Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – How to Achieve God Consciousness and Stay Away from Sins

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of taco taqwa and how it can be considered a habit. They suggest that people should be aware of the multiple ways to be God conscious and that remembering Allah may help prevent wrongdoings.
AI: Transcript ©
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What exactly is a taco I mean, taqwa essentially means that we're

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constantly conscious of Allah subhanaw taala, as much as

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possible, how much we can be conscious of Allah subhanaw taala

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literally as much as possible if somebody can be conscious of Allah

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in every waking moment of their day, that when they're doing

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something they're thinking about Allah subhanaw taala what would he

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like me to do in this case? Right? Or I should just remember Allah or

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I should just thank Allah there's many ways to be God conscious and

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to remember Allah. So for example, if you're doing something and you

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attain the success in service Alhamdulillah right, and if you

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saw something that is astonishing, Say Subhan Allah.

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Every time you do something, you make a DUA, for example, or that

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you remember Allah in some way or the other. That's God

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consciousness. So that would obviously keep us away from sins

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as well. That would keep us away from wrongdoings as well.

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