Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Hell Revealed Part 10 The Valleys and Pits
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Hamdulillah we are here for
resuming our class on Hellfire revealed. This is the 10th class.
We are
inshallah about to discuss the values of Jahannam
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Hamdan girthier on the given Mubarak and
fie Mubarak and it
can tell you hey Bharat buena Yaga Jalla jalla wa rahmatullah wa
Salatu was Salam ALA. Say you will have even Mustafa SallAllahu,
Derrida, Allah you are either early or sahih abarca was seldom
at the Sleeman Cathy on Eli Yomi Dean Emeritus. So as we resumed
the discussion on hellfire, we are now on the discussions of the
internal aspects. So we will be discussing the various different
values. And really, I was surprised myself that hellfire,
aside from being different levels, different stages for different
What exactly is going to happen once you once a person gets into
any of those levels? So what the discussion today will seems to
reveal is that when a person goes into hellfire, it's almost like an
assault course.
There'll be a number of different values. Some of these are
mentioned in the Quran and others are not some are mentioned in the
Hadith. But it looks like there are quite a few valleys and they
are different types of punishments almost like a forced assault
course that a person has to take has to under undertake.
So for example, if we look at
one of the verses, Allah says, Fela Kata hemella Cobra,
he did not he will not be able to brave the ascent.
akti ham Allah acaba
he will not be able to undertake the steep course, it just sounds
like you're going to be made to do this and you have to do it.
There's no other way about it. May Allah subhanaw taala protect us.
So this is a narration from Abu mama, where the Allahu Anhu that
the Prophet sallallahu sallam said,
Now these words are found and I'll be discussing this, Allah
discusses as a for Sophie yellowkorner, Rabia, then you're
calling a farmer. Right? So there's clay and a thumb. Now
Ronnie fee is fairly jahannam. So according to this, this narration
it says that these are rivers or lakes at the rock bottom of
paradise. You see Luffy Hema Saudi do l&r In which the pus etc.
The discharge from the people of hellfire will all flow into there.
And then of course that's recycled, not in the world recycle
in the sense that it's purified or anything that in itself is fed to
people as we'll see.
There's another narration which says that these are does it this
one calls them rivers or lakes. Another one calls them wells. But
the assumption is that they're probably very deep lakes. So maybe
sound like a well maybe some way to risk reconcile. So Allah
subhanaw taala in Surah, 2 million verse 59 says for Sophia yellow
Karuna a year in this regard, there's another version from Abu
is Huck actually Abdullah like no adversity Allah and he says word
in fija handsome hubby through time, buried will calm as related
by if not a bit dunya This is a valley in hellfire, which is
extremely distasteful.
extremely deep
in Mumbai hockey has another narration these are various
different details we find it the array is not on neroon Hamid
Finnur this is a really boiling hot lake in hellfire. All of this
all makes sense. I mean, it's like it's boiling hot. You could have
Wolfie Hillary in a tub, you're gonna show her words.
That's the scary part in it will be thrown those who used to follow
their desires.
I don't know how many of us this is the we live in a time of
much more than our predecessors. I mean, there's always been desires
desires have always been the desire of the flesh is a perennial
desire. Right from the time of other Muslim sons solely has been
there. But I think the amount of desires we have access to the ease
with which we have access
is to it. It's very difficult to avoid it.
There's so many people that were
struggling with social media, because just incidentally, whether
you like it or not,
it just comes by, and Allah subhanaw taala is the only one who
can forgive us and save us and protect us.
According to Shafi, if nomadic, he says in the Jahannam is a casa
run, because of generally is a castle or palace or a fort of some
sort, but here it sounds more like a tower something very high, which
is called Hola
yarmulke Furman. I mean, just the name ha ha means desire.
Most of the wrongs that people do I mean, essentially, it boils down
to a desire, isn't it? Mostly, whether that's greed for something
whether it's greed for money,
or for immorality, and chastity, whatever it is, it's called how a
disbeliever will be thrown from the top of it, and it will take 40
years it's very, very, very, very tall fought or whatever it is.
Take 40 years before you get to the bottom Allah subhanho wa Taala
says, in Surah, surah Taha, verse 81, one a little early he rather
be called Hawa
whoever my anger, my wrath descends upon a lights upon then
forgot Howard and he is destroyed. Or you can see the resemblance
between this and the same word is used. Then he says that in
Jahannam is a valley that is called a thumb in which are snakes
and scorpions you've heard, you know, lots of we've all heard of
snakes and scorpions, and it looks like then he describes the length
of the length of the snakes and the smoke scorpions and then he
discusses the poison, the intensity of the poison, and he
says that the scorpions will be the size of
the stray wild asses.
Right, so bigger than a normal donkey and tell the Orajel
they will.
I mean, a small poisonous scorpion of today is harsh enough. It's
poisonous. Now it's harmful enough. Those big ones size of a
donkey size of a big mule. They will bite a person Stinger person.
Then he says that the Hellfire is so intense around him that the
heat of the sting
will not make it will be worse. The heat of the sting
for Holloman Haleakala and these are specially designated for those
whom they've been created for. Then he says there's another
valley in Okay, I'll move on from that. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala
says an answer the Allahu Anhu says about the following verses
circle calf verse 50 is 52 which are Anabaena homophobia. What is
he says Mobic here is wording mean Keihin fija Hana This is also a
value of pus in hellfire.
Another version says neroon fija Hana maintain webdam Similar idea
it's a lake they call it instead of valley filled Valley becomes a
lake in Jahannam of blood and pus.
Thereafter we've got a nother narration from Norman well, from
Amarillo, Abba, he says
Alpha luck bit rune fee Jahannam that's another one I these are
ones I've never heard of myself until you don't get into the depth
of these narrations. I mean, I'll follow up is another
well in Jahannam
for either so when it when it is boiled up, and
it is kindled. It will
it will become very hot. And this one is so bad. This follow up is
so bad that we're in the Jahannam lotta other than Minho. Karma yet.
Other women Jahannam just like human beings are so terrorized by
Jahannam and harmed by Jahannam itself. Jahannam has that same
effect from this particular this particular value this particular
well, like it's it seems like it's really bad for the rest of
jaaneman but the rest of Jahannam doesn't want anything to do with
it. It's like the probably one of the worst punishments in the IP
not to be hurt him has been transmitted from Z Dibner ie
someone else he doesn't mention he says Alpha juban ficar did you
handle it he really thought this falak is a reservoir job is
generally a place where water collects the reservoir
In the depths of Jahannam, there will be a cover over it.
The cover has to stay on for either cushy for an homage had
been Hunan Tada Julian who jahannam. And shit that you hurry
Maya freshmen. That is probably the powerhouse or something, the
intensity of the heat of that when a bit of that when a part of that
lid is removed the the fire that comes out of it, the other the
rest of Jahannam finds that difficult, it contracts from it,
it's terrorized by it by the heat that comes out from that. Now,
obviously, we're almost saying that the paradise sorry, Hellfire
is some kind of animated creature. This could be symbolic in the
sense that it's to show the intensity of it. Or it could be
reality. I mean, because we have Smart Objects now in the world,
which shows us and all of these things are considered to be smart
from a long time ago, which would never have understood but today
with what's going on. All these things seem to be intelligent
beings. Hellfire has some kind of intelligence. There's another one
from a boy obeyed. He He transmits this from Capitol bar, one of the
that he was with GABA GABA bar once and I think I can experience
this. I've experienced this. He says he wants entered into a
camisa into a church. Right? A cathedral? For algebra? Who has no
ha, he was just amazed, dazzled by its beauty.
I remember I've been into some castles, some some places like
this. But I have to say one thing that impresses me all the time.
Right? Is the
is that as Sophia, that was supposed to be a cathedral at one
time. Right? And the only other one that kind of matches it is in
the St. Paul's Cathedral in the in Rome, the Vatican. I've been to
that one as well. Right. But that one building, so it just amazes me
all the time. Of course, it's got it's been renovated and
restructured and fortified by the Muslims. So it's not necessarily a
Christian building still in that sense. But likewise, in Windsor,
there's the big church there. I mean, it's very intricate. So
you'd be amazed by the amount of effort that has been put into the
carvings and that amazing, you know,
structure of it. So that's what he did. He was for agile was like,
this is such a wonderful building for call us environment and what
are the loo Coleman or Aston Ireland? What Ebola Coleman
such a wonderful work. He's just praising the architecture. Right?
But what
what lost in terms of people, right, because unfortunately, they
did not follow the teachings of Jesus peace be upon him properly.
And for them is the falak so they said what is this falak he said
based on Vijay namida 40 Hasar Hi Jimmy while in Nadi when she said
that the Hurray. This is
a certain place in hellfire.
He just calls it a room. But it's a chamber in hellfire, that when
it is opened, the rest of the people of hellfire will shrink
because of the hot heat intensity of the heat that will come from
it. There after that we've got something in the Tafseer of Hebrew
jaydata Berry, which he transmits. And he says that a person of the
companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam came to
Sham came to Syria.
And he looked at for another Illa duty Halima, he saw the people of
Lima they were living under Muslim protection that they were these
men, probably Christians, and they were really enjoying themselves. I
mean, hamdulillah many non Muslims, Christians Jews have
really had a really wonderful life and the Muslims you know, as
recent as the Ottoman Empire, and before that, so he saw wahome
Phil, I shall Nadar one I will cry him feed dunya home, you know all
the expansiveness that had been given to them and open to them and
the resplendence and everything that had been provided to them of
the dunya they were indulgent. So they were really enjoying
themselves. They were really indulgent. And then he made a
statement in his little body, at least me what are invalid, he says
Subhanallah I mean, this is just to say that what time within nine
acre Ilana Montana be here as well as, don't extend your vision
towards some people who we have or towards the vastness, the
abundance that we've given some people indulge them given them the
indulgence, essentially that's what Allah subhanaw taala is
saying. So you think immediately rather than get impressed by this
and feel a hey, I don't have this. This is a thought sometimes it
does happen. He's got so much he's got so much
Whether the other person be a Muslim, non Muslim doesn't make a
difference. When we have more somebody has more than us. It's
this sometimes the natural inclination people have. So he
says, this is the way he's he tempered his inclination. This is
the way he managed it. This was his antidotes. Right.
It says little birdie, at least somewhat like him and for luck.
I don't care isn't behind them isn't where they're going to get
to the falak says, What's falak is his bait and V jahannam. Either
foot Yahuwah or not.
So he explained the same thing, if not above, so the alarm SAYS THE
FUCK IS a prison in jahannam. He describes it as a prison. I'm just
telling you about it, the various different opinions about it. So
that it's something that we can think about because we don't know
any all of this. And when you don't know, then we don't know
what the difficulties are, when we know the detriments of something
then in sha Allah, we can hopefully try to avoid it better.
We can avoid it better, inshallah. Then you've got a save. Now side
is just hellfire, the West in general. But here it's also called
a valley of pus in jahannam. Maybe these are in different areas,
maybe but maybe these are for the different levels. It doesn't
mention that we can just surmise we can just speculate about that.
Then there's another version, which if not a bit, Dounia has
transmitted that in Jahannam our wealth he calls him wells, I would
say probably these
How else would we say
what else would you call them? Trenches?
You know, it's a very negative idea. Well, it seems to be like a
really it's a source of water. But this is like a pit. It's almost
like a pit but because it's probably so deep. That's why they
call it a well because well it's a very deep. I'm just trying to make
sense of this. Because we can't see this stuff. We it's only a
description and even what they're describing
is yeah, what they've heard in the future handle. Bar man, okay, man,
whoever is thrown into it 70 Those are very deep. So it's going to
take 70 years to get down there. And then after that, they're going
to be pulled out again, thrown back in. That's why Allah subhanaw
taala then will say, based on this verse, el el Manos camoranesi to
Nico yo Miko MHADA Soto Jaffe, verse 34. Today we're going to
forget you. Just like you you had forgotten you had made to forget
you had made yourself to forget our Meeting of this Day. Right now
he moves on ignore Roger Bell humbly Rahim only moves on to
another verse, Abu Huraira the Allahu Anhu reports from the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
that I will do biller him in Job bill hasn't now this is another
aspect of hellfire, the job of has a job again is a reservoir.
A place where things collect and this one is called if I translate
this will be the pit of
The pit of grief. Now the whole Hellfire is grief but this one is
called the pit of grief.
Kahlua one Jubal hasn't they asked What is this called a word in FY
jahannam. Tata was mean who Jahannam call laomi at Amara seems
like it's worse than the other one.
Jahannam he's the process and replied that this is a value of
Jahannam that the Jahannam seeks refuge
from it 100 times like this one is really intense peeler ya rasool
Allah maniototo He also Allah who's going to enter this? Who is
this reserve for? So this is actually reserved for someone,
Allah protect us. Because I guess anybody who's an imam who Allah
has given a decent voice
and good reading
this is for all of us. Right. And Cora elmora Ave, Maria him the
reciting of the Quran, the people of the Quran, who show off who
have ostentation, based on the deeds.
And you know, subhanAllah the Quran elevates you. So if you can
read Quran, well, you're going to be loved by people. Allah, people
love the Quran, even if they don't understand this. So they love the
people who read well, so it's a really dangerous play place. It's
such a wonderful place to be that we can inspire so many people with
the Quran that people who have that, but it's so dangerous as
That it just shifts the perspective and we're in trouble.
Allah protect Allah protect Subhan Allah. That's why
when you're leading the prayer, I mean this is going to be just for
a fraction of the people but not everybody becomes an Imam, but you
If you think you've got a good voice, and you think you can read
well, and people enjoy your reading, so when you're standing
in prayer, you have a lie in front of you, not physically, but you're
standing in front of Allah and the people are behind you that we're
leading. Now shaytaan will turn our focus to the people behind Al
Hamdulillah, he'll be learned, I mean, so, you know, let them you
can't see them, but you like it, hoping they'll enjoy. Now.
Instead of focusing on the people at the back, let's focus on who
we're praying for. And you can still be beautiful in your prayer.
In fact, you'll be probably even more beautiful because there'll be
greater spirituality and emotion. And the people at the back are
going to enjoy that anyway. Just because you pray for Allah doesn't
make sound worse.
It is the logic of it is so simple, right? The logical
various, so simple that the, if you pray for Allah is not going to
change, you don't pray worse for Allah. In fact, there's going to
be special spirituality and the energy in the sea is only going to
be better for the people at the back as well. But it's about
getting used to that. It's about getting used to that. So
friendship has anybody I remember once he just recently put up, he
said there was a person he did taraweeh with some years ago. And
he said that they were sharing, you know, he was doing some he was
doing some and every once in a while, he would really slow it
down. And his voice would change a bit and everything. And then so he
would change the normal pace of his reading. Eventually, he
discovered when he asked him, because he would get a bit
irritating, maybe a bit like, because when people keep changing,
except in a pattern, you know, change is good in a pattern in the
rhythm. If it's not like that, then it gets a bit complicated. So
he asked him, he said what it is, is that when I used to stop
focusing on the wrong thing, I can't remember the exact words I'm
paraphrasing I hope I'm writing what I'm saying. Then I would slow
it down, get my focus again, for Allah subhanho wa Taala there's
challenges at every level. You think people who are Imams people
who are leaders, people who are teachers, you think they don't
have a challenge, they have a different child, everybody has a
challenge shaytan is around in this world. That's why only Allah
subhanho wa Taala can help but Allah help assists, as long as the
focus, you need knowledge for that. And may Allah subhanaw taala
This is a reserve place this is a place for Quran There must be
enough of them. I mean, this tells us that there's enough of them in
there. There's enough of Quran like that for Allah to have
created a place or is it just a threatening place? And inshallah
nobody's gonna go there? Because I mean people who have the Quran May
Allah subhanaw taala forgive them. They've got everything going for
them. So there's both sides but we do need to be worried about it
because there's no surety and guarantee you I'm telling me the
has transmitted this narration and so has a new manager in a with a
similar meaning. And then at the end of one of these narrations,
although there's some weakness in that narration, it says why
knowing about the Quran, Allah Azza wa Jalla, the Alenia Zulu
numerology Jawara
that the worst, the most hated of the Quran to Allah of the reciting
of the Quran to Allah azza wa jal
are those who then frequent and visit
oppressive leaders. Visiting a leader is not a problem, because
the leaders need to hear the Quran they people need to look around,
it's about oppressive bonds here. Probably in support for them. Of
course, if they visit them to say a good word, then that would be
fine. So it is just assumption here that this will be obviously
that, then Imam Ahmed no humble has transmitted in his Kitab Zuid.
in Jahannam, is a valley
is one valley, which we've heard about now already Jahannam every
day seeks refuge from it 400 times.
So that
Jahannam is fearful that that value will be opened up or
whatever set upon it and it will consume Jahannam itself.
What's that going to be like? Jahannam is bad enough the
description we've heard so far is bad enough. I wonder what this
value is going to be like that even Jahannam is frightened of it.
You know, you have you have some tyrants in the world.
And then sometimes there's a bigger tyrant that even they are
fearful of even though they're a small tyrants the small governors
and then they have their superior like he's even worse. At Allah Who
vertical word in in Mora in a mineral Quran. Again same thing
from another verse, another narration, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
is prepared that valley, for the those who are ostentatious who are
show offs of the Quran reciters Allah protect us. Then there's a
the value, another value that Allah subhanaw taala speaks about.
I've already
He read most of the description to you but what additional here? In
this case it says FOSATU Coura. Those who recite the Quran but a
transgressors. So while they're reading the Quran they're not
acting by the Quran
they will call out and say are you Robina
you that so the first people to be thrown in this valley will be this
Quran? This Quran reciters they will complain they will they will
be like worried what's going on? He says, Our Lord, you started
with us even before the
idol worshipers
Subhanallah idol worshipers before the idol worshipers you're
probably sitting there thinking I'm not an imam. I'm not a reader.
It doesn't bother me. Right I mean, you're not an imam.
So this is not bothering you. I mean if this is for the Imams
demand for other people I don't think we should feel secure that I
am not a demand this is okay Subhan Allah so it will then be
set to him lace ammonia alum come in layer Allah that the one who
knows is not like the one who knows the one sorry, the one who
who knows cannot be treated the same as the one who doesn't know
or you can say it the other way around. So you know, there's
of course idol worship and so on will be in a worse place. But this
is bad enough. Ignorant Mubarak. Then Rahim Allah He transmits from
Abu Huraira the and that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said in
the future no matter where the and you call the who is another valley
prophets Allah some said in the Jahannam there's another valley
called Lemlem. Again, this is a really bad one. So Jahannam seeks
protection from it as well refuge from it as well, if not a bit
dunya transmitted this. There's another one that probably the last
time said there is a valley in jahannam.
And within that valley, there's a deep pit well, which is called
Hub hub,
hub canal hola hey you skin, your skin, Kula Jabbar, it is upon
Allah. Allah has made it binding upon him that he will
inhabit that with every tyrant
Allah will cause that to be inhabited with every tyrant Mr.
Mohammed even know how humble he is. This is a sign narration from
Mr. Muhammad Dibner humble
he says that Mohammed even worse it said I said to believe not to
be a Buddha
that I it's reached me from you that oh it's reached me from
somewhere that there is a well in hellfire which is called jumble
hasn't that's that one of grief? The pit of grief. Your other
motocaddy rune the arrogant ones will be seized for you to Iona
feet our bead mill howdini Mina they're going to be first enclosed
and shut into these
metal coffins, iron coffins. Right. So they're going to be
enclosed and imprisoned in metal coffins. Then they're going to be
placed in here.
That's for roasting. So matoke Bacani him Johanna menfolk him and
then after that, the Jahannam will be sealed from on top of them
and Hillard when he heard that he just began to cry. This would
really affect these people.
He began to cry. There's another narration in my Muhammad necessity
video all of them have transmitted your shahrul moussaka Baroda, yo
Malkia um Thurlow the saltiness yalu hum Kulu, shake Mina Sahar,
Amina Siva Hatta youth Hallucigenia and fija Hanim, the
arrogant people, the boastful arrogant people,
who is to strut around with pride, they will be gathered and they
have judgment, just like there are so very small minut miniature
forms, but in the form of people, but very miniature,
like really small, not even drauf like but very, very miniature,
like nano people, right? And everything because of the
smallness, everything will be above them. They were the ones who
used to look down upon others. We used to be arrogant, who used to
consider others to be the humiliated and disgraced ones. So
they will have to look up to people. And then eventually
they're going to be put into a prison in the Hellfire which is
called Bulus that's another place Bulus
and the fire will envelope them. They're going to be your scanner,
you scan them in clean ill Hubble Rosada Helena. They're going what
they're going to be given to drink from when they get really thirsty
is the purpose of the people of hellfire.
This is another narration from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam he said
this is for anybody who likes positions who likes
responsibility, who likes to take on,
you know positions Lyerly I don't mean Emory Nursey che and Illa
Okafor who Allahu Allah Jessie Jahannam any
Buddy, who has been given authority, given a position of
authority over people, he's going to be given a test in the
hellfire. So he's going to be put to the edge of Jahannam Fazal
Celebi hill just losers xalatan. This causeway this pathway will
then shake.
Now, if he's been good, and he's acted fairly and with justice
he's going to be safe, it's going to be secure. Oh, Lady najem.
Now this violent shake of it is so bad that those who didn't do too
well, it's going to shake them that it's actually going to
disperse their pieces, they will break up because of it. So all
their limbs will be scattered. If this person is not, then he will
be probably put back together and then eventually he will be taken.
So this is the test. May Allah grant us access because we have
positions of authority of some sort, may Allah give us access. So
if they're not, then they will be taken to, again, this pit, which
is extremely dark, like tar, and that's where there'll be put.
We've read of Lemlem gebouw hasn't Johansson and lover and what are
these other ones? Right? What's going on? Is it just one, how many
other and so on.
Now what you'll understand from this now, this is a narration
which is not very strong. So I'll leave that one out. It's a bit
more detailed, but I'll leave it out because it's a hadith Moon
car. Right? It's very well, unknown. Lyocell it's not being
transmitted, according to ignore Abdel Bara however, there's
another one,
which is a has a bit of information. And it gives you an
idea. I understood from this hadith, how all of those wells and
pits and trenches come together and the valleys are thought even
VSR has transmitted he says that enough in the Submariner alpha
then there are 70,000 valleys,
70,000 of them in hellfire. And in each one of in each one of those
valleys, there are 70,000 further smaller trenches. With the people
in hellfire there's going to be a lot of people in hellfire. So
these are probably right. In every one of those
smaller trenches. There are further 70,000 holes, burrows,
maybe to intern a single person in each one of them. And then they in
categories are 70,000.
Physically, in what each one of those boroughs is a higher that
Kulu would you Helena, there's a snake there just to consume the
face of the people of the faces of the piece of people of hellfire.
Now that that narration is stronger than the previous one,
I'll just mention one point from the previous one, which might help
us to put things in because it's not a fabricated narration. So
maybe there's some reality to it. At the end of all the description
in there it says, lie on the Hill curfew rule monographic Hatha
Yoga, the other eCola all the 70,000 valleys and 70,000. That's
why I said it's like an assault course.
A coffin anamorphic
are not going to be able to complete their trek, until they
have to confront each one of these. Because sometimes, you
know, the general descriptions of hellfire when you listen to them,
it seems like it's the same punishment and you're just gonna
be punished over and over again with the same punishment. But this
gives us an idea that no, there's quite a broad idea of there's
quite a broad spectrum of punishments, and people just have
to go through them.
Now, you can't even say I'm gonna get bored of the punishments. It's
it's like, psychologically, how do you even deal with this? You can
say, people generally have this question as we discussed in our
paradise lectures that aren't you're gonna get bored because you
get bored of any good thing.
Right? Even if it's something that you've wanted for such a long
time, eventually you get bored of it. So will that not happen in
paradise? And we discussed there that no that it changes. Now here,
it's a whole other psychology and I've not done enough studies on
horror story. I don't like horror stories. I just don't like him. So
I don't know. How psychologically you know that you deal with this
Allah Allah. It's bad enough Allah protect us. Great if normobaric
Rahim Allah, he has a he, he transmits this, which is he
mentioned this he narrates this actually, and if not a bit dunya
has transmitted from him that
in Jahannam, there are valleys of Dada he Minnaar Domina.
The pools of fire is small pools of Iris data. So that that's
actually mentioned in some other generations as the
will be the punishment of some people with the lowest punishment,
they're going to be made to step into a pool, small pool of fire,
from which the brains will boil and things like that. So there are
these small pools in hellfire
in hellfire, within those small
there are snakes that are the size of camels and scorpions, the size
of wild mules, and anybody of the people of hellfire who are dropped
in there, these scorpions and, and snakes will begin to basically
have a field day it says I'm shutting up less and when I stop,
which essentially means they're going to start biting them and
stinging them and hurting them and attacking them.
hotter. That will That in itself at that point. I'm trying to make
understanding of it from this.
At that point.
It will be so severe all of this biting suddenly this assault on
them, it will be so severe, had digesta lethal Binetti fear on men
Hunedoara Berman Honda, they'll actually start calling out to the
fire that take us back, get us out of here. So the fire is bad enough
already. But now this and this is worse for them for the fire, they
think at least because it's intense, biting and stinging. And
thus they will actually seek refuge from the Hellfire itself.
I don't know when we listen to so much of this, this do become
immune to this. It's just so much I don't know, it's just a lot.
It's just like I give up. I don't give up. The point of this is to
seek refuge. As much as if we can even I believe in sha Allah, our
hope is in Allah, that every time we hear every new point we seek,
we seek protection from it. Allah who are following me know, at
did we even know I didn't know before I read this. I didn't know
a lot of this information I knew about values and so in general,
but I did not know the names and the particulars and all that kind
of stuff. Because who studies this stuff in this detail?
Right, who studies this in detail. That's why I think in sha Allah if
we at least seek forgiveness and once we've got something to say in
the hereafter that have at least sought forgiveness once we may be
hopefully better off than someone who's never sought forgiveness for
it. At least give us a chance, shall I Allah give everybody a
When you look at this, like how are we going to be saved from this
but when you look at the mercy of Allah then you feel like you're in
a better place in sha Allah. Right Imam Abu nine in his Helier. He's
got an narration from Taos. Taos was a tabby and he once said to
the ruler of the time, so they might even Abdul Malik
Suleiman, even Abdul Malik. He's the son of Abdul Malik number one
He says yeah, I mean, in the Sahara, Canada, Anna Shafi jubin
fija Hanham. Howard three has Sabina have even had this Takara
Cara, cara cara? cara cara Ruha there was a boulder
at the edge of one of the valleys or pits of hellfire, which took 70
years to get to the bottom. Now that's a famous narration we know
about right so he related that to Solomon ignore Abdul Malik.
And then he said to him,
at the limit, Abdullah,
do you know who Allah has prepared this for? Now imagine going to
X, Y and Zed
people of leaders of the world today and saying, saying this,
call it up. Call away like lemon Adela, she says will be upon you
Who is this is interested?
Call it even a chakra hula? Have you hooked me here for Jarrah? Who
Allah. It's for the one who Allah subhanaw taala allowed to be
allowed to share with him in his rule. So give him a rule of the
world because Allah rules everything. Allah judges
everything. So Allah gave him that disc that discretion. Allah made
him a partner in that. And then he was he was tyrannic he was
oppressive. He was unjust. And Salima live in Ogden, America. No
People have been put into prison for less than this.
In many places in places in the world for less than this. This is
direct for Bacala.
For Bacala, he started to cry.
He started to weep. That's why you know, we've had bad people in the
past, but somehow,
not everybody's bad, but somehow you just wonder because they've
done some good things as well. If somebody can cry because of this
and not kill the guy.
This looks like there's some hope. There's some Eman
insha Allah there's some EMA and because if you can cry about the
Hellfire the net you got Iman Minh Ghana you know Billa he will Young
will after that that's what it is. May Allah soften our hearts
okay, then we've got another narration Murphy Johanna madonn
wala Maha Ron what a whole loan What are you doing? What are
Silsila tune in is Sahibi ha la hammock to there is not in
A chamber
a cave, there's a discussion of caves now. Maha a cave, some kind
of recess for some punishment. No shackle, no collar, iron collar,
like for prisoners and shackles. Not a chain, except that the name
of each person is already inscribed on there, reserved,
prepared, Allah, it's all there.
So, um, I didn't I will Hawara he says, I related this to Abu
Sulayman and he started crying. This was his worry.
Maybe our worries that maybe our name is maybe on one of those
things. His worry was that way hack won't be upon you for K
Furby, and low Jimmy shahada Kulu Ali, what happens if all of these
things will be combined and gathered for him that he has his
names on all of these things. So the shackle is on his the collar
is on his neck, the shackle on his feet on his legs, and the chain
around his around him maybe his neck or whatever it is. And then
after that he's put into the hellfire. And then he's put into
one of those recesses. Now the Billa human 30 We ask Allah
subhanaw taala for refuge
We ask Allah for refuge We ask Allah for refuge. Now look at the
following verses. These are about five or six verses that relate to
hellfire in the Quran. Let's look at them. So total insan verse
four, in
a little calf, Irina salah, sila whoa la no sorry, in your verse
four. We have prepared for the disbelievers chains and shackles.
the fire side, the blazing Fire. Then Allah says in surah two sub
Surah two sub verse 33 What you're Anil Avila the fee cleaner, the
you know CAFO we will place these collars on the necks of those who
disbelief so we're getting more information.
In certain Mortman surah Taha for 7172 Allah says it will Avila
Luffy T him was Sarah sue us Hi, boo. Phil Hi, Mimi thumb Finn. Use
Joan. With iron collars and chains around their necks. They will be
dragged into scalding water and burnt in the fire.
So here the way we read it was Salah Silla, use her bona fide
Phil Hamid, there'll be colors and colors and chains and then they
will be dragged into hellfire.
If not, Abbas has also read this as was Salah sila ja was salah,
Salah yes Habu that they will be made to drag these major chains.
There's another way one is they'll be dragged by the chain. The other
version is that they will be forced to drag the chains as a
punishment. In this world, people bodybuilders drag things, to build
a body.
They take assault courses, they climb on climbing frames, they
pick up weights in jahannam. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to do
here but in Jahannam, all of this will be
Allah All of this will be punishment. May Allah Subhana
Allah Tada allow us to do the probability bodybuilding in this
work the proper spiritual building as well. Thereafter, Allah
subhanaw taala says in spiritual health, verse 3032, who for who
knew who thummell Jaya Hamer, Solu, thumb V Silsila, to the
server room as the raw first Loku this one tells you grab him,
shackled him,
and then enter him push him into the hellfire. And then
the chain is disgusting on Silsila chain, whose length is 70 cubits?
So that's the chain discussion then certain wisdom in Allah
subhanaw taala verse 12 and 13 Allah says in Allah in
Kerala Whoa, Roger, Hema, what do I know that will cite you rather
than an EMA? Now we've read all of those narrations. You can see that
the basis of all of that in the sense that the main information
that provides additional detail
As the main bits of information is all in the Quran, so in here Allah
is saying, in the medina we possess, we have fetters, ropes
shackles, which are Haman and a blazing fire. And so that's the
uncurl. That's what he's trying to tell. This has everything to do
with the tools of the trade, essentially, the chains, the
colors, the shackles, all of that has been decided and curl and curl
means fetters, ropes, whatever they're made of in those in
jahannam. And we also have Hellfire blazing fire, and we have
food. That is was the WHO Sutton which is causes choking and a
pinch. And then other than any more painful punishment, all of
these tools I mentioned, because that's our source. That's where
we're gonna get it from. Insert Ibrahim, then Allah says, mocha
Rani and fill us furred. They will be shackled in Oxford.
And Oxford, essentially refers to you that Avalon presents the
shackles and collars, shackles and collars, this Oxford, Allah gives
us bits of information in the Quran. And this is I think, you
know, for the day, more than enough for the day if this is if
this one lesson is enough. It's enough. I mean, it's enough to be
frightened off May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to have the right
amount of fear. As we said, this is just a reminder, I think my
assessment is at least for myself, and is that I think
if we have Iman and we're practicing to a certain degree,
then we have a lot of hope. But we don't have enough fear. So while
we may practice but staying away from everything that we shouldn't
be doing, that's whether it's in your face or otherwise, that
becomes difficult. So may Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to
inculcate in a fear in us. So that we can become balanced, what
meaning with the right understanding and the right fear
and the right amount of hope as well. May Allah subhanaw taala
accepts and may Allah subhana wa Tada make this a means of our
refuge from hellfire. May Allah make it a refuge from our Hellfire
May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept and turn our lives Welcome to
Darwin and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Jazak Allah here for
listening May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless you and if you're
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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh