Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Be Remembered After Your Death

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of having a clear mind and being a "monster job" with a certain word. They suggest that it is difficult to ask someone to accept them as a means of satisfaction, but it is important to achieve a dream and achieve success. The speaker also mentions the need for a strong personal and mental state to achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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That's why Imam Malik he said that for my colonel Allah He for

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that whatever it is going to be for Allah subhanaw taala that will

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endure, that will stay that will remain

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right at the outset what I want to say when I when I read all of this

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and I think back for me, it's just like, may Allah accept me for this

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as well. That's something I can do that after five centuries some

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we're gonna, somebody's gonna take your name and say Rama, hula after

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your name. I mean, any other investment you do is just good

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enough for your retirement or for your children. But after that,

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it's all gone, isn't it? They want to remind you remember you, but if

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you've got if Allah places your name, and associates it with

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something that is

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to do with the dean,

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that's going to be quite amazing. So I think you should have the

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same idea as well. You should have the same goal in mind. And there's

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nothing that's going to prevent you except your own knifes and

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your own inferiority complex. Believe me, there's nothing that

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is going to stop you from having a desire a dream, a goal and

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A high Himba except your own self. And I'm speaking to everybody now.

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Right? Not just to the Adama to everybody. Can you not ask Allah

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subhanaw taala to make you a monster job with that word? He

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might not. But then he might. But does that have to stop us from

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because of the chances does that have to stop us from asking?

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Is it too difficult to ask him that Oh, Allah accept me to do

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something that is going to make my hero

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that's going to inhabit my afterlife? That's going to make me

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remembered. That's going to make me closer to you.

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That's going to make me useful. That's going to accept me for some

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kind of service of your deen. Is that too difficult for us to ask?

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Anyone who was early he had this fiery heart and a

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very active mind and that's what you need. You need both of those

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things. You can't just have a burning heart and no intellect to

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go with it. Or just a very active intellect but not a very hot

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that's in touch with things. You need both of them bla

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