Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – ARE YOU A HATER
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And I think the really good example that hits it home is, if
you go to any hospital, you see a number of nurses and doctors and
other, you know, health experts down there, they are in a place of
a huge amount of misery, they would rather not be there because
I mean, illness is not something that you want to be around
sickness is not something that you want to be in touch with. Right,
however they're there. But they treat the people who have the
sicknesses, they treat the people with these illnesses, because
while they don't like the illness, and they don't like the sickness,
and they'd rather not be there, but they like the people, they
don't hate the people that hate the sickness, the hate the
illness, but they treat the people as human beings, because the idea
is, we can get rid of this. So similarly, we are all doctors, for
our society and community, all nurses in that sense, Muslims are
supposed to be those who bring about good to others and ease to
others. So if there is a person who is doing evil, and if we treat
them with evil as well, because we have made them out to be an evil
person, so we hate the person, then there is less likelihood of
reform. Whereas when it's very clear, and you make it very clear
of your sincerity of hating the act and not the doer of the act,
you can actually bring them closer because you can actually show that
compassion to the individual differently, not for the deed, but
for the person.
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, Al hamdu lillahi Hamden cathedral to
even Mobarak can feel more economically familiar, but I'm
gonna weigh Allah Jalla Jalla who am Manuel was Salatu was Salam O
Allah. So you will have you will Mustafa SallAllahu, Derrida
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Sleeman girthier on Eli Yomi, Dean,
We're going to look at a
really important personal, emotional, psychological and
spiritual issue.
And we find the mention of this in
a verse of the Quran in surah Al Hijra verse 47, Allah subhana wa
Tada says
one is there another Murphy so don't worry him in relation to one
another. So Rudy, motorcar baleen
so Allah says regarding the people who will enter Paradise after
having done the good that they have done in this world, Allah
says that we will extract and remove completely remove any hill
that's in their heart, any hill that they find in their *,
we will remove them, they will be brothers under a pseudonym with a
call Abilene and they will be brothers, brethren, sitting on
thrones and stages, honorary positions essentially motorcar
built in facing one another.
What is this concept of grill? What is it that ALLAH SubhanA wa
Tada will remove any remnants of any remainder of and thus there
will be none of this in paradise, but there's a lot of it in this
world unfortunately.
And while there's a lot of hidden in this world, it's not something
that everybody has to have. It is something that a person can choose
and can make an effort to remove as well in this world and thus
become more like the people of paradise and thus, inshallah
become more entitled and worthy of being in paradise if we can remove
the reel in our hearts. So what exactly is this little ZIL is
obviously an Arabic word as Allah subhanaw taala uses in the Quran,
and the concept of
real is
as if I if I give you the deck, if I give you the dictionary
definition of real, this is what it says it says real is Ranko
Ranko essentially easier word hatred,
ill feelings, bad ideas. The other thing the dictionary says
malice, spied. These are all words that define really right rein and
In another definition, it says or latent rank or something that
resides in the heart and expresses its ugly head every now and then
abundantly. Most of the time if you let it get out of some people
have latent Ranko. Some people have extreme Branco, they just
hate everything and every every one and they just have as bad
thoughts as you know as anybody could muster up.
So that's the concept
have real Now what's really interesting is that there's
another word which is related to that that comes from the same root
letters, which is rain and lamb or double lamb. And that is wool. So
that's not the word used in the Quran here, although that is used
in other places. So ZIL is the state of the heart that is a state
of hatred and malevolence against somebody and bad thoughts and
spite. And hold is actually mean actually means a neck shackle a
neck collar, one of those that you put prisoners in so that they
can't move.
So that you keep them captivated, I in color, or something else
around the neck. That's what wool refers to
a ring or a collar of iron, which is put upon the neck, a shackle
for the neck, or for the hand or collar for the neck or pinion or
manacle for the hand. That's what it says.
And the pillar of that is other URL and that's used in the Quran
of Allah al the plural of hula that's used in the Quran. For
those who will have iron around their neck, show that they
captives that they are in trouble.
So that is what Allah subhanho wa Taala promises to remove from the
hearts of all of those that will enter into paradise so that
there's not even any latent hatred, latent possibility of
heart feeling.
I mean, imagine a world without hard feelings. Imagine a world
without bad thoughts. Imagine a world without hatred, that's
paradise for you. For some people, this is just impossible for them
to imagine. But to be honest, if Allah subhanaw taala gives
somebody for the Ian who hired and to yerba as Allah promises, that
whoever does the certain good deeds, we will
give them a an excellent life and an excellent life is like the life
of paradise. So make paradise on earth for yourself by removing the
hard thoughts and the bad thoughts from the heart. So, let us talk
about this. And let us talk about the sign. So today, hopefully, in
the time that we have will be able to cover what this is exactly.
Beyond this linguistic meaning which from which you could have
already understood what we're talking about. And then some signs
of whether we have it or not, because it's very difficult to
determine, especially within ourselves that we have a certain
spiritual problem, spiritual problems are very difficult to
detect, because we love ourselves. And we constantly justify why we
have certain things, we don't notice them while we notice them
in somebody else. So we're going to talk about, you know, several
signs of this insha Allah. So firstly, it means to have a bad
thoughts about somebody to create bad thoughts to conjure up a bad
ideas about somebody and then to hate them for that reason. This is
actually one of the most destructive traits of the heart.
And the reason why it's so destructive. It's I think it's
similar to miserliness. Because the other person who you hate may
actually be enjoying their life, as long as you don't express some
of that hatred. But this is consuming you within because evil
thoughts are bad for you. Evil thoughts are bad, because even
according to psychology, when a person has constantly ruminating
with bad thoughts, they have a negative hormone cortisol, which
is constantly dripping, and that creates stress and depression and
creates anxiety and great problems. And that leads to them
other physical, medical, physical medical conditions. So while it
might start off as a psychological condition, it eventually
eventually becomes manifest as a physical condition. And people are
wondering what's wrong with a person in the physical state, but
it's comes due to this. And I think the, at the you know, while
it's a psychological physical condition, eventually, it actually
comes from a spiritual problem. And for much of that, this is what
Allah subhanaw taala discusses for us in the Quran. So it's an
extremely destructive trait of the heart. It's a spiritual problem.
And, you know, it gets really bad. This is relating to something
which might upset you, right? You dislike something you don't like
the way something looks, you don't like the way something seems you
don't like the way somebody speaks. You don't like somebody's
relationship, you don't like the way they dress. You disagree with
something about them, or whatever the case is, and then eventually
see, you can disagree with somebody there's nothing wrong
with disagreement, as long as it's for the right reason and for the
you know, with the right facts, I mean, there's going to be
disagreements in the world.
There's many people that disagreed with others, but that should not
then grip the heart such that you start hating this person and it's
a really, really difficult thing to do sometimes, especially if the
other person starts there.
Hate first, then it becomes even more complicated, then it's the
person who's more connected to Allah that will resist that will
resist this, but look around. How many people is this destroying? Is
it destroying you? Do you have anxiety issues based on griefs and
worries of things that, you know that upset you, or that have not
even happened? Right? According to many, many statistics, there's a
huge percentage of things that you may be worried about and even
anxious about, I've got another talk on that subject. And the
statistics show that it probably won't even happen.
Now, look at this example, right? If we were to see sometimes in
order to reconcile this, sometimes somebody does bad to you, or they
do a bad act. Sometimes somebody is
doing some evil acts. And you know, we're supposed not to like
evil acts, you know, we're supposed to have a displeasure
towards evil acts when we're supposed to hate evil acts. So how
do you reconcile that with somebody who's doing evil acts?
Well, the simple thing is, I know, sometimes this is very, very
difficult, but I think I've got an example today, I think that really
hits home. You know, the point is to dislike the act and not allow
it to dislike the person even though it's the person who's doing
the dislike act disliked act. So you dislike the act. And that's
something that you can actually work on, so that you can actually
separate between the person dislike the how do you separate
between the person dislike act, when you hate the act itself, and
then you see that sometimes the person has reformed themselves,
then you'd be fine with that person, because you'd be happy for
that person. Not that you'll remember that now for the next
2030 years, and never forgive that person, even if he's sober. And
repentance has been accepted by Allah subhanho wa taala, because
you never hated the person, you actually hated the act itself. And
I think they're really good example that hits it home, is, if
you go to any hospital, you see a number of nurses and doctors and
other, you know, health experts down there, they are in a place of
a huge amount of misery, they would rather not be there. Because
I mean, illness is not something that you want to be around.
Sickness is not something that you want to be in touch with. Right,
however they're there. But they treat the people who have the
sicknesses, they treat the people with these illnesses, because
while they don't like the illness, and they don't like the sickness,
and they'd rather not be there, but they like the people, they
don't hate the people that hate the sickness, they hate the
illness, but they treat the people as human beings, because the idea
is, we can get rid of this. So similarly, we are all doctors, for
our society and community, all nurses in that sense, Muslims are
supposed to be those who bring about good to others and ease to
others. So if there is a person who's doing evil, and if we treat
them with evil as well, because we have made them out to be an evil
person, so we hate the person, then there is less likelihood of
reform. Whereas when it's very clear, and you make it very clear
of your sincerity of hating the act, and not the doer of the act,
you can actually bring them closer because you can actually show that
compassion to the individual differently, not for the deed, but
for the person.
So it's just just be like a doctor or a nurse where you where you
don't like the illness, but you do everything for the person
themselves. So,
there is a
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam displayed this, on one
occasion, he showed disapproval of
foul smelling plants, for example, the garlic, the onion is another
example of that. So he expressed the disapproval of it. Now, this
happened during the conquest of Haber, right, the they had
suddenly chanced upon this and they entered the castles, people
were very, very hungry. And because they were very, very
hungry, they they they found the garlic and then they went to the
masjid and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam smelled the odor
of garlic, and he said, Whoever eats from this foul smelling
plant, or this foul smelling food should not come close to our
messages. So the way that people took this was a good teaching of
the profit and loss and the way the Sahaba took it. They said
hermit hermit, you know, this food item is haram. Now it's been made
private and it's been made, and you're not allowed to eat this
anymore. This reached the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and
the person said, Yeah, you had nurse in the who? Lisa B Darim.
Oh, people. This is not a matter of making something unlawful. Ma
Hala Julio, Lisa B. Remo Mahal, Allah holy. This is not about
making something that Allah has made halal. This is not about
making that haram that's not what I'm trying to do. Well, I can
shedule ratoon
corollary haha, it is it is just a food product, it's a tree, it's a
plant, I just don't like I just dislike its odor.
Because there's a lot of other benefits. So natural antibiotic,
there's a lot of other benefits to, for example, the garlic.
Right. And likewise with other things, I mean with onions and
every I mean, it's just the odor, which is the problem of it. So be
very particular about what you dislike in somebody. And when you
do that, you actually just do better in this world, so that it
doesn't seem like this whole mighty mountain is upon you. So
hate the evil, but don't hate the person. And this way in sha Allah,
we can actually try to attract the people towards us by showing them
that look, this is what's wrong, you're not wrong. Right? In every
aspect of yours. Unfortunately, hearts are very small nowadays,
they're overly sensitive, be extremely selfish. So we begin to
hate, we begin to hate and that just makes a bigger battle for no
reason. Now, if you look young children don't have any of this
mashallah are mad assume and inerrant and infallible young,
innocent children, they don't have this, the parents tell them off.
The mother may even, you know,
give very harsh discipline or a somewhat level of harsh
discipline, a bad word a telling off. But they still run back to
their parents. They don't keep that in their heart. They don't
keep that in their heart. It's adults who do this a lot. And
sometimes the children will learn from such adults. Because when
they see our reaction, that we stop speaking to people so easily.
And we start criticizing people so easy. Our children pick that up,
and we mess up their innocence. A lot of the time people will come
and say my child does this is very, you know, constantly mocking
people like where did he get that from?
Where did he get that idea from? You must have seen somebody do
this. Children don't make this stuff up. Somebody has done this,
somebody does this. And this is where they've taken it from
Subhanallah humans are not supposed to we've got control over
this. We've got guidance for this. There's what Allah subhanaw taala
is telling us in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has
For example, among the animals, there's one animal which is known
for huge amount of hatred. Subhan Allah. I mean, not just for
nothing, though, right? But he never forgets. The camel is known
for this apparently. I mean, we don't deal with camels, but those
who deal with camels, they know what happens with a camel is that
if it's told off in some unjust way, and the or dealt with in a
harsh way by the Camellia by its owner, at that point, that command
will not do anything because the Camellia has a whip in his hand
or, you know, has the power at that time in his subjugated at
that time, but it will remember they say this will say about
camels, it will remember, and this can be after months, or after
years even that this camel will attack its owner.
You have to be very careful with camels. Don't be like a camel. In
fact, another thing of the camel is that a camellia needs to be
very careful. This is something else. Contrast camels. You get off
the camel camels a huge and you have to be careful when the camel
is going to sit which side it's going to sit on? Is it going to
sit on the left or the right side? So we'd say do you need to be on
if somebody doesn't know, then you may get harmed and hit by that. So
don't be like candles.
And just to give an idea Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how
bad hatred can be and how bad this feeling of loathing and Ranko
right can be. Allah subhanaw taala gives the examples of non Muslims
right against Islam. Those who hate Islam, there's just so much
rancor in the heart Allah subhanaw taala says what he can do Lavina
Kapha rude usually Kona can be our sorry him. Semi Ruth Nicaragua, Gu
Luna in hula, imagine
it is
very close, that those people who disbelieved that if they could
basically, they would make you slip even with the eyes with their
When they hear the reminders, when they hear the reminders, they just
so hated, the hatred just comes out when they hear any word about
Islam or any good that comes from it. That if they could, they might
not physically be able to do something, but they would do
something even with their eyes with the with the glances. And
above all, and then eventually they at least say in the whole
image known that they call the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. They call him
the insane one. They can't find anything else. They get so angry
that then their spokespeople have to say something about the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even without realizing that their own
religion and people of their religion their own ancestors used
to do the same thing and it was completely accepted before for an
old you know, for a person to be married at the age of 678 or nine.
So they will make these statements because
Currently, that is not seen as a good thing.
But this is all done out of hatred. What are the signs to
indicate that somewhere somebody is harboring hatred in their heart
and rank or in their heart, especially latent, benign, that
you can't see? But then it does come up every now and then.
Number one, this is the first time do you seek out others faults? Are
you constantly in the search for others faults, and that really
gets you going and excites you, when you hear when you see hear or
learn about other people's faults, you enjoy listening to it when
others mentioned it, and then you like telling others about it.
That's not a good thing. Now remember, just because you can see
the faults of others, that doesn't make you a better person. Just
because you can see the faults of others, it probably shows that
you've got faults, because you can describe the you can identify
faults and defects and problems. That means you know, what faults
a person who is just so innocent. So if they don't even know what a
fault is, and people can treat them in I mean, I'm not saying you
need to be that gullible. And I'm not saying that you should never
be able to recognize faults and even if you do need to protect
yourself. But don't think that just because you can you're very
good at identifying faults in others, that you are actually a
better person necessarily, unless use look at that as a mirror.
Believer is a
a believer is a mirror for a believer. So yes, that's the way
if you see that in somebody else, do I have the same problem?
Constantly, we go back to ourselves, then that's a great
thing. That's the first sign is not the first sign. It's one of
the signs. Another sign is rejoicing in other people's
misfortunes. Why would you do that? Because there's hatred in
your heart for that person, you have no compassion.
That's why you don't feel that this fellow human being is going
through a difficulty or misfortune. You don't realize that
he's a human being she's a human being. And this is a misfortune
that comes to human beings. I am a human being it could come to me
when I remember when I first read about this either in the works of
Razali, tannery or shout irony. And I was like, Well, I think it
was shot it I think in double Saba, I've got the lectures of the
online, the etiquette of brotherhood or companionship, And
subhanAllah he says you're a human being just like that person. So if
this calamity can upon come upon them, it's a human calamity. That
means it can come upon you. So be careful how you rejoice about
others, never rejoice about other people's difficulties, or their
And remember the other thing that really, really, really you can
say, put the fear of God in me a long time ago, right? was a saying
or a narration that says that if a person has done something wrong,
and then they have repented, in front of Allah subhanaw taala,
Allah subhanaw taala is forgiven them. And then you censor them,
and you go about it and you criticize them for that. Allah in
punishment will involve you in that same issue before you die.
I just remember reading that was like, wow, you know, you just need
to be avoid of this. And this has been observed many times that the
same thing happens to people who do this to others. What they say
is what goes around, comes around.
Now is really, really frightening. Because Allah subhanaw taala has
inserted a rough verse 95 So at verse 99, FM, you know, my
Corolla, for the manual Makara Allah He ill Coleman has the moon,
do they feel safe and secure from the planning of Allah subhanho wa
Taala Allah subtle planning.
The only one that can feel secure from the planning of Allah is are
those who are losers, because they don't know how Allah Allah Allah
said, the person that has the calamity, and the difficulty or
the problem that they're facing, and you're rejoicing that that
person is just a human being just like you. So it could happen to
him could happen to you. Number three, another thing that hatred
does and Renko does for you is that it causes you to withhold any
kind of praise or positive mentioned even right. In fact, you
don't even want to respond to salam from them. You don't want
forget about giving salam you don't want to respond to salam
from them. Whereas
that is just completely wrong. And the reason is that I don't think
we've understood the point of Salam Salam is a Dar Salam is
a an expression of goodness. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said, spread Salam amongst you. That is the way you're gonna
pay. Love said you cannot be full believers until you love one
another and you can't love one another and less you. Should I
tell you how you can love one another you give salaams when you
say a Salam or Aleikum, it's not like saying hello. You know if you
said hello the whole day, nothing would happen. It's just a random
I have not really checked the etymology of it or the origin of
Hello, hello, hello. The whole day makes no difference. I guess if
you said good morning, at least you're giving some kind of dua.
Right? You know, you're giving a good to our you're bringing some
good but Hello, what does that even mean? It's just we've
attributed a meaning to it. But when we say As salam, o alaikum,
peace be upon you, and we spread this. So let's just say that we
say one salah, and just one of our Salah, we say multiple surrounds a
day to people, and just one Salam per day gets accepted. Can you
imagine that much more peace is reigned in the world, in that
area, in that locality in your family, or wherever it is. And
especially if it's a person you don't like Assalamu alaykum May
peace be upon you as well. And may you lose all of this problem that
you have, and may you become a good person.
So rather than all of that, what what people do, they would start
backbiting these people, they would start even slandering them.
That's another sign of hatred in the hearts,
Allahu Akbar, even if the person has done wrong to you, right you
there is a way to avoid the evil, the avoid the harm and still not
hate the person for what that is. Give them an option, give them a
chance, right? Or at least suspend judgment. Number four, you then
start looking down at this person, you start looking down even as I
said earlier, even if they have no repented, and even if they've
changed, you will not forget them even after 20 years. This is a
major issue in some of our communities. There's somebody
who's done some wrong they fallen into a mistake they've done wrong
not even against you. They've just done a mistake they've committed a
sin maybe, right? Maybe they've committed Zina, they stole
something maybe something on it now they remain for 20 years, they
totally changed. You can tell everybody can change. But you will
remember the whole history you have all of the data. And I don't
know where you get even the in the retentive memory from to remember
all of this, some people in our community, they pretty much know
the dirt
and the histories, the biographies of every single person, even after
they've been reformed. You know what you should have used that
time to memorize the Quran if your mind works well Mashallah.
You just not willing to forgive that even though Allah may have
forgiven them.
And you remember so much. Why don't you do hymns of the Quran?
I mean, our scholars used to remember the narrator's of the
Hadith to know, you know what narration is they had and if
they've ever done, if they've ever, you know, made a mistake in
the narration or something like that, that's what they used to use
their minds for.
So, you have to remember that when people make doba and repent to
Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala, season sortal For
one verse 70, right, and keep this verse in mind. But when you bet
the law who say ye to him has,
what can Allah who rob Rahim? These are the people who Allah
subhanaw taala has actually turned their bad deeds into good one. So
all the bad that they've done, that has now just been converted
to good deeds. That's the beauty of a person who's done wrong, you
know, for whatever reason, then when they make Toba, all the bad
deeds actually become good. So Allah gives you a starting package
as well, to start off with, and Allah subhanaw taala is extremely
forgiving and merciful. So that's number four. I mean, we could
really expand and expand and all of these, but in the short time
that we have number a number five, you what hatred does is that it
actually leads you to divulge things that should not be divulged
about people divulge their secrets, even though the private
seller license said gatherings are to be held in trust, private
conversations, private events, private incidents are supposed to
be held in trust, things that happen in private, not supposed to
be for the public. This was well, yes, if there's somebody who's
swindling others cheating others harming others, then that could be
a justification. But otherwise, you just do it purely out of
hatred. In fact, what the other might have mentioned that if
you're consulted, for example, for a marriage proposal about a
certain individual in your area, in your family, or whatever, and
you know certain things about them, so let's just say that they
had certain issues about them. However, that is not going to
impact on the marriage, then you're not allowed to divulge
that. Yes, you're only allowed to mention only as much as would
affect that relationship. So if they've got something that's going
to hinder the marriage or effect the marriage negatively, then you
could divulge only that much all the time being precautious that
you are not agree aggressing against that person and then Allah
subhanaw taala throw their sins on you or cause you to give you this
person that you're after. You have to be very particular. It's your
responsibility to give the right kind of information, but you need
to do it in the most tactful way while trying to protect that
person as far as you can. Otherwise we incriminate ourselves
in that and what's the point of that?
Now the other
problem with this is that when people reveal things about others,
they, they're not very smart about the way they reveal things about
others, they're not very particular about it. If you've got
hatred and you start revealing things about others, what you will
do is that you will not be accurate in your revelation, you
will not be accurate in what you divulge. But you add a lot of
spices to it. Now, while a person might be a person who's done a lot
of bad, but now what you've done is that you've actually brought a
lot of the bad on yourself. And that's an issue. A lot of people
when they tell others, you know, even when it's necessary, they
spice it up. I've seen that in many occasions, because we get
cases that come to us, and then that, you know, one side just goes
off on the other person, and then you ask the other person, and then
you sit them down together. And then you actually find out that
there's exaggeration, humans are prone to exaggeration, and only
the discerning and careful ones will be careful about this, you'd
rather say less than more, even in times of necessity.
Okay, number six, eventually, you will also start mocking them,
making fun of them. Now, mocking people and making fun of them, you
know, if you get become that brazen about it, right? That's
another evil of hatred of somebody. And you have to remember
that mocking somebody. And making fun of them is not just with
words, for example, it could be with explicitly with words, it
could be done with the tongue. But it could also be done in gestures.
Like, somebody goes past and you shake your head, you frown, you
stick your tongue out, you know, whatever it is, by which the other
person gets a negative message about the individual. If thumbs
down or something like that, it just depends. I mean, can you
justify it, if you can handle it, if you can't, then it's wrong. And
then number seven, I guess, when it comes to the worst part of it
is that you don't just leave it in your heart, you just don't leave
it between you and you know, yourself, and you just get angry
about it. But you actually then go and try to harm the person, it
leads you to say bad things to derail them some way to scratch
their car, to spoil their dress to,
to to to basically insult them in some way to
spill a glass of cola or drink on their, you know, on their bag or,
you know, on their garment or, you know, whatever it may be.
So, there's a level of jealousy that comes about and there's a
number of other things that come out there. I mean, I'm being very
particular when I speak about hatred, but it could involve so
many other things. IMAMBARA Bernie, one of our great scholars
of the Indian subcontinent, Imam, Sheikh Ahmed has said Hindi, he
said three things. He says that if a man if a person claims to be a
brave person of Valor, then than their tests, a brave man's test is
in the battlefield.
A friend's test is at the time of difficulties to see who still is
your friend who still has your back at the time of at a time of
difficulties, right? Otherwise, it's just a friendship of
convenience. And number three, the alkyne the rational, reasonable,
intellectual person, their test is in a state of anger.
Clearly, a lot of this is caused by anger, your test is that are
you going to go overboard? But the above if we go back to the main
verse that Allah subhanaw taala says, that we manage that in our
Murphy, so due to him mean religion, we don't want this
harboring hatred in our heart. We want to give people the benefit of
the doubt. We want to be very particular about the harm that we
know about somebody the wrong we know about somebody, we don't want
to lead us to then
incriminate ourselves, harm ourself, by this in front of Allah
subhanaw taala to for them to become a psychological problem in
ourself and become anxious for no reason and become hearts full of
malice and hatred for no reason. Allah subhana wa Tada allow that
allow our hearts to be free of malice and hatred. Inshallah the
next time, we will hopefully be able to discuss the remedies for
this and the therapies for this. And may Allah subhanaw taala
protect us and allow us to see this in our hearts so that we can
actually start making a difference. Working with that
Werner an Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen. The point of a lecture is
to encourage people to act to get further an inspiration and
encouragement, persuasion. The next step is to actually start
learning seriously to read books to take on a subject of Islam and
to understand all the subjects of Islam at least at the basic level,
so that we can become more aware of what our deen wants from us.
And that's why we started Rayyan courses so that you can actually
take organize lectures on demand whenever you have free time,
especially for example, the Islamic essentials course that we
have on the Islamic essentials certificate which you take 20
Short mod
joules and at the end of that inshallah you will have gotten the
basics of most of the most important topics in Islam and
you'll feel a lot more confident. You don't have to leave lectures
behind you can continue to live, you know to listen to lectures,
but you need to have this more sustained study as well JazakAllah
Heron salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.