Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – How to Raise a Reader

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how reading books has greatly impacted their children, creating a love for books that inspires them to read and learn from them. They also mention how reading has been a powerful source of inspiration for their children, creating a sense of community and personal responsibility.
AI: Transcript ©
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One thing which is really, really important that I found that has

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benefited us immensely is reading to the children when they're

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young, from stories of profits and others. What that does is that it

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creates a love for books, because they see the mother or the father

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reading from a book. So, and it's a really interesting story before

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you go to sleep, right, and you've got a time to think about it. And

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it's associated to a book so that when they grow up until you give

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them a phone, then it or Satya Nadella or some purchase God and

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then you basically mess everything up. But until then, they love

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reading was that's what I experience. And plus those stories

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at bedtime young, the stories of the prophets and the sahaba. They

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are immensely powerful in conveying to them the right kind

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of manners and conduct and behavior and personalities and

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role models. We invested in a lot of books, right and my wife used

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to read a lot to them.

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