Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Becoming a High Value Person

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the concept of "encies" and the importance of high and low value individuals in the world. They emphasize the need for a focus on fulfilling obligations and creating a good life for others, as well as finding high-valued individuals to avoid burning out. The speakers also mention the importance of finding high-valued individuals and finding people who are high-valued to avoid burning out.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now today when you're looking online on social media, there's

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this big discussion of high valued individuals and you know, you have

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to be a high value women are looking for high valued men.

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Right? And men are looking for high value women. And then there's

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all of these other weird terminologies online like you have

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to become the big G or is it the top G? Right so the top G right,

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anybody know what that means? The top G

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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim hamdulillah Alhamdulillah wa

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Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad, while early he was happy

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or darker was seldom at the Sleeman cathedral, Eli AMI Dean a

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mother called Allahu Taala woman absolute COVID amendment, Dara

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Illa. Allah Who me la sala hyung Wakanda in the middle Muslimeen.

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So in this verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying is that who

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in statement than the one who can invite to Allah, and who can

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proudly say I'm a Muslim, that's a really interesting idea, Allah is

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saying that the best statement is from such a person was able to

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proudly say that I'm a Muslim, I just give you a very simple

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scenario, let's just say that you are now a big business person,

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actually not a big business person. But you work for a big

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corporate company or something like that. And you have a meeting

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with a very, very important client, you need to get this

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contract signed with this guy from another companies and non Muslim,

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for example, and you go out to eat to a restaurant,

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it's dinner time or something. So he orders a wine or a champagne,

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you know, it cost a lot of money. And he said, like, which champagne

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would you like to have from here? So this is the way you react?

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You're like, you know?

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Yeah, I can't have that. I'm a Muslim. I don't, I can't drink.

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What impression Have you just given to this guy?

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You made your, you basically made yourself out, right? In this

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particular posturing. On the other hand,

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the other option would have been,

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you know, I don't drink. You don't have to even say you're a Muslim

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or not. I don't drink you know, drink is pretty much the root of

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all evil in this world. So I'm, I'm just, I don't drink.

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Just, you're saying the same thing. But look at the way you've

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said it.

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In the first one, he's gonna start feeling sorry for you, because

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you're feeling sorry for yourself, you're suddenly like, you know,

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there is gonna be Chara like, you know, poor guy, man. He can't

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drink or you're missing so much. Right? Whereas the other guy, he's

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gonna make the other guy think that you're right, you know that?

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You're right, he's probably going to say, Yeah, you're right. We

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shouldn't be drinking, and so on. So it's about being proud of your

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faith, not in an arrogant way. But in a very considerate way, right,

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genuinely recognizing the beauty of the system. So what I'm finding

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very interesting today, I'm so excited and actually honored to be

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here is that this mosquito? Mosquito with the sequel, The

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towhees, Boys School, was obviously created as an

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alternative with a lot of efforts. And Russia, a lot of the students

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here, your parents sent you here for a very particular reason, they

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paid a lot of extra money, then to go to a free school, they could

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have gone to a free school, but they rather sent you here with a

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big idea in mind. Now that it's all in the past, and several years

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have passed, do you think that we in sha Allah, we're hoping to

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Allah, that we are fulfilling the dreams and ambitions and the goals

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and purpose of our parents, they went through all of this efforts,

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from different areas, lots of money, to bring us to where we

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are, right? And hopefully Allah subhanaw taala accepted,

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otherwise, it just be a big waste, right? So that that is really

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interesting. So it's a really good idea to have these kinds of alumni

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meetings, because you obviously meet friends and exchange ideas,

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see where people are get exchange good ideas. That's a very

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important thing. So one thing that I want to speak about today is a

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relate to your Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. One day

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the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. He's sitting with a

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gathering of people, and he says to this one individual, right, so

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what do you think of that guy?

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Mr. Blue, I've forgotten your name. What do you think of that

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That guy up there.

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Locally, look, look. What do you think of that guy?

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So that's what the Prophet said last Sunday. He said to him, What

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do you think of that guy? So he said, Oh, he is

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One of the most honorable people of the area, meaning people listen

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to him.

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If he goes on us for a girl, he'll get it. He'll get her. If he puts

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in a word for you for a job or something, you'll probably get the

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job like he's well respected. He is a

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highly esteemed high value individual among people, right?

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Professor, some didn't say anything. And then a short while

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later, he asked the guy again, he said, What do you think of that

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guy? Now? What do you think?

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Good guy.

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You have to play along, man, what's wrong with you? You look

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around, see, who am I talking about? So you said, Yeah, that guy

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is min Fukuhara Illa Muslimeen. He's from the poor Muslims. And

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he's not looked upon very, you know, with a lot of appreciation.

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So if he puts in a word, it's not going to be accepted, he's not

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going to get a proposal and so on, is looked down upon.

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Then the prophets also remarked that this guy, the second guy, one

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of them is superior to a whole world full of the first one.

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So what was it in the first and second, so before anybody jumps to

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any conclusion that the first one is a rich guy, and this guy was a

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poor guy. And that's the comparison. That's not true.

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There's no discussion about the first guy being a rich guy, he may

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be assumed to be a rich guy, but that's not the point. And the

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second one was not

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accepted by Allah. So high valued individual according to Allah,

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because he's poor. Right? There was some other characteristics.

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And there was some character bad characteristics in the first one,

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probably arrogance, and so on, right. So that's what so the

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discussion here is about, uh, the first one is a high valued

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individual among people, but not according to Allah. And the second

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one is a high valid individual, according to Allah, but not among

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people. Now, today, when you're looking online, on social media,

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there's this big discussion of high valued individuals and you

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know, you have to be a high value women are looking for high valued

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men. Right? And men are looking for high value, women. And then

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there's all of these other weird terminologies online like you have

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to become the big G. Or is it the top G? Right, so the top G, right,

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anybody know what that means? The top G

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What does that mean? Sorry?

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Top gangsta, not top guy. Okay, well, whatever it is, so we get

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caught up in all of the hype. Whereas Allah has been trying

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Allah Allah has, the way he's laid out, we still hit boy school was

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trying to teach us is to become highly esteemed high value

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individuals. That's literally what it is. What exactly is a high

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valued individual? So when I started seeing this slogan, I

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started looking for it. And what I found high valued individual is

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that if we compare these two people so the first guy was high

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value, people the second guy was high value Quinto Allah so now

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tell me who would like to be the first guy

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okay, nobody who would like to be the second guy?

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Okay, I would like to be either of them.

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I'd like to be high valued according to Allah and high valued

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according to the people. Right so the these two did not represent

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Yes, in comparatively speaking I'd rather be the second guy.

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But that does not represent just mutually exclusive two categories

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and that's it.

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The third category are the people like Abu Bakr the Allah one and

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Amara, the Allah and Allah the northmen with the Allah and all of

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these people who are high valued according to Allah and high valued

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according to people

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that's what we want to be because I think that's the idea of dough

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he boy school, okay to become high valued individuals according to

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Allah and the people. So there's many good schools out there that

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are not faith based they want you to be high valued individuals.

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They weren't you take top posts and things like that. But with

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though he'd boy school it was also become high valued, according to

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Allah. How do we do that? So very quickly, because I don't want to

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overstay my welcome.

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There's a few qualities that I

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looked into, of what makes somebody high values. One of them

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is to actually have some principles.

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You can't be a high valued individually if you don't have

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principles. The modern world does not want us to have principles.

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Politicians don't want us to have principles.

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That corporate world, big organizations, big companies don't

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want principals because if you're a principal person, you're not

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going to buy the next iPhone if you don't need it. Why would you?

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Why would you when your previous one is working completely fine,

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you won't come out there's no new innovation in it. Why would you

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buy the next one and give a charity every year to Apple?

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Like why would you do that? If you have principles that no I don't

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waste money, I will

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by what's useful, I want to be productive. I don't want to be

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just doing things on a fed or something. So it's just convenient

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for people in power, and people want to sell us things for us not

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to be principled, then we just go with the wind, go with the trend,

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vote for things that we don't really want to buy things we don't

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really need. And basically, that's the society today, unfortunately.

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So high valid individual has to have principles and he abides by

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them, he sticks to them. Number two, a high valid individual is

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the one who takes care of those that they're responsible for. They

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can trust him.

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Their parents, he's got responsibility to the parents,

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brothers and sisters, children, neighbors, employees, if you're a

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manager, colleagues, friends,

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your you can be relied on, they know that if they call on you,

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you will provide them what you need to provide, you've got that

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level of compassion and care for others. So essentially, a high

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valid individual is not a selfish individual.

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Somebody, the easiest way to check this out is, are we going to be

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missed when we die?

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What are people going to say when we die? Man, that guy was such a

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good guy, we could have just called on him and he would have

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sorted this out for us. He would help us out. He would have

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listened to us. He's gone now. So how are people going to remember

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us? So that's a high valid individual, in the sight of people

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is the one who takes care of others who people can rely on.

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Okay, number four, a high valued individual is not a stingy person.

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Stingy, people can't be high valued.

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There's no compassion, they're

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high value individual can't be a jealous person.

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Because when you're jealous, you're burning inside. And it's

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all competition afterwards. There's nothing you do for the

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sake of the thing itself. So for example, in one particular

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industry in the world, in a major industry, there's two major

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players, right? There's two major players in a specific industry,

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they dominate the markets. There's a consultant who's worked for both

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of them. He says that the first company, what I found to be the

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ethos is that they wake up in the morning and their motivation is,

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what is the other company doing? How is their product today? And

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how can we beat it.

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Their focus is always about the other company, what they're doing

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and how they can maybe surpass them. And it's all the

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competition, the second company doesn't care what the other

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company is doing. Company B doesn't care what A is doing. They

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just want to be the best. So they get up in the morning, how do we

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do a perfect product? How do we give good value for money? How do

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we create a good client base, right, just without product, we

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don't care about anybody else. And the second one is seen as more

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successful. So a high valued individual can't be a jealous

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person, they have to be, they have to be focused on the good overall,

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right. And the last point, and these are not necessarily the last

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point. But the last point is that high valued individual is the one

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who gets to love Allah, and who gets Allah to love him.

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And that requires a whole beyond, right, but I guess you know what

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that entails, that is to be God conscious, that is to be focused

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on Allah, that is to fulfill our obligations. That is to avoid the

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prohibitions as much as possible, if we ever make a mistake, to

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repent, to make amends, follow up a bad deed with a good one, to

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erase it, and just try to be as good as possible in the sight of

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Allah, thinking of the hereafter. These are the people who are going

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to be high valued individuals in this world, and the next world.

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And it's very simple for us. We learn best with role models. So

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let us look around in our lives, and find and identify certain

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people who are high valued like that, in the sight of Allah. And

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in the sight of people. Let's see, what is it that makes them do what

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they do, so that we can also become like that as well so that

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we could also leave a legacy.

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We also do something for our next generation, just like our parents,

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in whatever their capacity was. They made the effort and that

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sacrifice to get us to where we are. We may have

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not been able to fulfill huge ambitions for them, but we still

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got a lot of we still got parts of our life left. And what really

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matters is the last point. That's why the Prophet sallallahu sallam

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said another Hadith. He once said to the Sahaba, he said the whoever

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Allah intends, good for, he will use him

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is that mother who in Arabic is the standard of service

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So have asked, What do you mean by that? What do you mean he'll use

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him? So then the profit or loss explained is that before the guy

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dies, Allah will use him to do something positive and beneficial,

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so that the people around him are satisfied. They benefit humanity

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benefits. Right? So that is the person who Allah has intended

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Goodwin. So what I'm saying that we should tell our children now,

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right is not that, hey, you need to grow up and be a doctor. Or you

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need to grow up and be a architect and you're drumming that in their

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head day in and day out. Or another way, you need to be a

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Molana. We're not going to tell them that you need to be a Mufti

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sob, we're not going to tell them that

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we're going to tell them is when you grow up, you're going to be

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such a high valued individual, that you're going to change the

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world for it to be a better place, you're going to contribute and

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become beneficial for real, that's what I want you to be. That's what

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I really want you to be. I want you to be a productive individual.

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When you grow up and help people and make a difference. How are you

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going to do that? You're going to be a doctor.

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You're going to be an architect. You're going to be an engineer,

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you're going to be a Molana you're going to be a Mufti. You

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understand what I'm saying, you're still doing the same thing. But

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it's for a higher goal. It's not an end goal. Because that's very

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selfish to be just an I just want to be a doctor. So what, like big

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deal, right? Do it for a higher purpose. That's when it'll make a

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big difference. And I guess and I believe that these are the

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convictions and the principles on which though he'd boy school,

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declaring the Oneness of Allah is what Tawheed means, right? Is what

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it was established on from all of these mashallah individuals work

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so hard. And Allah thank your parents, thank our parents for

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what they've done. And may Allah allow us to continue this legacy

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and make it even, even better inshallah make it even better. So

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that's what I have to say does not come down here. Allah bless your

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The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get

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further and inspiration and encouragement, persuasion. The

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next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books

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to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of

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Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware

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of what our Dean wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan

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courses, so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand

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whenever you have free time, especially for example, the

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Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials

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certificate, which you take 20 Short modules, and at the end of

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that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the

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most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.

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You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to live,

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you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more

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sustained study as well as local law here in Santa Monica when I

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have the live record

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