Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – EID MUBARAK Whether You Prayed Eid or Not How to Deal With the Differences

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the confusion surrounding the MAC MAC, which was supposed to be a holy grail for Muslims, but was shut down due to the pandemic. There is a need for everyone to be strong in their own beliefs, and the best course of action is to adhere to the interviewed experts. minimizing differences of opinion is crucial, and it is unlikely that a situation like this will happen in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim hamdulillah Ramana Alameen wa

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Salatu was Salam ala so even more serene while he or sabe he he

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remain a member,

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a belated Eid Mubarak to everybody. And I just wanted to

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cover something

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very shortly.

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hamdulillah Allah subhanho wa Taala allowed us to come through

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Ramadan, and through the eat as well. eidl fitter, despite the

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Of course, there were various different views that we heard as

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we went through whether GEOMAR should be performed, how taraweeh

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should be performed. And also, finally, there was the discussion

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about either fitrah prayer, since the lockdown there wasn't going to

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be much of an access to the masjid for most people. So where do you

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do your Eid prayer? Do you even do your eat prayer? So there are

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various different opinions about this.

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early on about two weeks or so before Eid, we from ourselves, we

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put out that our understanding was that just like gym operators

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should not be reduced to the homes and it is something which is more

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of a congregational prayer. Likewise, it is even more of a

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congregational prayer. And that's why our suggestion was that

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according to our reading of the texts of the Hanafi school, the

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there is no such thing as Eid prayer in the houses because it's

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supposed to be done together. However, there were other opinions

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as well from respectable individuals, respectable scholars,

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and respectable move these from around the world. Now, that is all

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fine. Later, we didn't put out anything more because we did not

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want to add fuel to the fire because what happened is, and

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essentially the point of this discussion today is to explain is

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to explain very briefly that differences of opinion are

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absolutely inevitable, and they are something historical, that

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we've had differences of opinion from the time of the Sahaba after

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam departed this world, there were

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differences of opinion among the Sahaba themselves. Differences is

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a part of life, there's no way you can do away with differences. The

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only way you can minimize the difference is if you're in a

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Muslim country, where the scholar counsel, the the leader of the

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scholar Council, the Mufti, whoever it is the chief, the arch

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mufti, once they give a ruling, then everybody would do the same

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thing. But even there, you would probably have Allah Ma, who may

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have other opinions, but they will not be able to implement those

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opinions. Having a difference of opinion, there being two opinions

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out there should be seen in a relaxed attitude. As long as

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they're coming from religious, righteous practicing and

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knowledgeable scholars, then that is completely fine. So the

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suggestion in such a thing is that we follow whichever suits us best

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in our situation, according to the strength that we see in that

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position. If you have no idea or no way to determine the strength

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of certain things,

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then it's best that you just adhere to one or two scholars who

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you've always trusted. You trust their practice, you trust their

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learning, their education, their understanding their piety, and you

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just go with that. If you're going to wait for this utopian idea that

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they can only there should only be one opinion, why can't they get

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together, then you'll just be miserable for a very long time.

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Because that's just not going to happen. You have to remember we

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are going through unprecedented times. I do not believe that ever

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in history. There's probably been a ban on eat, press any particular

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place like this the way it was, unless it was for oppression

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reasons. Right? Aside from that, in a normal non oppression

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situation, purely because of a disease or illness because of

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measures that are understood today that people have to take. I don't

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think there's ever been a situation like that, as we have

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had in England, and some other countries during this occasion. So

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you're going to get differences of opinion, people will understand

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the text differently. Yes, if it was very clear cut in the Quran,

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or in the Sunnah in the Hadith, for example, that in this

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particular situation, this is what you do. And anybody went against

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that, then that would seem as absurd that why would somebody go

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against something so explicitly mentioned, where there's nothing

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clearly mentioned like this? A lot of it is in third. In some cases,

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we're going to have to determine the best possible recourse in a

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situation like this. And clearly, there were two opinions, maybe

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there were three opinions.

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They are all practicable opinions as long as they're coming from

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authority as long as they're coming from Obama. So that's why

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we have to get used to this idea that that is what's going to

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happen even even among all of the same school schemes, school of

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thought, right Hana fees or within Hana fees, various different

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schools of thoughts, they have a difference of opinion and that is

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fine. Hamdulillah that is fine. As long as you went with

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Somebody you trusted, then that should be enough for you, it's

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going to be inevitable. So it's not something that you need to

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worry about. I didn't want to bring this up beforehand

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and contribute further to the flames of the fire because

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especially towards the end of Ramadan is the time when you're

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trying to win the race with Allah subhanho wa taala, you know, in

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his site to try to get the best out of Ramadan. And I think

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sometimes, either just the first few days into Ramadan, and the

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last few days of Ramadan, these kinds of various different topics

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creep up, which seem to just disturb the flow, and the actual

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ultimate ceiling and completion of Ramadan. So we just didn't want to

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get engaged with that. That's why now that we've relaxed after

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Ramadan, now we want to just bring this to that in the future when

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there's unprecedented times, especially when it's

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unprecedented, right, you're gonna have differences of opinion, you

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just find and for this, you should do this in your life for

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everything. If you if you need answers to things, you find one or

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two aroma that you trust for the various different criteria that

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I've mentioned, then you just go with them, and understand that

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there will be differences in because this world is created with

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differences. It's the nature of everything in this world. That's

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what it's gonna be like and may Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us

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to follow the best, follow the strongest and follow that which is

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the most righteous course of action and may Allah then accept

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it from all of us. May Allah then accept it from all of us. So

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again, a belated Eid Mubarak to all of you and may Allah accept

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all of our Ramadan and may Allah have granted us that full reward

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on the day of Eid Jazak Allah here

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please remember us in your doors and may Allah subhanaw taala bless

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you. Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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