Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Do not sell your Akhirah for someone else’s Dunya

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker advises against selling a product for someone else's name and suggests that people should slowly become aware of the situation and try to avoid messing with their dretion. They also mention that people with followers do not want to mess with their dretion.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now, do not sell your akhira for somebody else's dunya. For

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somebody else's world, what that means is, you've gotten yourself

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with somebody who is not a very good impression, not a very good

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person, meaning they do a lot of wrong things, you become obliged

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to do what they do, because you're part of their clique, you're part

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of the group. And if you don't do what they do, though, you don't

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want to do it. You have much better knowledge and

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understanding, but you can't help it. So then you slowly slowly you

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get involved in the same thing. And then after that, you end up

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messing your dunya and your hero for their dunya. The what they're

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getting out of it is the is the is the fact that they've got a lot of

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followers and you know, everybody does what they say. So be very

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careful about that. This happens at all levels. It happens even in

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adults to be honest. So be very careful with that.

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