Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Fabricating a Hadith or Lying about the Prophet (S) (Hadith Commentary from Zad alTalibin)

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of identifying narratives in various narratives, including the Hanahahah and the Newahahah, as it is centered around a deity or person. They stress the need to verify sources and be careful with the use of negative narratives. The speakers also touch on the concept of " reliable" and the difference between these concepts, emphasizing caution in the use of these narratives.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next Hadith again is a very popular narration that's mentioned

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it's one of those which are considered to be motivated.

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Continuously narrated from us all allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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over the generations through numerous

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chains, numerous Sahaba men kadaga Allah Yamata ammidon Forget about

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what Nakada who Mina now, whoever intentionally lies about me should

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take his seat in hellfire

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Buhari and Muslim, so they should know for themselves that they've

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done such a bad deed they should just be prepared to go to the

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And the reason for that is very clear. Our Deen revolves around

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Rasulullah sallallahu It was simple. If it wasn't for him, we

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would not be guided because the Quran that came to him, it's the

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words of Allah subhanaw taala but it was revealed to the Prophet

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salallahu alayhi wa sallam and all the explanation that he has

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provided an older has provided an all the other Quran, the Hadith,

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the Sunnah, that he has demonstrated, and one of the

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explanations that he has provided the guidance that he has given,

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what are those from us, all of us have Allahu alayhi wa sallam. So

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if anybody is then saying that oh Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said

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this, or there's a narration in which it says this from Rasulullah

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sallallahu they're making something up for whether it's for

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pious gain or for any reason a fabrication is a fabrication. The

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Rasul Allah says, he should just consider that he's got to sit in

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the Hellfire

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because it is when a person attributes falsely to Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam even if he thinks is for a pious end, it's

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just you do not do that. The reason is that everything was sort

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of lost that allows him said as Allah says in the Quran, in her

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Illa wagon you have it's a way that Allah subhanho wa Taala it's

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a way that is being revealed to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, Ma Yun dico Anil Hawa, he does not speak just out of his

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whims and desires. Everything he says when it's related to the deen

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is from Allah subhana wa Tada. So if we're saying that the province

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of Allah Himself said this, or this, about this, or that, then we

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are essentially saying that Allah said this, and this is what Allah

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wants. So it is both an aggression and a violation against the rights

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of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, and also the rights of

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Allah subhanaw taala. Now you can imagine that if a person is

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committing a falsehood against or attributing falsehood to Allah

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subhanaw taala, that he did this or he said this, whereas he

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didn't, you can imagine the sin for that. And one of the main

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reasons for this is

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when a person lies, this is not a personal deed that they're doing.

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It isn't the harms of it are not restricted to themselves, because

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clearly they are lying to others. What this is not referring and

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this would be far fetched, for it to be taken to mean that a person

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is lying to himself that oh Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said

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this to himself, that will be a different story. That's where the

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shebang overcomes a person a person enters into doing better

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and innovations, reprehensible innovations, this is clearly

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speaking about conveying to others something that Rasulullah

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sallallahu did not say, making up something like that, that is what

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that does, then is you are then spreading falsehoods, you are

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giving a distorted understanding of the D you are providing

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something which you know, that is totally wrong.

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Now, if somebody mistakenly does this is her narration from

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someone, and he thought the person was reliable, and he passed it on,

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then clearly there, there wouldn't be that would be an excuse. But a

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person needs to be careful needs to be very careful before relating

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narrations, especially those ones. Having said that, every time you

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get a text message, or an email one of those forwarded text

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messages or emails that say, Oh, the price of aluminum said this,

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and there's no reference or proper referencing for it. Ask the

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person, can you please verify the reference before you send this

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out? Because these things become viral? Right? Some people have

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this habit of sending out a hadith every week on Joomla, for example,

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or some other day, where it just goes viral like that. I remember a

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number of occasions.

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And these are really decreased. Because every time somebody sent

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me one, I'll first ask, can you please verify this narration?

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Right? I've never heard it before. Can you please verify where it's

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strong? Oh, I'll get a response. Oh, somebody else sent it to me.

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So I'm just sending it on as though that's an excuse.

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So I think commonly we need to understand just because you got

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free SMS or text messages. You don't just forward this stuff on

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because you may be doing it in sha Allah with the with an intention

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of piety.

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But what happens is, you're committing a major deed, a major,

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major sin in this if it's a fabricated duration,

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a spirit

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As narration a problematic narration, or misunderstood

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narration, or whatever it may be, so always verify your sources.

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Having said that, we must then become

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extremely suspicious about everything to the level where if a

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hadith or if we reject it as some people do today, that's not the

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point. Right? That's not the point. The point is that when you

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don't know the source of something, make sure you find out

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a lot. A lot of the time when people get text messages from

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people that are unknown, you all you see is the number you don't

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know who's from could be shaytaan, some shaytaan out there doing

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this, we don't know. Somebody just and it might sound very pious, you

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may think that oh, it leads to good things, encouraging people to

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do something good. But isn't this sufficient in what Rasulullah

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sallallahu has told us? Or couldn't you say these encouraging

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words even if they're nice, wise words, because there are many of

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these narrations, which are considered to be a very high level

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of wisdom? Very wise statement? Don't say Thomas, will allah

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sallallahu Sallam just say it's been reported from somewhere, some

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wise man said, no problem. A wise man said it is a Hadith of

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Rasulullah sallallahu. And well, he's a wise man. And you have to

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be careful. That's why some of the Sahaba was so careful, like I do,

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like the minister or the Hola, Juan. Once he was relating a

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narration and he said, Call her soul allies and Allah Almighty or

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Salam, professionalism said, and then he used some words he made a

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you know, he related what he thought, then he said, Oh, call or

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he said, and then he related another statement, using UTF,

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eight to the same point with different words. He says, Oh,

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girl, and then he just started shaking, because he couldn't he

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became very confused as to exactly what words we use about us, well,

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Allah and Allah is Allah and his policy or his methodology, rather,

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his practice was rewire belove. There are two types of rewire in

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general, one is reliable love, and there is reliable mariner. And

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clearly the reader might have come to a decision like amongst you

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mentioned very clearly in step three, that if they were

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from relating

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the meaning of what was related, or what they had heard from

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Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and if they were forced and obligated

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to relate only verbatim words, and the words exactly as heard from us

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or allah sallallahu Sallam and then from the next Sahabi and so

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on, then we would not have the number of a hadith narrations that

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we do, it would have been very difficult to maintain the faith,

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because it is so difficult to remember the exact words, but the

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majority accepted reliable manner, which means the majority accepted,

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narrating you narrating the meaning as long as the person

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understood what the sahabi Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had

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said, majority of narrations are like that. That's why you have so

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many differences. That's why you will take the narrations of some

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Sahaba over others, if there's a dispute between them. For example,

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if Abdullah Masuda day alone said something, and Abdullah, Abu

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Huraira, the Allahu Anhu said, to speak at about the same point. But

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there's a difference between the two, you'll take Abdullah numbers,

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are they alone because he was a jurist. He'd stayed longer with

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Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he would sit closer to us what Allah

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salAllahu alayhi salam insalata and so on. So he had a better

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position, he was in a better position to have understood

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correctly, what sort of loss of a loved one had said, whereas Abu

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Huraira the alone was not as great a jurist as I believe, most older

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their loved one was, so there's a way to deal with these things. But

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Abdullah was already on the he's known that he among some other

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Sahaba as well, who buckler, the hola Juan he destroyed all the

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Hadith that he had collected in writing, because he became

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slightly doubtful about exactly the words and things. So he he he

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destroyed them.

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But not all the Sahaba did that. Otherwise, it'd be very difficult.

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Like that's what you call reliably loved a whoo hoo. Abdullah

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certainly alone become very preterm, we become very scared,

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very frightened. That Am I really relating the exact words of

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Rasulullah sallallahu. Some are not. But as I mentioned, the

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majority say it's okay, to reliable manner to reliable minor.

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Having said that, going back to the issue of these, these text

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messages when you do get them next time, the only way we can stop

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this and curb this is to actually write back instead of forwarding

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on and say, Can you please find out about this? And if it's

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something that you don't get a positive answer, or an accurate

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answer, whatever, and you really think it's something that people

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could benefit from, we'll just change it slightly. Don't take off

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that Rasulullah sallallahu you can say it has been said, or it's a

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report that's been mentioned or a wise person said, or something of

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that nature, or these are some beautiful things. You could do it

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or do something like that, because one has to be very careful that

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this is a narration you know, when you look at Hadith narrations,

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you've got

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mutawatir you've got my show and so on. For example, Elijah Looney

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Angelou and I believe today's in Jordan, north of Jordan,

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Middle East sham area, he compiled an entire collection called, it's

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called Cashville hover or Mozila il bas I'm Masha Allah, middle

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Hadith Allah al Synod Enos. So this is to open up or to reveal to

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reveal the

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the obscurity to clarify or clear the obscurity and remove the

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confusion, right about those narrations that are popularly

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related on the tongues of people. Because this has always been a

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tradition, someone says something that was sounds kind of wise. And

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then somebody just picks it up from them. And then they spread

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it. They don't know where it really came from, what exactly the

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status of that narration is. So in there, he's collected all of these

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narrations that are popularly mentioned, that will probably be

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mentioned. And he's mentioned that you know, which are accurate,

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which are reliable, which are Saheeh, which are not which are

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fabricated, he mentioned who they are more classical Huseynov

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Alhama. So, he is another one. He did he was before he loony and he

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did some work in that there are other books as well of that

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Essentially, what you have is most of the Hadees that we have are not

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necessarily narrated from 10 or 15 Sahaba, meaning the same narration

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with 10 or 15 Sahaba. There are many narration that for example,

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the first hadith of Buhari, which is in the Malama Rubinius. In that

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particular way, is related from Burma with the Allah one. Right,

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it's rated for Ramadan, the Allah one. So

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then you've got some narrations which may be ranging from two or

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three, then you've got very few narrations, which, maybe 10,

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numerators, 10, Sahaba, 1520, Sahaba have related, and then from

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the next generation, about at least 2030 people are related the

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next generation 2030. So which has a widespread narration in every

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single generation, there are very few Hadith like that, because you

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can have some that were very popular before, but then only one

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or two people have them related to the next generation, from the

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second generation to the third generation, for example, or

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sometimes you've got a real narration, which is only once a

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hobby narrated or two, and then after that many students related

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it from them, so it became more proliferated afterwards. But if

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you've got a constant,

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widespread narration in every generation, that's what the Hadith

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which you call mutawatir, and this is one of those Hadees, which are

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Mutata. And it actually has a bearing on the meaning as well.

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It's a multilateral Hadith, and it also shows that you have to be

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careful about the kind of things that you relate

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