Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Can we pray jumu’ah before its beginning time

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of praying during the summer and the difficulty of obtaining it. They suggest allowing people to pray at a time when it's safe, and stress the importance of not forceing others to pray at certain times. They also mention a recent incident where a chef was forced to pray without a problem, but it was a later opinion and caused disunity. The speakers emphasize the importance of unity in their approach to praying and encourage individuals to allow others to pray in a appealing way.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla rahmanir rahim.

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This is a question that comes up quite frequently, especially

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because when you're at university, you have certain times when you

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can pray. Normally there's a default lunchtime between 12 and

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one o'clock, which normally works, it works in winter. But when it

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comes to summer, it becomes more problematic because a lot in this

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country and many other places in the world comes in after one

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o'clock. So what do you do? I mean, number one, I as far as I

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understand, it's actually supposed to be a right, a religious right

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for you to be able to take off to make your Juma prayer. But there's

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also other ways of doing it. Aside from the fact that the salah time

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will come in late in summer, it also stays for longer, so the time

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of the Lord will actually stay for longer. So you've got more

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flexibility, because you might have a class, you might have a one

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and a half hour session or something starting at one o'clock,

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but then you know, you could pray at 230, you could pray at three

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o'clock. One of the issues that we're having in one place, for

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example, is that the people who are in charge of the MSA or the

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Isaac as such, they are insisting that everybody there follow the

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one opinion that's available with regards to concession of making

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Joomla before the time of the hire actually arrives on Friday. That

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is an opinion in the humbly school, but it's only in the

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humbly school. It's a minority opinion. The Shafia is Hana fees,

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and Maliki's don't agree with that opinion. Allah subhanaw taala says

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in the Quran, in the Salah to granite island, Marina Kitab and

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Mahkota that very solid is prescribed or legislated

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in very specific, specific times or specified times. And thus a

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salad should remain in its time, especially in this case, where

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it's only a minority opinion that allows it to be performed before

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the Zavala such or before the sun moves from its zenith or Meridian

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at noon. Because that's when a lot of time comes in. But in the

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humbly school it's allowed before that. But you cannot impose that

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everybody I mean, it's okay for those who want to follow the

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humbly school or the humbly opinion. But you can't really

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insist that everybody else actually follow that as as you

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know, by force. They want to that's their problem, but you

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can't force it. So those who follow other schools of thought,

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it's also very demoralizing for them to kind of feel that we are

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being forced by our MSA leaders or Isaac lead leaders to pray earlier

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than it's time. It's not valid for us. I mean, can you imagine living

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with that week in and week out throughout the summer, it's just

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very demoralizing. That's why I think people need to be very open

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minded about this, if you've been put in a position of authority,

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then there is something which is considered a desire to love edible

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FDLR for the Ayatollah enough, which is that you go with the more

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stricter opinion so that it's big, the worship actually becomes

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permissible, according to all. So what I would suggest in that is,

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is that you actually delay the Juma prayer to a time when it's

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comfortably permissible, possible and permissible for all of your

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congregants to perform. Because for those who think it's

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permissible to pray, according to the humblest could be, first of

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all, before the moon, the sun moves from its meridian, clearly

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it's going to be permissible to for them to pray at the time

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itself at three o'clock, for example. But if you think that

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that's difficult, and you won't get enough of a turnout and

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enough, you know, there will also be people who won't be able to

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pray at that time. Well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with

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having to do more press than because for those who time doesn't

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enter for 12 o'clock to one o'clock, they're not allowed to

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pray at that time. And you can't, you know, nobody can really force

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them to do it, because it's just not in their field to do that. And

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you can't force them to come out of their field, especially when

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they can pray it afterwards. So there is nothing wrong. And it's

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not disunity. Unity, and disunity is something of the mind. You

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know, we're all different in terms of different ethnic backgrounds,

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different languages, different food choices, so on and so forth.

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But if you don't, don't make that a point of difference, and if you

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don't make that something significant, there's nothing wrong

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with it. So I think those if it's impossible, or improper, very

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difficult to actually make the salad later on. And everybody

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gathered together in a time when it's permissible for everybody and

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valid for everybody, then if you can't do that, then allow that to

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be to join us. And there should be nothing wrong with that. We've had

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cases. I mean, I know the case in South Africa, where you had a chef

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at your congregation, you had a Hanafy congregation, and they

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would have to withdraw solids, but there was nothing wrong with it.

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In fact, they would each celebrate each other about it there would be

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absolutely nothing wrong with it. Then they got an imam who was very

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strict and who said no, you should you should just have one and he

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forced the chef is to pray according to the Hanafi way which

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is three records consecutively without a Salaam in between. And

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for all of these years 20 3040 years that they've been praying

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without a problem. Separate witters Tara we will be together

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then winter

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wouldn't be separate one after the other. I can't remember the exact

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details of it. But when they were forced to pray together that

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started causing disunity. So although there was external unity

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as such, in the in the Salah that was being performed, there was

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actually internal disunity that was being created, really

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something from the heart. And people have misunderstood this.

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And what people are really doing here is trying to impose their

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minority opinion on everybody else, which is wrong. And you just

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can't do that, because it's very demoralizing. If it's any other

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solid. Well, you've got enough time to pray. The problem with

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Joomla is that you have to make it in congregation. So try to make it

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so that everybody's happy about it, that everybody's happy about

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it, then you'll you'll get more unity unity comes when people are

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happy about the way they do things, even if they do think

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separately. And one must understand that otherwise, this

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argument about unity, distant external, external unity and

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disunity that that could provide many other things and cause many

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other problems. So hopefully that's understood that in the in

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the Hanafi, Maliki and Shafi opinions Joomla time does not

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enter into thorough time enters even on Friday and it's not valid

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to perform it beforehand. That is an opinion that humbly school but

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if you look at the representation here, the humbly school has the

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smallest representation to start with. There's more Shafi is more

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Malik isn't more Hanafi is proportionately speaking anyway.

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So it's a very minority opinion, it's a later opinion to minority

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opinion. And thus, I don't think you can impose that on anybody.

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But as I said, unity is is important and the way of unity is

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that let everybody do it the way they want and they can be happy

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with each other about it and you can still continue to do other

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programs together. So may Allah subhanaw taala give us insight.

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May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to overcome these problems. And

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may Allah subhanaw taala guide us all, just like Allah here

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