Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Hidden Reasons Your Prayers Are Not Answered

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The speakers discuss the complicated job of event organizers and the importance of understanding the effects of events on people and finding one's own success in event organizers' job. They emphasize the importance of rewarding employees and finding one's own success in event organizers' job. The speakers also discuss the benefits of having something beneficial for oneself and give incentives for employees to practice their behavior. They emphasize the importance of being aware of one's behavior and achieving their goals.
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله، الحمد لله
رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على المبعوث رحمة للعالمين
وعلى آله وصحبه وبارك وسلم تسليماً كثيراً إلى
يوم الدين أما بعد قال الله تعالى في
القرآن المجيد والفرقان الحميد ادعوا ربكم تضرعاً وخفياً
ادعوا ربكم تضرعاً وخفياً Dear brothers, dear sisters,
dear friends I had a different topic in
mind but when I came here I observed
something and Allah put into my mind to
speak about this particular topic is how do
we successfully call on to Allah سبحانه وتعالى
so that our calling on to Allah سبحانه
وتعالى is accepted and it doesn't lead us
away from Allah سبحانه وتعالى We get constant
questions that I've been praying for so long
I've been making dua for so long and
it's not getting accepted I've done this, I've
given sadaqa I've completed this etiquette I've completed
that particular advice but still I can't get
married to him or if it's a man
I can't get married to her or it's
not working out I've done all of these
things So now firstly what I want to
explain is that we have to understand the
philosophy of dua first What exactly is dua?
So that we don't misunderstand this If we
misunderstand this we're basically doing the wrong thing
and then we get disappointed Shaytan then uses
that to make us feel bad about Allah
So then we feel despondent that there's no
point and Allah doesn't really answer and people,
their faith becomes shaken by this Firstly what
we have to understand is that we, you,
I, every single individual is just a small
individual in the grand scheme of things Allah's
creation is in the multitudes If you compare
ourselves in relationship to all the other creation
of Allah or just the human beings we're
just a small human being I know we
consider ourselves to be very special and we
individually are all special to Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala However, if I want X and
you want X as well and there's only
one X Who should Allah give it to?
You or me?
You want the same thing that I do
Who should Allah give it to?
We're both praying for it We've both given
lots of sadaqah done 10 raka'ats of
nawafil prayer and now asking Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala sitting in i'tikaf in the masjid
Who should Allah give it to?
Maybe He should give it to both of
us to share but some things can't be
shared So what are we saying?
How does that work?
So if you look at the reality of
the way matters are Allah juggles all of
this He doesn't juggle anything in our understanding
somebody who's so organized He's juggling multiple things
They say one of the most stressful jobs
out there is to be a event organizer
One of the most stressful jobs I don't
know if they've got any event organizers here
if you've dabbled in event organizers It's very
complicated because you have to worry about multiple
things with multiple parties and trying to get
all that right For Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala is effortless to literally deal with every
single event an incident, an individual in the
world at every single one time His knowledge
and power extends to every single leaf that
falls and imagine in autumn how many leaves
fall off just a single tree We're talking
about ما تسكت من ورقة إلا يعلمها That's
what Allah says He knows exactly about every
single leaf that is falling anywhere in the
world at one time simultaneously in their multitudes
However, now coming back to our perspective I
want something, you want something So, who gets
Number two If I do get that thing
Allah has, remember, He has full knowledge He
knows about everything If you look at aqeedah,
tahawiyah any of our books of creed, they
talk about Allah knows about everything from before
it happens He knows about something before it
happens and He knows exactly how it's going
to be when it does come into being
He knew all of that from beforehand So,
for example let's just say I do get
that particular car or I get to marry
that particular individual or I get that particular
business or whatever it is Allah knows that
that is going to bring the mischief out
in me It might make me arrogant It
might make me overly confident It might make
me haughty and proud and conceited I don't
know that, do I?
Right now, I don't know that I just
want it, I'm so tunnel visioned because I'm
obsessed by that thing I want it But
Allah knows in the future Plus, you have
to remember the world we live in is
a quantum world What that basically means is
that anything that happens in this world has
an effect on someone else I'll give you
an example Has anybody bought a car recently?
Please, somebody Has anybody bought a car recently?
Right, so you bought a car recently JazakAllah
for volunteering I do like to ask questions
You bought a car You think, what's anybody
else got to do with it?
I bought a car, I need a car
Maybe you're less compliant Whatever the reason was
Basic car, wonderful car Put it outside or
I put it into my garage so nobody
sees it I don't think you can unless
you're just going to store it there or
in the middle of the night you're going
to take it in and out You have
ten neighbors Imagine what your neighbors all feel
about your car One is going to think
MashaAllah, he's got a good car, good for
him He had a banger before, he's got
a good car Another one is going to
say Where did he get the money to
buy that car from?
Number three, the guy is going to say
Why did he buy that color, or that
make, or that model?
Number four, the guy is going to say
I need a car like that as well
Yes, I'm going to go and get a
car like that It's a really nice car
That's just four people so far Ten people
will have various different reactions and you can't
help that That's just the way the world
is, right?
You can't help that Everything we do has
some reaction somewhere else Everything and anything Now
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala whatever he does
for us is usually always in the is
in the best interest We just don't understand
the best interest right now Because if I
get that thing right now I might God
forbid, I might be in an accident the
next day He knows exactly how it's going
to affect everything else We don't know that,
we're just selfishly asking for ourselves So now
Allah has a system in place, he says
look, you need to ask me, you need
to make dua The hadith of the Prophet
ﷺ said من لم يسأل الله يغضب عليه
The one who doesn't ask Allah Allah gets
angry on him Multiple places in the Quran
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying فاسألوني
Like ask me, ask me, ask me That's
a worship, in fact one hadith of the
Prophet ﷺ is saying that dua is the
kernel and essence of worship Salat is a
worship How does dua compare to salat?
Salat, we're offering something to Allah, it's not
selfish Is there any selfishness in salat?
Not that we can usually see Of course
we do it for our own benefit as
well, but usually it's an offering You know
when you make dua to Allah are we
offering him anything?
Or are we being selfishly asking for ourselves?
So how does dua How is dua explained
as being the essence of worship and devotion?
I couldn't understand So upon reading an investigation,
what it is is that when you make
dua you're actually devoting yourself to Allah, how?
Because you're realizing our inability our need, our
servitude, our helplessness and we're saying, oh Allah
only you can give me this That's why
it's a worship We look at it selfishly,
ya Allah I'm asking for myself, I want
this and I want that But the reason
we're asking Allah and nobody else is because
we're seeing him as our deity, our great
one That's why it's a worship Dua is
a worship, Allah wants us to do dua
Prophet ﷺ said if you don't do dua,
Allah gets angry on you So then Allah
has a system in place Because he can't
just give us everything People wake up at
night they make dua for five different things
I want my daughter to be married to
this particular individual, I want me to, my
business to do this and I want to
open a second store here, da da da
da da He asks for five different things
Out of them maybe only one happened or
nothing happened within two or three weeks And
you're going to say to Allah, you're going
to get angry on Allah Now just think
about it, you get angry on Allah Why
didn't you answer?
Question I'm going to ask you now right,
this should really make us understand Is Allah
your slave or your servant or your employee
that he has to do your five things?
You come to work and you say Okay,
you get this done today, you get this
done today, you get that done today and
this one is your job and this is
your job, if they don't do it by
the end of the day, you're going to
be upset aren't you?
You have a right to be You're paying
them They're your servant, not your servant, they're
your employees, or if you live in a
place where you have servants and you need
to do some work, you're going to be
upset and you have the right to be
upset because you're paying them, are you paying
anything to Allah?
So you dictate, you bark a few orders
to Allah right, literally, and then you get
angry Why didn't you give me that?
Make any sense, does it?
And the reason we think like that is
because we don't know Allah and we don't
know the system of dua, we just hear,
we just understand dua as a selfish act
of ask Allah When we're asking Allah, we're
literally submitting to him Now Allah always gives,
remember that, you're like he's never given me,
he always gives But he just, because he
has to look after everything and what you
may be asking for may not be healthy
for you to have right now So what
does Allah say?
I will respond to you in one of
three ways, just depends on what I know
of how to keep everything in, I have
to run the whole world Allah is saying,
I'm running the whole universe everything has an
effect on something else, so I need to
make sure everything is right.
When I say make sure, I talk from
my perspective, Allah doesn't make sure he knows,
he doesn't make mistakes Right?
But from Allah's perspective, he can only give
us what is in the grand plan is
gonna make sense for everything else Right?
Where does he want it to be?
But he says, because you've made dua I'm
gonna reward you for that, just reward, reward,
reward thawab, but I'm also every dua you
make, I'm gonna respond to it in one
of three ways as well.
Number one, either I'm gonna give you what
you're asking for because it's healthy for you
to have it, or good for you to
have it, is beneficial for you to have
it, or it's part of the grand plan,
I'm gonna give it to you So you
get it, right?
And you get really excited Number two, it's
not good for you because it's supposed to
be for someone else, or it's gonna cause
this issue to you or I wanna test
you in this way, because I want you
to be this, or I want you to
do that, so what I'm gonna do is,
instead of giving it to you, I'm going
to actually relieve you of another calamity that
was supposed to come upon you There was
supposed to be some impending calamities and attacks
on you by you making dua, they've just
been removed one by one.
Number three whatever you do ask for, I'm
gonna give you a reward for that in
the hereafter That's for sure.
You ask for something, you've asked me, I'm
gonna give you a reward in the hereafter
When we get to the hereafter, unfortunately we
can't experience this right now so it's difficult,
but when we get to the hereafter and
we see the rewards of all of our
duas amassing up, which we never expected to
get, because we wanted it in the world
and we were kind of upset sometimes as
well, we're gonna think, I wish none of
our duas were accepting me right now, because
that's the real life But remember, Allah always
gives you something back, He's promised that, that's
for sure Give you an example, you went
for a trip to Bangladesh or Somalia Right?
Or wherever you wanna go I just thought
of Bangladesh and Somalia So, you brought back
something really valuable but very delicate Maybe it's
this really art piece some, you know, ornament
or something, it's very common, your little one
year old wants to play with it because
it's so shiny and sparkly, he's like, give
it to me Are you gonna give it
to him?
It's very valuable, you bought it for 250
pounds Are you gonna give it to that
kid to play with?
Because it can easily be broken, because it's
very delicate, would you give it to him?
Again, kid starts crying Starts bashing at you,
like You're not gonna give it to him
What do you do instead?
What do you do instead?
The kid is crying and he wants something,
you don't wanna give him that thing, what
do you do instead?
You give him an alternative You give him
a sweet or something, alright?
Keep him happy, usually the kid is like
Okay, but some day they see that again,
no I want that thing, alright?
So what you do is, you satisfy them
some other way, you give them an alternative
This is exactly what Allah is doing with
kids as well We don't know that whether
something is good or bad for us, that
kid doesn't know that that thing is not
appropriate for him right now When he grows
up, go ahead, Bismillah Go and enjoy enjoy
that thing, but it's not for you right
now because you're too young for it, you'll
break it up Same way Allah deals with
us, we are actually like children, basically in
front of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala So,
he gives us something else, but we need
to keep asking him So keep asking him,
and if it doesn't work out, then just
realize If it doesn't work out, just realize
it wasn't for me That's very very pacifying
and very very comforting Ok, I tried my
best, it wasn't for me I won't get
it, I'll get something else instead Otherwise, if
you don't feel that way, you're still not
going to get it, and you're going to
feel upset, so what's the point of that?
Understand the way Allah works, the philosophy of
dua is very good to understand, so keep
asking because calamities will be thwarted because of
that, and repelled because of that, and we'll
be rewarded and inshallah we'll be definitely rewarded
Or, if we're lucky, we'll get the thing
in the world A lot of the time
Allah does give us, as long as we're
doing the right thing, where it's appropriate, we
usually get what we ask for Anyway, Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala connect us to him
in a way that we really understand Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala and may Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala accept our duas in the
best way possible and make us satisfied The
point of a lecture is to encourage people
to act, to get further an inspiration, an
encouragement persuasion The next step is to actually
start learning seriously, to read books to take
on a subject of Islam and to understand
all the subjects of Islam, at least at
their basic level, so that we can become
more aware of what our deen wants from
us, and that's why we started Rayyan courses
so that you can actually take organized lectures,
on demand, whenever you have free time especially,
for example, the Islamic essentials course that we
have on there, the Islamic essentials certificate which
you take 20 short modules, and at the
end of that, inshallah, you will have gotten
the basics of most of the most important
topics in Islam, and you'll feel a lot
more confident You don't have to leave lectures
behind, you can continue to listen to lectures
but you need to have this more sustained
study as well.
Jazakallah khair Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh