Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Dealing Nightmares

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The concept of bad dreams is discussed, with shay keywords being used to describe them as fear and desire. Shayteens are seen as a signal of fear and desire, and they can lead to feelings of anxiety and discomfort. Shaytan, a guy who wants to avoid pain, will focus on shaytan's
the way they live in a shaytan regime, go to sleep, and you'll live in a shaytan regime. Shaytan is going to focus on shaytan's
the way they live in a shaytan regime, go to sleep, and you'll live in a shaytan regime.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam

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ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Baraka was the limit

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the Sleeman the fear on Eli Yomi Dean Amma ban

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the issue of dreams it's something which is make it something which

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makes some people very happy. And it's something which also causes a

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lot of grief to other people.

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The there are just so many people that constantly become really, you

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can say besotted really engrossed in a particular dream. It then

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makes them really paranoid. And essentially what this is all about

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is that this is normally to do with nightmares. Now I want to

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clarify something. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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and men and women, Allah will Hello, Mina shaytaan.

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Dreams are from ALLAH SubhanA, WA Tada

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and the hilum, which is a particular type of dream, that

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which causes fright, it's a nightmare essentially, is from the

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shaytaan. So first and foremost, we understand that bad dreams are

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from the shaytaan, though they are from Allah subhanaw taala, because

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Allah is the Creator of everything. But specifically, when

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a bad dream happens, the shaytaan has got a lot to do with it.

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You might think, why is it that shaytaan or when you see a bad

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dream, it could be related to something that happened 10 years

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ago, it could be something that happened to when you were very

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young, something that happened to somebody that you know very well

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that you love, for example, and it could be just seen them in some

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really bad states.

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Not to say that any dream that frightens you has to always be

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from the shaytaan it could actually be a message from Allah

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subhanho wa taala, it could be something else as well. But in

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general, whenever we see a, a dream that is considered to be

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nightmarish, that is frightening, it's going to be from the

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shaytaan. Now you're wondering, how is it possible for all of

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these particular details, because sometimes you in your dream,

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you're recalling something that happened so long ago, and it's got

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a really bad twist to it.

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With all these details come from Well remember, every human being

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has a shade bond with them, which is designated for that particular

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person from the beginning. From the birth, Hadith, a Muslim speaks

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about the shaytans being designated with a human being when

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a person does dhikr. The shaytaan retreats comes back whatsoever in

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hundreds everybody has the shaytaan prophets of Allah Islam

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said, I have the shade plan as well, but mine has been subdued or

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mine has become a Muslim. Right? Mine has been overcome. But every

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human being has a shaytan that tells them to do bad things that

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so having said that, it's not far fetched to realize, you know, to

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to understand now that these really particular details that you

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might see in your dream, the shaytaan has been with you has

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retained all of this information he can bring in these bits of

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information. Now, the thing is that the shaytaan is quite

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pathetic in the sense that if you read our Altavilla administrate

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Tanya regime, the shaytaan will retreat.

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As opposed to a very persistent friend as such, like a human,

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human Shavon when they want you to do something you can be sitting

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and reading are ultimately live in a shape on your resume as many

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times as you want. And they're not going to retreat, they're going to

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keep coming at you Oh, it's only just do it once. You know you have

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to be with me, come on, you can't let me down. You can't do this.

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You can't do that. But when it comes to dreams, the Prophet

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sallallahu sallam said one thing very similar, very simple. He

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said, spit likely to your left three times when what that is

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right? Not like, you know, it's not to, you know, muster up a lot

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of saliva and like throw it up. It's just an act a symbolic

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gesture of degrading someone. Right of floating, someone

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repelling someone shaytaan says turn around, go to sleep.

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And subhanAllah you must have realized you must have you may

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have noticed this but dreams are the fastest things to be

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Because then there's no reality to them as such. They just clear that

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their imagination, just thoughts and raw through our lamb. That's

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what the king was told the king the medic missile during term use

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varicella when he saw this great dream about what was to happen the

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years of drought and the years of prosperity. He was told by his

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people who are not very good dream interpreters at Allahu Allah Rama

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will allow me behind me in the hall for Allah Allahu Allah means

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scattered thoughts. Scattered thoughts means these are just

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thoughts that you've been thinking about in the last few days. And

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now it's come in the form of a dream. When when that happens,

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people get really paranoid Subhanallah and they start getting

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really worried that I've seen in my Drina Well, you've been

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thinking about, you've been besotted with this, just Altavilla

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get out of it. So if it's a truly an evil dream, that is from the

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shaytaan anyway, otherwise, it's clear that now when we say it's

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completely from the shaytaan, when we say that we were speaking about

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something that you haven't really been thinking about something 10

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years old, and suddenly, you've seen a bedroom, maybe you didn't

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read your doors properly before going to sleep, if you read your

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doors, you will be protected more from that. The other thing is that

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it depends on the time that you see the dream as well. Going I

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mean, let's just finish off the the one fact is that if you do see

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a bad dream, literally the Promise of Allah some said spit lightly to

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your left, turn around and go to sleep. Don't ever tell anybody

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that is he? What happens sometimes you see even a good dream, you may

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see some really pious dream. And by the end of the day, the details

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of that, if you haven't said it to anybody, if you haven't rehearsed

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it to yourself, if you haven't voiced it over yourself and kind

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of written it down or anything like that, details of that will

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become really, really hazy. And you'll start forgetting it. In one

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or two days, it'll be totally forgotten. You know, we forget

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even things that happen in real life in a few days, thanks to

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forgetfulness. If it wasn't for forgetfulness, as a human faculty,

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can you believe it, that we would have such such great problems,

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because all of our losses would constantly add up and our losses

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will, will will be all combined. And we'd feel as bad as we did the

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day that it actually occurred. The benefit of forgetfulness is that

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we start getting used to it, we start thinking about other things.

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So we need to ignore it. Shaytan is going to prey on us.

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Shaytan is going to prey on us. If we become frightened by it. Yes,

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this is a guy, you know, when you want to bother someone, right? You

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know, when you're younger, you want to just kind of mess around

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with someone, you're normally not going to pick on someone who

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doesn't really care who's so laid back, you can say whatever you

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wanted, and they're just gonna sit back and do nothing. Normally,

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it's people who get irritated. They're preyed on by bullies and

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others, because they that the face they make, the expressions that

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they do, when they break down and they start crying, then they

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become emotionally affected by it, that really bothers them. So,

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people who are mean, they prey on that kind of attitude, that kind

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of mentality, that kind of behavior. shaytaan is the same

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thing. Shaytan finds a person that is going to be able to frighten,

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he's going to frighten him more wants to frighten them to take

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them away from the deen from piety from trusting Allah subhanaw taala

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I will be live in a shaytani regime, go to sleep, inshallah

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you'll overcome it. Now, if you've already been engrossed in a dream,

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and you've been frightened about something for a few days, because

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you've really built it up. Obviously, it's going to take a

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bit longer to come out of it, pray to Allah subhanaw taala and try to

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forget it. I mean, I get so many emails, subhanAllah write so many

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emails, it's about a dream. And I have to say look, I don't

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interpret dreams, but yours just seems so clearly from the shape

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and just our older Biller, just try to forget it. It's very

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difficult to forget it after a few days, because you've been so

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besotted, you've been going over and over, you've told so many

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different people, right? You've been thinking about it, it'll take

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a bit longer, but that will also inshallah be removed.

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So that is specifically to speak about the bad dreams. If you see a

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dream before Fajr, meaning around future time, then those are most

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likely going to be more true. Because of Rosa Rosa said that in

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a circle. route you have it as her that the truest of dreams are seen

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at that time. If it's seen afterwards, in your extended

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sleep, then the less likely to be truthful. Having said that, it

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doesn't mean that every dream you see at Fajr time are going to be

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definitely true. And that's something you have to be really

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concerned about. And so when you see a good dream, then it's a good

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idea if you want to to go and seek a

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interpretation for it. But again, don't become so. So fixated by

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your dreams that your whole life is then run by your dreams. For

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example, when you're doing istikhara as well. You don't have

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to necessarily see a dream. There are people who until they don't

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see a dream, then they'll think that my istikhara is not complete.

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I have to get somebody else to do it. It's the horror and a dream

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that there is not much of a connection between the two in the

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Hadith. Yes, some people do see a dream. They see some glad tidings

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about something or maybe maybe they see something negative about

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something they're making us the horror about in their dreams, but

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it's not necessary.

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So don't become too indulgent talk too engrossed too infatuated, and

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paranoid when it comes to especially the bad ones, because

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the promise that was visited her Lumo minute shaytaan are all the

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bIllahi min ash shaytani regime, and just pray to Allah subhanaw

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taala to protect us from the shaytaan. Because remember, she

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knows everything about us from the time that we were

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from the time we were born, so he's going to use that against us.

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May Allah subhanaw taala protect us from bad dreams and from the

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shaytaan you know, even if you wake up sweaty or whatever, it

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doesn't matter, just older, beloved Turner goes to sleep.

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Don't tell don't tell it to others. Once you start telling it

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to others, you've just solidified it, and shaytan is going to start

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attacking you a bit more. There's obviously then the fact that if

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you see the promise of a loss in your dream that's covered, you

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know, different in a different session anyway, just like a lot

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later on.

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