Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Difficulties Why always me
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The speakers discuss the meaning of shaytan's promises and the importance of being connected to Allah sub hangers while avoiding rushing. They also touch on the shaytan's desire to expand one's heart and the need for belief in timing of events. The speakers suggest that people should ask for help from others when facing difficult situations and that it is important to understand that everyone will live in the world for a long time.
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Having said that, even if a person is in some other kind of sorrow,
some other kind of state of depression because of something
else, then you have to realize, even if you don't feel it at this
point in time because shaytan is going to make you even more
depressed than you are, and he's going to try to avail you from any
feeling of optimism, any feeling of relief, any feeling of opening,
whereas opening is there for you from Allah subhanahu wa taala
that's the thing that you have to understand Allah subhanho wa Taala
there's a number of things that he promises and that's what we have
to realize. Number one, Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran
in number three, use Ron sama in nama illusory Yusra in alumna
Surah Surah Al Insha Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam is being addressed here, an initial lega Sadhak will garner
and CO Izaak Allah the and Kodava heroic, and that is, didn't we
expand your heart for you? Alumnus Rahula casado? Didn't we expand
your * for you? And we we took off and we relieved you of
the burden that was burdening your back that was breaking your back,
heavy burden? What our fattener look at the clock. And we raised
your mention, we elevated people's remembrance of you mentioning you
you're you're being mentioned all over sallallahu alayhi wasallam,
or a foreigner like a big rock for in Merrell ersity, your salah, in
the murderous or your Salah. And then he mentions because with
every difficulty morosely or sort of means difficulty and hardship,
use run, there is ease and then that is repeated twice that you
have to remember in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala doesn't
repeat things redundantly. He's got many things that he can say.
So he doesn't have to just repeat things. Whenever something is
mentioned in the Quran. And it seems to be repetitive. There is a
particular meaning that is intended by the repetition. And
here it's to really drive into the minds of people that you have to
realize, and it's very difficult normally for people to believe
this, to understand this, comprehend this and accept it when
they are in difficulty. Because difficulty is not an easy thing to
deal with. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling them over and
over again that look with your difficulty there is going to be
ease. There has to be there can't be just difficulty all along
difficult. You have to come with ease. And I think the best
exemplar we have is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, look
at the difficulty he went through even though he was the most
Beloved of Allah subhanho wa taala. Right, this is the best
example that we can provide. Because if the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam,
it is the most Beloved of Allah subhanho wa taala. And Allah
subhanho wa Taala loves him more than anything else, more than
anybody else. And he puts him He allows him to go through all of
this hardship. One of the wisdoms in that is that his ummah can deal
with that as well, to learn that their profit went through such a
he bought it through. There were times when Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa salam used to cry to Allah subhana wa Tada. Make
extensive to ask to Allah subhanho wa Taala he never left Allah. He
never, never left Allah subhanho wa taala. And that's the main
thing. What shaytan will want us to do is that Allah is not there
for you. Allah is not there, he can't really help you. Right?
Because look, you've been making dua for all of these times, can't
Allah see what's going on with you? This is the shaytaan talking,
right? This is the shaytaan that talks in our mind when these kinds
of thoughts come into our mind. It is extremely important that we
connect ourselves to Allah subhanaw taala. Because Allah
subhanaw taala says, I am with you. I am with my servant, the way
he thinks of me, I am with my servant the way she thinks of me,
and in the abdomen and are in the Vani appdb I am with my servant,
as they think of me, if they think I'm greatly powerful, and I can
really help them and they trust this in me, and they've shown
their trust, then definitely I will be able to help them. Now you
have to realize that Allah subhanaw taala also says something
else now because a question is going to normally appear in our
minds, she thought might put the question in, or you may just be
out of habit, unfortunately, that we've tried so much. It just takes
too long. Sometimes it's never coming. I've been in this misery
for so long. Whatever that misery is, you know, maybe I just can't
find the person of my dreams. Maybe I just can't find the girl
that I really want to get married to other the guy that I really
want to get married to. Right. So you've got many different types of
griefs. For example, you just have to keep
asking, you know, you just have to keep asking Subhanallah because
what it is, is Allah subhanahu wa taala says another thing, which is
very important to put this whole thing in perspective. He says,
Learn the strategy Luni Do not rush me, Do not hurry me, do not
try to hasten me, I go according to my own timetable, Allah
subhanahu wa taala has written everything according to his
knowledge. See, Allah subhanho wa Taala has eternal knowledge of
everything that is to occur, exactly how they are going to
occur. And all of these things are actually written in the divine
tablet, that this certain person will come to live in the world,
they will live for this long, they'll have a free will to do
this than the other. But Allah subhanaw taala just knows
everything because he has eternal knowledge. So Allah is saying, Do
not rush me. If you look at Musa alayhis salam, his dua that he
made to Allah subhanho wa Taala was only accepted 40 years after
the DUA was made. If that's a profit, if that's a profit as
though is taken 40 years to, then you can imagine where our status
is with that. Obviously, this requires belief, this requires
belief. But at the end of the day, we can look at this from a
different perspective. If you don't want to agree with this,
then look at it from this perspective, that okay, if you
give up Allah where you're gonna go, who else is there that can
help you, you've probably use all of your worldly contacts Anyway,
you've probably used all of your human contacts. That's the first
thing that people do, unfortunately, right. That's the
first thing that people normally do. The main thing that we have to
realize is that if we do give up Allah subhanaw taala. And we
think, well, he can't really help us anyway, we're just going to
become worse, the status quo is going to remain the same. In fact,
it could become worse, because now we actually have nobody else.
Because if you think that I can ask such and such a person for for
help. Well, you can ask him anyway, despite your reliance in
Allah subhanho wa Taala reliance in Allah subhanaw taala, crying to
him and asking and pleading him and humbly and treating him does
not preclude the fact that you can ask somebody else. Because this is
a world of a superb This is a world of means and you should ask
other people for help if you are in depression, because you're
divorced, for example, or if you're in depression, because
you've got really miserable, you've got a really miserable
husband, for example, then that's the point of that is ask Allah
subhanho wa taala. But Allah subhanaw taala is not forcing you
only to ask him he's telling you go and get some help. Get somebody
who can help you go to, you know, go to a counselor, for example, go
to your local and go to parents, if that's what helps, you know, go
to a counselor, somebody that can speak to you, you should be
getting help. So the thing is that asking others for help is not
against our code. Asking for help is not against our cool you have
to realize that that's very important to understand.
We ask Allah subhana wa Tada We ask Allah subhanahu wa taala for
help. So in the nights were crying to Allah subhanaw taala and in the
daytime, we can be asking others for help. It's just that we should
not only turn to Allah subhanaw taala after every other
possibility is been exhausted.