Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Can’t Help Looking at Haram

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the benefits of not looking at people who look at them like they are a sub or minus. They also mention a book called Kulu Masada clean, which suggests that individuals can achieve immediate pleasure through their actions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding distractions and feelings of anxiety.
AI: Transcript ©
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You might say, well, he was looking at, well, people look, but

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it's what you do afterwards. That's why the look, the first

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look is forgiven is considered a sub, the Euro is considered a

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minus in the first look, but it's when you perpetually do it. That's

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when it's an issue. You might look all the time, you might glance

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sorry, a glance may fall all the time. But those are as long as

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it's not done purposely with the effects. I'm gonna go into some

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because a lot surrounding let me look right, as long as it's not

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for that reason. And it's just like a glance. I mean, how can you

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avoid it today, especially in the summer, you can look up and you

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can look down, you can't left look right, right or left.

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You look up on this on you look down on this something else and

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you look on the right, there's something you look left, there's

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something else. Once I turned my gaze and I'm looking at the shop

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window and is a reflection

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would you do that's why there was some Tablighi Jamaat, they went to

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Vienna, Austria, a friend of mine, and he says it was so difficult in

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your in geometry being trying to be even more particular, and the

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mistura Jamaats, but the women fall, they were another area of

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trance that had to constantly have movement between the two. And he

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said there was absolutely no way for us to avoid the bad guys. The

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only way eventually was like we took a newspaper even though you

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have to pick the right page, right? And you you're like reading

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this as you're going on the tube.

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But that's why it's been forgiven. If it's just a casual glance,

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like, accidental, but then you look back Oh, that's nice look

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back then then it becomes a problem.

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And believe me, it's a struggle.

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But there is only one way to remove it. One way to have some

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kind of fortification, and with some some level is in at the end

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of the day. If you're with friends you might not look if you're with

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your parents you might not look you might be a bit behind or you

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might look from the side of your eyes, which Allah subhanaw taala

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speaks about the Quran says her initial Aryan the surreptitious

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looks of the eyes he's talked about that in the Quran because he

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knows it happens. The only way where you can kind of avoid your

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gaze and not look and

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you know have a bit more strength within you is by doing vicar of

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Allah subhanaw taala and when I say dhikr of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada

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I don't mean just what do you call it? Ritual the speech just one

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last one as well that that's going to give you a reward for every

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display you do you get a reward in paradise, you get a tree in

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paradise. What I found to be beneficial is a regimen of vicar

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through a che because it's guided it gets you closer to Allah

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subhanaw taala. You and the company of a of the Cydia cleaners

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Allah says in the Quran Kulu Masada clean, be with the truth

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when people there's a benefit, like the Sahaba got benefit,

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there's a benefit. I'm telling you this from a personal perspective,

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that there is a definite benefit in a sheikh who is there actively

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helping you out you have access to them, and you can talk to them and

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you fulfill the regimen there is a benefit doing zikr this maraca is

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very powerful.

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And I've got that I've given the very powerful that is if you've

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got a point a * problem or whatever problem it is, these

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are the things that will help you get through this time. It is very

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important. And there are great rewards for this as you can read

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insha Allah the rest of this, we don't have the time

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to do this. But essentially what it mentions here, just quick

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tidbits here, NIS half of shaytans army is desire. That's what he

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uses. The other half of his army is anger.

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So through anger he makes so many things happen. And through desire,

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he makes the other half of things happen. Another thing that the

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Prophet salallahu Salam is reported to have said although

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this is of doubtful authenticity, is as either Karma The Kuru,

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gradually, the hubba Furuta agree that when a person's when a man's

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reproductive organ becomes aroused, two thirds of his actual

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intellect goes, because then he doesn't really care as much about

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honor, dignity, embarrassment, losing. It's just about that

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immediate benefit as such the immediate pleasure to be gained

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