Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Disciplining the Ego for Ultimate Servitude [Hikam 32 & 34]

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The concept of focusing on one's actions and surrounding environment is used to gain new understanding and understanding about one's true true reasons for achieving goals. The Shayateens, who are used to solving mysteries and identifying things that may happen, may become arrogant and may not know the secrets of their true true true true reasons. The Shayateens' "imigrational change" can lead to destruction of oneself, personal reasons, family reasons, and desire for a better bike. The potential for conflict between physical and emotional limits of Islam and the Shayateens' "imigrational change" can lead to conflict between human attributes.
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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah your salatu salam ala Sayyidina
Muhammad wa early he was software he he marine a mother
this is from the chapter on disciplining the ego.
We thought we'd leave this aspect to afterwards because
I think by doing these other things zone it will become easier.
Otherwise zone it is a very difficult concept for us. It's
what I believe in for this world.
So I'll discipline the ego he says
if not auto Illa Rahimullah HE SAYS THE SHOW Woolfolk on the show
woof Oka.
Ilana batana fie communal or you will be Hiram in the show.
Wolfinger Ilana Huji barang come in Hello YouTube.
The show will fuck the show whoo Fuka Illa baton fi communal or you
will be Hiram in the show. Wolfinger Isla Maharajji Baron
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you're being on the lookout for the vices hidden within you is
better than you being on the lookout for the invisible
realities veiled from you.
So being on the lookout for vices hidden within one is better than
being on the lookout for invisible realities that are veiled from a
The show off the show off the show off means to look out for
something, to try to understand something to gain something new, a
new understanding about something and to pay some attention to
something special attention, I want to know this, I want to
understand this.
So what he's saying here is that if the inside is focus is inward,
as opposed to outward,
if his focus is inward, to look for those things, which we have
within us in at different degrees, different levels. For example, if
we have
levels of jealousy within our hearts,
arrogance, pride, love of position, love of status.
Leadership, always focused on
acquiring our sustenance, risk, always to be on the lookout for
One is we need the risk for the day. But the other one is to
constantly look at our whole 24 hour focus becomes what we're
going to earn.
Which can be very consuming, because that's the way businesses
work if it makes you
there's a benefit in business. It's a sunnah, but it can also
become quite
suffocating, very engaging.
The fear of poverty overtakes a person.
It consumes a person that constantly worried about being
That's a problem as well.
As anybody has anybody ever
thought what would happen if I became poor?
You know, it's something to think about.
But that becoming you know, that that means you don't have to work
on them Allah subhanaw taala. If that's all you're thinking about,
it means I have to get get get because I want to become poor.
You almost seems like in this world, that the bigger you get,
the more you lose eventually.
Because everything becomes tied up and I call the friend once.
A hero is very wealthy, his income is about $150 an hour.
That's his income
as a medical doctor, and then I know he's got a huge seven bedroom
house. And he's got hotels with his brothers.
He said at this time, everything of mine is under mortgage.
Because they did some bad deal on a particular new hotel they wanted
to buy, and then it didn't go through or something like that he
had to mortgage everything to be able to pay that.
So where you've got a person living in absolute luxury and, and
having everything free, it's it was all paid for most of this, but
the some of the business ventures that they went into, on the
interest, et cetera, et cetera, eventually caught up with them and
took all of this as well.
So sometimes the bigger you are the more diverse eventually you
start gambling with everything. And then it all goes sometimes as
well. Doesn't happen to have to happen like that, but it can
happen like that. Then he says
what tolerable for Susiya
to want to be special,
distinctive in everything.
And other you would like this are the defects of this nature. These
are all the different types of defects. Sometimes a person will
have a number of these defects, sometimes maybe one will be more
of a problem than others. It just depends. So for a person to look
for these kinds of defects, and
to search for them, and then to try and attempt to remove them to
eliminate them, is superior than you're looking for that which has
been kept avail from you in reading books of the Olia and so
on. And they mashallah seem to master the mysteries. They know,
things of that nature. So this is obviously speaking about a person,
not just any Tom, Dick, and Harry, not just any person on the street,
it's obviously speaking about a person who is focused. And who's
heard the stories of the Olia and their strange mysteries and things
like that. So they want that associate as well.
So this is a parallel of the path, this is not for somebody else.
This is not for somebody who is not on the path, he's not going to
think of looking for mysteries. Far be it, you know, this is for
somebody who's on the path, who's been on the path for a while, and
now he wants to become bigger. So he wants to know these mysteries.
Why are these mysteries opening to me? Why can't I see certain dreams
and tell what's gonna happen tomorrow, in essence, you know,
not the future, etc. But, you know, to certainly know about
these things, when you hear about the Roma, the stories that we'll
hear Allah, and so on. So, this type of attention is more
important than trying to look for those things which have been
veiled from us.
So for example, he says, Kelly Tila or the Assadi, Larry Bird, to
know the secrets of people.
Certain things that may occur,
to know the subtleties of the hate, give you if you start
reading in the lobby, and you see some of the subtleties that he
brings up and he says, ha ha, love or Elena. This is what Allah
subhanaw taala has opened up to us, as revealed to us. And those
are definitely mysteries that nobody can say that just by their
own whim, these are things that they
have been opened up to them. So this is talking about a high level
fitna within the path as you can see. So all of that is not what
you should be looking for. It should be an inward looking,
because you're looking for you're paying attention to that which has
been hidden of the tube and the defects within you. Is suburban
fie hieratic, aerobic, that will be the means of making your heart
a life of enlivening your heart.
And the life of your heart will then become a suburb and a means
for perpetual Hyatts perpetual life in the hereafter when our
evil Mukhin
the bounties of the hereafter
what it did Ireland will you be nama who duel?
This is obviously an accomplished scholar who's saying this imminent
Jeeva you're saying you're looking for all of this view, it's full,
it's a waste superfluous, it's waste. Fabiola means that which is
beyond the need for duel. That's what it means. In order to and so
on, we use the word fool for
it's more negative than in Arabic for doing means extra beyond the
need Beyond The Beyond the amount that is during so it's
superfluous, it's extra, it's beyond your need, which can of
course sometimes become just extravagant for no reason. And
sometimes he says it can be become the suburb of Hala Kunis of the
destruction of yourself.
Because then, if you do find out a few of these things in your knifes
is not ready, subdued enough, and the heart is not strong enough to
be able to deal with it in a correct manner.
Then you will become arrogant, I know these things, I must be
I must have something special, smaller. These are absolute
Few miracles happen to you. If you you know, few few extraordinary
things happen to a person and then suddenly you start feeling like
I must be us, you know, then even the sins we're committing, we just
suddenly feel like
I must be special though. Despite all of these things that I'm
committing. Szczepan is very subtle.
So a person might think the person may start becoming more arrogant
and they think that they have a special distinction about others.
You never hear that person speaking about these things that
Sheikh isn't like this, you know, things of that nature.
So another thing that he will eventually say is anybody who does
become the person who does
gain the knowledge of the secrets of people,
but then doesn't have enough mercy within the heart doesn't have
enough Divine Mercy
then this
Knowing of his will be a fitna for him, he won't know how to deal
with it. The reason you may know about somebody that Allah subhanaw
taala may open up something about someone for you. Like being able
to see somebody sins or cash for cash or for or just knowing
something about people, if you don't have the mercy, then how
will you start thinking of this person, the whole point that you
should have this is so that you can help them in a system where
suburban usual rule wobble usual WABA in a it can actually bring
destruction to you.
He says that there are three types of YouTube that we need to be
worried about three types of defects that one needs to be
worried about. And although some of these we've heard about before,
but the categorization is quite different from normal, he says
there are three types of are you one is real business. Another one
is real, we'll call and the third is are you rule.
So each one of these has a different placement, these are all
Or you will knifes as we know is the knifes to become associated
lowly desires. Bodily desires, we all know what we're speaking about
your bodily desires, for example, looking for the most excellent of
foods, what is you know, you feel like a good food one day,
as the as the earlier used to say that when the food used to come,
then we used to eat like men. And when we didn't have it, than we
used to make supper like men as well.
But this person is constantly looking for good food. It's the
desire, you know, it's constantly every day, there has to be some
good dish, good food, good restaurant, and so on.
Food and Drink clothing, clothing becomes an obsession. That's
another problem. Clothing becomes an obsession.
means of conveyance cars today, motorbikes bikes.
In everything there is, you know, there is an indulgent aspect of
So in bikes, you get a normal bike. It's heavy, so you want it
later. So that's the pursuit of likenesses in bikes. It's quite
amazing. When you look at all of these different things, the world
is very sophisticated and the knifes has a proper relationship
with it. So then you think, no, I need a better bike, the better
bike means that one higher up is meaning it's made of steel. So
it's a bit lighter than
aluminum, for example, or it's the other way around, I can't
So then it's 10 kilograms,
they were to 300 pounds. Then after that
you want carbon, which about seven kilograms, you're dropping three
kilograms. That's very important in bikes. Because you're not I
don't have to push the weight along.
How much are they they're 1000 pounds, they jump from two 300 to
And then the titanium, they're 7000. They start at
789 1000 10,000. This is what the pros use, because they're very
light. And they're still strong. So there's no end to things. Right
now of course, if you need it, it's a different issue. But if
that's what you become an obsession, I want to buy this,
this, this this and you start making your baby. In that sense.
Same kind of thing like this, while Moroccan places of residence
and living near these are all of our thing, well monarchy, then the
next thing is who you need to marry.
And for men, this is a bigger fitna because they have the
option, you know the Shakti option to have more than one so it's a
constant thing on your mind. With women, they just they just have to
kill that idea. Even if they do have it they generally don't. But
even if they do, they can kill that idea. So they have less of a
fitna there, they may have a fitness somewhere that is more
than that. So for many sister constant thing of that nature,
that doesn't mean a person cannot pay or all those orlimar who had
another way for three waves and probably it doesn't mean that but
for it to be an obsession that that's all we're concerned about
is what the problem is here.
Allahu Akbar of course a person is focused on Allah he's doing a surf
car is constantly focused and then an opportunity comes to have a new
car Hamdulillah you need to get a new car it's fine you need to get
a new car. So these are all Are you good enough? So as you see we
know it's all about position here. Are you will help is there a local
who'll be Shaohua to Colombia, which are desires of the heart
which are these attachments of the heart gerbil jar water Yassa
love of
honor, love of position leadership is well keeper.
Love of high position, arrogance
Hassard and Hecht which means a person is dominated by jealousy.
A lot of these will be intertwined. Hatred for someone
because of whatever reason it may be love of position and
distinction and other things
these are to do with the heart
which means there's enough send the heart to separate entities in
that sense.
What are you baru these are probably new to us or you guru
because they probably haven't kicked in yet because we probably
haven't even worked in our room. So the problems of that haven't
even kicked in yet they're a higher level of problem it seems
it's to become associated with the internal problems of the roof like
looking for karamat.
Stations MK Arnotts there's a difference between squirrel and
maca much a herd is what something comes upon you that Allah subhanaw
taala sins upon you and matam is a place that you achieve yourself
through majorda
So my time is MACOM alpha and so on as you go so these are stations
of the path
a while is something that comes from Allah subhanaw taala states
so mahkamah Kosovo and Horsa you're concerned about these kinds
of aspects of the hereafter. So for a Modi to be looking out for
these kinds of things is going to have a major effect on his booty
and what we're trying to achieve here is herbal the
absolute servitude ma'am your own love woman Okay, yeah, maybe her
okay Ruby Yeti. See our responsibilities are booty so that
we can fulfill the Ruby of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. But if something
is going to be a hindrance to his,
or booty, it's obviously going to be
a hindrance to fulfilling the rights of Ruby of Allah subhanaw
Hence, a person becoming engrossed in looking for his own nutsy
desires and weaknesses and problems and the pulpy desires,
which means the ones of the heart and the Rouhani ones. And his
attempt at purification of all of these things is superior to a
person looking for extra knowledge
of that which has generally been veiled from people.
So it's not talking about pursuing knowledge that is available.
There are alien which is not veiled, which is available in
books, that's completely fine, because that helps us to get to
Allah subhanaw taala but the other is what becomes revealed to one
and sometimes Allah subhanaw taala can give it to somebody as a
fitna. So the way chef can go he explains this he says, Oh seeker,
you are eager to discover hidden matters. You desire to know of the
divine mystery secrets and subtleties. You consider these
matters to be the goal. Remember that to incline the heart in this
direction, and pursue these hidden entities is not for your welfare.
This attitude is in fact harmful for you, it is better for you to
view your spiritual defects such as showing off envy, pride, etc.
And to concern yourself with the elimination. If in the course of
your spiritual journey, some mystery is revealed to you do not
attach significance to it. Keep in mind that your purpose is the
purification of your ego from evil attributes.
It's completely fine if you see a good dream, to feel nice about it.
But don't become so obsessed with it. That's it I've reached that's
the point of it. And people mashallah they will start seeing
dreams they will see dreams and they will be seeing dreams. Again,
these are glad you can say these glad tidings Tilka igino Bucha
min, as well as some said that sometimes something happens to you
because of something you do, makes you happy you can make you happy
but not make it make you vain, not make you deluded? That's the main
thing about these things. The next one is he says oh courage mean oh
Safi bashary ethic. Both Raj min Safi butchery ethic and Cooley was
when Mona is in the caribou. Deitrich Lita, cool linedata In
hockey Mooji been Amin harati, he Caribbean.
What that means is amongst the attributes of your human nature,
draw away from everyone that is incompatible with your servanthood
so anything that seems to
contradict your being an act of Allah subhanho wa Taala draw away
from it.
So that you may be responsive to the call of Allah and near his
presence. That's the only way you can answer the call of Allah
subhanho wa taala.
So what he says here is
the old soft, the what are these soft, especially as he says, What
are these human traits that we need to be worried about?
But at any o'clock any characteristic, any attributes,
which will take a person away from single minded worship to Allah
subhanaw taala, if it diverged, if it diverts your attention, if it
preoccupies our thoughts, it takes away our concentration, it hinders
our concentration. So all of that is called the Halacha Luxuria,
which is coming in the way of our OBEDIA, we can, I mean, the best
way to check this out his thoughts a lot and see what you think
about. That's the way we understand whether we've got a
problem or not, sometimes you wake up late for Fudger
your clocks been going on, you're tired, whatever, and you keep
snoozing it, and then you wake up and you've got four minutes left
for sunrise, for example.
So you run you just about do Your will do quickly, you're not gonna
do a nice, we'll do that. Now. You're right, you're gonna do a
quick we'll do. Okay, that's one half minutes, one minute, one and
a half minutes, you're gonna go and Allahu Akbar and just put it
So we can't see Allah subhanaw taala in his reaction.
But if we're to think at that time that I've told somebody do
something, you tell your children do something, when you tell
somebody else to do something. And they were supposed to have it,
they had two hours to do it, they have three hours to do it.
Suddenly, they come rushing at the last minute because they've been
snoozing. And they just, you know, take it and put it here and then
let's quickly make it on here.
How you gonna feel
Subhanallah that's, that's, this is the way I mean, we this is the
way of our Salaat
so forget Fajr any other Salaat we have to pray, come on, let's get
it out of the way.
So we just kind of do it. Here you go. It's like we have to give food
to an old person in the house each time.
You know how these care workers they have a problem sometimes they
start abusing the people that they start looking at is like I have to
feed them five times a day quickly go and put the throw the cereal in
put the milk in here, you slap it down on the table. You know,
that's our salad is like that.
Because we just kind of get it out of the way Alhamdulillah we at
least get it out of the way. But we start looking at it from where
it shouldn't be so is Is this the level of our booty?
So why are we doing it like this? Because there's a number of things
that are diverting our attention to doing it properly.
First one, he says oh, clergymen outside the machete ethic just
totally relieve yourself of any of these characteristics that will
hinder and oppose your booty.
So he says that
these are the o'clock which go against sincerity in our booty.
He says that the cause is two things. One is
that our local called be illogical behind the heart being associated
with the animalistic attributes.
What is that? Basically what are the things within us that animals
like to do as well and pretty much do all day. Shehata button will
the desires of the heart and private desires of the stomach and
private parts. And anything else to do with that with the love of
the dunya and the Shaohua and the love of the dunya reshot dunya
desires. Allah subhanho wa Taala says z and then the nasty horrible
shouts Mina Nisa you will benim women children what will pan out
even more control means the hubby will filter gold and silver and
objects made of that? Well Hayden was a woman horses these days is
no horses, it's it's cars. Well, we'll we'll have an your business
and those days it was farming. So business whatever it may be today.
So it's these things number two, the Hello cuckoo bee Aloka
shayateen. Now he's doing a different categorization of all of
those attributes that we spoke about earlier. These are
animalistic attributes because the animals do it. And the other ones
are Allahu Shayateen what are they? The keeper and the hazard
and so on. They have local Shayateen as well. But they the
shaytaan and then knifes is his is his association.
So keeper has an anger excessive anger.
Hatred in the heart sharpness, which means harshness in a sense.
he says
acting city
love of position.
Love of praise. Just harshness of the heart
and everything. Ugliness vainness rude being rude.
honoring the wealthy
degrading the Pokhara.
Hopeful fucker. All of this is shaytaan creates hopeful fuckery.
Concern for your systems throughout Brooklyn show extreme
greed and avarice and
my silliness, Ria and urgency and everything else that comes with
that. Then he says woman I'll call hula who either Shaffer tarbiyah
follow you dodge Illa che in Seville St. Marie will etbr This
is Jerry talking about the path of Allah subhanaw taala has placed
somebody in front of a good accomplish Sheikh tarbiyah a true
sheikh of tarbiyah
they will not be in need of anything except estima and etbr.
Listening carefully and following that's what that's what their job
is to do.
So either hydrogen marine o'clock will behave finally when the
marine extracts himself from the traits of the animals, the Halacha
be lucky Rouhani even then they will
take on the traits of the Rouhani
because over the wall what are you well Connor it will fit well the
Nabila he will own CV.
This is what you will eventually get abstinence from the world. So
I think maybe we're studying abstinence too early. Because he
just seems so difficult. Where's the way to it? Well, we have to do
this first. What corner contentment if to be
chaste? Rena Billa being enriched just through Allah not feeling
that you need anybody else independent of everything else,
while on CB
and to feel the comfort with Allah subhanaw taala May Allah give us
the comfort with Allah subhanaw taala comforted with Allah is when
we rushed to him whenever we have a problem, because we know he's
going to do like a mother and child and so Mother Allah time.
And then when a person comes out of the locker shouting, so read
that the first one was when he person is relieved of the first
type of animalistic traits, then he will have this and if a person
eventually managed to extract themselves from the local
Shayateen then they will get the local minima or local melodica the
angelic traits like lavado
angels are never arrogant. They're fully in submission. So the word
salaam to southern pure heart clean hearts, held forbearance,
Sakina Rozana all of these things and be calmness about them.
astuteness to Matt Nina was so hula when Luna will humo they'll
have a tranquility about them. They'll be easygoing, there'll be
soft natured, they will not want to be too out in the open they
will they'll be quite happy to be where they are because they've got
such a value. Valuable association with Allah subhanaw taala that
suffice with the aim of Allah was shuffled our Rajmata allinial
Fukada Alma sakin compassion for fellow humans will will overtake
their hearts so they will begin to honor for Cara and masa keen, what
Ali mismo Jimmy Illuma, well, Kurama Sahar will do they will
become more generous because the workload will increase. There'll
be more honorable in that regard.
They will do more Barack Obama more shahada more Malik, Fidel
gain all of that much more of all of this.
And when a person takes on these o'clock,
then and this becomes a nature for them, this becomes their taste.
This becomes their indulgence. This becomes their thing.
After they've been extracted from the opposites,
and what can add them highly suddenly Mola and a person become
a sincere servant of his Lord hohlraum masiva will have freedom
from everybody else from anything else besides Allah subhanho wa
Taala then he will become leader he Mooji when he will answer to
every call of Allah subhanaw taala will mean Herati he is periurban
and close to the Presence of Allah subhanho wa taala. So when his
Lord will say to him yah Abdi, he will say Yarrow
that means in anything that he knows his Lord is calling him he
will say yah, yah, it will become easier for him to do that. For
Kerala Sadia confy giammetti, you will be truthful in his response,
you won't get just come and splash down a meal. You won't just come
and put a few threats such as down so that it's time it's done. But
now there will be a reason they will he will want to respond to it
will do his job really properly. The city OBO deity because of the
truthfulness of his servitude
and this is as this is, this is the crux of this whole matter
between FEMA indica and I'm going to have you confuse Shaohua
Your boy hero Albertina belt in Africa and I've done enough see
your shower. This is our problem, which is that as opposed to if the
person is engrossed in his apparent and hidden shower, what?
Then he is a servant to himself and he showered for either Callie
Rob. So then when Allah says when he says yeah, Rob Kanika diva
when you say yeah, Rob Yeah Rob we're thinking even in our doors
when we're actually asking Allah subhanaw taala our mind is
somewhere else sometimes.
If we have a harbor shame for what I'm doing the WHO because whenever
a person loves something, then that becomes he becomes a servant.
Well, who lay your head in your corner abdin, the lady and Allah
subhanaw taala does not want you to be a servant of anybody else.
And the wonderful thing is that once you do, you know the odier
Allah who do get to the status of becoming a tourist tourism and of
Allah subhanaw taala, only, then they enjoy the dunya it's all
brought to their feet, they can have whatever they want. We also
want it they also get it, but they get it while without any hassle.
Whereas we get it and we have a guilty feeling that we shouldn't
be doing this.
Or we're not doing enough ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So, the dunya
will come,
you will come to you, if you if you if we if we focus on Allah
subhanaw taala. When a person comes out of Shabbat, and these
Nazi desires, then he will also be close to the Hadera till Huck, he
will also be close to the presence of the truthful one. But I
actually found fi here. In fact, that is all he'll be focused on.
the only thing that takes us out of the huddle is all of these
fancy love of these fanciful ideas that we have in our mind. If we
become free of them, and we become associated with servitude, we will
find us we will find ourselves with the Hulk data.
That seems so easy. It seems so easy that if we free ourselves
from this rudeness, we just come out of that we'll find that we
we've entered the code of Allah subhanaw taala then we will have
closeness with him. So then he says here, there are two kinds of
human attributes vice and virtue, the virtuous, the
virtuous attributes are obedience, faith, humility, contentment,
patients, etc. The evil attributes are classified into two
categories. The first class is related to the physical limits,
such as backbiting, injustice, theft, etc. The second class is
related to the heart such as pride, vanity and jealousy. The
evil attributes are in conflict with worship and obedience. It is
imperative to strive to eliminate these evil attributes, the heart
will become adorned with the virtuous attributes after it has
been purified of the Evil Ones. Only then will man except the
inner core of Allah subhanaw taala. Allah Most High constantly
calls you to His obedience. The Quran says that Allah calls one to
the abode of peace, one should truthfully acknowledge this divine
call one will then attain divine proximity. Without purification of
the ego from the evil qualities, one will not be able to truthfully
answer his call. When will he be deprived of divine proximity as a
consequence, a man who is soiled with impurities is unfit for the
presentation in the royal court. So I think what this should help
us to do is that next time we make salads, next time we call them to
Allah subhanaw taala. See how, how much sincerity we had in that
call? Is our mind distracted or not, and we understand then how
much we have to work on this. May Allah subhanaw taala give us the