, I just just got an issue
with that one.
And so hallelujah, it was so perfect. So the body Allah is
perfectly as mentioned in the Hadith, the more a person gets
closer to Allah subhana wa Tada. First you have to follow the
follow up and you will get close to Allah. Then after that you
continue as they say he had he says you get closer and closer to
Allah with the more thicker that you do until he becomes the hands
with which you touch the eyes with which you see, and that you're
divinely protected so that Allah will protect you, you will make
less mistakes in this world.
Right? So may Allah subhanho wa Taala give us that the two ways to
get to Allah subhanaw taala is cathro to thicken the barrel
sunnah, abundant vicar inside and as much sunnah practice in our
behavior, in our conduct in our dress in our outlook, and
interaction with others. This is the way of success. The inside is
being fortified by the vicar and the outside is being predicted by
our behavior and we're a form of data to others as well.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this famous story in the
best means of voiceovers and I feel like doing Zina
and the prophets of Allah why do some places hand on his chest and
he said Allahu McPhee lumber who were asked in follow general ALLAH
forgive his sins and make good his his private parts and all the
desire disappeared.
So this is what you call what the sheriff will call Selby. Negative,
negating a negating outpouring
with the DA the profits or loss are made, right? managed to stop
or take this desire out of his heart.
You if you have any Herranz you don't tell the dunya.
Just like you have something on your body, you don't show you our
two people. But just like you go to a doctor and you'd have to show
I've got a spot here. I've got this rash here. And you have to
open up for that much for them to see and diagnose what the problem
is. Likewise, this is the justification for telling the
shape the specific things that is challenging you although it's hard
to tell anybody else because you're not supposed to reveal your
firearms. But this is done a lot more than just like you're not
supposed to show your older to anybody. You're hidden parts
except to a doctor
again only to that amount
so that the sheet can help suggest how to get otherwise it's just
going to be general guidance.
If it's particular, the machine can direct that particular
guidance to that. And do Allah just like the prompts that allows
them to go out. So that has that negating influence on eliminated
One of the she said that the best way to get close to Allah subhanaw
taala, like this is through Booker and de facto, which means by
praying, and just contemplating Allah subhanaw taala, that's
Yamanaka. It's part of the thicker of your maraca to do that.
And generally, for the men, it's more difficult. But there's a nice
statement in there in order it says that jump in Sansei money
Nicoletti to bury Vegeta Bollini Sharia to die now that applies to
that person. Hopefully everybody understands what to do. Basically,
when a person has a * has an * then he becomes
valid and it becomes responsible and accountable, he has to make
his solid is going to be accountable. And then he says or
money say in some nickel J do obligatory Kapunda probably
applies a bit more to men than women. But when a person comes out
of his sexual thoughts, then he will become a mature in terms of
in terms of the believer, he will become closer to Allah subhanaw
taala because that's one of our biggest challenges. We want to
work so hard on our heart that not only do we stop doing sins, which
is the first stage but how beautiful will it be that we stop
thinking about it?
How beautiful it will be if we stop thinking then it's not even a
challenge anymore. It's not even a challenge. May Allah subhanaw
taala give us that Sophie
you're going to study a low
volume which is a one
of a lux told to us to Allah accept tele vicar or Allah grant
us the sweetness and hello in our remembrance. Oh Allah, Allah, grab
the sweetness, and hello in our salah. In our reading of the
Quran, of Allah in remembrance of Allah allow your remembrance to
come from every part of our body. From Allah allow it to infuse
every part of our body. Oh Allah purify our hearts. Oh Allah,
Allah, Allah at the same time that we do that can we also allow other
things to corrupt our heart or Allah will not allow us and help
us to protect our heart from the heart arms to shut the doors from
our eyes and our ears and our and Allah and from what we eat. So
Allah grant is to help law Grantchester Hello. Oh Allah
suffice us with 100 away from the Quran. Oh Allah, allow us to be
only in need of you and independent of everyone else. Oh
Allah, Oh Allah, we ask that You grant us a true understanding of
the nature of this world. Oh Allah that You give us the true, true
intentions that we need to have and the true perspectives and
objectives we need to have. Oh Allah allow us to make you our
objective. or Allah allow us to make your objective Oh Allah. This
is something we claim and we want and we desire and we verbally
express. Now Allah allow us to internalize it, and our heart to
follow what we say about you. Oh Allah allow our hearts to follow
we say about you. Oh Allah, otherwise we're hypocrites. of
Allah. We're doing things outside. We're seeing things we verbally
expressing things, but our heart desires different. Oh Allah, we
allow indulgence of our heart.
Oh Allahu Allah, we ask that you allow our hearts to follow and to
connect with you, to connect with you and to be fully for you of
Allah, we ask that you punish, punish our hearts, to allow the
negative influences to be removed. of Allah the years and years of
sins. Oh Allah, we ask that you forgive us from every sin that we
have committed, using the same wealth that you have given us. Oh
Allah, that is such a lesson. You're so clever, and that you've,
you've overlooked that and you haven't seen this for him. But
that made us even bolder. We did it again. And then we did it
again. Oh, Allah, our lights only because of your mercy that you did
not see as a straightaway and punish us. Oh Allah. Oh Allah, we
ask that you forgive us for all sins that we've done in the
openness of daylight to the darkness is at night, those we've
considered insignificant and those we've considered to be grave but
still did. Oh Allah, there are sins that we've committed and
knowing they're wrong and knowing how much wrong we're doing. Oh
We ask that you assist us in this world because we're nothing
without your assistance. We ask for your Tofik we ask you not to
ever forsake us. Oh Allah, we ask that you make us of those who
untidy those you've showered your bounties upon and not those who've
gone astray or your anger showered upon all we ask that you make us
of your close servants. Oh Allah. Oh Allah there is no that
There is no limitation in your treasures. There is no limit
limitation in your generosity in what you can give a one law
there's enough room for us to be among your pious ones as well and
engender to share those. We ask You for the highest levels of
genuine the highest levels of genuine the highest levels agenda
of Allah make our actions in accordance to that. Oh Allah,
Allah allow us to continue to remember you and continue to thank
you with everything that we do in this world. Keep the hot arms out
of our life, allow us to fulfill our obligations, and our
additional needs to have belt and recommendations or allow us to be
true believers help our Muslim sisters and brothers around the
world or assist them in their time and innovate your guinea monocular
in Lola elevate your Kadima in law Allah allow us to be a means of
other people also remembering you and elevating the Kadima. Allah
Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah give us Sophie and make it easy
for us to do our daily regimen of our God and our maraca and our
sites and our reading of the Quran and our behavior of Allah O Allah,
we ask that you accept us. You accept You accept us and you send
your abundant blessings and our messenger Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam and granted his company in the hereafter Subhan
Allah because Allah is that the seafood and I was said only more