Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – How to get more out of your time

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of balancing one's mind and heart for study and spirituality. They give examples of students who study
the right way and spend time for Islam. The speaker also mentions the success of Islam in the United States and the importance of taking time for God.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah your man you're walking um

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another thing is

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we're speaking about Baraka blessing.

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This is just some simple advice on a personal level that I have

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benefited from.

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If especially if you're, I mean, this will benefit both those who

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are very studious they or they, you know, the swats, they just

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fully study, right in a good way. And also those who are not

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studying too well, right, they're not focusing, what we need to do

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is we need to spend time for Allah subhanaw taala, which means we

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pray off a daily press that will

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keep us Morrow, it will keep us connected to spirituality. And

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spirituality is extremely important. What one scholar says

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is that if you have a very intellectual mind, a very fiery

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mind, you need a generous and compassionate heart to balance

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that smartness that you have in your head. Otherwise, it will lead

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to arrogance. Think about it. Somebody who's just so arrogant,

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when he walks in the room, he thinks he's the best doubt out

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there that he knows more than anybody who's so self conceited.

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If he doesn't have a heart of compassion, humility, then that's

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not going to be balanced, you need to balance both the mind and the

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heart. And that's extremely important. And the way we do that,

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is to learn the arc of our forbearers and approximate love by

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yourself, and to spend some time doing vicar and remembrance of

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Allah subhanaw taala. I give you an example. There was a student in

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our mother's in our seminary, a very studious student, I mean,

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didn't play football or anything like that. It was just always

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studying, you know, a very smart student, there's only study.

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They used to be a gathering of vigor of remembrance that used to

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take place in the motherland. And he would avoid that he would go,

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you'd say that waste half of my half an hour of my time, I'd

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rather be studying something in there. All right. So it's just the

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proper studio students. On one occasion, he decided to go.

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Right, he decided to go. And he sat there for half an hour, in the

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remembrance of God, half an hour for somebody who really values

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their time for studying is a is a big thing to do. Right? It's like

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saying half an hour without checking your email. I mean, how

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bad would that be? Right? So what he noticed, though, was that in

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the subsequent days, he carried on doing that for a week or so he

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found that he could get more accomplished in the day. In terms

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of his other work.

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I will tell you from personally, when I went when I finished my

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third world, when I graduated, my own started, became an imam of

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Masjid in California, I found that I just didn't have any Baraka in

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time, any blessing in time thing that day was just whizzing past as

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the Hadith mentions that close to the Day of Judgment, that's what's

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gonna happen anyway, I call one of my teachers. And essentially, he

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says, Look,

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time is in the hands of God, to make it seem like you've done a

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lot, or that you've done less, it's in the hands of God, give

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some time to God, he will open your time up for you. Remember

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these words, these are these are really powerful, believe me, that

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you give some time for God. Remembrance, and he will act to

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your benefits. How is it possible that somebody like has early he

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died at the age of 55. And yet, he becomes such a celebrated scholar

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that in Liverpool today we mentioned him and he was a scholar

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of bothered and Deus which is in Iran today. And we're saying May

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Allah forgive him. Because of the work that he did as being the

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proof of Islam and the work that he did. We look at Imam nawawi and

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who hasn't heard of Imam Nomi. He died at around the age of 40. And

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he wrote the Riyadh the Saudi him, he wrote a commentary on Sahih

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Muslim, he wrote this huge works, he was only 14 When he passed

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away. And there are so many other examples, or whatever it is, the

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famous hadith is another example he died before he died around 40

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to 50 as well.

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Allah make them Allah allowed them to do so much more in the short

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amount of time that they had because time is in the hands of

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Allah, squander your time away and you will see that it will just fly

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away and nothing will happen. And they say that you do sins in the

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day, your time will just go. But if you spend some time for God,

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you will see the baraka and the blessing in your time. I see the

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baraka and the blessing in your time.

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