Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics related to Islam, including a person who eventually becomes a doctor and a family member who had passed away. They also touch on financial struggles and the importance of staying satisfied with what one has. The conversation ends with a suggestion to get another job to cover rent and pay for one's children.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Handan cathedra on the human

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mobile rockin V mobile rockin rd

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Gmail, your humble Rabona were Yoruba Jalaja, who was Salatu was

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Salam or either so you will have EABL Mustafa SallAllahu Taala are

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they who are the early he was so happy he or Baraka was seldom at

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the Sleeman kefir on Eli Yomi Dean Allah Bard.

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So my dear respected Friends of the respected brothers, our

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sisters Salaam Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Nice to be in your midst today

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in this masjid, mashallah, in the Northern Hemisphere,

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we ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to give us Tofik to speak about

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something that will be useful to all of us inshallah.

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Because you know, these 20 minutes, they're the most valuable

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20 minutes of the week for the Muslims. And if the Imam who's

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standing here, waste your time, then it's not worth it. So I asked

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Allah to protect me from wasting your time.

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Because it's a big responsibility.

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Just some time ago, about two months ago, there was a brother

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who I met, he was a graduate of Imperial College, which is one of

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the top universities of the world, one of the top 10 universities of

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the world.

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He had graduated several years ago, meaning maybe 15 years ago,

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top top marks

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and he graduated with a number of other people in accountancy.

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He was only making 27,000 Now,

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whereas the people who graduated with him we're making now 50,000

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around the 50,000 pounds mark. So he wasn't making as much as them.

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Mashallah, he's a religious brother.

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And he said that I feel that I'm not making enough.

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And I'm not doing enough.

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So I asked him a few things and mashallah, he still lives with his

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parents. He's not married. And I said, do you save any money? Does

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your income allow you to get everything you want? Yes. Do you

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save money? Yes. I said you make more than a lot of Imams. Right?

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27,000 in England, I know Norway has a different equation, right?

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Because water in London cost 70 pounds to one pound. Whereas in

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Norway, you the basic water costs two pound a bottle. So it's no

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it's very expensive anyway, right.

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he makes more than a lot of Imams. So now the question is, is that

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why are you feeling this way?

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He is feeling this way. Because he is comparing himself.

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Everything that he has, it's enough. But he's comparing himself

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and he's feeling bad.

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Now there are two words that I want to speak about quickly. One

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is called topical. And the other one is called Canara. Tawakkol.

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I'm assuming everybody knows that term. Because although it's an

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Arabic word, we use it in order do we use it in Somali we use it in

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it's an Islamic term. And it crosses all borders. So most

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people know what our call means. They have some idea if I was to

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ask you, yeah, he you know what your what do you think our call is

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to you? Then we will probably get a few different answers here.

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The other word is cannot How many of you know what kinda admins

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Okay, one, at least you got one and I'm sure more than that, bro.

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You know. So, unfortunately, that's not as a popular term. It's

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called contentment. Satisfaction with what you have. That's a very

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important Islamic ideal. It's a it's a it's something that we must

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have. It's part of the necessary things that are Muslims character

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should be made of cannot Tawakkol and cannot they actually go

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together? It's very difficult to have Tawakkol without Canara or

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Connor and without the vocal. The vocal means to rely on Allah

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subhanho wa Taala that he is the source. He is the giver of

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everything. And we rely on him to look after us. No believer will.

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Allah always wills the best for believers? Generally, that's the

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case. So we rely on Allah subhanho wa taala. That's what you call

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Tawakkol Karna it means to be satisfied with what Allah has

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given us. And not to complain. No Sheikah No, no complaints, no

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crying over that, especially if you have enough.

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Now keep those two concepts in mind. And now I'm going to tell

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you a story. I have 20 minutes I have to rush this, but I'm going

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to tell you a story.

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This story inspired me a lot. If you find it boring. Then at the

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end after we finish off the Juma please come and tell me this was

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boring story.

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All right, please write so listen to it carefully. And if you find

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it boring and uninspiring, then please come and tell me and I will

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stop using the story then. But I find it very, very, very inspiring

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and Hamdulillah

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this story is about a Hakeem sob. Do you know what a Hakeem sob is?

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I mean, the ODU people will know what the Hakeem service but you

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probably don't know what a Hakeem service. Right? That's fine. You

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don't need to. I'll tell you what it is. A Hakim Sam is somebody in

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the Indian subcontinent who deals with you nanny forms of treatment

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medicine. You in any form is an old Greek medicine. They use a lot

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of herbs and they use a lot of natural things. It's very similar

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to i a Vedic medicine in India. And it's supposed to be very good,

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right. So there was a Hakeem Saab who was from Gujranwala. Anybody

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from Gujranwala here.

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Right? You're from her from Gujranwala.

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So there was a Hakeem Saab who used to live in a village, a

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government entity, he was in a village outside of the small city,

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which normally is a small city, right, or a town or something. He

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used to come every day to work. So it's somebody who lives in

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Gardermoen, or in Riga, or whatever it is, and he comes to

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Oslo, and he's got a clinical, he starts off in the morning, he

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comes in his wife every day, every two days gives him a small piece

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of paper on which is the shopping list, because you can't get

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everything in the villages, you have to come to the city to buy

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it. Every day he comes he looks at the shopping list, this much

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masala, this much spice, this much milk, this machinist and he puts

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the pricing down. And then he taught us the price. 2000 rupees,

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5000 rupees, 10,000 rupees, whatever it is, and then he starts

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Bismillah he starts his work is as Yala I'm only doing this for your

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Imagine this, like a taxi driver. We have taxi drivers here I'm

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assuming a taxi driver who starts off in the morning or in the

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evening when they start work. Okay, this is what I need today.

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Yeah, Allah, I'm leaving this in your hands. I am responsible for

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my family. That's why I need to be doing this. So oh Allah give me

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Baraka. That's how he starts his day. He starts seeing the

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patients, you know, they check your, your knob, they check your,

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your, your your pulse. And recently there was a big Hakeem

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that came from India. He just touches your hand like this. And

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he can tell you what your problems are is amazing. I went with my

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whole family, they it's quite amazing how they just feel your

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pulse. And they can say, okay, you've got cancer, you got this,

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you got that. It's quite amazing. And another story, that's another

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story. So he sees patients, as soon as he's made enough money,

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3000 5000 rupees. He closes his shop and he goes home.

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Every day, he does that.

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Now what happened is, he's been doing this for a long time.

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Apparently, there was a person one day, he's in his shop, and a

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person comes in who looks different. He's all suited,

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booted, looks like he's Pakistani as well. But he looks like a

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And he's sitting on the side. So Hakeem self says that after he

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sees everybody around him, he says, come here, I can check your

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pulse if you've got a problem or if it's about somebody else and

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let me know. So the person came over, he says Hakeem sub I don't

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think you have. I don't think you have recognized me. says no, who

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are you? He says, I was here 15 years ago. I came here 15 years

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ago, Pandora Sal Bella, right? 15 years ago. This is no I don't

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remember. He said what happened is we were going from Lahore to

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miracle right, which is in Azad Kashmir. And we were passing

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Gujranwala and might tire bust. So we were outside in the heat. And

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you saw us while the tire was getting fixed, so you told me to

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come and sit in your shop 15 years ago.

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So I sat there, and I looked at you and your patients and you had

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a small girl there. And this was late morning, like you know,

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nearly afternoon and the girl kept saying to you, you finished your

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patients off. And then I felt that I should be supporting you giving

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you something. So I said, Look, let me go and ask him to make an

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excuse. I'll give him I'll speak to him so I can maybe pay him some

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money for the good kindness he has shown me. So I came to you and I

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said to you that Hakeem sub, we have been in England for the last

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five, six years. Right? He was from England, but originally from

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Mirabaud. We've been in England for five, six years. Me and my

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wife, we can't have children. We've done all the tests in the

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hospital but we can't have children.

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So, you know, so the Hakeem Saab while he was speaking and

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listening to him, he was making the wine for him his his medicine,

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he was making something. So when he finished he said okay, here

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this is for you. This is for your wife, giving children is in the

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hands of Allah subhanaw taala nobody can help you except Allah

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subhanaw taala but take this insha Allah Allah will give you a baraka

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and then he then the person said, his name was Muhammad Ali, I think

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he said how much because he's this was an excuse to pay him. He says

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Watch. He says Alaska, Hatha been like today's balance is closed. So

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what do you mean today's balance is closed? Somebody else was

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sitting there, he said, What he means is that every morning he

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comes, he makes the exact amount that he needs for his day. And

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then after that he doesn't he doesn't do it take any more

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patients. Or Jim. Very strange. So he said, I went away. Now after 15

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years, and he says, I remember on that time, you had a daughter who

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kept saying, Baba, let's go home. Let's go home. Right? It's late.

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It's late. And you kept telling her just wait, just wait. You

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waited for us until our car was fixed. 15 years ago. Now I'm

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coming back to you. We came because now my entire family is in

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love is in the UK. And what is new, the whole Gujarat is sitting

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here in Norway. Right? So he goes what's new? So he said yeah, all

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my family is in the UK we all settled Alhamdulillah Allah

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subhanaw taala has now given me three beautiful children. We took

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your medicine hamdulillah has given us three beautiful children.

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This time I we came here because my we have one sister left here,

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who is a widow, her husband has passed away. We had all decided

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that she's got one daughter and we are going to pay for her Nikka all

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her marriage and everything. And we've done the shopping and she

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was supposed to get married on the 21st or something like this. She

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was just a few days ago she went to shopping you know out in

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wherever it was they went to do shopping she started feeling a bit

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dizzy, but they carried a headache or something and then eventually

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she fell down they took her to the hospital. But unfortunately when

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they took her to the hospital eventually she did not survive she

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passed away just a few days or a week or two before the wedding.

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Now we have all of the all of the summer now what happened is this I

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forgot to tell you one very important thing on this day when

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Hakeem self had come in the morning

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and he opened up his note from his wife that morning which he has

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been doing for the last 20 years or whatever long in there it was

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okay this much this respect this small small things and at the

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bottom lurky Jessica salmon

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all the expenses and all of the whatever you need for your

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daughter's wedding. So he had put all of the budgeting he had put

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you know the price and under that one it was a lot that has to be

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you know 50,000 Whatever big amounts sometimes because the

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unfortunately the rewards and the culture he demands a certain

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number. He wrote a lotta Aloka come on Naja Allah Tala knows this

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is Allah's work. Allah knows that's what he had written because

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he was in the morning he is I don't know, how are we going to

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make this much money. That's what he had written there. Then the

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story happens. So now this, this visitor is telling him that we had

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come for our daughter's wedding, our niece's wedding, but she's

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passed away, we've got all the Summon, and me and my wife have

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been deciding that you also have a daughter, because 15 years ago,

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you had that daughter, I remember, if she is gonna get married soon,

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then inshallah all the we have purchased will come and drop it or

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give us your address, we'll send the truck and he will drop

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everything off there. If it's later, we're willing to pay for

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it. And the Hakeem sub is just looking at him and saying, I can't

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believe this. I can't believe this. And finally he takes the

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paper he says they call you and he says he saw on there. He said when

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I first came in the morning, I didn't know how this was gonna

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happen. And subhanAllah Why did this happen? Now, this happens

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because every day you have been thankful to Allah, you have been

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satisfied with what Allah has given you. And you know that Allah

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is always going to give you what you need. So when it was his need,

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which was unusually it, you don't get daughters married every day.

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Allah subhanaw taala then provided him I found that to be extremely

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inspirational. The reason is that today, the taxi drivers, and I'm

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not picking on taxi drivers may Allah subhanaw taala give them a

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good job and a better Inshallah, but this is just an example people

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with their own businesses.

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When you're in your own business, when you're doing taxi driving,

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the more you work, the more money you make. It's very difficult to

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have a limit.

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That okay, I'm only going to work this much to this much telling me

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Do you know anybody who works like the Hakeem so that they only make

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the money they need and then were they satisfied? How many of us are

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even satisfied with the extra money that we make? On twee I can

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talk about myself. Allah has given me the clothing I want to wear.

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Allah has given me the food and food that I want to eat. I am not

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forced to eat cardboard. I am not forced to eat scraps as our

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brothers in Syria are facing the Rohingya Muslim are facing

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Alhamdulillah in the UK and in Norway. Allahu Akbar, Allah has

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blessed us. It's just like no doubt about it.

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Now the question

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When is that? What are we supposed to do? What should our mind be?

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Where is the debacle in our life? Where is the corner in our life,

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the satisfaction and contentment in our life? That's the question.

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This is exactly what I told his brother, you, you know, the

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brother from Imperial College who had graduated that accountant. I

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said, the reason why you're feeling bad is because you're

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comparing yourself. Those people who are making 50,000 Do they have

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any time for their family? ask them that question maybe. Right?

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Maybe they've got a 50,000 pound job or 100,000 pound, whatever.

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But is that all it's about? Is it just about the number? Aren't you

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getting satisfied? There's a hadith that has really, really

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benefited me. When I read that hadith afterwards. It helped me so

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much that look, there's no point running after money, extra money.

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Look, if you don't, if you can't make enough, and you just can't

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survive, then I can understand that you are trying to get another

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job and so on. Right? There's people like this. There's one

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person who called me recently, his rent is, I think, 1400 pounds 1400

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or 1400 a month, he makes 1100 pounds. He's got three children,

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he lives in a two bedroom that's renting for two bedrooms. He gets

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another job to try to even just cover his rent, he makes 1100 rent

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is 1400 He has to get a second job to try to cover them. He's also

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thinking that I'm going to give one of those rooms I'm going to

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rent it out. So his family of five are gonna live in one bedroom.

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There are people who are struggling, there's no doubt about

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that there are people are saying May Allah make it easy for them.

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But those of us mashallah who don't have to struggle. We make

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more than we need for the day. The hadith of rasool Allah is a sahih

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Hadith the Prophet sallallahu sallam said,

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Whoever wakes up in the morning,

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more often feed yesterday he, he wakes up in the morning, and he's

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got health. He's got decent health. Number two, he is secure.

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He is secure, you can go outside. Even in South Africa was there in

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Ramadan, my friend cannot let his daughter or wife go out just down

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the road to the shops. It's that dangerous. And that's a good

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country, like a decent country. Can you imagine in all of these

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other places, right? Can you imagine in all of these other

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places, we have security you can walk around Alhamdulillah with a

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relative amount of safety. So we have safety, we have health and

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the province Hello. Some said we have a safety we have as has

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health in the morning. And number three, he has his days sustenance,

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you have enough food to survive for your day. Then the Professor

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lorrison said it is as if the whole dunya has been brought to

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your feet and rolled up and brought to your feets. Dunya be

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Heather Ophelia.

00:17:54 --> 00:17:59

Now tell me, if you have that for your day, then tomorrow's another

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day. On that day. We also have, you know, from our history, that

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every day Allah has given us

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I'm not saying don't earn more and give sadaqa I'm not saying that.

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I'm just saying Don't feel bad. By comparing yourself to others.

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Comparison is extremely dangerous. They have their life you have your

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life. Allah subhanho wa Taala may have given you slightly less than

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that person. I walk past I meet with people who have Allahu Akbar

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so much, if I'm going to be competing with them and looking at

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that as a standard, I'm going to be miserable for all my life,

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because there's always somebody who has more. There is one of the

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princes of Saudi Arabia, who has been right now who's in trouble.

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Right? A friend of mine has been to his house, he says is a mile

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long. That's how big that house is that he used to live in and he was

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he says he was showing off and showing me everything.

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What are you going to compare yourself with? What is really life

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about? That's what we have to ask ourselves. Don't compare. Just be

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the the meaning of contentment, is that Oh Allah, you have given me

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Al Hamdulillah I've got clothing, I've got food. I've got

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hamdulillah the deen and I have my daily sustenance. Alhamdulillah my

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health hamdulillah Allah Thank you very much. Hamdulillah that is the

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MO don't compare yourself. Always look at lower people. So at least

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you can do sugar. You look at higher people than you will always

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complain. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give us contentment to

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give a satisfaction to give us baraka to give us blessing and may

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Allah subhanaw taala bless all of you brothers from Oslo, Norway and

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wherever else that you come from JazakAllah Hadron well athlete

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that runner and Al Hamdulillah European

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