Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Comforting Others at times of Distress The Etiquette of Offering Condolence

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The importance of expressing bad news and minimizing the impact of a death by a relative is emphasized in a series of advice and advice on how to handle stressful situations. The speakers stress the importance of avoiding negative language, knowing oneself, praying for the deceased, and defusing the situation. They also emphasize the need for patient empathy and a culture of giving glad- tired hearts to affected people. The segment ends with a call to action for a study on the topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah wa benign Amin or salatu salam ala so you didn't

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mousseline while he was off the edge Marina, Amma Bharath.

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Okay, condolence. This is related.

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What we're going to discuss now in sha Allah is

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how do you convey bad news to someone? And how do you comfort

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somebody, when you have had bad news, or when something bad has

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happened to them?

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If you have to break the undesired news of a tragic accident, or the

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death of a dear or close relative, or friend,

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break the news in such a way

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so that you minimize the impact of it.

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Don't go in there and try to dramatize guess what happened? Oh,

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it was so bad. What I can tell you, it's just so bad. It's just

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so bad man. You know, you just go in and you make such a big deal

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about it. Exaggerate.

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Try to minimize the impact of it, make it as mild and gentle as

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possible. For example, in the case of a death, you may say, recently,

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I learned that Mrs. So and so has been terribly sick, her condition

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has worsened. Today, I heard that she's passed away now. So you're

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building up to it. Not like, oh, you know what I heard so and so

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passed away.

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It's okay to say that, but it's better to minimize it. May the

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mercy of Allah be with her.

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So again, you remind them of that they've moved to the Rahmatullah

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they've moved to the Mercy of Allah.

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So make it wholesome, make it a package, start by giving the name

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of the person in question, Do not break the news of a death by

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Do you know who died today? With some kind of question, some kind

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of examination

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that this unduly manner frightens the listeners and prompts them to

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expect the worst namely, that the death involves someone who is very

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close to them because they get thinking. So even though it might

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be for a split second, that's a hurt that you don't need to give

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Say, do you know day to day,

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person is going to think about people they know, not some

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Although today, we're so public, and people probably think some

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politician has died or something. Because we're always talking about

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everybody else. Nowadays, we don't talk about family anymore. We talk

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about everything else under the sun, or a certain singer or

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certain star has died. Or Guess who died today.

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You know, so and so.

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Instead mentioned the name of the dead person first, before breaking

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the tragic news of the death. This will not cause their mind to go in

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different directions. This will soften the impact of the news

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reducing the listeners apprehension and making the news

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more bearable. Similarly convey the news of fire. Drowning car

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accidents in a similar fashion prepare the listener for the news

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in a way that minimizes its impact. Mentioned the names of the

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affected persons in a kind way. Don't in a shocking way,

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in a considerate way, not in a wicked way. Some people have weak

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hearts and such bad news may cause them to faint or collapse. If it

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is necessary to convey such news, choose the appropriate time.

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It's another thing it should not take place at a meal

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and spoil the food. Before going to sleep during an illness.

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Compassion and tact are the best qualities you will need to handle

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such a situation.

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Parting among loved ones is one rule of Allah in His creation.

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anything you love in this world, it's going to part from us or

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we're going to part from them it's a rule of Allah ins creation.

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The only thing that will not part is the love of the Creator create

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the creation to the Creator.

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That will always remain

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otherwise there's going to be a party.

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That's why half of elementary reports are Hadith love whoever

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you will, but you will pass.

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Based on this rule a poet has said we are but guests with our

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families staying for a while and then leaving them wealth and

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families are just trusts. Inevitably one day trusts will be

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recalled. They are an Amana they just here for a short while kept

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in trust where we have to look after them for a while. They're

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going to be recalled. The sums of this life will all part to meet

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together again in the hereafter. One wise poet listed eight stages

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we must all pass through. No one will be spared any of these

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happiness and sorrow

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has to happen both of them gathering and partying, uniting

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with people departing from people, difficulties and is an illness in

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good health. These eight aspects is what our life tumbles through.

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This is what we do. Another poet said, persevere, oh friend, and

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leave painful sorrow. You're not alone, everyone lost or we lose a

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loved one everybody has lost or will lose a loved one. So it

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doesn't happen just to you, it happens to everybody.

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If a relative or a close friend of one of your relatives or friend

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dies, I hasten to offer your condolences. Don't do it after a

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week. Do it as soon as possible.

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You owe your relatives friends and Muslim brothers the moral

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obligation of alleviating their plates,

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removing their problem. If you can, you should attend the funeral

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and the burial at the cemetery. Aside from being a highly rewarded

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gesture of sympathy, it could also be an effective and stern

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admonition for our own self and a lesson reminding us of the

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inevitability of death.

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While alive your life had lessons reminders an admonition today,

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your death gives me the most important lesson.

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That is the most important lesson.

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Especially with people that we know. And for many people, that's

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been the point of change in their life. When they've lost a loved

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one, especially a younger person. It makes them change and it shows

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them the fragility of what life is all about. And the security that

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we feel. We just go about our daily life, thinking as though

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this is our life. We're going to live like this forever. We don't

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focus on really ourself and what we're really here for. Then this

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is what gives us that rude awakening sometimes. And I know

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quite a few people who this is what changed them from a life of

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carefree attitude to a life of practice and concern for oneself

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and the hereafter.

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Condolences to alleviate the sense of grieving that confronts the

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family of the deceased. This is achieved by encouraging them to be

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composed while trusting in Allah's promise and great reward. Allah

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says in surah baqarah and give Claire times to those who

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patiently persevere Corbishley soybean Alladhina Eva Osama to

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masiva call in Lillahi wa inna la Raji Ron,

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Willa ICARDA, him Salawat, rubbing more.

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these are the people it says true.

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give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere, who say when

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afflicted with a disaster that truly to Allah we belong and truly

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to Him is our return. They are those to whom descend the

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blessings and receive the mercy of the Lord. If you do this, you get

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blessings from Allah and mercy from Allah. Because you have just

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secured yourself with the best of security you've just employed. In

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a metaphorical sense, the best security firm for yourself. When a

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guy leaves sort of working or not being warmer, what would I go home

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and work to do data guided ones because they know what to do.

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They understand what to do, Allah has guided them to do the right

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thing in this situation.

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condolence is done by praying for the disease to be helped and

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pardoned, since they will receive the benefit of such prayers.

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condolence is a sincere expression of sympathy, a sincere expression

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of sympathy. You feel it with your hearts, to share the sorrow of

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these stressful moments, to place yourself with them, then it feels

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There's many of us who are so focused on their career, on their

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work on themselves, that if somebody even complains to them

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about the illness or whatever, they don't know how to deal with

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it. They can't show empathy.

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They feel like a fish out of water. And anybody that's

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observing that situation.

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I mean, it could be an absolute misjudgment, as well, but they can

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see that this person doesn't know how to they, they want to get rid

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of this as soon as possible. They just want to say a few things and

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then move on to business. Allah forgive me if I've misjudged

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somebody, but once I saw an exchange like that I was sitting

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in a bank waiting, and those that stand at the door, you know, of

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the bank to help people in, I think one person, one woman was

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telling the about some story, you know about a great story. And you

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could tell Oh, and again, I could be misjudging but you could tell

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that this bank employee

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They seem to be very career oriented, the way they dressed and

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everything like that. It was just trying to like quickly complete

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Complete that discussion and move on to professional discussion.

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Maybe they told to do? I don't I don't know. But there wasn't much

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empathy there was just about Yes, yes. And, you know, yeah, kind of

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a false smile, and then

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getting back to business.

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But that taught me a lesson. The reason I'm mentioning this is not

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to just, you know, it taught me a lesson, that

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this is how you could come across sometimes, if you're too self

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And one was, to be able to exclude that sympathy, one must feel that

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pain that the other person is feeling. And sometimes when you're

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in a hurry, when you're focused on something else, you can't do that.

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See, person like myself, I'll come out of the masjid. And there'll be

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two people who want to speak to you.

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And sometimes, the other person is waiting, this person is speaking,

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this has not been fixed as a meeting. This is just spontaneous.

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this person is taking a bit longer, but they've got something

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important to say, you're worried about the other person, that

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they're waiting for you as well, they have equal rights.

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You know, maybe you're speaking to that person, this person came in

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sometimes and said, can I quickly speak service, so you can speak to

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them first. So it's a very difficult thing to balance.

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So I learned a big lesson from that, that you have to feel.

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But then you shouldn't feel it too much that you eventually can't

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The kind of horror stories you hear sometimes with people, if you

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were to dawn on them so much, he would spoil your life. So as a

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counselor, there has to be that strength within within you to be

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able to deal with that condolences done by praying for the deceased

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to be helped and pardon since they will receive the benefits of such

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prayers, condolences, a sincere expression of sympathy, and to

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share the sorrow of these stressful moments immunomodulator

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anyone be healthy report with a fair authority sound chain

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that a Muslim who consults other Muslims suffering from a calamity

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will be awarded a dress of dignity by Allah on the Day of Judgment.

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So there's a reward for what you're doing, listening to

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somebody, and reacting in a way that will make them happy or

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alleviate some of that problem, maybe not all.

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And subhanAllah we sometimes is, I will tell people that

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unfortunately, I can't be of too much help as you can appreciate

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it. But you say a few things that will make things easier.

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It just helps sometimes for you to listen, for them to speak to

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somebody that much helps sometimes a lot.

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When offering condolences about a plight that befalls a relative

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friend or acquaintance, it is kind to pray for the dead, say a prayer

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similar to that reported by Muslim

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in which the profits and the losses are set to almost Salem at

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the death of her husband.

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Oh Allah, forgive Abu Salam, elevated status among the guy that

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people and look after the family that he left behind, oh Lord of

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the universe, forgive him, forgive us and him, comfort him in his

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grave and lighten his state.

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Your conversation with anguish people should be aimed at

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mitigating their agony by mentioning the reward of patience.

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Make sure that that is one of the ingredients of what you speak

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about. That patience is necessary here, that you get huge rewards

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for the patients that you have to do. We have no choice but to be

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patients. Complaining doesn't get us anywhere. So patients is our

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lot. And we get a huge reward for that. So make that one of the main

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themes of what we discuss

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the temporary nature of the world

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and that the hereafter is the everlasting life.

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In this respect, it is desirable to reiterate certain verses of the

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Quran, the Quran, the sayings of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam are

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some of the well spoken condolences of our ancestors. You

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may mean mentioned the saying of Allah give glad tidings to those

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who patiently endure which is why she was actually sobbing in London

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either or cyber to receive that call. We know the law, you're in

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it, you're on your own.

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You may quote another verse called Lunasin that cultural note, every

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soul should have a taste of death. And only on the day of judgment

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should you be paid your full recompense. That's when you will

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get your full reward.

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This world is not the world in which you hope for your full

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Only those who are safe far from the fine admits into the garden

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will have attained the object of this life. The objective of this

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life, for the life of the world is but good

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ways of deception and such are Allah's words, all this is on

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earth, all that is on earth will perish, but Allah will abide

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All that is on earth will perish.

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Now one way up, cowwege rhombic will Jalali will Ekrem

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only the countenance of your Lord will remain. You mentioned

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mentioned some of the scenes of the Prophet sallallahu It was then

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reported by Muslim and others Oh Allah reward my calamity and

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replace replace my loss for a better one.

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reward me for the calamity you've put me in and give me

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something better.

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And what relate what is reached by Bukhari Muslim, it is Allah that

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takes and it is He Who gives, and he prescribes a certain destiny

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for every matter. Another Hadith, in which the Prophet sallallahu

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Sallam mourn the death of his son, Ibrahim, he said My eye is a

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tearful, it's okay to shed a few tears. My heart is full of

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anguish. It's also allowed to express that and that we will say

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only what pleases our Lord, we will act in the right manner,

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which is

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Oh, you brought him your loss filled us with sorrow.

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So it's completely fine to cry. In fact, some say that when you do

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lose a very close one, it is actually healthy to make sure you

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cry at that time. Otherwise, if you don't release this, it will

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stay pent up and it could come out in ways that are

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harmful afterwards. On what to do hardtop used to say every day we

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are told that so and so has just stayed. One day it will be said

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Omar has died.

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You may allude to the saying of the just Khalifa Mooroopna

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Abdulaziz, a person who is not separated from them by living

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father is indeed deep rooted in death. The honored has an old

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basally that Oh, some of them you're nothing but mere days.

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That's all we are.

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We're just days. Whenever a day passes away, a part of you pass

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away passes away. He also said that Allah ordained that the

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ultimate resting place of believers will be paradise no

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murky, no DNR said the wedding of the one who fears Allah is the Day

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of Judgment. A poet says passing the days we are content. Passing a

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day brings us near the end. Another poet said, offering

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condolences we trust not living long. The manner of this religion

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we follow along the console and the consoling may live today.

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Tomorrow though they'll vanish away.

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Another one says we die and live every night and day. One day we

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will die and move away.

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Life is but a ship afloat. We think it's still but running is

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the boat.

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He says finally I've quoted all of these appropriate morning

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quotations because I have witnessed many inappropriate

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conversations and talk by people offering sympathy. People say the

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wrong things.

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Morning hearts are depressed with Anguish and Sorrow. Be sensitive

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and select a suitable topic for your conversation.

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Attempt to lift the spirits of the bereaved family. The great scholar

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monsoon reviews as Dan said, sorrow and sadness will increase

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rewards, has an bacillary pointed out that this painful state will

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gradually pass away. But our sins will remain with us forever. He

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said every sad anguish will diminish except anguish over sins.

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I thought IGNOU a be Muslim points out that the life is full of

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challenges and events. A believer would not be happy for one

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complete day.

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I remember once we went to visit an ill person and there was

00:19:23 --> 00:19:25

another person also come to visit.

00:19:26 --> 00:19:30

And he started discussing how another individual who's got

00:19:30 --> 00:19:35

nothing to do that family or anything has caused him trouble

00:19:35 --> 00:19:40

and problems and how bad he is and so on just a totally irrelevant

00:19:41 --> 00:19:45

discussion. Nobody could say anything to and finally, I had to

00:19:45 --> 00:19:49

defuse the situation. I told him I said, look, it's not appropriate

00:19:49 --> 00:19:52

to talk about let's talk about something else. Right. I

00:19:52 --> 00:19:56

appreciate you had some issues. Let's talk about something else. I

00:19:56 --> 00:20:00

changed the subject because otherwise it was causing misery.

00:20:00 --> 00:20:03

To the other people whose the son was the the person who's, who

00:20:03 --> 00:20:08

died, his son was sitting there. And I'm sure he would have got

00:20:08 --> 00:20:10

very angry if this guy carried on.

00:20:11 --> 00:20:14

So you have to defuse the situation like that. It's totally

00:20:14 --> 00:20:16

inappropriate for that kind of discussion. That's what the Sheikh

00:20:16 --> 00:20:19

is saying that the reason I've said all of this is because I want

00:20:19 --> 00:20:23

to teach people what to say what others have said. Because people

00:20:23 --> 00:20:25

just don't know what to say in those situations.

00:20:26 --> 00:20:31

I've seen people who are, who think they're very proud, who are

00:20:31 --> 00:20:34

very arrogant, who think they can say what they want, and they

00:20:34 --> 00:20:39

generally get away with it for quite a while. But with a number

00:20:39 --> 00:20:42

of them, what you see at the end of life is that life brings

00:20:42 --> 00:20:45

misery. And something really bad happens to such people sometimes.

00:20:46 --> 00:20:49

They've heard so many people over the past, they've heard so many

00:20:49 --> 00:20:50

people over the past

00:20:53 --> 00:20:57

with their tongue, and absolutely no discrimination of the way they

00:20:57 --> 00:20:58


00:20:59 --> 00:21:03

And there's one individual like that may Allah remove his of his

00:21:03 --> 00:21:06

problems now, but the such individual who was just like that,

00:21:07 --> 00:21:11

and at an old age, he's kicked out of his house by his wife and his

00:21:11 --> 00:21:11


00:21:13 --> 00:21:17

And he's living in a one room now where he's got a massive house

00:21:17 --> 00:21:21

which he doesn't have access to. And an old age.

00:21:22 --> 00:21:27

So Allah knows best Allah help him Hello, bustle. Allah forgive us

00:21:27 --> 00:21:31

all. Allahu mantis. Hello Monica. Santa Monica Theodor janati.

00:21:31 --> 00:21:35

Willing Crom along me Are you a human medical study? Allah

00:21:35 --> 00:21:38

Muttahida KHUDOBIN Amina neufeldt where I'm at and I'm in a real

00:21:38 --> 00:21:43

world scenario where I even I'm in law here in Qatar Doha to let you

00:21:43 --> 00:21:48

do so do a lot more sipping oedema. Taheebo COVID, you will

00:21:48 --> 00:21:50

fail you will have anyone near a law which should be modeled on a

00:21:50 --> 00:21:54

lot of math you know, which I know that eliminated. Hola. Hola. Yeah,

00:21:54 --> 00:21:57

you have to use the rahmati kind of study Allahu

00:21:58 --> 00:22:01

Allah Allah Allah Allah Subhana Allah in condemning of Lonnie

00:22:01 --> 00:22:02


00:22:03 --> 00:22:09

Allah except our doors, Oh Allah, accept them meager worship that we

00:22:09 --> 00:22:13

do. Oh Allah, we ask that you enhance our character for us. Oh

00:22:13 --> 00:22:19

Allah, we ask that you allow us to interact, to speak, to act and to

00:22:19 --> 00:22:23

deal in the way that makes you satisfied and happy of Allah We

00:22:23 --> 00:22:26

ask that you enliven our lives with the sun know your messenger

00:22:26 --> 00:22:30

sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that you give us greater interest in

00:22:30 --> 00:22:34

learning about our religion and learning the beautiful way of the

00:22:34 --> 00:22:39

prophetic the Prophetic teachings and allow us to have the company

00:22:39 --> 00:22:43

of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the hereafter in the

00:22:43 --> 00:22:47

highest levels of metal fair dose. Our Allah help and assist our

00:22:47 --> 00:22:50

Muslim brothers and sisters around the world remove detriment Oh

00:22:50 --> 00:22:55

ALLAH elevate your Connemara Ilaha illa Allah make us worthy of being

00:22:55 --> 00:22:59

true representatives of the faith of Islam, oh Allah and true

00:22:59 --> 00:23:04

representatives to representatives that worship you of Allah We ask

00:23:04 --> 00:23:07

that you fill our hearts with your love and the love of those who

00:23:07 --> 00:23:11

love you. We ask that you give us the Tofik to remember you and for

00:23:11 --> 00:23:15

you on your remembrance to emanate from every part of our body of

00:23:15 --> 00:23:19

Allah we ask that You grant us the Kadima La Ilaha illa Allah on our

00:23:19 --> 00:23:19


00:23:21 --> 00:23:24

Oh Allah protect our children protect our progeny until the day

00:23:24 --> 00:23:26

of judgment from all the evils that are out there. Oh Allah,

00:23:27 --> 00:23:30

Allah, Allah, we ask that you assist us have mercy on us have

00:23:30 --> 00:23:34

compassion for us. So Hannah will be carbonized here now you'll see

00:23:34 --> 00:23:36

food when I was when I noticed that you're not 100

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