Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Dealing other people’s quirkiness

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of being pragmatic and not overdoing things to avoid causing harm. They stress the need to have certain goals and eliminate things that cause misery. The conversation also touches on the upcoming return of the beast and the potential for better things to come for them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sometimes, when you have to deal with different people, whether

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you're a student, and they are your teachers, or you are a

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teacher, and they are your students, or they are your

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employer, or they are your workers, what we have to

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understand is that you're not going to react to everybody in the

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same way.

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You're not going to be able to react to everybody in the same

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You can't just hit it off with everybody. You can't just be

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congenial. You can't just be, you just can't feel the same kind of

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connection with everybody says natural human. Now, the one place

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that I've seen where somebody actually discusses this and tells

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you how to deal with it is Imam Shah Rouhani. And we've actually

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covered this in a double saba.

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In the other Osama series that we've done, it's on YouTube,

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a double sword, but the etiquette of companionship, he deals with

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pretty much all of these things, that sometimes there's just

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somebody that you don't like them because of their behavior. There's

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nothing wrong with them. But there's some little quirky actions

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that they do that put you off. They're a nice person, but maybe

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they just keep touching their nose a lot. And you just find that

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really, or maybe they just have a weird look to you. I'm saying to

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you, because they can be completely normal weirdness is in

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the eye of the beholder, generally speaking. And just like other

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people are weird to us. A friend told me when I said that about

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somebody, you said to me, you probably read as well for other

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people. So that's an absolute possibility, right? So he says,

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what you should do for these people. And this is something we

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have to do for ourselves really, is that you must think that I

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shouldn't think like this, you must start making dua for them,

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you can go and maybe give them a gift or something like that. And

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then try to see that try to overlook these aspects with

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certain people, especially if you're in the kind of lower

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position and you have to respect certain people, your teacher, your

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employees, or whatever the case is. And you can't just then in

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that case, you just have to accept that as long as you're not doing

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anything wrong. As long as you are not overstepping the boundaries,

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and you're fulfilling the rights of one another. That's fine. You

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can't just be cool. Why can't you just be cool, like everybody else?

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Well, that's just not gonna happen. That's not his nature.

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That's not her nature.

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So we have to understand these boundaries. And the more we become

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less idealistic, then the easier it is, and more pragmatic than

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it's actually easier to live in this world. Idealistic means you

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want everything in an ideal. In your mind, the idea is in your

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mind, right?

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That's how you want the world to be.

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The world isn't going to be like that. The world is very different.

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So you have to be pragmatic. You must have ideals. But don't be

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idealistic, that it depresses you. But you must have ideals.

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Otherwise, if you don't have ideas, then at least have ideas

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for yourself. And the more we come closer to the day of judgment

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on a slightly different notes, the prophets Allah, some did say that

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there will come times of those fitna, so he was asked, okay, what

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should we do? He says, your job is to pay back whatever is owed by

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you. And if something is owed to you,

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then you leave that alone, because it's gonna cause a greater fitna

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to try to pursue it. I don't think we're there yet. Hamdulillah we do

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have some semblance of the law in this country, at least. But in

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other places, it's like that. We look at the Rohingya people. You

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think they can go and get a hug, they don't even have a hug. They

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don't even have a passport. They don't even have immigration. They

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don't even have residential rights in the country. For so many

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decades. Now they're in a bad quandary. May Allah make it easy

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for them because how are they going to go back?

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So the ethnic cleansing is, that's what's taking place. May Allah

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subhanaw taala bring about better for them in sha Allah from this

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difficulty because in the mercerie usara that is what's important in

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the matters to you. So this world is a short time to live in.

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Whoever Shaheed they've gone to Allah subhanho wa Taala among

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them, I know it brings a lot of misery but whoever has become

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Shahid among them, they are they are shaheed they are shaheed and

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the miserable life they may have been living in that turmoil, that

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turmoil that they had then Allah is taking them to a better place

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and those in the camps May Allah subhanaw taala bring about

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goodness there for them better for them inshallah.

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