Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Deceptions of the Dunya
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The speakers discuss the meaning behind dams and dams in modern context, including the use of "IT" to describe "hasn't been free" situations and the potential for glitches and glitches in the real world. They also touch on the challenges of living in a virtual world and the importance of fulfilling obligations to achieve humility and achieve humility in worship. The focus should be on one aspect of one's life and finding a way to achieve humility in worship. They suggest practicing online translate and memorizing certain verses to improve one's memory and reformatting certain verses if it is a sin to forget.
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It gladdens me greatly to be actually on this day of Ramadan,
mashallah, on these brothers and sisters who have taken their time
to learn about the world, the same world that we actually live in,
you know, we would have thought that we would have been
quite experienced with the dunya. Since we've all lived in this
world, and we have real really saved anywhere else, we will
probably become extremely experienced with it, we and it's
kind of very strange that we have to actually come to a program, and
the program coordinators can actually get away with calling the
dunya and still have so many people show up. Kind of very
interesting. What actually that indicates. I think, if you
actually think about it, what actually indicates is that though
we live in this world, I think we all need to know more about it.
Because it seems like the the reality of this world evades us,
the reality of this world seems to be something different. Maybe what
we're pursuing is something different than what we're supposed
to be pursuing. I'm sure our fellow speakers, fellow speakers
before us have,
have given you an understanding of the dunya that dunya is, is an
Arabic term, obviously, which is a very relative term, the dunya is a
relative term, and that's where its mystery begins. The dunya is a
relative expression, it could mean closeness dunya, as opposed to the
Afghan, right dunya as opposed to the opera. The other one, the
second one. So dunya means closeness from Dunoon. Right, and
it can also come from Delta, which means loneliness baseness. So it's
got a number of different meanings that it can connotes. And it's a
very relative term, because that's what it does to the human being. I
mean, we're here, but it gives us an it tries to give us an
understanding that
you this is the world that you are living in, and this is the only
world this is your entire life. There is nothing beyond this. And
because of that, it gives us a misunderstanding of where we're
actually supposed to be going.
Now, Allah subhanaw taala makes it very clear to the Quran he says
we're in flotilla here, hey, Owen, the asker is the true life, the
atmosphere is the true life. Now the problem that we're having
is that people are getting so sick of this life that they're supposed
to be indulging in when I say they're supposed to be indulging
and I'm just trying to explain where the matter has got to and
I'm supposed to be speaking about the dunya in a modern context, and
that's kind of easy but at the same time it's difficult because
we have to kind of extract ourselves from where we are
because we're probably enjoying it as much as anybody else. Right
we're probably I mean I don't want to use the word enjoying actually
we're probably as indulgent in it as much as anybody else and that's
why we're here today to inshallah try to get a better understanding
of the reality
I just give you one example there's a there's a concept of
there is a facility now that if you're bored with your life, if if
your life in this world despite no freshers despite no shackles,
doing what you want, just do it. Right. Despite all of that if you
still don't enjoy your life, then you can actually log on
Online creates a virtual avatar, and lived a whole different life.
And in the process of that, you can throw some more dunya in for
some other people, and they can make money of you as well. So for
living that life, you're gonna have to pay to get some of the
good things in their life so that that life is not even entirely
free either.
Kind of a very interesting, interesting concept, that despite
the fact that people who work without with freedom, people who
this one is not a prison for as such, you know, Islamic sense of
the word prison, where you've got restrictions, a prison is a place
where there are restrictions. And for the Muslim for the believer,
this world is a prison in just that sense. It's not that we're
shackled. It's just that there are certain rules and regulations that
we have to go by. But if we don't abide by any laws, and yet you can
do what you like in this world. Why is there then do you think a
need for a virtual avatar world when you have to go where you can
go and do other things?
I mean, that's something really to think about how, you know, have we
kind of have we have we expanded this world, that we have to
actually create alternative worlds now? You know, have we exhausted
the possibilities in this world? I mean, I'm following a very
capitalistic and following a very kind of worldly, a worldly
direction here, that purely looking at it from a worldly
Have we expended every possibility? Are there no more
pleasures to be gained in this world anymore? Even for those who
have no fetters, those who have all absolute freedom for
themselves? That we have to actually go on to Second Life?
Would you guys know what Second Life is?
Does anybody know what Second Life is?
hamdulillah on your work, raise your hands, raise your hands if
you know a second lifers. Because maybe that's why no one is kind of
getting the getting the idea here. Why should I just for people, that
is really great. I don't think you guys need to be here.
I don't think you guys need to be oh, maybe it's just an American
thing. Right? Second Life, just to give you an example, subhanAllah
hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah, may Allah be praised Second Life is
I'm getting that. Right, right. It is Second Life, isn't it? Okay,
there's a few others as well, isn't them? What do they call
this, they actually they
actually forget PlayStations, you've got two little girls and
boys, alternative ones were living there, they're supposed to be more
innocent, but they're just gearing you up for that capitalism,
because what's going on behind the scenes there is that it's all the
same products that actually these major corporations actually
advertised and pay a lot of money so that they can advertise to
children, because they're buying these products, you know, this is
News free something, right? With people children might not might
know about that. But basically, what Second Life is is that you go
you log into this site, and it's supposed to be a whole world. I
mean, you've got different cities, you've got different parts of the
world, you can actually buy places, literally with a with,
with some fantasy money that you have to actually buy with your
credit card. And then after that, you actually buy plots of land,
you build on it, you build hotels, hotels, or building hotels, just
to see what kind of people are coming in. There's a whole study
going on with that as well. You can go in you can build yourself
up, you can be a woman. Now if you want to hear a man you can hear.
I mean, you can be a woman, if you're a man, you can be a man, if
you're a woman, you can be somewhere in between something,
you can be all sorts of stuff. Literally, it's all about fantasy.
It's a it's a virtual Second Life. That's exactly what it is. Right?
I'm not promoting it, right. So maybe the you know, hopefully, you
guys won't go and get onto this even to look at it, I don't think
we should even go to look at it. Right? Because that's the dunya.
That's the way it works, the more we go into it, even even just to
take a peek, it's so enticing, that people want to want to get
through it. There's movies coming out about this kind of stuff where
people are. Somebody told me they watched a movie, I haven't
actually seen it myself or anything. But they said that it's
people who just be sitting at home, and they've got these
doubles that go around and do the work for them to do the daily
functions. And these guys are just becoming slob sitting at home,
these fat people who can't even move anymore with all these major
diseases and so on. Right, but Subhanallah I mean, all of this
gives us an understanding that this is the direction the world is
moving to. It's all about indulgence at the end of the day.
That's why I'm saying Have we extended all possibilities in the
real world that we have to now live only on Facebook.
I'm sure we all know that right? Raise your hands if you know
Right? Raise your hands. If you're on Facebook. Well actually raise
your hands if you're not on Facebook
so the whole point here, the whole The whole point is very clear. I
mean, you can see where the world is working. I mean, it's like
amici on Facebook, give me a call on my you can just check it out on
Facebook. I'll send you an email. Right, I'll text you later. I
don't have time right now to speak. I just need to finish this
off. That's the way we're doing. We're becoming like virtual people
despite our physical bodies.
That's something really to be concerned about. Because the
entire world is going into indulgence. I mean, you know,
you'll wonder how we're going to be blamed about this, because
that's the world we're living in. And you know what I don't think
you can escape to a Western country because it's going to be
any different, right? Most Muslim countries are the same, in fact,
in Ramadan is probably worse than outside of Ramadan. Because the
major promotions, advertisements, and all of that take place in
Ramadan. And there are special Tremere times Iftar time just
after Iftar time and taraweeh time people go for Asia, then they rush
home to come and watch these special I don't know what they
are, you know, these special soap operas or whatever they they do in
Ramadan on them, I don't know what it is, right.
So it's not different. I mean, don't think, you know, at the end
of the day, this thing when people think I need to go to a Muslim
country, definitely is better in a Muslim country. In a sense, you
hear that five times a day. And there's a number of good things
that happened that you're you're living among Muslims is no doubt
that there isn't, there is an element of comfort, spirituality,
and so on. But if you're going to avoid the dunya, the dunya is
wherever you are, the dunya is everywhere, that dunya is in every
single Muslim country, the same things you will find here, you
will find that and in order for you to be you know, as a
foreigner, if you go to this country, in order for you to kind
of you know, act like a foreigner act like with somebody with
substance, you will have to go to Starbucks, right in the malls.
Right in the big places. And the problem with the Muslim countries,
like for example, if you if you look at
right in front of the home, that Amerasian baseball, that the big
edifice that's going up there, right?
That one, you go to Dubai, and you look at the British Oman mall or
any other mall and you know Subhanallah when I went to Dubai
and came out after two days, and I said you know I can't be here
anymore, and it's all market, it's all dunya literally told dunya you
look around, it's all dunya it's literally that's what it is, I can
only describe it that way. It's all dunya that's what it's for.
Right? So don't think sometimes Muslim countries are better at the
end of the day, it's our personal struggle. And that's what I want
to speak about. It's our personal struggle, regardless of where you
are, whether you're in Muslim country, whether you are in a non
Muslim country, whether you're in the country of your birth, or any
other place, you've got struggle, we have struggle, it's our knifes,
this dunya we're living in and we cannot extract ourselves from the
dunya issue that
we need to be fair with ourselves, we need to be able to see through
these things, we need to be able to understand what the dunya
really is. And that's been described to us in Sharla already,
and our next speaker will talk about that. I'm trying to just
talk about the challenges on modern day now. We need to really
get back to reality. We need to start looking at these things and
understanding that we need to make some substance out of this life,
which can be a plantation for the hereafter, because the real life
is the life of the hereafter. This is not the real life, despite what
it makes us feel. I mean, if you look at some of some of these
campaigns, I mean, I didn't want to memorize them. So I actually
wrote them down. You know, what are you getting most
advertisements in most promotional material? What are the words they
use? I mean, anybody who's done Media Studies, who's focused on
advertisement, there are certain key terms that you use decadence.
What is it the new
It's got some chocolate coming out of it and it just looks like you
want to take that right now. Right? Pure decadence. You know,
decadence means decadence, is the thing that happens and Allah
subhanaw taala as punishment comes through. When a when a community
when a society becomes decadent, that means they follow their vile
desires, they forget Allah then the punishment of Allah subhanaw
taala comes under, and we're telling people to eat ice cream to
pure decadence, endless bliss, endless bliss. Eternal Bliss is in
paradise. Eternal Bliss is in no product because you eat that
product. It might taste nice for the first time the second time and
eventually you will get tired of it you will need something else
that's the nature of the world. The nature of the world is that
its pleasures are never sustaining. They are never
enduring. They are immediate pleasure that then receive and
then you need a higher pressure you need a new product you need a
new sense of stimulation.
I mean, some some odd kind of subtle cigar sorry, happiness as a
cigar cool Hamlet. That's an old one. But that's a classical one.
Happiness is a cigar called Hamlet.
You want happiness the new you buy these expensive cigars and you
just do it.
Show me all the dominance. What is it?
The women know.
Just do it. Like
I mean just do what.
But that's what it is. I mean, that's exactly what it is. It's
just about go release yourself.
Release yourself. I mean, that's that's not all. They go as bad as
Bring up the devil in you come on
bring out the devil in you yeah Allah it's there's no end there's
there's nothing about you know except probably Islamic Relief and
these other relief advertisements Masha Allah, Allah subhanaw taala
reward them that go up.
When they talk about the angelic side of things, we talk about
welfare, everything else is all about indulgence. It's about
bringing the devil side up in you, which is all about indulgence
because each human being has an angelic side, and then an
animalistic side, and it's all about indulgence, that animalistic
There's another one when you got it floated.
I mean, what is that that's about ostentation. That's something
we're not supposed to do. It's not about flaunting what you are Allah
subhanaw taala has given you If Allah has given you something.
Well, you thank Allah subhanho wa taala. For it, I'm taking a
positive attitude to this one. Right? Because you know, you could
read it negatively. Right. So you're wondering, What am I
talking about? But when you've got it float floated, I mean, you
don't need to float whatever benefits Allah subhanaw taala has
given you the bounties of Allah subhanaw taala has given you
obviously, they're talking about something different than
another one from visa, you know, is the right Visa, MasterCard,
it's everything you want to be
It's everything you want to be Subhanallah look at the deception
of the shape, ponder
how can it be everything you want to be? It can be but then you will
be in in misery for the rest of your life.
Because you're gonna have to pay off. You're not It's not free.
You're not that you're taking a ride, you know, they're not giving
you a free ride. They're, they're just getting you into it. It's
everything you want to be.
And then in the advertisement, you're on the moon. And there's a
reason machine that actually American Express I think sorry.
In paradise, sorry, in hellfire, you're gonna get one, you know,
American Express machines that.
And then you've got the really clever ones for the elite. Right.
And this especially for our sisters here at diamond is
diamond is forever
and go to the husband diamonds forever. It's just like, Oh, look
at this. This is really cool, you know, diamonds forever. It's just
a subtle indication that you need to buy diamonds. By the way there
is in the Hanafi school, there's no secret on diamonds. There is a
because the diamond is a stone at the end of the day. The DBS
company that Oppenheimer's they, they made a big deal out of it.
And it's very precious, it seems pretty precious it is. It's the
hottest stone in the world. They use it at the end of trumpets, and
so on as well.
And then it gets into the realm of the coffee and the divine Oh, my
goodness, my goodness.
SubhanAllah. It's just like,
the whole idea about this. I mean, you think this is a comedy or
something like that. But the whole idea about this is just to analyze
these terms and just try to focus and understand is this is this
invoking our angelic side to do something good? Or is it invoking
and is the motive of our animalistic side, because the
human has that. And we don't want to get to the level worse than
animals that Allah subhanaw taala has
been who have gone into an island, they just like animals, but upon
in fact, they even worse than that, because animals they act in
a certain way that's known, but humans can get even beyond that to
a more base of more base level. And that is what that is exactly
what Allah subhanaw taala is intending here, that the true
level of the human being the in sub is supposed to be at a higher
level, and he should be leaning towards the angelic side, the roof
needs to be dominant and not the last.
I mean, that there's just so many others. I mean, you can go outside
and now you'll start noticing them and inshallah you can start
analyzing them and actually seeing through them. The problem is that
you read them, they're going to subliminally impact your theory.
At the end of the day, that product is going to stick in your
mind whether you like it or not. Right, unless you actually turn
yourself off it. Now I'm not saying there's anything, I'm not
saying that it's all bad. I'm just saying that. It's it's all about
creating an indulgence. You don't want even get into the music
industry, when the whole thing is about just do it. Just do it in
the sense that do what your heart feels. There's whole studies done
on this. But every single I mean just about every single major
musician, and pasta has has a lyric for me. There's some level
that other than let your heart go. Do follow your heart, do what you
want to do. Do it as you please, just that same kind of you know
synonyms of that same expression. It's just the same expression.
That that is what it's telling you
To do so, regardless of where you are, whether you're in a Muslim
country, because then you're going to get in Arabic, or English
actually in Pakistan, you can English. The thing about modern
times is that Hamdulillah, Allah subhanho wa Taala has created such
an explosion in terms of
creating an explosion of
amenities, conveniences, things a lot more easily accessible today,
things are a lot more easily available today. I mean, in the
previous days, just looking back a few years, if you wanted to go and
buy something, and if you're not online, then you'd have to wait
until Saturday, we'd have to wait until Sunday, well, you'd have to
wait until the holidays when you have a free moment to go to the
shops and to look around, right and then to buy something. Now you
want something on Monday morning, you don't have to wait until
Saturday anymore, you literally get online. In fact, if you want
it at 12 o'clock at night, you get online, you order it and it comes
in the next day, which is great and Hamdulillah, we can use that
to our advantage. The thing is that it's about our knifes that
when it's unfettered, when it becomes a nostril Amala, we sue,
which means that evil inside yourself, then it's literally you
just go on and you start buying and buying and buying. And then
because the next day when that package appears, they've done
studies on this as well, when that package appears the next morning,
you get a greater a greater high out of that than when you actually
go to a shop and purchase something like that, opening that
box, opening that package and taking that out. And then you want
to repeat it again. And then you will repeat it again. And then
you'd like to boxes in a day. Right and then maybe three, and
then eventually the boxes will come you just take it out and put
it to the side, then you will go to the next one because it doesn't
even please you anymore.
Seriously, that's the way it works. That's the way that dunya
works, the dunya is not enduring, the dunya does not giving you
sustenance, whether the thicker of Allah subhanaw taala gives you
sustenance. So finally that the final, the final point, I mean, I
only have half an hour. But the final points that I have to come
with is that I think we all need to sit and reflect. The only way
that we can get out of this is to actually sit and reflect day in
and day out. Because there is going to be a constant bombardment
of this stuff, right? There's going to be a constant bombardment
of this stuff, we're gonna have to learn to live in us. So that we
are not easily influenced we are not negatively influenced in this.
And the way to do that, as as recommended by the real among the
prophets of Allah if somebody is talking about focus, reflection,
pondering over our life, and where it's supposed to take us where
we're supposed to go, and so on. And that's why I'm going to leave
us with a prescription, a very simple prescription. How many of
us, when's the last time that you can remember that we actually set
with our heads down and we actually thought about this life.
Not when you had a problem. Not when you had a problem. You just
thought you know what I need to think about this like it wasn't
because some grief and eat you it wasn't because some sorrow had
overcome you. He was seriously and genuinely because you thought you
know what I need to understand this life. You read a verse of the
Quran that talks about the futility of this world, the
temporality the temporal nature of this dunya. And you thought you
know what, let me let me get my facts straight. Let me get my
focus straight. Let me move let me let me orient myself when's the
last time that we did that? It's something we don't do. We're so
busy one target after the other one project after the other one
occupation after the other that we're moving and we want to do it
we want to sit back and relax and do it. Well, Allah subhanho wa
Taala but it doesn't happen because it's an endless cycle. It
goes one after the other and all these one conveniences is not that
okay, you know, we've been able to because our tea can be made
faster, that will actually spend some time not doing divided. No,
it's just that will do something else instead. Because at the end
of the day, it's all about the knifes it's all about the even
side himself until we don't work on it. It doesn't matter what's in
front of you, you can have the best people in front of you. If
you look at the waves of do how do you still have a little tiny
salaam, they have the best of people they had the best of
environments, which is that their husbands were prophets of Allah.
Their husbands were prophets of Allah, ye and revelation was
coming down and descending upon them. I mean, all of this blessing
was coming into these homes. Gibreel alayhi salatu salam, the
Arch Angel was coming and visiting them, and yet they disbelieved and
they disbelieved until the end, and Allah subhanho wa Taala that
struck Allah subhanho wa Taala then struck an example that if you
want to see how bad a person's gopher and disbelief can be, then
look at the wives of Pharaoh and sorry, look at the wives of, of
Luth Allahi Salaam and new Hadith salaam, that they disbelieved,
despite having such great, such a great environment and great
stimulation. On the other hand, if you want to look at if you want to
look at somebody's Iman, that despite all odds, despite all the
competition in front of you, and all the challenges that have been
placed in front of you and all the persecution, everything else, look
at the wife of Pharaoh, may Allah bless him. Because despite
Pharaohs tyranny, and pharaohs, no ordinary dunya person, he actually
went up to the realm of God and he said, other of the common Atla he
said, I am your greatest Lord. So not just
You're God, but I'm your greatest Lord. That was Pharaoh. That's
who, that's who his wife was was living with. And yet she believed
and she stood the persecution. And she asked Allah subhanho wa taala.
For a house in paradise in the real world, which is the life of
the hereafter, we need to sit down and reflect. This is Ramadan, we
all feel more pious, we all kind of give up the world world when I
say eat, eating, drinking and sexual * from from from
further until until sunset, we give up those permissible things,
right? It's the time that should help us to sort our lifestyle even
slightly, but we need to add these other things, let us introduce a
time of reflection every day in our life, especially during the
month of Ramadan. And make it a time that you can make it a time
when you know you're not going to be busy. When you're not going to
get a phone call, when you're not going to look at your emails, when
they aren't going to be as many people around that could be Fajr
time when you get off of school, make make some right out of the
100 sit and make dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. And then
reflect and this is the reflective reflection we're talking about as
as illuminate as explained by a number of our other loved one is
that you start off with just thinking about the wonders of
Allah. Just look around and think of the wonders of Allah in London,
I don't think there's much that you can look at in terms of
natural beauty and wonders, right? You know, you're gonna see a lot
of buildings and so on. So maybe you can skip that one or you can
just think about the good places that you've been.
Right? And you think about the amazing creation of Allah subhanho
wa taala, the great mountains and the waterfalls, and the great
ocean and so on and so forth. Right? That's where you start you
think about the amazing wonders of Allah. And then after that, you
move over to thinking about the favours of Allah subhanaw taala
upon us so from a cosmic level, from from a macro level, you we
move to a micro level, we're thinking about the bounties of
Allah subhanaw taala in the universe, and then we move to our
own little universe. And we think about the favors that Allah
subhanaw taala has given upon given to us in terms of the wealth
that we have, in terms of your studying at UCLA or any university
that Allah subhanaw taala has given you the ability to study if
you have the deen of Allah subhanaw taala that you've got the
deen you have the man in your hearts, if you pray that you pray
that if you if you're handsome, that you're handsome, or whatever
it is, think of all of the great things that you have great
parents, Allah subhanaw taala has bestowed you with money within
this country. Even if you don't have money, you still have money
to be thankful to Allah subhanaw taala for that as well. Right?
Because you know, you get benefits and so on. Right? People people
sign up for for days and days, and they just don't work. And that's
really that's really, that's really meanness, that's that's
really baseness and I think Muslims should come out of that,
because it what it what it really does is that it shows that our
community is not up to it yet. You know, we're living off the system.
And I think we don't want to live in that direction. So may Allah
subhanho wa Taala give us all 100 earning, may Allah subhanho wa
Taala give us spending with our own hands, Allah subhanaw taala
bless us all in that regard. So we think about the favours of Allah
subhanho wa Taala upon us. And then after that, then we move on
to just sitting down and thinking about Allah Subhana Allah, God has
complete awareness of us that he's given us all of these favors. So
already, it's kind of soft to note, and we've got this love for
Allah developing in our heart that He's given us all of these things,
I need to give him something back, you know, everybody has insha
Allah and altruistic aspect to themselves, right? A feeling of
love for Allah subhanaw taala, a feeling of compassion, and after
giving back of gratefulness. So then we start thinking, then we
start thinking that Allah subhanho wa Taala has, is completely aware
of every single thing that we do. He's aware of our he's aware of
everything that we do, that we will do that we have done, and he
knows everything, and it's all recorded. So we start thinking
along those lines, then we move on the next form of reflection is
that we start thinking about our shortcomings in our worship. So
you see, we're thinking about the wonders of Allah that He's given
us, then we start, then we start speaking about him being aware of
us, then we start thinking about the fact that don't we have
shortcomings in our worship to Him, should we do better, and then
it will humble us that will create the humility needed, that will
create that detachment from the dunya that is required for us
this, you know that this is the reflection, it's something that we
have to reorient ourselves. It's something that we have to get back
on track. Right? So then we start thinking about our shortcomings in
our worship. And then the fourth one is that we start to think
about our preoccupations in this world, how the world is going so
fast. And we just hankering over things, one after the other, and
yet things we want more. And that this life is really important,
because look SO and SO passed away, my son, so relative is
passed away, my friend passed away, this person died,
everybody's going to die. And then we move over to the next world.
And we think that this next world is the real world. That's the
world that we've been told about that will last forever. That's the
true world. And we have to work in this world for that next world.
And the if that one thing we need to do is to actually fulfill our
obligations to Allah and not have shortcoming.
To enhance our worship, and that is the way that we need to move
forward. And then after that, the next thing is simple. What's the
next what is the logical next, the next reflection is on our debt,
that eventually we will also die. This one is very close, it's going
to finish. People die in car accidents. People die, because
they fall off something. People die in the most unusual forms
We could die. It's all about us, we could die. And if we die,
that's our imminent death, then what do we have in front of Allah
subhanaw taala. We're out of this world after that. There's no
coming back. You can ask what you like. And Allah subhanaw taala
will say that no, there is no way that you can go, there's no return
there. There is no retakes on this, there is nothing that you
can do. You cannot reset, you will have to go. And this is the way it
is that once the last and final breath leaves our body that is the
next one. And that's our even death. If we focus just for a few
moments on our imminent death, that's definitely going to happen.
And if it's to happen tomorrow, then what? That is one of the
greatest antidotes to this world. And this was the Promise of Allah
isn't talked about. He said, I feel heard him think or he will
love that, that
increase your remembrance of the destroyers of all treasures. And
there's only one destroyer of all pleasures, and that is death. And
that is something which is going to happen to each one of us that
is not focused on others. Let's focus on ourselves that each one
of us is going to die. And then after that, let us focus on one
other thing. After that, after the imminent death, let us focus on
reflecting on reflecting over those who Allah subhanaw taala has
mentioned in a praiseworthy way, who is called his chosen ones, who
is called the elect ones who is called the champions of truth, who
he is called the ones who are brought close the ones who are the
foremost the ones who are the people have the right and all the
rewards that have been that have been promised to them. Let us
think of those people. And let us think that that that is a group of
people and let us think of the other group of people whom Allah
subhanho wa Taala has curse from Allah subhanho wa Taala is
considered to be the people of hellfire when Allah subhanaw taala
has said that my curses and my anger come down upon this person
upon upon these people, and my wrath is upon these people. And
think about the punishments that have been related in the Quran
about these about these people, and then make a choice and just
think, where do we want to be, believe me if you open the Quran
and read it with that understanding and one final advice
I'd like to give you is that the Ramadan is the month of the Quran,
what I would suggest is rather than just kind of reading through
it over and over again without understanding it spent if you
spend for example, if you spent two hours reading the Quran today
as an example, if you spent two hours
in a day reading the Quran, then okay spend one hour spent one hour
just reading you know, because you want to do your Ramadan reading
and finish as many problems as possible. That's the Sunnah of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but then spend about a
half an hour of that, with the translation with the translation
just going through and just doing your reflection. The Quran is one
of the best places for you to reflect and have nobody then just
read the verses, all of these things will come Allah subhanaw
taala will remind them of it Steve is upon us. Allah subhanho wa
Taala will remind us about our imminent death, Allah subhanaw
taala will draw parallels of the people of the paradise of the
people of hellfire and it will evoke in us in sha Allah it will
evoke in us a softness It was soft in our hearts, these are for the
record, they are from those things that soften the heart and it will
get us closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala that's our organ half an
hour spent on just understanding and just going through an
understanding and reflecting over the Quran and the other half an
hour spent on memorizing something. If you've memorized
something that you've forgotten, then re memorize that because it
is a sin to forget after you memorize you it is a sin to forget
after you memorize so either re memorize and if you don't have
much memory as well then add something on to it. You're seen as
the heart of the Quran and the promise of a lot of sunset I would
like yes even the hearts of all my own. So memorize Surah Yasin if
you read it every day, if you just read it every day in the morning,
you'll start off with taking 15 to 20 minutes and eventually you'll
end up being able to read it in five to seven minutes and then
eventually it will be that you know it by heart and then
inshallah when we meet Allah subhanho wa Taala you will have
seen in your heart and Allah subhanho wa Taala will will not
punish the one who has the Quran and especially the heart of the
Quran in the heart rate then memorize certain one So tomorrow
is supposed to defend and argue the case of a person in front of
Allah subhanho wa Taala a person who used to recite certain sort of
Kabbalah Kalani via the book every day you will be brought in front
of Allah subhanho wa Taala and will be about to be given
punishment sorted through the surah will come in a form in a
form to Allah subhana wa Tada and will argue his case it will become
his solicitor his lawyer is advocate and will say that there
is no way you can send him into hellfire he used to read me every
day. If you want to send him into hellfire you need to extract me
from the Quran and Allah subhanaw taala who will forgive that
person? These are small minor minor things that we can do every
day. May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us the trophy to do them. May
Allah subhanaw taala give us a tool factory
flecked May Allah give us the ability to see the truth as the
truth and to follow it and wrong as the wrong and allow to allow us
to abstain from it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala not cause us to
fall into the deceptions of this dunya they are all around us, we
they are all around us, may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to see
through them, may Allah subhanaw taala blind us to them Subhanallah
I mean, you know why deal with them? May Allah subhanho wa Taala
blind us to them, may Allah subhanaw taala give give us, you
know, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
that the person who completes one of the Firaon, what are the
obligations? That's how they get closer to Allah. Once you've done
that, after that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also
said that, in order to get even closer, the person who does more
who does extra, who does the Navarre friend, who does the
spirit of oratory, who does the voluntary worships extra Nuwakot,
and so on and so forth, they will then get closer and closer to
Allah, after that initial threshold has been reached, until
Allah subhana wa Taala says, Grace allows them say said that until
Allah becomes the his hand, Allah becomes his hand by which he
touches his feet by which he walks his eyes by which he sees his ear
by which he hears after it's so See No Evil, literally, and here,
no, it will be that Allah subhanaw taala will direct us in the right
way and allow us to see the right thing. May Allah subhanaw taala
these are very high words for myself and everybody else may
Allah subhanaw taala give us at least the HEMA to aspire to this,
because if we don't have that, Hema there is no achievement.
Muslims should be people of Hema, which there should be people of
high aspiration, even if you can't achieve it today, I heard you that
the Prophet sallallahu sallam said said they do said video poker, you
either hit them up in terms of what your obligations are to Allah
subhanho wa taala. And if you can't hit the mark, caribou get
close. So when you're aiming at something, you know, we're not
inciting evil here, by the way, for those who are listening,
right? We're talking about Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Salam,
right, you know, we deploy these acts of violence that done
against, you know, humanity in general. I mean, that's just
ridiculous. And it's unfortunate that this will have to be part of
it. Right. And the brothers were thanking me thank you very much
for agreeing to letting him know that you guys were in a
controversy, right? But anyway, may Allah subhanho wa Taala give
you steadfastness, right because anyway, so what we're talking
about, it's a hadith when you're when you're aiming at something,
you aim at it, you're in close to it, don't aim in another
direction. So the prophets of Assam said said they do work hard
even hit the mark, or get close to it. And another version of the
hadith is a Sunday do what up show that hit them up
and accept the glide times, except the glad tidings. There's an
element in there of the rocks of Allah is telling us that we
understand that you can't be 100% Perfect, but at least try to hit
the mark or get close. Don't aim in another direction. May Allah
subhanho wa Taala give us control of our knifes May Allah subhanaw
taala accept all of our worships however they are during this month
of Ramadan, the last the 10 or 11 days or whatever is remaining of
this month, May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to take full
advantage of that to fulfill any shortcomings that we've had. And
may Allah subhanaw taala not allow us to squander those days and
Allah subhanho wa Taala bless all of you for this May Allah subhanaw
taala bless all the organizers for this for this program and make it
have the benefits that have been intended and even beyond that,
working with Darwin and