Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Contentment Don’t be a Shopaholic
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Rahman and Rahim Alhamdulillah
Alhamdulillah he hummed interferon to even Mubarak and fie Mubarak
and rd como yo, hey Babu nowhere, the Julia Gillard who I'm in our
salatu salam ala. So you will have you will Mustafa SallAllahu there
are they are they who are either early he was assaulted me he was
seldom at the Sleeman Kathira on July 18, a mother I
called Allah with the baraka with Derrida Maji do it for carnal
Kulu or shabu wala 234.
According to abuse Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam Kamara Muslim, a
flam and Osama of La Harmon Islam. What was the Kaka? What can a hula
hoop be my
Wolfie reweighted me the Korean abuse Allah Allahu alayhi wa
sallam to the layman who the Islam. What can I issue tougher
than what Kanye
will call it? We'll call it an abuse Allah Allahu alayhi wa Salam
is head for dunya your book Allah
was had femur in the nurse, you hate brokenness. Okay, Makana and
the views on the law. Why don't you sell them to my dear respected
listeners brothers salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
It's this holiday period, this end of year season, which they call
the Christmas season. And one of the distinctions about this
season, one of the special things about this season that affects all
of us is that that's when the sales come on.
It's a time when, because of the traditions that Christmas to buy
gifts for people, the obligation of buying gifts for those that you
know, and those who will be visiting and those that will be
visiting you, the stores, they try to play into that whole scene and
try to increase the economy. So the government is supporting this.
And everybody, this is what its measured by 2.5 billion spent in
one day. Right? How much of that is necessary? How much of that is
unnecessary? That's the question that people need to ask
themselves. Of course, it's a nice thing to give gifts to somebody,
it creates love, it creates a bond. However, many people at this
time actually go into self indulgence mode. It's not just
about buying things for others. In fact, a lot of what's going to be
purchased is going to be for people looking for deals, people
looking to upgrade people looking for the next best thing out there.
So people are looking for the next best thing out there. For example,
I have a nexus for I believe, a Google Google for nexus for
example. That's what it's referred to, and that number five is out.
So every time somebody sees me for the the five is out, you should
get that one. So why because it's got better battery or it's like it
does better, something better, faster processor. I'm like you
know what this for mashallah, it's it's doing well for me right now.
I've got no hitches. There's nothing on there that it doesn't
do that I would like it to do. So yes, it might be nice and sicker
to get the next one. But personally, I think this is fine.
And really, and honestly, I would think that it would be wrong for
me to buy the next one, because I don't need it.
Because at the end of the day, I got an email the other day, the
guy saying that I want to get a
what do you call it a Samsung Note?
Right, which cost a lot of money. A note, a nice note cost a lot of
money. But he says that the only reason I'm hesitant is because if
people see me with the note, they'll make fun of me.
Right? I'm like, What world are you living in? He says he had to
make fun of me because I don't have the latest iPhone.
Like notice completely fine. I mean, you know, I don't mind the
note, you know, you've got more screen space, you can do stuff on
him, because nobody will make fun of me. So I said, Look, at the end
of the day, how long are you going to keep people happy? How long are
you going to? How long are you going to entertain the whims and
desires of people so Subhanallah now, it's not just about what we
want for ourselves. It's what we want for others. And we actually
beat them into doing that. We beat them into buying things, we force
them, we pressure them, we must never come under otherwise, that
is exactly what Islam came to diminish people from the slavery
of people to the slavery of Allah subhanaw taala. So yes, if there
is something that you need, so for example, you need to upgrade to a
bigger phone, because it does certain things that will be
beneficial for you from a worldly perspective, or from a macro view
perspective, which means, you know, for the sake of the
Hereafter, then absolutely that could be justified. For example,
there's somebody I know they've got a you know, particular phone
and it keeps getting, it's supposed to be quite a new phone
one year old, but it keeps getting filled up. There is this mystery,
one gigabyte that he keeps taking some Windows Phone, so they're
constantly having to clean everything out and delete things
all the time. Now they've got justification there to go and get
else if they need to. But really, if I went and bought another phone
for 400 pounds, 300 pounds or whatever, I would feel like RIA
wasted my money. Yes, it'd be nicer, but it would be a waste of
my money. That's, that's the way you need to think of these things.
You need something and Allah has given you the ability, go get it,
you know, use it if you need it. But if you don't need something,
there's no need to upgrade to the next thing, the most weirdest
thing that we're living in this time in Asia, this was not like
this 5070 years ago. The economic system, the demands of the system
that we're living in, is totally against the concept of Karna in
Islam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam in the Hadith that
I've just related to you.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a Florida man Islam.
Fella has been gained by the one who has submitted the Muslim, the
one who has submitted to Allah subhanaw taala. His game Fela,
Fela means this eternal success, not just a success of this world
where it's a short lived success, you can only gloat you can only
boast, you can only feel excited about it for a short moment. And
then within a few days, or it wears out, maybe two years you can
be you know, satisfied with your success. But eventually, you need
another success, you need more successes, you need a series of
But fala means such a success, after which there will be no
failure. Such an honor, after which there'll be no dishonor. So
in this world, people can put you up there, and then they can put
you down there. Right, and your honor that certain time and then
you lose your glory. And then suddenly, it's somebody else's
turn. But in the Hereafter, everybody has a term, Allah will
give you honor and glory like never before, after which there
will be no dishonor success, after which there'll be no failure,
honor, after which they will be no humiliation, and above all,
closeness to Allah subhanaw taala, after there will be no distance.
Today in this world, the way we live, is that if we get a bit
pious, we've heard a good hotbar we heard a good br and we've read
something, something bad happens in our life, we have a
shortcoming. Suddenly we get close to Allah and we're doing all of
the Salah to me reading this B and this, that and other and then
after next week, we're doing something else. And then the third
week we're back to doing this and then the fourth week we're doing
something else again. There's no SD karma we're told to do is the
karma is the karma means to be balanced approach. That's why the
Promise of Allah has made it easy for us is that I'm not telling you
to go and do so much that you can't handle it. And next day
you're You're done. You're finished. It's about doing a small
but regular amount. That's why there's some people when I tell
them look, we must read some Quran every day. And they said we don't
have the time I said fine. All you have to do is pick up the Quran
and read to iets two verses that's it. But pick up the Quran to do
it. Don't just kind of read it by heart and think I've done it I
know your scene by Hara and oppo Allahu Ahad by heart. So I read my
Quran for the day. Now pick up the Quran, open it and read to is
that's all you do every day, you will see that after we will feel a
bit foolish, right, but you will get used to it. So it's about
becoming regular in doing something but the prophets of
Allah do some said, fella, this eternal, ultimate success after
which there is no failure would be gained by the one who becomes a
believer, a Muslim. And not just that. But we're Rosie Akaka
forgiven what Kanye, which means the person has been granted enough
to sustain themselves cough, the word cough cough comes from Cafe
Akufo, which means to block prevent, to stop. So what it means
to be given enough to stop is to enough to stop you from begging.
It's an amazing use of the word. So Allah has given you guff, it's
given you sufficiency is given you enough that you no longer have to
ask anybody, meaning you will survive on this if you wanted to.
That's the thing. If you don't have this concept of sufficing
with what you have, then nothing is ever enough for you. And that's
why the Prophet sallallahu sallam said very clearly, and believe me,
I'm telling you from experience, that's how you feel. Right?
Because that's just the way our knifes is we have a propensity to
just want more and diversity and guarantees and securities. But at
the end of the day, if we fall prey to that, then we're never
going to be satisfied, except when the soil of our grave will fill
our mouse. That's the only thing that will make us satisfied that
no more. That's the thing about this. That's why the prophets of
Allah some said the success is for the one who's Muslim was a
believer. He's given Kapha off. He's given enough and he has
corner. Now remember this term Kana.
Canara means to be content with whatever Allah has chosen for you
to be content with what Allah has chosen for you. And believe me in
this country, we have to be really satisfied with ALLAH SubhanA wa
Tada for what He has given us. Because you know, if you don't
work, you still get how many people are living in this country
that they've not worked? They refuse to work, and why did they
refuse to work because they said, we're getting enough for free, the
welfare state, and that's a bad thing. That's another story. I
don't want to go into that right now. Right? But mashallah, we get
left, right and center Child Benefit, this benefit that benefit
this, that and the other, we must be thankful to Allah subhanaw
taala live in some of these other countries, and you'll find that
you'll be struggling on the street. That's why if you keep
looking at people who have more than you, as the Prophet
sallallahu sallam said, then you will never be satisfied, because
you're looking at a friend, he's just got the new phone, a new car,
new, you know, clothing, whatever it is, you will want that as well.
The more you see, the more you're attracted to it, that's just the
way we are, we just have to face up to it. That's the way we are.
So for example, what's going on at this period of time, is people are
going shopping. Literally, they a lot of people, they don't really
need anything, but they're still going out shopping just to catch a
sale, just to get a deal. Right, just to put some money out.
That's, I mean, how many of us have been out there just for that
reason? Right? Well, we're all guilty of it. Right? We've been
out there just to go and look for something that's on sale, I might
find the deal. And we end up buying stuff. Now again, there's
nothing wrong in buying stuff, it needs to be a reason why we're
doing things because a Muslim, a believer is purposeful. A believer
has purpose in this world. And if when we say purpose, we don't just
mean a ultimate purpose. Because if you have an ultimate purpose,
that purpose, everything we do has to be focused on that. That's
what's important to understand. So the way success, the way success
is measured nowadays is by how the economy is doing what it means by
the way economy is doing is how many people are getting out and
spending. That's the way economy. That's the way success of any
country and stability or health of any country is, is measured, which
is really a weird measure, because that doesn't prove success. It
doesn't prove happiness. In fact, when time was another magazine,
when they did a particular poll of the countries of the world, they
found out some of the poorest countries had the greatest levels
of happiness within within their people within their subjects. And
yet today, we've got people who are depressed, we got probably
more people dying from, you know, depression related
depression related diseases and illnesses and problems in this
country than we have from terrorism. Right. But yet, there's
more money being spent on terrorism than there is on alcohol
related deaths, two and a half 1000 people a year die from
alcohol. It's amazing. It's amazing. It's IG. There are so
many people that are dying from substance overdoses. They're
crazy. They're in a problem. There are the you know, there's another
the just the other day I'm on a on a group and somebody said he found
an embryo he found a miscarried baby, sorry, a fetus on the
street. What should I do with it? Can I go and bury it? I said make
sure you don't just bury yourself, go and report it. Otherwise,
you'll be you know, you'd be done for I don't know what, right. So
we the success of a country or of a people is not by how much they
have spending power because that doesn't give you satisfaction.
What gives you satisfaction is how good you feel inside. how
connected you feel how full you feel inside how spiritually you
feel inside otherwise you feel devoid and you're buying and
you're buying and you're buying and I've actually got a term for
it. It's called shopper you know people like this are called
shopaholics there's actually a name for it like an alcoholic is a
shopaholic right there's you know there's no term for happiness you
know to be to be very happy that's where the profits or losses and
said look at people below you and that will make you satisfied with
what you have. And believe me, I sometimes sit at home and at
breakfast table you know, we've got cereals right just think of it
any you know, you got cereals you got biscuits, you got bread and
toast butter, honey, right peanut butter, you've got everything it's
all available at any given time. Look at our homes we've got
and the people in Syria are dying
right the people in Syria dying Subhanallah from nothing. We drop
crumbs. There's people who don't need the edges of bread the only
in the middle. They literally throw that away. There was a show
I was listening to on on radio the other day about certain perks that
people have this one individual he is saying that my perk is that I
must butter every part of the bread. I just have this perk I
can't eat bread if it's not buttered like 100% So I bought it
right today's and he says then I don't eat the sides, the crust but
I'd rather butcher it than make sure that you know than the fact
that I haven't bought it some of the inside. So I butter right
today and then I thought how much is he wasting
This is one individual that we're speaking about. And we are
Subhanallah going in that same direction, the amount of I mean,
the amount of water, we waste in wudu, and so on, we're doing a
good act, but we are wasting so much water, maybe we're using 30
times as much as much water that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
used, right, I got the, you know, I understood the value of water I
was sitting in, I was sitting in the Hudson, and I was sitting in a
place in Jumar, Joel Salatin, and there was no way I could go out to
do what do I literally did will do with half a glass of water, just
sitting there on the marble, and I don't think I dropped much I had I
had my, my clothing on, you know, the way I just kind of did it, I
did it in half a couple of days. So it is possible. It is possible
because if I went out, I wouldn't have got a place inside. I would
lose my last my prayer. So I had zum zum. And that's what I used
SubhanAllah. So it's all possible. But the main thing is that this
time, we need to be careful, yes, you need something going by, but
then you don't need something. Don't waste your time. Let me give
you an example. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he
said, is had for dunya you hit book Allah, have abstinence from
the world. Don't get too concerned about don't want one wanting too
much. And Allah will love you. The reason is that Allah knows that
his enemy is the world though he made it because that's the test
for us. So he's saying, If you don't love the world, then Allah
will love you because you are not going to his competitor, in a
sense, because once you start putting the world in your heart,
then Allah you you're taken Allah subhanaw taala that is how much
space you're leaving less for Allah subhanaw taala it's as
simple as that. It sounds kind of crude, but that's what it is. Then
he said, is had my femur is her femur in the nurse, and abstain
from what is in the hands of people, and people will love you,
because you're not going to be a competitor for them in what they
seek. You're like, just in your own world with Allah subhanaw
taala. So they don't they don't have you know, they feel secure
with you, they don't have any threats from you, you will become
loved of the people and you will become loved of Allah subhanaw
taala and truly that has been the case. Let me give you an example.
Right. When a heart is like that, how successful they can become,
it's related by
it's related by YBNL Kodama and Makdessi. Right one of the great
humbly scholars if not Kodama, this, he he actually relates from
another humbly scholar, his chain goes through that another humbly
scalable fellowship, no Josie, the great humbly scholar of Baghdad,
he says the above fellowship, no Josie related to me with his chain
that goes all the way up to Jaffa, IGNOU Sulaiman, Jaffa eveness.
Today, man died in about 178 Hijiri. It was a hadith scholar,
he says that he was once in the company of Malik IGNOU dinar, one
of these great aesthetics of the past great, really influential
individual. And he says that he was with him in Basra in the
streets of Basra. And as he was walking around, he suddenly sees
you know, when you see a new construction going up, right,
there's like, you know, you can see the dust in the air and
there's movement, and there's people coming in with supplies and
so on. He saw this nice Palace, you know, about to be built. This
is a young, really elegant, dignified, handsome looking man
who's supervising this whole, you know, this, this whole project.
And so they said, what's going on? He said, This is a new palace that
he is designing for himself, and he's supervising the whole, you
know, the whole construction of it. So Monica Medina says to jab
forgiveness today, man, that you know what, let's let's go and make
him a deal. Let's make him a better deal. You know, I, he felt
something for this man, that he felt like he should gain a special
form of guidance and reward. He said, let's go and make a deal for
him. So he went up to this man, and he started speaking to him.
And the man didn't recognize him first as to who Maliki Medina was,
he didn't know he had never met him before he knew about him. He
didn't hit it hidden, recognizing. So when people told him that this
is malignant dinar, he quickly got up and he says, halogen, like, Is
there something I can help you with? You know, like, Can I help
you either wealthy guy, can I help you? He says, yes, I've come to
actually sell you a proposal, right? You know, people come to
your door, they sell you this investment and that life insurance
and so when I come to sell your proposal, he says, What is it he
said, The proposal is that I will give you I will, I will I will
guarantee for you. A special palace that will be made of you
know, the rubies will be studied with rubies and pearls and so on.
And the smell of it will be masked, you know, when you go into
certain stores today, and there's a nice smell because they have a
really special fragrance system. And it just smells really nice.
Well, this will be masked throughout 100% all the time,
because the mortar of it is must Zafran you know, all the best
products will be used. All the best supplies will be used to make
this and you know what? The greatest thing is that no hand
would have made this so there'll be no human error here. Right? So
it won't be any touched by any human. It will just be made by Al
Aziz al Hakim who will say couldn't fire corn. Right? Allah
subhanaw taala will make it for you by just saying goodbye and
they will be. So now. Somebody comes to you with that kind of a
proposal. Right? The biggest quarter in town comes to you with
that proposal. How would our response we were finally getting
our pellets made? Right? This is what I've been doing.
wanting for a very long time, I've got all the material now all my
monies together, my funding is there. Now this is what it's gonna
be. And then suddenly I get this proposal. Right Subhanallah so he
says, This is what he said. He said, You know what, give me
tonight. Let me think about it. Let me think about it. It's a
moment you know, it's a special moment is that let me think about
it. So
Monica Medina goes back he says, Fine, he goes back and at night he
makes dua, he preached a lot, probably tahajjud. And he makes
the offer this man he you can imagine what kind of door I've
guaranteed in this, you know, this better workout. So he goes and
makes his dua to Allah subhanaw taala. The next day, he goes in
the morning early, and the man is actually waiting there. As soon as
he sees Monica Medina, he jumps up, he's, you know, he is like,
he's like, you know, you don't know what he's gonna say. He says,
I accept the deal. And he pulls out a paper he brings somebody
that ascribe because in those days you had scraped, it brings us a
scrape, and then Malcolm Nadina er writes it down how other mob
Amina, nominally molecular dinar, this kind of a house which will be
in a shaded area, right all of these descriptions are written
down, it will be in a nice shaded area, it will be like this, that
on the other. And this will be given to him for 100,000 dirhams,
because that's what it was going to. That's actually I forgot to
mention that is the proposal that I'll sell you this for 100,000.
Durham's, the 100,000 that you're going to spend in making this
palace in the world. That is what I'll give you this Greater Paris
in Paris in the hereafter. So that's all written down. 100,000
done hellos Monica Medina comes back, right, he comes back, and
it's been about 3540 days. And one day Monica Medina got up in the
and he's praying fajr prayer after fajr prayer he notices that
certificate that he had made and given to this person, right he
sees it on the on the side just just there by where he prayed. It
was very astonished. He picks it up and it's there the certificate
everything is written there he turns it around. And he says that
it was written below me that him without ink that you could see but
there were there was writing on there without ink. Now if that was
said 150 years ago, 10 years ago is like what are you talking about
writing without ink? Today we have inkless displays right so we can
completely understand so he says it was written there and what was
written is
her the Hebrew mean hola hola Aziz al Hakim, the murderer kidney
dinar in our Fein a sharp a casserole lady Dominica, Dominica
LA who were Sabrina, Devon Xia
that we have. This is Barack This is exoneration. This is a
fulfillment for Malika dinar for you what you guaranteed that man?
Right? For we have fulfilled and fully given fully given right
fully paid off this, this palace for this person that you had
guaranteed for him and 70 times that amount. So it's going to be
70 times better than what you even promised him. Monica Medina. I
mean, he saw this. He's totally like, astonished, amazed. He takes
us and he runs to the guy's house. He gets there, the doors are
closed, but he could hear all the crime from inside. Right. So when
he knocks on the door, he finds out that this guy just died last
night. Right? This guy just died last night. And he says you know
what? There must be something more to this right? Because he's got
the letter who which was him and suddenly he finds it by his door
with this weird invisible ink or you know this, you know, inkless
writing on it. So he calls the hustle. He calls the person who
did the hustle is telling me what happened. This is what I was
called to do the hustle the bathing. I was burying him, but I
was told
by his family, whoever it was that there's this letter that he has
made once a year he had he has requested that this be put in
between his coffin.
Right there was a letter that he gave me that was the only thing we
had about this whole case only strange. So Monica Medina pulls
out the letter he says was it this letter? He says Wow, that is the
letter that I put in his in his coffin. We buried him that way
that letter went with him. Right that letter went with him.
So Malik even Medina will Margarita and then related the
whole incident and this other young chap, he gets up he says
sell me one for 200,000.
And Maliki Medina says, Kerner, Mark, Fatima fans, whatever
happened has happened, that time has gone, that time is lost. These
are only moments that are given. This is a miracle. Now the reason?
I know it sounds very mythical is not something that's going to
happen every day for you. But if ever, right, that's why I
mentioned to you that it's not related by just any old ordinary
person. It's related by some very stringent individuals Magdelene
IGNOU, Kodama ullmark, the CL humbly, right, anybody will
respect him, right? Go Go and tell the story that IGNOU Kodama
nmaahc, they see
It relates it from above for a juvenile Josie, again, you know,
very critical scholars, and they relate this through a chain up to
Jaffa Ignacio a man from Maliki Medina, may Allah subhanaw taala.
We're not asking for such great miracles, but we're definitely
asking for something in paradise, right? Even if we're not given the
guarantee in this world, we're told from our Prophet sallahu wa
salam, that as long as you feel satisfied, then you will be
satisfied. The moment you are not satisfied, and you keep going to
the sales, just looking browsing and just checking, wasting your
time at work as well checking online for sales and so on. Right.
That's the whole purpose of this talk. That's what I was saying.
You will never always look at the people beneath you and you will be
satisfied with Allah, whatever Allah has given you do sugar, do
sugar, whatever. Whatever Allah has given you should do sugar and
Allah will give you more he'll give you more Baraka in it. Allah
subhanaw taala give us the trophy. And may Allah subhanaw taala give
us the kana, Kana contentment satisfaction with what He has
given us. And may Allah subhanaw taala keep us from having to ask
anybody and keep us from the greed and avarice of our innocent soul.
And may Allah subhanaw taala make is a medium close to us working
with our Al Hamdulillah Europe