Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Getting more from reading the Qur’an

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The importance of slowly and confidently reading Arabic language is emphasized, along with the need to practice slowly and not mix up the scene and words with the meaning. Visitors are advised to read slowly and properly, as it is important to understand the nuances of the language and to memorize certain words and phrases for better reading skills. The benefits of reading the Quran for calorie replacement are also emphasized, along with the importance of practicing over time to improve memory.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah your man you're walking to

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim hamdulillah Ramadan is very close.

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It's coming upon us insha Allah within a very short time and

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Ramadan shahada Ramadan Allah the unzila few Quran Allah subhanho wa

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Taala says that Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was

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revealed and mashallah based on that people have great attachment

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to the Quran in the month of Ramadan. Now among many

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communities, there's something that they do which is really

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praiseworthy. They read a lot of Quran there's a hadith narrated by

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Imam Bukhari. They've namaste master under the Allahu Anhu

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relates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam said whoever recites

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the Quran, then he gets a reward for every letter, he gets 10

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rewards harder and harder for every letter, he gets 10 rewards.

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Now, generally among people who don't understand the Quran because

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Arabic is not the language and they know how to read but they

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don't understand the language and they don't understand the words.

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They see no reason to read slowly. They see no reason to necessarily

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ponder because they don't know the they don't know the language.

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However, you have to realize that Rasul Allah Salah Lawson's reading

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in general, if you if you look at the Hadith about it, there's

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actually a whole chapter on the recitation of Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi salam doesn't matter if you get it Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in the Shama ill collection of Imam

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telemovie. And he mentioned in the first three Hadith, or there were

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related from almost selamat er, the Allah one hand, and so the

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Allahu Anhu that the Prophet salallahu ideas and recitation

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was, with a lot of pauses, where he would stop at the IRS. He his

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his, the way he would read would be amorphous Sauron, which means

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that every, every letter of it was correctly intoned and pronounced,

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and he would reflect it was in a very nice voice. So essentially,

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what they're mentioning, is that, rather than read a lot, it's

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better to read a lesser amount, but with concentration with

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understanding, right, so that's exactly what I want to make the

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point of my message today, that people think that if they just

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read lots and lots, and there's actually competitions that they

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can take place, I finished 10 grams in Ramadan, I finished 20 I

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finished 30 I finished this many I read this many, or Supatra in a

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day, you know, that's all very good. It's all very good. But

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really, if you're spending, for example, five hours in Ramadan,

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reading Quran, and you get and you managed to read maybe 20 Jews in a

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day, like, you know, the really fast ones, right? The point is

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that if you read slower with more concentration, even if you don't

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understand it all, you'll understand certain things that

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Allah subhanaw taala is saying it might even drive you to actually

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go and look in at 502, to look in a taxi, and to try to understand

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the message of that surah and the message of that story that you're

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reading, to read it slowly and savor it thinking that it's the

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word of Allah subhanaw taala not just something that I want to read

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lots and lots of, because there are other might have mentioned

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that to read with understanding is better to read more without

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understanding. Now I know that we're not going to learn Arabic

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overnight. But at least if you read slower with the vocabulary

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that we have, as Muslims, you know, there's a number of words

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that are from Arabic, that is in every Muslims vocabulary, they're

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going to get some understanding of the story, you will know for

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example, there's certain things that meet you know that certain

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sources have this story in them or have this message in them, or it's

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about this. So that's why I would really encourage that we split our

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time properly. Now, first and foremost, to read slowly, and you

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know, with proper intonation, observing the rules of tangerine

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and Clara and making sure that we don't mix up the Tsar and Val, we

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don't mix up the scene and Assad, we don't mix up the heart and the

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heart, the coffin, the calf, you know, these make a difference.

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They make a difference to the meaning for example, the weather

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in Arabic for collarbone, for heart is all born. And if you

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don't say collarbone with a cough, and you say Kilbirnie actually

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becomes a dog. So likewise, the word column on column which means

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a pen, and if you say Kellerman, it means a wound, right? So you

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can see the big difference between just cough and cough. There's a

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similar difference between her and her. Right. And that's why it's

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very important that we learn, you know, we learned some rules of

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Tajweed as well. However, just for a practical level, firstly, we

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should genuinely slowly anyway, right? It's about the time of that

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time you take to read the Quran, then how much you read. Now I know

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we have stories from the past of Imam Abu Hanifa Rahim Allah and

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many others, they finished this many currents in the month of

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Ramadan, 60, Quran and 40 and 30 and 20. We have all of these great

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numbers. The thing you have to remember is that first and

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foremost, it's their karma. It's it's a special miracle that Allah

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subhanaw taala bestowed on them, that they could fulfill the rights

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of the Quran, and at the same time, really read a lot of it. And

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you can understand that from the Quran. You can understand that

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from the story of Diodati salaam, where it's related that you

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He read the song he used to read, be able to read the whole of the

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Psalms, the Cebu just when he was saddling his horses, so you can

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you can tell from that as well that there's a miracle aspect to

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it. Right? And you can't expect that these great orlimar are

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reading without thinking. The thing you have to also realize is

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that once you become a professor of the Quran, you understand that

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I've seen of the Quran, you could actually read faster, and just

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have all of the ideas just flow by, right because you know it so

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well, right? So you know, what it's relating to, you can, you

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know, you can ponder over it. And then there's the miracle aspect of

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it, as I mentioned, as well. So firstly, read slowly, it's about

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the time that you spend with the Quran as opposed to how much you

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get accomplished without any kind of thought whatsoever. However, on

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a very practical note, I would like to really encourage that we

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split our time like this. Let's just take an example that if we're

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going to spend, just say, you know, we're going to spend one

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hour with the Quran, right? Whether in Ramadan or outside of

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Ramadan, we're going to spend one hour with the Quran, what you want

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to do is that okay, 50% of the time, let's just say for half an

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hour, what I would suggest you do is that you read the Quran slowly,

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calmly, just as reading just to accomplish a certain amount that

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you read because you think that's very important to do that right

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because it is important to read the Quran. So you do that.

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Number two, the other 25% of the time so half an hour is spent

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reading 25% 15 minutes is spent memorizing so increase your

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memorization. What that means is if you have memorized certain

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chapters of the Quran, certain suitors of the Quran verses of the

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Quran like Surah Yaseen salata Rahman so little Mocha, whatever

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it may be, you've memorized it before. Now you kind of don't have

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it fully memorized or you've forgotten it. Use this time to

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memorize now remember, if I say that I want to memorize the baraka

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Idibia, the Hillman Surah Mulk because I forgotten it, I want to

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memorize it afresh. If I had to memorize it, you're gonna have to

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repeat it over and over again. So USA. Today, our calorie via the

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Hill will cover while aqualisa encoding metabolically via the

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hill Moocow, who are the coalition in Kadota Baraka, Libya, the hill

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Morocco, who are the coalition in Kadir so you read over and over

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again, remember, you're still getting 10 times, you're still

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getting reward for every letter 10 times, right. So turbo raka VBA,

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you get you're getting 10 rewards, as you'll get the same reward as

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you're just reading anything else? Yes, you're reading the same verse

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over and over again, I think you're gonna get more reward, in

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fact, because you're using it to commit it to memory to record it

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in your heart, which is a really noble thing, because in the

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Hereafter, whatever you memorize, whatever, you know, whatever you

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acted upon, Inshallah, that is, will help you to ascend Jana. So

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the more sources that we can have memorized in our heart, even if we

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don't have the whole Quran memorized, by the end of our life,

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it's only virtuous, and you're still getting the reward for

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reading. In fact, when you memorize something, you'll be able

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to read it a bit faster than if you had an anyway, you'd be

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reading more fluidly, right, so you can still have more thought

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without having to worry too much about am I reading correctly or

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not. Because if you've memorized something correctly, it's like

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that, you will know it. So that's 15 minutes for that, and then 15

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minutes minimum to look at it of Syriana translation. So, take a

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portion, right start with the sources that we really know a

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solid, then read that then start to look at the Tafseer and

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translation of the famous virtual sources that I mentioned are at

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the scene so to look so that rakia Surah Rahman, Surah, Al calf Surah

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to Sajida Surah Doohan, these are the ones that are mentioned to

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have great virtue, specific virtue. So sort of a rocker to

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look at the meanings of that. So when we read it, the next time

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around, we will know what it's speaking about, we will know what

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the secrets it holds, we will understand what the message is in

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there, we will see what Allah subhanaw taala is telling us to

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do, what is instructing us to do. So again, 50% of the time, read

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25%, memorize, and 25%, ponder, reflect and understand the

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meaning. And eventually, you will see that the benefits of this will

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be much greater than just reading. Now I have to just clarify that

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there are people who go around and putting down the whole of the non

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Arabic speaking world by saying that if you read Quran without

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understanding, it's not worthwhile at all. That's also a fallacy.

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That's also a total wrong notion. Because the Quran is powerful

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whether you understand it or not. However, those who have read it

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without understanding they need to move a notch higher because the

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beauty, the benefit, and the objective is to be able to

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understand what you're reading so you know what your Lord is telling

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you. There Allah mentioned that reading Quran is superior than

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doing vicar of Allah subhanaw taala because the Quran is the

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words of ALLAH, there's no comparison to it. In fact, it is

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considered the most and greatest form of obedience to Allah

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subhanaw taala you might think was solid is yes Salat is but solid

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has a major aspect of Quran recitation in there as well. So

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in terms of the optional worships that we have read in the Quran is

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very powerful. And there's a hadith which mentions that whoever

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has no time to

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Make dua to me to ask me for his needs or to remember me in any

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other way because he's so engrossed in reading the Quran, I

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will give him the best that that is given to the people who are so

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all the best dollars that are made in the world. Allah will give it

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to the one who is so engrossed in the Quran because he has no time

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for anything else. So based on that again please the division of

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the Quran really let's look at it properly and let's really like

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make our Ramadan and outside of Ramadan because will when you

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understand what you're reading you're going to be more encouraged

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to to to read it and to to benefit from it and it's going to go even

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beyond Ramadan as well. It shouldn't just be in Ramadan it

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should be outside of Ramadan as well. May Allah give you an eye

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and everybody told me to do this. Welcome to that run. I know hamdu

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Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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