Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Conversations About Having Children
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The speaker discusses the importance of being sensitive to people who have children, as it is painful and difficult to explain. They also mention that in laws are attacking women for not having children, but it is important to consider the factor of the mother.
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For 1, we should be sensitive to people
who don't have children. And while we may
be asking with all concern and compassion, because
it's the normal kind of thing that everybody,
once they get married, then they talk about
children. Right?
We need to take cues from the way
they may react and try to be nice
about it
because it's very painful. It's very difficult. The
worst part is when it's the in laws
who are attacking
this daughter-in-law for not being able to have
children. Maybe the problem is with the husband.
Sometimes they do test and they say it's
actually the woman. It's not the husband. He's
fine. Right? Maybe that that that's the case.
But regardless of that