Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Discovering the Sacred Masjid in Jerusalem

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the use of the phrase "expanded Al Qaeda" in English to describe events, including predictions and predictions of a spiritual presence. They also mention the use of the phrase "Art Al Qaeda" to describe events, including predictions of a spiritual presence.
AI: Transcript ©
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Local Masjid is you is you that's who you are. Right? And that's

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what you should be populating your local German, your local place of

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congregation on Friday. However, there are three masjids where you

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can actually go specifically, take a trip for it and you will get

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more reward there. That's Masjid Al haram, Masjid Luxa and

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Masjid Nabawi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So that's what this is the

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one mercy the prophets, Allah some spoke about gabra The Allah carob

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is quoted as saying that all the prophets visited Jerusalem out of

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veneration. And again, Allah knows best exactly that. But we know

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that from the Hadith about mirage that they came on that on that

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day, it says the prophets Allah awesome came here, Titus horse, he

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made his Torah cards, and then after that he sees behind him all

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of these prophets, and they will waiting there, and Gibreel Ali

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salaam grabs him and makes him the imam. What a wonderful sight that

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must have been. What a wonderful state that must have been.

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