Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Can You Lead Two Tarawih Prayers

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of "other row" and how individuals can lead in different ways. They mention a person named Thoreau who leads a knuffel prayer but is later corrected by others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being equal or even higher in prayer when leading in a different way.
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Can you lead both robberies? Can anybody lead to terrorists you've

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done 20 And then you want to do another 20 quite ambitious

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mashallah, that would be quite adventurous. Can you do that? So

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no, you can't lead to terrorists because once you've done your 20

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That's your Sunday's done. You can't repeat that. However, you

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could join in on another taraweeh as a as a magnet as a listener if

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you want to. Nothing wrong with that. Anybody can do 40 rockets of

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taraweeh to throw is three throw is no problem all knights, but as

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leading you can only do you should only do 20. And then after that,

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somebody else should lead the prayer. The reason why you can't

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lead a second row is because you know, once you've done your 20

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your TA is done. So now when you're leading you're leading

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knuffel prayer, optional prayer, people behind you they're doing

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tarawih Thoreau is stronger and higher than a regular knuffel

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prayer. Imam has to always be equal or higher here you actually

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lower because you're doing nothing. people behind you are

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doing suddenly a higher level of prayer. That's why you can't do

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it. If you've done it already.

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