Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Children and Social Media

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the difficulty of restriction of social media use and the harm it can cause parents to restrict children. They also mention regulation on sites and websites related to online activities, including the use of apps and websites for schooling. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reinforcing parents' policies to avoid the harm.
AI: Transcript ©
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So the question

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is about

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restriction or,

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you can say,

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responsible use of social media. That's a very,

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difficult thing that many, many parents are challenged

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by. Many individuals are challenged by that, and

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they don't know what to do, and I

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don't have any magic for it either.

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Right? I'm just praying to Allah subhanahu wa

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that something happens to make this clearer, because

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what happens is parents understand,

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so they try to restrict

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their children.

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The children start feeling like the parents are

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which basically means that they don't want us

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to do anything fun. They just don't want

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us to play. You just don't want me

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to play. I've heard children saying that.

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So initially, children just don't understand what the

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harm is because they've just not seen the

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other side, or they've not seen the harm.

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They've not seen it in retrospect.

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Then when the children get a bit older,

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and they start reading things, and then

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other things start filtering through from other places

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that say, look, there is a harm in

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here, and it is very addictive, and this

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is what it'll do to you, and so

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on, then they start realizing that they just

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can't get rid of the addiction.

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I've known of children, I know children who

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are like, I know I've got an issue,

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I can't help it. So

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there's a few things that, if you're at

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that stage where the children doesn't believe the

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then tell somebody else to explain to the

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children so that it doesn't

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sound bias coming from the parent.

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One thing you can do is, on social

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media itself,

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there's quite a few nice

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or presentations on YouTube, etcetera, that show the

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harms of these things from experts.

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So look, you don't believe me? Listen to

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this guy. He's on YouTube.

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So find something like that and let them

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listen to that.

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Again, it's just very difficult, because we're talking

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about addiction here.

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So then, the other thing that we do

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is that we regulate,

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especially for the younger children and

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as far as possible for the older children,

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we regulate how they use it. So number

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1, you need to have a parental lock

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on it as far as

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possible so that it shuts off. I mean,

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I know some parents with their children, the

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phone, the internet will shut off at 10

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o'clock. You can't use it after that. You

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might still have the phone, but you can't

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use it. For example,

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likewise, the internet.

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there needs to be

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what kind of sites they can go to,

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that needs to be governed, so the parents

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basically need to learn how to do that.

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the children

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are sometimes a lot more savvy about these

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things, so you have to be

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a step ahead in some cases.

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make a to Allah, and

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just keep reinforcing, just keep reinforcing,

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and inshallah,

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Allah protect them and protect all of us.

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But there's no magic to this. It's something

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so many parents are struggling with,

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and sometimes the society

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is not helping at all.

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In one family, the child goes to a

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very specific college, a very good college, and

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they pride themselves of being paperless,

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paper free,

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so they give everybody an iPad

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for free to use,

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And then they're complaining to the

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the family that, you know, your son who's

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at school, he's falling asleep in class,

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not doing his work properly, so the parent

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just said, this is your fault.

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We have kept them away from too many

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gadgets, they can only play in the weekend,

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but with your thing, he's playing at night,

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he's on it at night. And

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the problem with that particular iPad I was

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given, you can't even put a software on

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there, so you can't even put parental lock.

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So this is what's happening.

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Oh, no, we're a paper free school, so

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we, you know, but I'm going to take

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the feed feedback.

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It's just you can't win with some of

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these things. It's like they thrust it on

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Schools, if they want to give ipads, there

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should be very specific ipads that can only

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do certain things, that are related to education.

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But we live in a free world, a

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very, very, very, very free world,

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which unfortunately is just too free sometimes.

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And may Allah

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help us.

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Here for listening. May Allah,

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bless you. And if you're finding this useful,

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as they say, do that like button and

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subscribe button and forward it on to others.

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