Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Final Part of Food Dishes of the Prophet () and Performing Wudu, Time of Eating and Dua Part 32
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The transcript discusses the importance of fasting during the daytime and the use of the term "naught" to describe actions and intentions during fasting. The speakers emphasize the importance of healthy eating, avoiding harmful or dirty foods, and balancing heat and cold. They also touch on topics such as recipes, breakfast, eating, washing hands, and the use of "verbal" in the conversation. The segment concludes with a discussion of the importance of reading in the beginning and the potential for profitability.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam
ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi albaraka was
seldom at the Sleeman Kathira on Eli omy Dean Emeritus.
We are at the end of this chapter on the foods that are sort of lost
and Allahu alayhi wa sallam ate
or spoke about.
And in this case,
we own Hadith 192.
There's a few small narrations left. So the hadith of 192 is
related from Arusha to the Allah one.
In this one, it says an eyeshadow mill mumineen a call that can be
useful Allahu Allah. He was telling me a teeny for your call
or in the cavada for Akula call it vehicle in Nissan.
She relates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used
to come to come after fajr and prophesied loss and Mr. Sit after
fajr prayer in the masjid, facing the people who used to sit crossed
leg used to discuss dreams and things he used to say since
Anybody seen a dream they used to mention their dreams and he would
relate it they would relate the dreams to him he would maybe
relate to dream and they would discuss that. Then they'd wait for
sunrise. And after sunrise, the Islamic prayer was performed.
Anyway when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came home he said
are indica. Vada Do you have any breakfast? Do you have any meal?
And essentially vada is any meal that's taken the beginning of the
day. So it's like breakfast. Do you have any breakfast? Do you
have any meal for Akula? So I show the Allah Juana says no I don't
have anything there's nothing in the house she's given it all away
so there's nothing there so it probably doesn't quite casually he
says in the saw him I'm fasting today not why didn't you go to
Amazon get something Why don't you go rundown get something when you
make anything What's wrong with you? Just simply if I final fast
today, he saw him in another say version of this narration he says
in deciding when even Okay, I'll fast and no problem I'll fast.
That gives us an understanding that he wasn't fasting from before
because had he been fasting had he made intention, he wouldn't have
asked for food. So essentially, he's starting as fast after the
day has begun. So that gives tells us a number of things.
It tells us one thing that he's saying, Okay, I'm gonna fast
today. So you know, there's this whole discussion about a class
that when you're doing a for the act, it's okay to make it out.
Because you have to prove that you're fulfilling your father.
It's like zakat, you can show that you're giving zakat. But when it
comes to Noah fill, it needs to be hidden, it needs to be discreet,
because that's something for additional reward. And if it's
done openly, then sometimes it corrupts the NEA and the class is
corrupted in that sense. But in this case, the prophets Allah is
clearly keeping an awful fast, and he's saying, Okay, I'm gonna fast.
So in certain cases, to mention that you're doing enough of
worship, there's nothing wrong with it, because it's really the
philosophy of the heart, which counts. And also it's to teach. So
the Prophet sallallahu sallam was teaching them that this is what
you can do as well. Another thing that we understand from here that
it's permissible to, to do a novel fast with an intention from the
daytime, and not the intention from night, because a fast begins
at Fudger.
Now, if a person hasn't eaten since measure time, it's almost
like saying, you know, I'm going to stop my prayer and make make an
intention afterwards. That will not be permissible there. Because
prayer is actions. It's a collection of different postures,
that then comes into a prayer. Whereas fasting is an inaction
it's an abstinence is withholding oneself from food. So if you
withheld yourself from eating drinking sexual * since
Fajr time, then you can say okay, I'm going to turn the rest of this
day into a fast. So we learned that from this hadith, and this is
exactly about what Hanifa agrees with this Imam Shafi agrees with
this and the majority of scholars agree this except Imam Malik Imam
Malik is opinion. He goes into another Hadith which says last
Yama, the Muslim you beat a sea of women allele.
There is no fast for the one who does not start his fast meaning
who doesn't start fasting from the night as such from before Fajr. So
for them the intention is from fajr. But for us, outside of
Ramadan knuffel Fast are permissible with an intention in
the daytime, up to half the day. And half the day here actually
refers to from Fudger to sunset, as opposed to sunrise to sunset,
because in Islam, the day begins from Fudger, not from sunrise.
Right? And that's why our fasting begins from sun, not from sunrise,
but it begins from fissure time. So the half the time would be
counted from that time. You make an intention just a minute before
that the rest of your day as long as you stay
without eating, it will be continued to be counted as fast.
Now if you have some cadavers left of Ramadan to do, you will have to
intend that to from the night meaning from before Fajr time. You
can't. In the daytime, they said okay today because there's no food
or I decide to fast I might as well make it a cada you can't do
that. And the reason is this competition.
The novel fast is what's the default fast outside of Ramadan.
So it's a very strong fast in the sense that it's very jealous of
itself. So you try to put another fast in it is not going to allow
it. If you want to fast you better make the intention from nighttime,
book it from before. I'm not going to let you change it I know it's
going to be enough of us take it or leave it. I mean, I'm, I'm from
anthropomorphizing this whole thing, just to make you
understand. I'm giving it a human kind of flavor, but they don't
really speak like that obviously. Right? So but essentially that's
because of what they call Musa hammer because there's competition
that the default is that in Ramadan is a different story. If
you're not a traveler, you're not a sick person. Then even if you
intend something else it should become a Ramadan. Yes, if you're a
sick person who doesn't have to fast mean you can delay your first
or a traveler that in that case, there's some difference of opinion
as to if you intended a novel fast in Ramadan crazy guy would do
that. Right? Why would you do that? He losing so much reward and
Nephal fast or for whatever other reason? Anyway, let's move on. So
we learned that this is the Hadith we learned that from the
Rasulullah sallallahu some would start the first like that. Then I
shut up the Allahu anha continues. She says that attorney Yeoman
faculty are rasool Allah in the hood. Oh, the Atlanta Hadiya
called a woman here called to hasten one day so she's, she's
speaking about how the prophets Allah and Mr. come in on different
days. So some days no food, okay, I'm fasting. Another day. He came,
He said,
Is there anything and I said, jasola
we've been given a hadiya we've been given a gift. There's been
some food that's been sent to us. What is it? I said, haste. Haste
is a specific specific type of dish now, especially the women and
even the men who have culinary cuisine kind of abilities listen
up. So you can act on the Sunnah insha Allah right
haste is essentially dates with some ghee some is ghee, clarified
butter, right can use butter if you want to Bates clarified
butter, and some cheese now I don't know where you're gonna get
the good Arabic cheese from it. This is not speaking about cheddar
Has anybody had kunafa, which is in Jordan, or Saudi or anywhere
else? And you guys don't know what to eat, man. What am I going to
tell you? It's this white cheese. It must be that. So anyway, it's a
mixture of dates, and a mixture of dates and some clarified butter
and this special cheese sometimes, okay. The the commentators
explains that if you don't have cheese, you can actually use some
flour. And you just mix it all up. You mix it all up until it becomes
mixed. I'm sure it'll taste very nice. But do it for the sake of
the Sunnah. Simple foods, but don't do that as an afterthought
do it as your dish as your breakfast. So then it's really
acting like Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. And you know, we've been
reading this for mashallah number of weeks or months, I want us all
to plan at home and even the women who are listening, I want us to
plan at home a week of maybe a vegetarian week,
just so that we can wean ourselves off too much meat, planets, you
know, plenty in the sense that look for different vegetarian
dishes that you can make. We're not trying to make ourselves
vegetarian because it's not permissible to become a vegetarian
just like that. Right to be anti meat that's wrong. But it's just a
wean ourselves of this everyday meat. So planet, maybe try a three
day menu. So you know, figure out this really juicy nice menu of
three days of just vegetarian dishes and I'm sure you'll work
out lots of stuff, right? You can buy these whole vegetarian recipe
books online there's so much it's all free. Right? And just do a 3d
meat free home try
anyway, this is something else so date some some some ghee, some
clarified butter, and some flour, or otherwise this specific type of
cheese just mix it up until it becomes all mixed up and and you
eat it. It's as simple as that. Then
the Prophet sallallahu sallam said when she told him about this, he
for some reason had already started fasting. So he said, Amma
in the US back to saw him and today I just decided to fast in
the morning and I've started fasting already.
But then I showed the Allahu Allah says the killer prophets, a lot of
them eat after that. So essentially, although he started
fasting this novel fast
He broke that fast to eat.
So that tells us that Nephal fast can be broken in a general sense
to eat that is, the shaft is.
Take this more literally that if you start a fast you can break it
enough of us, you can break it, the Hanafi say that you can break
it for a reason before half the day after that you're really
spoiling your worship because you've already done more than half
of it, then it's not good to do it after that unless for a very
important reason. But in the earlier parts of the day somebody
comes and it's bad for them to eat alone or you're going somewhere
then it's okay to break it for that reason. If you do break it
though, you would have to redo it afterwards, you'd have to keep on
in this place. Latos law COMM Once you've done your an action, you've
started an action if you break it, you have to redo it. So it wasn't
for to start with. But if you did it, then you need to complete it.
If you don't complete it, you need to complete it afterwards.
So that's essentially the thick of this. Mr. Maryk doesn't agree with
it Knuffle fast even that very strict. Do not do not break it.
Unless there's a very important reason he uses the same Hadith led
to Allah same if Allah talk to you and Allah Kuma uses it even more
strictly than do the Hanafis. Also, actually the Allahu Anhu was
told to make Padawans when she ate
after keeping an apple fast, she was told to make pasta so that's a
delille that you do have to keep a cuddle fast if you break an apple
fast. The next hadith is Hadith number 193. That one is related
Abdullah Hypno Salaam. Well, actually it's related from use of
Abdullah Abdullah hipness Salam at the liveness Salam was the Jewish
rabbi that had become Muslim, a great Sahabi it was this is
related from his son. So both his son was also as a hobby. He also
saw Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, so Yusuf and his father,
they both Sahaba and
he relates that right on the VSL Allahu alayhi wa sallam other kiss
Ratterman herb Xisha Aidan, for what RD has done a rotten scimitar
he either Mojave, he says I saw this hadith is either related from
the father or from the son from either use of armed aliveness and
I'm one of the two there's a difference of opinion as to that.
But regardless, the point is that they say we sort of Sula I saw
Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. Take a piece of bread,
right a piece of bread.
This was barley bread, I took a piece of barley bread, and he put
a date on top. And then he said, This is the idiom of this, we
explain what a dam was a dam is something that's normally eaten
with bread, something you can dip into normally, dates are not such
a thing dates on an independent kind of snack that you don't eat
with bread generally. But the promise that Allah was trying to
simplify that if you have nothing else, you could also do this. So
you can even mix this together. Right? It's actually going against
convention. But I think that's the great thing about this. You see
some people I mean, if you have an orange juice and an apple juice,
and you mix the two together, oh, coke,
you know, no promotion for Coke, or seven up or some lemon juice,
you know, Myranda or whatever it is. You mix that with some other
foods and some people are gonna look at it like, oh, that's dirty.
It's not it's unconventional, but it's fine. It's both food. So the
Prophet sallallahu sallam was saying here that look, I'm just
mixing these two together. And then he said how the Dhamma they
treat this as the condiment for this, it's fine. Just trying to
say that look, don't be so fast that if you can't find any food,
just eat these things called us bread with dates. Not a problem.
So TB Allah ma TV, he's a commentator of Hadith. He says
that normally dates are a separate, independent kind of food
and it's not known to be eaten with bread, but the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, you can use it as bread be
unconventional about it, it's fine as long as not harmful. Right? As
long as it's not harmful and dirty, it's fine. And the Prophet
salallahu Salam is essentially in this hadith is just doing that
beetle litho, which means to What's the word for it, he is the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is improvising. And it's
fine to improvise.
One of the reasons here is that there's some wisdom in these two,
because barley is supposed to be cold in its effect, you know, food
effect, barley is supposed to be cold, cooling, whereas dates are
considered hot and moist, whereas barley is considered dry and cold.
So it's putting the two together so that there's a balance. So the
brothers that are lorrison seem to have been aware of the different
effects of food.
And you know, there's people who will actually
they will deny that foods have these kinds of effects. Now,
although the profits or loss I've never mentioned here clearly that
this is hot, and this is cold, and that's why I'm balancing it out.
But when you understand that this is hot and this is cold, then you
understand that there's a reason that you
is pairing he could be pairing them together. The next hadith is
194. But you can also tell the professor Lawson's Musa he wasn't
dry. You know, you expect somebody who's very pious and so on, people
have this misunderstanding about these people. You know, when they
say a scholar, a Mufti a che, this or that, oh, he's going to be
like, you know, so gruff and not going to not not gonna be able to
joke and so on. And it's just misunderstanding, isn't it? It's
like, they've never seen somebody like that in their life. Right? So
the philosophy is quite catchy Is that okay? We're going to join
these two together. It's just very mashallah casual, isn't it? The
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Next hadith is related
from a Saudi hola Juan, with these Hadith about food. And so the
Allahu Anhu. He reports many because he was there to see on
many occasions, he says that Rasulullah sallallahu, some kind
of you're a Jew, a thoughtful,
kind of you're a Jew, a thoughtful, thoughtful, is
essentially anything that remains after being squeezed. So if you
are, for example, making juice and the pulp that's left, that is
generally what thoughtful refers to, or means thoughtful, right
residue, the pulp, after the the juice has been taken out. However,
here, what it refers to, is it refers to the leftovers, leftover
food at the bottom of the pan, the bottom of the plate, or the
leftover bread, the end slices, for example.
And well that they weren't ends. I don't know if they were in slices
in those days.
But leftover bread, essentially.
There's a report I saw recently, and this person essentially asked,
Have you guys ever bought a sandwich? Those people who buy
sandwiches with n slices? Or are they always the middle slices?
Where do the end slices go? And then he showed this picture of
this massive truck, in those open back trucks all and slices in
there, they're thrown away. The amount of waste we do in the West
is absolutely phenomenal. And then we're complaining that there's not
enough resources. There's too many people, and we need to curb the
population and do some Eugenics and things of that nature is
ridiculous. The amount of you're not in, you know, in your
supermarkets. Have you ever seen a deformed fruit that you would see
in a market stall sometimes? Have you ever seen a banana look
anything but so nice, or a tomato? Right? Or even potatoes? Have you
ever seen a deformed on an apple that has a bit sticking out here
or there that you would pull off a tree where do those go, they're
either dumped. Unless they can find another place where they're
just to make sure the market is there, they will just get rid of
them. It's huge amounts of food huge amounts of food. They say up
to out of if you have nine,
nine pots, you only really get four pots out five pots are wasted
in the whole production line. It's quite amazing.
These countries then what they showed is that there's countries
like England, England, the West that were very bad in this regard,
we waste a huge amount of food. India for example is very good
because it was a fifth it was right on the balance line. They
don't waste things they make use of everything and they do they
believe me they do they make use of everything right to the last
bit they will make use of the last green will be made and places in
Africa, essentially poor countries will do that. Right? When you get
richer you can you can just afford to throw it away, right from
source. And then we say there's a there's a problem. And prices are
climbing up. But it's you and I I mean that's we we are consumers we
like to consume these kinds of things. And that's what that's
what that's what it's about. Allah subhanaw taala says, who were
shrugging whether to threefold that will solve eat drink but
don't waste that will solve the world's problems. But anyway,
let's get back to this thoughts are probably satellites. I'm used
to like that. Abdullah
who's the the the first narrator of this hadith he says he's trying
to says my Bucky a minute bomb, whatever food is left. That's what
the Hadith means that that's what the profit or loss I'm used to
like. And one of the reasons for that could be that whatever is
left at the bottom, normally that tastes more that tastes better
anyway, because it's mixed well. I don't know if you've ever seen
that sometimes you make some food, they actually taste better the
next day because
the spices and that have had a time to mature within the food and
it's actually better spaced, it's kind of all absorbed and it tastes
better anyway. Or the other factors that at the bottom, you'd
expect it to have been cooked more and thus it's actually easier to
digest. So it could be various reasons why Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam would like it either it was more tasty, or it
was it was actually better and easier on the stomach.
It's related from a sudo allah sallallahu alayhi wa
Selam that whoever
whoever eats from a plate
for Allah Hisa and then he wipes it clean licks it clean is still
for it lol Casa that plate will seek forgiveness for him.
This hadith is related by Muhammad the Imam tell me the and ignore
magic from our inshallah the Allahu Allah. So you know, when
we're told that we should clean up the plates and so on? Well,
there's a reason for that there is a benefit. There's a benefit to be
gained by that as well. Another opinion about what thoughtful
means is that it's referring to third read, you know, what I would
say is that how many of you here actually eat the end slices? Or
actually, let me rather say that who doesn't eat the end slices,
who does throw them to the ducks or gets rid of them, lets them go
bad and then justifies. Oh, it's moldy. Now this character who
doesn't I mean, I guess we're not going to get any confessions on
that one. But still, we got one confession somewhere, all right.
What you do is just save them keep them in the fridge or something
and make some fried with them. Not only will you be not wasting but
you will be making three you will be making a sunnah food. So
collect these n slices, maybe freeze them because you can freeze
bread for a very long time. So freeze them get 1015 20 3040
however many you get. And then after one day, put them all out
defrost them and just make some extra curry some extra broth,
whatever one you like with extra and then
throw that in mix it up and eat it it's masala then of the little
taste nice anyway, you won't even know it's bread or something else
Subhan Allah. So that's a way to deal with that.
Essentially, the prophets Allah ism is teaching a lifestyle. He's
teaching a simple lifestyle. I mean, over and above the fact that
it's sunnah. It's a simple, efficient lifestyle. That's what
the the deen is all about. Just take it as that. When you look at
this, just think of this man who just understood the world in this
level, the supplies and demands of this world, the resources of this
world efficiency, and that's exactly how he was acting. We take
some of that inshallah will be efficient as well. Right? Then,
the another thing that this tells us is that the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam is generosity, his Ikram, his benevolence, and his
humility, that he would give other people the top part of the food to
eat, you know, the good part of the top, and he would prefer the
last little kids. Okay, I'll eat the last part, I'll scrape the
pot. Essentially, that's what he's saying.
So Subhanallah, it's in that and you get these wealthy people who
will not do that they will not eat the pot at the bottom. Right, they
only want to eat the prime, the rest of it gets thrown away. The
next hadith is a short short chapter with just three iterations
in the very simple. It's a chapter on Bourbon merger, if you will do
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the pan, there are
some narrations that speak about wudu before eating after eating.
So the word will do is use with eating before eating and after
eating. So, Imam Timothy wants to clarify what is mentioned what is
referred what is meant by that will do will do has two meanings.
One meaning is will do Cherie legal Buddha which is the will do
that we know we do before Salaat the other will do is the mini will
do the micro will do which is washing your hands and mouth.
Right So which one is related which one is meant under promise
Allah some use the word in both sense enough for us, we just know
will do as we do have Sadat right. But in arrows, they would use the
word for different like Asia. Muslim is also called Asia. Asia
is also called Asia. But you tell somebody just prayed mother Asia
Margarita and they think you're strange, right? But that's because
we've just become so accustomed to Maghrib and Isha. So it's words
like that. No, there is just the word.
So this hadith is essentially to mention what kind of voodoo was
done, if there was done and what was intended by it. That's the
whole reason for this small this chapter, which is the 27th chapter
of the book. It's related the first Hadith Yeah 195 is related
from YBNL ambassador, the Allah Juan. He says that and Rasulullah
sallallahu Maharaja middle Hala he he just came back from relieving
he came back from relieving himself and for Kariba la he
taught me some food was presented to him now remember he just
finished relieving himself he hasn't made will do.
He's probably washed his hands but he hasn't made will do.
Some food was given to him and somebody said hola NAT Tikka we
will do in show tonight bring your yo who do water for you. What do
in Arabic means the water you use to do will do with will do is the
action and will do with the Fatah word. That is the water should I
bring your water for you meaning Aren't you going to do because for
them they had this understanding that you should do will do before
eating if you don't have will do so the progress that Allah has
said in nama O'Meara to bill will do
either come to Isla Sadat
I've been commanded to make wudu and I go to for prayer, not for
eating. So he was trying to say that it's not for eating.
The philosophy isn't trying to say that that's the only reason we do
because we need to do will do for the Tila prostration, of receipt
of recital, touching the Quran doing tawaf, and so on. But this
is obviously speaking about what they what they were thinking, and
he was clarifying for them. The next hadith is 196, which is very
similar to this one. In this one, it's related from, again, even our
birth of the Allahu Anhu he says 100 Euro sort of lifestyle alasa
mineral heart, it's probably similar. Some came back from
relieving himself how it's normally refers to defecation, but
the reason why it's normally refers to low, low, low, low lying
land, because that's where they would normally go to relieve
themselves before these cubicles were made or toilets were made in
homes as such. So he came back from such a place and for OTA,
tyramine. Some food was brought for Kilala Tata what aren't you
gonna make wudu so they had this idea that they should do maybe
because of some other Hadith before maybe because the heat made
will do some time before or whatever, and you're gonna make
wudu so the province of Assam said Oh, suddenly for other What am I
praying so I'm gonna make
you know, I might pray then that's why I should make go to see is
trying to clarify to them that there's no need for you to hear.
This next month is 197 which is related from Salman al Farsi to
the Allah one.
Now, he had read something in his previous voyages, where he had
gone through learning from different
priests and so on. He says, corrupt to fit thority and Baraka
that to me, Bill will do a brother who Baraka timing and will do
obrigado. He said that I had read in the Torah, in the Old
Testament, that blessing in food is gained by making wudu after
eating, for the car to the radical interview, sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, Bhima Karatu feito Rottie. I mentioned what I had read in the
Torah, they mentioned that to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, baraka to Tommy al
wudu, cobbler, who will will do obrigado.
The blessing in food, is by wudu before it, and we'll do after it.
Now, again, what's the whoo that's intended here that needs to be
clarified. So don't start making wudu before and after your eating.
But he's saying, it's actually the baraka that you want to gain in
your food will be gained by making wudu before and after it. But the
will do that is referred to hear is, is the handwashing, not the
voodoo. So what is he trying to say? I mean, the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam, and our Sharia is an aggregator is a, you can say is a
reviser of the previous faiths, because there's much that was
corrupted in the previous way. So in this case, he's trying to say
that what's in the Torah may have been changed, and the first part
has disappeared. So it should actually be both. So he was saying
that no, this is how it should be. The other option is that no, yes,
it was just after for them. But for us, we've got it before and
after. So this is something additional in our Sharia to make
it to wash before and after eating. Now, what is the wisdom in
in washing your hands before before and after? So one is I
mean, the first thing that comes to mind is cleanliness. But what
happens if you haven't touched anything? If your hands are clean
anyway? Is it still a sunnah the relevant mentioned? Yes, it's
still listen, even if your hands are not dirty, or they haven't
been anywhere, it's still a cylinder to wash purely for the
sake of eating. Remember that because you get a lot of people
you ask them, you know, are you going to wash? No, my hands are
clean anyway. It's not about that. The Sunnah is that you need to
It's for the sake of the food. And there are a number of wisdoms that
are mentioned here.
One is, it's to show respect and to honor the bounties of Allah
subhanaw taala into in the in the form of the food that he's giving
you. So that you're actually showing Okay, I'm going to wash my
hands to eat this I'm showing some respect for this. So that Allah
subhanaw taala puts more Baraka in it. And the reason is that
normally in generally the hands are the part of the body that
normally gets some dirt on it here or there, because we touch things
we open a door, we may shake hands with somebody
and we do various different things. So inadvertently something
some something bacteria nowadays, you know, we know these things to
definitely present as we know.
And so to wash the hands is obviously clear, is close to the
cleanliness and the half of the show is cleanliness, a tabular
Chateau Eman, alpha cleanliness, so it's part of the same thing.
And it's also part of refined, pure nature, that that's another
thing. The other thing is that the whole purpose that we eat for is
what to enjoy ourselves. No to gain
To gain energy for worship, that should be our intention, even
though we enjoy the food.
Now, when we're doing that, then in that case, just like, for Salah
we make will do when we're eating will get Baraka if we wash our
hands. So it's not as insignificant as we think it's not
just about cleanliness, it's more than cleanliness. It's symbolic to
do with purity and Baraka. That's what it's all about. Now, it takes
on a whole different meaning. It's not just about cleanliness. There
are some aroma, the Maliki's, they, they take a different
approach on this, it seems like Malik is today. They're on a
different level today. So the magic is in itself, it says in the
result, which is a famous flipbook of of this is that well as the
host Lulea, the public Prime Minister, Nana Illa, you're going
to be harder than they say, No, it's all about cleanliness. It's
not similar to wash it purely for the sake of eating, but it's about
cleanliness. So if you're if your hands are dirty, then you wash
them, otherwise, you don't have to wash them. In America. In fact,
according to one opinion, from Malik, he this he disliked it,
that you're going to continue to wash your hands. And he would say
that it's not from the sunnah to do that, that we have been told to
wash, it's this, if it's dirty, then you wash it, he takes that
kind of an approach. And he says that it's from the Federal RRG.
It's what other people do when non Arabs do that's why, you know, and
it's not mentioned from any stuff that they did it, Allah Allah
unless they felt that this was the case, but that's his or it's a
minority opinion is the majority opinion, stronger opinion is that
it is recommended. That's why in another football called coffee,
you mentioned that cleaning the hands washing the hands before
eating and after eating is a good thing. There's a Baraka in it. And
then they prove that through the hadith of Salman or the Allah one,
here, we got a clear Hadith, so none of the Allah one. He's
mentioning that, and he doesn't say whether it's dirty or not,
it's a very general Hadith. So it's open to interpretation
What does it mean the second by the second wudu, that would mean
wash your mouth and your hands, because we eat so we want our
teeth and everything to be rinsed out the mouth to be rinsed out.
And the benefit of that is that it removes the it removes any bad
smell from the spices or from the food from the smell of the food,
the meat and so on. And also the oiliness, the Dishoom as you as
you call it, and
the Promise of Allah some season another Hadith mon Berta WIFIA de
Cameroon? Well, I'm Yuxin HuFa ASABE O'Shea on Falaj illuminate
wherever sleeps, and he has some dirt on his hand, and he didn't
wash it, and then something happened to him, then he should
only blame himself. Right? If he attracted something or he did
something or something happened, he should only blame himself.
Right? That was chapter 27. Just to clarify what kind of where the
washing the hands before or after we've concluded that it's a good
thing to wash your hands before and after eating double major if
you call the Rasulullah sallallahu in public. Now what did the
process I'm used to read before and after eating. So that's the
next chapter. Let's quickly read the hadith of this chapter of this
short chapter and the other one, and then we'll cover the Hadith
quickly. Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim while the listener didn't
notice him in Italy momentarily the color bourbon module if you
see if it will do a Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam in the
Torah. What we have gone ahead the Cinerama Duke nominee in Colorado
tonight is married Oh no, Ibrahim and I you Barnaby and evening
Malika and evening are bursting with your loved one when the
masala Lysa loves mahalo mahalo if a call Reba in a plan the call
Allah de Kirby will do in color in the mountain multiple will do
either come to in a solid are we gonna have dinner sorry do not
have the ramen assuming you call to have dinner Sophia and have no
rain at an angle of neediness or even Raytheon up are bursting with
you alone call the chorus rasool Allah Allah Allah subhanaw taala
at 42 I mean that the letter word for call also leave at the word
dot what we call a Hebrew Musa called Hamilton Abdullah and the
main caller had didn't have a signal Robbie Howe had an uncle
David Cole had an agricultural journey okay Sidney, Robbie and
Hashem on Zaza and answered wanna call according to the Torah to
Nebraska tutorial will do very first according to that economists
Allah Allah azza wa jal to Immacolata Vitara Divakar rasool
Allah is Allah and baraka to me will do a couple of will will do
obey the who will bill is not what we call a bourbon manager if you
also realize the law was unclear to me about the Maya for whom
InMobi he called I had this and I could even call her
to be hard to even unroll she didn't agenda linear theory and
have even chosen you but I'm sorry are the alone call Hakuna
indinavir Salah loathsome Yeoman for kata Robert Berman for them
our time and current Baraka terminal Obama Okinawa kala kala
Baraka KDF Hakuna rasool Allah kala Kala in the Quran Smola Hina
Makara Dominica welcome Musa Mila Calabar who shape on? Well, we he
called her didn't know you're here no moussaka had to remember that
we got 190 Chamonix just about you and booty rock lady and Abdullah
Abdullah happening obey dibny Romain amico costume and Aisha
Radi Allahu anha call it called Rasul Allah is Allah Allah Allah
Allah. Allah Allah Allah Allah to me for Jacobi Smilla here with a
who else you know, ob he called had this in our go live no subline
Hashem you will Basa you call her didn't Abdullah Ireland Vironment
initial amount of Nabi Solomon, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah is
and we're in doTERRA
call the customer for similar to our could be a meaningful work
call me my colleague will be called I had this and I'm gonna
have to find out what happened this way you call us we're gonna
be happy when this
RIA honeybee RIA evening obeyed it and I'll be signing who they are
they are the Allahu Anhu collagenous will Allah allows me
to follow them into me call hamdulillah Ilya was a corner
Muslimeen we call her mom Bashar and call her call her
and her Madonna and beat Omar with a call a connoisseur of lies that
allows me that we'll figure it out either to him by near the here
called Al Hamdulillah Hamden cathedral by even Mubarak and fee
later on more during while I'm stubborn and Rob burner we call
this a no Buck Mohamed do not go to the store and today given him a
certain lady and Abdullah who are bathed in Euro Maidan I know many
consumers not only hola Juan how product kanamycin allows me to
either visit 30 minutes heavy ledger or RBU who will be looking
at me for God's Will ally sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lo
sama kefir come? Well he had done 100 ala Anaconda had this Naboo
summit and security may reside inside maybe more than send him
nomadic into the Allah and colocado salsa Lauricella in Allah
Allah, Allah and lab the
mother who Alia shot the shot, but who are they?
So that's the Hadith of the next chapter. Mainly, it's about two
hours. But this this chapter is essentially all about praising
Allah subhanaw taala upon food. So the first hadith is 198 In this
Chapter 28 Chapter of the book, which is related, which is related
from a human on Saudi to the hola Juan he's the person who the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam settled in his house, the first
time to Madina, Munawwara and he's the one who went out in the force
of Yazeed in 51 Hijiri and in the battle for Causton, Constantino,
Constantinople, that is where he was he was martyred and he was
So this he says the canary in the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
Yeoman, we were one day with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam for Kariba Tom, some food was brought from Rotterdam and
Ghana Azama baraka to men who are well, Mr. Kalina I did not I do
not remember seeing.
Seeing any food that had greater you could see the great amounts of
Baraka in the beginning when we were eating. So at the beginning
of this food, the amount of Baraka that we saw, I have never seen
Baraka that much Baraka before, but wala akala, baraka and VRP and
I haven't seen any food that had such less diminished blessing at
the end of it. So it was a major contrast from the beginning to the
end. Coronavirus. Hola Kiva, and obviously, it seems like everybody
saw it. So that's why we asked Yasuda How is that possible?
What's happened? There was so much Boracay in the beginning you will
it was just as though he wasn't even moving the food and suddenly
at the end just disappeared. Now, he didn't explain what happened in
the beginning of how that happened, what he means by that,
but they also saw the loss of Allah Hardison and probably the
loss of explains, he says, in the corner is Mala he data Hina Akana.
We took the name of Allah subhanaw taala when we started eating,
we took the name of Allah and some cardamon Akella willen Musa Mila
Hatha Allah for Aquila, Morocco shaper. Then another person sat
down, who did not take the name of Allah subhanaw taala, who started
eating, and thus the shaytaan began to eat with him.
And that was such a marked difference that we could tell what
happened in the beginning. And what happened on the end was a big
difference. And the reason for that is clear that the shaytaan is
able to make Halal the food meaning is finds permissible for
himself, he has access to food on which the name of Allah subhanaw
taala is not taken, as is mentioned Hadith Muslim as well.
So he starts eating, according to many orlimar, the majority of
Ranima they say that this is real,
how it's real, you're not going to see it disappear. You're not going
to see it disappear. Unless it's like you're putting in your
stomach and it's disappearing from them. That's why you're not
getting filled up. You're not getting the benefit. Allah knows
best. But that's what he mentioned, hakuna Mao Chez Panisse
promise Allah said that numerous times, the shaytaan eats with him,
how he eats with him. There are other more mentioned this is some
reality that may be very difficult to discern, but it's definitely a
reality. Now the question is that, based on this, the rest of the
must have read Bismillah because you mentioned to be praised Allah,
then this other person came in, he didn't read Bismillah and that's
why the food just finished. And there's many options, many
possibilities here. Firstly, if it's necessary, not necessary, but
for the spiritual benefit for the blessing if it's necessary for
everybody to recite. Bismillah and clearly this hadith is very clear
about that. They had already Bismillah there was a lot of food
they ate, this person came in and read Bismillah and it was all
finished. You
out. Before we mentioned the rest of this, what actually happened is
now if it's a formal key fire, that if some people read, it's
okay for the rest from this hadith, then it means that while
the, if they had all not read it, some of them had read it. But
while they were all eating the baraka of those few people who had
read it had suffice them on and they were fine. But this person
came after they had finished, and now, the food just suddenly
finished as well. Although,
if you look at it, look at the way it was being eaten beforehand and
how it was diminishing, it diminished much faster afterwards,
which means that based on the fact that not everybody has to read
fattier Bismillah.
It means this person, he, he didn't do it, and that's why he
didn't get the benefit of it. So there's all of these various
possibilities. The next hadith is 199. In that one, it's related
from a mobile phone from Asia. So this is not a mobile phone. The
wife of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sorry, the
daughter of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam, this is actually
referring to her name was
Tamia Alma Kia or Tamia, Binti Mohammed Abu Bakr, Siddiq, Abu
Bakr the alarms granddaughter, Mohammed Abu Bakr has daughter,
which would mean actually the Allah one has grand nice as such.
Oh nice. So she relates from her aunt or Aisha to the Allahu anha
that call it call Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam either a
cadet had to come when one of you eat Fernseher
and they forget to take the name of Allah subhana wa Tada a youth
chorus Mala Hey Donna Yanni Allah to me upon the food.
But yeah, cool Bismillah he's a winner who, then he should read
Bismillah a Wella, who were a hero who they should read that
Bismillah in the beginning and at the end. Now one thing we were
doing some research, we did some research a while back about what
do are to read in the beginning of eating. And the majority of Hadith
the overwhelming 90 to 95% of the narrations that we came across was
simply Samila, some Mala with Kurose Mala. Remember, take the
name of Allah say Bismillah say Bismillah say Bismillah the one
Hadith that the one dua that's very famous Bismillah wa
barakaatuh Allah There was nowhere to be found. What we did find was
Bismillah wa barakaatuh in Hakim's mustard rock. So Bismillah, in the
name of Allah, and with the baraka of Allah. But the whole reason is
that we are, the whole point of this dua at the beginning is to
remember remind ourselves that we're eating the food of Allah
that Allah has provided us. So Bismillah, you can just say
literally Bismillah and there's no doubt obviously Allah wa
barakaatuh Allah those who have memorized that, it's fine to read
it, there's nothing wrong with it, the meaning is fine. But the one
in the hadith is actually Bismillah wa barakaatuh, as if you
can change it is good Bismillah wa barakaatuh Allah, although it's
just Bismillah suffices.
And most of the Hadith are like that, they'll just tell you, you
know, take the name of Allah. But in this hadith, if you've
forgotten to eat, if you've forgotten to say, Bismillah at the
beginning, then the prophets Allah has made it very clear, you can
just say Bismillah in the beginning, and at the end,
Bismillah Allahu Akbar. And there's a famous story that's
related about the person who forgot to say, then he said it
afterwards. And then it was seen that shaytaan worth puked
everything out. Right? Now, what's being told to us here is that you
see, Baraka is in every aspect of the food. But if you don't read
Bismillah, the baraka will be lost. But if, by saying Bismillah
at the end, it shows us that Allah subhanaw taala is so generous, he
will give you the benefit of all of it, which can be now extended
to other worships that we do that if you forget to do something in
the beginning, and you do it at the end, it's hoped from Allah
subhanaw taala that will benefit you, it will give you for
everything person came to me, he said that, you know, I can't, I'm
not very strong on my car, on my reading on my different things
that I read every day, I can't be very regular on it. So well,
you're not a robot or you, you're not an alarm clock, that you set
it every day is going to have to go off at that time. We're not
alarm clocks, we're not machines that you just have to suddenly
click and you start doing it, we're human beings. And Allah
subhanaw taala is going to look at in general what you've been doing,
that's where the profit or loss I'm said, if you miss your
tahajjud and I prayed in the morning, just so that your habit
continues. So you should we shouldn't allow shaytaan to
overcome us that we can't do it so we shouldn't do it. We should
realize that Allah subhanaw taala looks at looks at things in
holistically. So likewise, this hadith proves the same thing. You
forgot to read Bismillah in the beginning, shaytan has been eating
all the way say Bismillah our hero, everything comes out and you
get the bulk of it. So that that's from Allah subhanaw taala
What is a one seat when it says Bismillah he's a welder who will
be similar in the beginning and at the end. That would mean
everything in between as well. So people shouldn't be too pedantic
and say well what about in the middle? Where he means beginning
and at the end it means the whole thing, every aspect of it as Allah
subhanaw taala saying says in the Quran, welcome risco Humphrey, his
book rotten wash here, they will have sustenance in there both in
the morning and the evening. Does that mean not any other time the
kitchen will be locked? No, it means anytime you want, morning
and evening and anytime in between Kulu had the immune Waterloo has
Allah subhanaw taala says about Jana that the food in there will
be perceived will be ongoing. This also tells us that reading because
it's also about the shaytaan it's all to do with the shape arm if we
read Bismillah even at the end if you've forgotten it's still
beneficial because it humiliates the shaytaan he doesn't get away
with that stealing that he just did. So there's a benefit in it
regardless even if you remember afterwards still say it right I
think we will stop here. A lot of mentors because they love to
volunteer their jewelry with the chrome
medical history
along here and then yeah, and then they load on the Subhanak I'm not
gonna nobody mean just Allah on
Loma Phil in our home now as you know, we're gonna Allahumma you
know what do you mean our agenda with that limited? Allow me not so
look at the moment if you are though m&r Feel Shukra Lafayette
la Mishima, by now la Mishima divine out la Mishima Bona Allah
whom that you know what have you been able to learn that with the
Terminator the low morale him now Russia now we're eating I mean
surely and fusina Allah Mohammed Al Quran and all the major alone
and I remember what was going on and along with that Konami, no
madness, you know, aren't even I mean to my Johanna Alohomora zona
de la Veta, who ladywell and the hub so Hernan will be carbonized
the DMARC for US phenomenon was anyone heard?