Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Dawah At Work

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker describes a person who is too agitated and tries to avoid the "ball-b splinter" and deal with challenges. The person is a Muslim and tries to avoid the "ball-b splinter" and deal with "other" issues. The speaker suggests that people should use the words "other" to fill their vacillancy.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know, you've got somebody who never gets too agitated. Imagine

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you work in a normal environment in an office somewhere and there's

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a guy in the office, he never gets too agitated. He's always quite

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calm. He deals with challenges quite decently. And he doesn't get

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involved in the gossip. He tries to avoid the gossip and backbiting

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and all that doesn't use curse words. Not very insulting is

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pleasant person to be around. Yes, sometimes he's been doing a few

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weird things like in a corner in the room or something like that,

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you know, bowing down and things like that. People are gonna wonder

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why you're so calm. Now. That's a Muslim, he's a Muslim. He's a

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Muslim. That's what what is in that faith that he feels so

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wholesome, and he doesn't seem so empty that he has to resort to all

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of these other things that people that's the biggest THAT or WHICH

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other Dawa. Do you want to do? openly, there's a lot of Dawa. If

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you know how to do it, speak the speak you know, speak the word,

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but this is the data that is going to help the people fill the

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emptiness in our

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