Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Announce the Marriage

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of announcing a wedding to avoid being flagged and suggests that it is important for everyone to know that a marriage is not supposed to be secret. The speaker also mentions that a marriage is not supposed to be contracted in secret and that people should know that they are going to be married, rather than just giving birth to their spouse.
AI: Transcript ©
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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged that marriages

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be announced. Alright, Lee knew earlier, but don't announce them.

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Why should you announce a marriage because marriage is not supposed

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to be a secret relationship. The whole point of marriage is that

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everybody knows. So when they see you together, they know like,

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Okay, you're not committing Zina. That's how important it is. So the

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reason why you announced the wedding is so that everybody knows

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that doesn't mean you have to call the whole world for your wedding.

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If you cannot do that, if you like to feed people and you got the

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money and no headache, then you can feed a whole stadium if you

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want to, but if you're doing it because somebody else did it,

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otherwise people are gonna say You know, you didn't call me or

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whatever, then all of that, just forget that to do it as an

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obligation is not a sunnah. The only reason you announcing you can

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announce it in Joomla that's why the best place to have a Nika is

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in the masjid because there's going to be people there, you've

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announced it, right? It doesn't mean you have to put it into the

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papers, but generally the people who you're going to be dealing

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with know that now you're married, therefore a marriage should not be

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contracted in secret

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