Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – An Impure Heart in a Pure Court [Hikam 13]
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So you'll have Uber you'll have bolt you'll have
free now and I don't know how many there are and whichever one you
get to and it's just like, you're going crazy. Caffeine tablets, Red
Bull, coffee,
and whatever else because 16 hours 17 hours and then you come home
And that's not right. Allah Allah make it easy, but that's not
So it's all of these things, and we got so much of that today. Like
you can't even escape it on your phone. What's supposed to be
innocent WhatsApp, even that is addictive.
Even that's addictive. You just need to get a new message. Just
keep checking for a new message.
Because that makes you feel good.
They've just really hack to the whole chemical reaction in human
beings that that's like, if you say that this generation is when
they've actually figured out really well how to control
somebody's you know, chemical reactions mashallah they've done
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Robben Island mein wa salatu salam ala
Sayyidina Muhammad wa are the early he was the he although Rocco
was seldom at the Sleeman cathedral Ilario Medina America
our dear brothers dear sisters, dear friends, dear listeners, we
continue with our series on Ignatov Allah's celebrated work
called the heckum the book of wisdoms. We are
on page 95 It's wisdom number 13. We did the first part of it last
in the last session.
Gonna just repeat the whole thing we'll do the rest of them today in
sha Allah so He makes four statements here. He says K for
usually we'll call it bone sewer will acquire an image on top of
your axon female RT m k for your Hello hola hola. Who are mocha
balloon bisha Haverty MK for yet. Yet tomorrow MK for your tomorrow
a Nicola huddart Allah He Wahoo Olivia Tata her mean Jana wetty
have offered RT m k for your Joe and Jeff Hama Dukkha equal SR
Wahoo alum YouTube mean Hathaway it. So the first step that we said
it was, how can the heart be illuminated
while the forms of worldly creatures are reflected in its
because a mirror focuses in one direction at once. So we we've
discussed that. Or next part is how can it journey to Allah.
Once it gets illuminated, then we journey to Allah.
And that would mean when you journey to Allah, you get
interested in Journey Into Allah subhanaw taala.
And when you get interested in something you want to do it. So
you, when you get interested in something that you want to watch,
then you want to find every moment to watch it every moment to use it
every moment to speak to them, every moment to read it, whatever
it may be that you get interested in, if it's a hobby, or whatever
it is. So first, you need to let it settle in your heart. Once it
grips your heart, then you want to do it all the time. You want to
travel to it all the time. But then he's saying that how can you
journey to Allah while shackled by the passions of the world? The
anchoring you down. And then the third one, he said is how can it
desire? Meaning how can your
heart desire to even enter the Presence of Allah you take a
journey and then you get to the Presence of Allah. The journey
that you take is not necessarily a physical journey, sometimes we do
we go
to get closer to Allah subhanaw taala we go to the Haramain we go
to the masjid.
We go to good programs, we go to gatherings of vicar, so that we
can enter into the presence of Allah subhanho wa Taala special
gathering special sessions. But how can you do that? He's saying
how can it desire even if it gets there? How can it desire to enter
the Presence of Allah? While it has not yet purified itself from
the stain of its forgetfulness? All of those years of
forgetfulness is still staining our heart.
And then he says finally, and how can it understand the subtle
points of the mysteries, while it has not yet repented of its
offenses? Now? That one is a bit more complicated. The whole thing
gets a bit more complicated. The first thing is that the light
needs to appear for us to even start up. Then after that we need
to get close traveled to be closer to Allah. But we can't do that. If
We're just anchored down and shackled down. And then if we
travel, then we need to be able to be permitted to go inside.
But just like in the world,
if somebody came into this Masjid right now, and they were impure,
they'll probably understand themselves that I can't come into
the Masjid.
If they were dirty,
they were not impure, but they were dirty, they feel bad about
coming in others would feel bad about coming in. We know that we
don't like foul smells in the masjid.
Right, so people like to perfume themselves, if they've eaten
something smoked something, they feel bad or others feel bad. And
we've been actually told, and this is just the place that we've
actually designated to be a masjid.
It's something that we have said, Okay, this is going to be a
masjid, or this is going to be our prayer place. And once it becomes
a prayer place, whether that be in a university, whether it be in
a business, this is our prayer hall, and you put a few prayer
mats down, then people feel a bit uncomfortable coming in there with
impure or unclean or filthy clothing, because it's just not
appropriate. So in the court of Allah Himself, these are just
places that we've dedicated for the sake of Allah. Imagine in the
courts of Allah Himself, how can you enter?
If we're stained?
And then he says that if we do get to enter, how are you going to
have all of the great mysteries open to you get the knowledge of
Allah subhana wa, tada, the special openings that he gives to
people who get very close to him?
That one sounds a bit complicated, doesn't it? But what it is, is
that many Ollier of Allah,
they don't necessarily have to read a lot of books, or listen to
a lot of lectures, they seem to get lots of ideas in their mind of
some really intricate and interesting, beneficial things.
Like, where did you learn that from?
But it dawns onto them from ALLAH SubhanA wa, tada. That's the
mysteries, he's talking about the realities of the heat, what life
is all about?
There's a lot you can learn from the books. But there's a lot that
comes beyond that, from Allah subhanaw taala.
Sometimes it happens to us when we're there, and suddenly
something just occurs to us that is like, Oh, it's a wake up call,
or it gives us a very
clear way provides us clarity
about where we should be and what we should be doing. So all of that
requires some purity, all of that requires not to be anchored, all
of that requires not to be distracted. So that's essentially
what he's saying. So the first one we discussed last week that the
heart is like a mirror is going to reflect what we keep
putting in front of him. Right, so we discussed that in detail. Now
he's saying
that you only have one heart, and that heart needs to be directed in
the right direction. If you're going to keep it focused on all
these creative things of Allah subhanaw taala, then that means
you're actually going to turn away from the creator of them cannot be
one way or the other, you either turn it towards the Creator, or
his created things. And if you are to turn it to Allah, the Creator,
then that means you're going to have some kind of distraction from
So, but the benefit of that will be is that you will now become
closer to Allah Subhana. So you will start traveling.
That's why That's where he says the second statement is how can
you travel now?
If you're shackled down by your lust, and your desires and your
pleasures, see there's no way that your car can take off if you keep
the handbrake on.
Even if you really manage to, then it's going to be quite jerky
because He's resisting. Like if your handbrake isn't strong
then it's going to be jerky, right?
So you'd never be able to catch up speeds.
You're gonna bother a lot of people as well if there's other
people around. So even if you've managed to take off, you're not
gonna get far you can definitely not go fast.
Unless you break the handbrake, which is what we want to do here.
You know, you don't want to break you don't want to brake hand
brakes, but you definitely want to break the wrong brakes on our
So that's what he's saying
that until you have your heart from our dermal coloboma booths,
and Bill melee healer shaman hurdle out of the out of the
Fanny, as long as your heart is
restricted by this
inclination that you have of the love of the world.
Even if it is permissible things, when is your love haram things
that's totally messed up, that's never going to get let you go. But
what he's talking about is that weak handbrake, that you love
things which are permissible, generally, you just love lots of
food, like you always want, you just really food like really makes
you. You just thrive on it. And of course, we all like food, you need
food, and you can enjoy food when you have it. But if you're 24/7,
about food, or about anything else, for that matter, then then
that means because if you are too much about anything, it's not
going to let you do something else. And yet we'd have the
experience that when you're too much into one thing, for example,
there's some people, they just need to finish off these series.
Okay. That's a really good example for today. Right? You just have to
finish up the series, five episodes, five seasons, right,
each one with 80 episodes, I don't know. And you just have to do it
over two days.
If you could, if there were enough hours in the day,
It just goes crazy. That means you're distracting yourself on
something. I was speaking to somebody who is about 45 now. And
we were just talking about computer games. And he said that
20 years ago, he got hooked onto one computer game, he just tried
it out, got hooked on to it. And he was a father by that time
already working guy, probably what 25 years old or something.
He said I had to clock that game 234 weeks. And it was crazy.
Because people were coming to see me and I was distracted from them.
I was not indulging them. I missed so many other things. And I just
had to clock that game. Now that's quite an extreme, right? That is
quite extreme. But there are a lot of adults. And not just children
who do this kind of stuff.
But I know games sound a bit weird. But there's a lot of other
things that people are some people for them. It's their job.
It's their career, it's not even their business. But they want to
ascend the ladder. So they give everything they sacrificed
themselves to that company. If it's their own business, it's even
worse, because if you got your own business, you're 24/7 in business,
if you work for somebody else you're supposed to switch off
afterwards, they try to give you phones so that you can take calls
afterwards. And so on and so forth. They entice you with
different things. So it could be anything, it could be anything.
Even Uber, because the more you're on the road, the more money you
It's all like that it grips you every little, this is the thing of
the world, it will grip you.
So you'll have Uber, you'll have bolt, you'll have
it free now and I don't know how many there are. And whichever one
you get it and it's just like you're going crazy. Caffeine
tablets, Red Bull, coffee,
and whatever else because 16 hours 17 hours, and then you come home
And that's not right. Allah make it easy, but that's not right.
So it's all of these things. And we got so much of that today. Like
you can't even escape it on your phone. What's supposed to be
innocent WhatsApp, even that is addictive.
Even that's addictive. You just need to get a new message. Just
keep checking for a new message.
Because that makes you feel good.
They've just really hack to the whole chemical reaction in human
beings that that's like if you say that this generation is when
they've actually figured out really well how to control
somebody's you know, chemical reactions mashallah they've done
And you know what, it's only gonna get worse. That's the thing it's
only gonna get worse if we don't so it's not going away. Well, I
doubt it.
Right, it's just gonna get worse but there will be realities and
maybe government might bring in you know, if they really think but
then we live in a free so called free world where, you know,
control yourself, control yourself. Unless it unless some
people start getting killed in it, or they die or they start
committing suicide. Only then if there's enough of a lobby people
and you know, this is all we're in this test period right now of all
of these things. And good good people. Good, good family. People
are getting caught up in this.
Some woman mother was just telling my wife the other day in about him
in America, she's from America.
That there's girls as young as
and boys but girls 1112
Is 13
They go to a friend's house, they lock the door in a room within 10
They've our other Biller, they've basically videoed themselves doing
some really crazy thing in some really, really bad with some
really bad dress. And that goes up. Forget Instagram, and tick
tock, that's quite normal. Now for a lot of people, they put it on
these other websites, where people then others hate to watch them.
It is entirely before it was just ego right? Before it was just I
want to be out there. But now you can make money on it.
Like I hate to even say this to give anybody ideas.
you hear that you're just like, it's only getting worse. This was
like the realm of some really dingy stuff maybe 10 years ago
that you really had to. But now
1011 year olds can do that. There's not enough oversight
supervision. I mean, nobody should be doing it. You know, it's not
about adult and non adult, nobody's haram doesn't matter
whether a 50 year old doesn't. But you can make money on it. Now.
Everybody wants money, because you need to buy the latest makeup or
the latest trainers or the the shoes or dresses or whatever,
because it's just the competitive world we're living in. Can you see
how much shackles that we are? How you're going to travel to Allah.
And you get mixed up in that. And then you want to commit suicide.
So hello, we just got news of the massive conference, the biggest
conference that takes place in America, that is not convention.
A guy came out of the entertainment, they have an
entertainment evening, right where they do different things
came out of that when committed suicide, just heard the news.
Well, now I'm not sure the exact details there.
But there's a lot of mental health problems, a lot of mental because
they can't people can't keep up.
What this, the whole modern trends are promising you is just fantasy,
you can't keep up.
You go into these big stores like Costco and the first thing you see
are these big screens, and you look at the vivid colors that
they've put on them. It's like this is not real life, you don't
get those kinds of colors in real life.
Have you seen those colors? You know, because they put these
videos on there that show you the capability of whatever the latest
technology is in terms of multiple colors? I don't get to see that in
the world. I mean, I mean, the world is a nice place. It's a
beautiful place. But that's not reality.
That's not reality.
You understand? And he's saying that that's as good as real life.
It's a artificial life that you're getting into.
But what are you going to do about it? It's only going to get worse,
it's only going to get more realistic, but more artificial.
Right? So we're gonna have to do we have to control ourselves and
get ourselves our children to control ourselves and raise
awareness of this. But that's what he's saying. And when he said
this, he never would have imagined what kind of anchors we have. Or
they would be, what kind of shackles and chains, these virtual
chains and shackles they would be.
Allah help us, Allah help us, Allah help us. It's so easy. It's
so easy. You're on your phone, you're looking at a lecture,
you're looking at a newscast and then Sunday that Google shorts or
whatever they call they come up. So you don't even have to tick
tock competition.
And then it's just so easy. It's just so easy.
Alright, so that's, that's what he said, we can only ask Allah for
help. So he's saying that you're just shackled with it. And that
means you can't move from where you are. You're stuck. You want to
move. You see Alhamdulillah we have Iman, that's what gives us
some consciousness that gives us some kind of guilty feeling gives
us some kind of concern. Otherwise, imagine if you don't
have the man, what is it going to be for you?
You only live once you only live this life, just enjoy it to the
And there's more people who are going to think that right? Then
people who actually have that concern. So you've
everybody around you is doesn't understand that unless you want to
share that with them.
Then they understand a lot of people deep down they want to get
out of this. They realize they're not getting anything out of it.
It's just too fake. They're not getting anything out of it. It's
just too fake.
So when a person is like that, you can't travel to Allah subhanho wa
Taala you can't get closer to Allah, the light if there's even
that spark of light that got you going, eventually that becomes dim
as well. And then he says that
your heart is just too associated with these Sherawat
With these pleasures, and it stops you from even trying to stand up
to Allah subhanaw taala.
And then if you do get to stand up, then you can't really go far.
That's the problem. If you do even stand up and one day you want to
do that you can't go far.
I've said, you know, this experience that you can spend two
hours on YouTube and your time will fly.
Right, your time will fly two hours on YouTube, no problem. Just
try to spend five minutes after a salad for example, in just Subhan
Allah Al Hamdulillah Anna time, just Masha Allah stretches. And it
seems so long, those two hours go faster than the five minutes.
Anyway, then if you do manage to even start walking, you can't go
fast. And even if you do go fast, you're gonna keep tripping up,
because it's still going to come and bother you. The reason is
that, you know, everybody around you is doing the same thing.
That's probably what your circle is that people are going to call
you, let's do this, let's do that. Why aren't you doing this anymore
used to come with us, and so on and so forth.
That's why
a lot of people when they want to wean themselves of this thing, you
have to wean yourself, not just of the Haram, but also have a lot of
permissible things because they eventually just grip you, grip you
and take you down.
That's why one of the scholars said that having a number of wasps
come in, bite, a wounded body already, I mean, how how's that
going to feel you're you're wounded, like you're sensitive,
you know, in your wound, you already sensitive your field
skills, feeling sensitive, and then you get all of these wasps or
Hornets that actually come and start biting you. pain upon pain
is just like really bad, you know, when you get a bite, and when your
body is fine. But now, you're already wounded, you're already
down. He said, that's actually much more easier. And there's a
much lighter issue, then for these pleasures and desires to
start attacking you attacking your heart.
Even after you have got it focused
in the grand realm of thing, that's what he's saying that it's
actually worse, even though you don't feel that. So try to escape
this, try to wean ourselves off this, so that the light will start
illuminating in your hearts.
And that's why, you know, traveling to Allah, the Prophet
sallallahu, some physically did it. When Makkah became a place of
no stay of difficulties, couldn't worship your faith, you're being
persecuted for it. You had to drop everything and leave.
That's why, you know, in Madina Munawwara, you had done some
hygiene, the unsought were the landowners.
The hygiene had to get by with business because they weren't
original people of the area, they didn't have land. They had to get
by with business.
Right. So they weren't generally people with land and assets, they
seem to be more stable, right? Because it's more fixed asset.
It's more, you know, endures a bit longer business things, you know,
things can happen. Land seemed to just keep going on in England,
just keeps seems to go up. Right. And hamdulillah SubhanAllah. In
that Illa, who we know the ratio and whatever it is, I don't know
what the next 1015 years bring.
Now that the pound to the dollar has gone crazy.
Right? They nearly the same never happened before. I don't know
where things are going alive.
And know where things are going so on. All right. You can't live in
debt for how long can keep borrowing, can you
I don't know how these countries survived these western countries.
They just keep borrowing any other country would have been bankrupt
by now. But I guess we can do it because they know how to
manipulate the markets and control the whole thing. Even with a
massive bloated debt. Right you can still do it. We all part of
and we all enjoying that olam Africa. And Allah protects us from
any downfall because it can't sustain itself for that long, any
other country will get destroyed. So cut these ties,
cut these shackles, get away from this and migrate.
You don't have to physically migrate but at least virtually
migrates, you know from the bad to the good. They say that.
You have to constantly be doing something better than what you
are. Otherwise you will become stagnant.
If you just keep doing the same thing, and you don't try to
improve yourself, this isn't anything by the if you don't try
to improve yourself, you're going to be overcome. You're going to be
beaten, somebody else is going to go ahead of you. This is in the
business world as well. So many companies have
gone bust because they didn't keep up with the times with the moving
technology, moving trends and so on, right? There's lots of coming.
Likewise, in the dean, you have to keep upgrading yourself. That's
why they say that a person who's looking for Allah is like water.
If he if that water just stays stagnant in one place for too
long, what happens to water that just stays for too long.
It no longer remains fresh, right? It becomes stagnant. However, if
that same water just runs over some rocks and mountains and and
so on and so forth, it becomes good water.
So likewise, with your physical efforts,
go to the masjid go for Amara really not to just say that I was
there in Ramadan, and I've got enough money to accomplish that or
go for Hajj, just for the sake that you know, I've done my Hajj
or whatever. Go there really to seek out Allah subhanaw taala go
to religious gatherings go to thicker gatherings, you have to
make that effort.
So there's a physical effort that will help the other go and study
something, go and learn something
or go and teach somebody else something as an excuse to for us
to be in that same environment.
So because when you take your body into that inshallah the heart will
continue as well. The hijra, the migration is the Sunnah of the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam.
And what's really interesting is that since the prophets also
migrated, he never had a peaceful stay anywhere because there was
constant movement, there was the defense that he had to do. They
were the jihad that he had to undertake because he was they were
being attacked. Even after the Prophet SAW son passed away.
Sahaba never stayed in one place. They moved for the sake of the ad.
They traveled the world for the dean. And that's how many, many
areas came under Islam because of their data, right because of the
efforts that they did in different places.
Right. That's why you have uncertainties and follow peace and
CDkeys meaning family of Descendants of Omar Farrokh and
Ubercart. Siddiq are the Allah one and earthborn are the Allah one
and it really alone in India. In the subcontinent, they might not
all be correct ones, everybody that claims it, but you have lots
of rookies and, and so on. Right. Do we have any CD keys and foreign
keys here and oath monies and other ways and say it's anybody
hamdulillah they all over the world? They're all in fact,
probably today in Madina, Munawwara in Madina, Munawwara
you've probably got more like I'm talking about not those people who
are there for work, those who actually have citizenship who
actually live there for centuries. The majority of them are not
original Arabs, they either Indian, Pakistani Indian, because
it was from that time, Indian subcontinent, African, Malay, or
lots of Turkic origin
was Pakistan, all of those areas. Of course, today, they just seem
like Arabs, right. But I would say more than 50% are like that,
because most of the unsought and so on they they many of them
disappeared, they went to poofer, Basra and they established all of
these Yemen,
Sham, Lord these these places, and Iran and all of these places, they
went to these areas.
Allah accept us for some kind of service to his Deen, what do we do
man? Allah accept us for some kind of service to his deen and sought
our hearts out and protect us from all of these things that are just
there and we're just going after them. We're just going after them.
When you when a person will release themselves from all of
that, that year, I can have that stuff if it's halal, but it should
not overcome my heart. I should not be obsessed by it. Mashallah,
then they will get to Allah subhanaw taala is caught. So now
he says, but are you going to be allowed to enter you need to
purify yourself first, you still got those clothes on, you still
haven't taken a shower. You haven't washed yourself of all of
that stuff yet. You know, in the in the spiritual side of things,
how you're going to be able to enter yelling, they're not going
to let you enter.
So that's what we need to do, then.
The rule and the heartbeat to be cleansed with the vicar of Allah
and the remembrance of Allah and lots of Toba and so far,
lots of Toba and so far.
And then inshallah once that's purified because look, Allah
subhanaw taala says in the Quran, right? Certainly start verse 43.
Yeah, you Halina Amendola, Dakar, Abu Salah suka.
Hello, there I am uma Taku, Luna Wada, juban Illa IBD, Sabine and
hetero tesu are people who believe do not do not even go close to
when you're in an intoxicated states, he is not saying that that
means that you can drink when you're when you are not going to
pray early in the morning, late at night, no, this is just that
initiative is just discouraged. It became discouraged to drink.
And then what happened is that somebody had drunk and then they
led the prayer and they messed it all up the reading, I think it was
clear your caffeine, I worship, some some really messed up. So
then this verse came down that you can't do this now and then
eventually was just completely and totally banned. But the point
we're trying to make here is that you can't get close to this if you
don't purify yourself first. So a lot of us want to be better, but
we have to purify ourselves. First you have to make that Toba is. So
you know, when the scholars have written about how to get to Allah,
the first thing they tell you that you must do. The absolute first
step is you must make Toba of what because that just keeps us down.
And when you make the Toba The second thing they tell you to do
is then to learn the ways of getting close to Allah. Without
those two things, we can't get anywhere Toba and l knowledge,
then of course, you need the inspiration to follow through with
us. There's a lot of more deeper content here, which I'm not going
to discuss right now. Because that gets really complicated. But I'll
just explain the last one before we finish, which is okay, finally,
you've made it into the cord
into the presence of Allah. But then he says how can you start
even understanding the subtle points that you will receive
You know, every
every environment has its own special features. It has a special
environment, special points, how you're going to start
understanding that if you've not repented of your offenses.
So this is where it says that if you want to and says this is
probably a place that is very difficult for most people to
attain, because this requires a lot of effort. And people just get
too distracted. But this is I'll give you an example. There was one
of the great scholars of the subcontinent. And he joined the
class. He used to be really, really really
you could tell is in terms of practice, he was ahead of
everybody else, but in class, he couldn't understand much in terms
of writing so academically, he was very poor.
But the teacher let him stay in the class. And actually the
teacher and the other students were all very intelligent, smart,
like why does he let him stay there when he can't even read
One day, they decided to test him.
So they're all in the same room. And he said that okay, if you
think that you're so pious or whatever.
We want you to show us something tell us something.
So he said to them I want you tonight to stay quiet first and he
said I want you tonight to pray to records in the way the Sahaba
prayed them. You do Twitter accounts all the time but I want
you guys tonight to just do two records
you know how the Sahaba prayed I mean you must have everybody here
must have heard how Sahaba Salah it used to be when they would just
stand and birds would be on the they would come and sit on there
and they could be basically hit by an arrow or whatever. And you know
you've read in flight ama you've read those stories. I want you to
read I want all of you to return tickets today like that.
It took it seriously they started after Isha
two records now this one isn't right this one I didn't get it.
This one I didn't get it. This one I didn't get it. Finally at before
all night train. They just had to just
put their hands up to Allah and seek forgiveness that yeah, Allah
we weren't able to do this. That is where it became the Sahabas
prayer. Because Allah says in the Quran, we're whom bill us hurry
whom yesterday of your own. These are the people who worship Allah
all night. And then when it comes to the end time, they're seeking
forgiveness for Allah we've not been able to do it. That's when
they first tasted the prayer of the sahaba.
Right, and this, this student who later became the great Shah,
Muhammad Shahid,
right, who was eventually martyred in Bala court. Right.
The thing was that he would say some amazing things and
explanations, but he couldn't he there's been lots of scholars like
You don't have to be exclusively like that. It's something that you
will experience as well that when you're teaching, sometimes you
just never understood something. And Allah subhanaw taala just
places something in your mind. I mean, it can happen in worldly
things as well. You just get a good idea. You ask Allah for
guidance and sometimes Allah just gives you an idea of something and
mashallah, it's a successful idea, but this is happening in the deen.
So if you really want that you need to make a lot of effort,
Allah subhanho wa Taala then will bring clarity to you.
You will never doubt your religion in any way you will be very clear
about why you're worshiping. You'll get the taste and the
sweetness of faith.
May Allah subhanaw taala make this easy for us. This is the way
Sheikh Abdullah can go he then explains this, this wisdom. So he
says, How can a heart become illumined when it has become
consumed by the love of worldly wealth, reputation of string
property, idle thoughts, false hopes.
There was no Facebook in his time. You know, there was no Netflix but
basically that is all part of it. A heart that is feted night and
day with the chains of base desires, such as constant and
excessive preoccupation with food garments of family cannot advance
to Allah Most High and the divine presence when he wrote this
probably about 70 years ago, there was no way that you could do much
at night. There were no lights, after Isha people, they will not
television. But now you can entertain yourself from fajr to
sorry, from Asia to Fajr and beyond 24/7.
Is it possible that a soiled heart can be permitted entrance into a
pure court, a disease heart is prohibited such an entry in the
same way that a person in major impurity is not permitted into the
pure arena of a masjid
Furthermore, a heart that has been afflicted in this manner cannot
hope to comprehend the mysteries and Devine subtleties of toe Hades
for the spiritual light to settle in the heart. The darkness of all
the illusions of the world must be dispelled when the deceased one
has repented of all of this futility, then he may start to
progress to a stage where he is endowed with the ability to
understand even the divine mysteries. May Allah subhanho wa
Taala make that easy for us. May Allah help us along in this path
and Allah protect us from these things? Alone and the Sedona
Monica salon tomorrow to village arry Quran, Allah who may or may
human bureaucratic and steady
Yeah, or Hamra heavy yeah that agenda
Yeah, Dina Judy will occur on your Chrome and Chromium where
Hieronymous only
Allahumma Finnland our Hana Allahumma fildena Our Hamner where
if you know what you know what is up? Y'all Allah we ask you for
your special mercies. Allah we ask You for Your protection. Allah we
ask You for Your guidance of Allah we ask you for beneficial
knowledge of Allah we ask you protection from wasting of time
from this year Allah we ask you protection from distractions of
Allah, there are too many distractions. Oh Allah, Oh Allah,
there are too many distractions around. And Allah we think that
they're beneficial for us of Allah we take pleasure from these things
of Allah we are addicted to these things of Allah, we ask you to
wean us off these things we ask you to satisfy us with the good.
And Allah we ask that you make us totally independent, and suffice
from all the evil witches out there. Oh Allah, we ask that You
grant us the ability to see the good as the good and to follow it.
See the truth is the truth and allow us to follow it and see the
wrongs as the wrong gonna allow us to abstain from it. Oh Allah give
us strength. Yeah, Allah give us strength. Yeah, Allah strengthen
our weaknesses of Allah. Remove our weaknesses, and allow our
strengths to be used in those things which you are satisfied
with. Allah keep us away from all of those things that dissatisfy
you of Allah that bring your wrath, that bring darkness is in
our life of Allah that removed the happiness from our life, that
removed the blessings from what you have given us of Allah you
have given us abundantly. Yeah, Allah you have given us
abundantly, oh Allah do not make what you have given us to be a
burden for us to be a trial for us to be a temptation for us to be a
distraction for us, of Allah to be a source of distraction for us in
this world and the hereafter. Oh Allah. We want to be good. We
start off in the morning with a good intention. But Allah by the
evening we have corrupted ourselves. Oh Allah, we start in
the evening. We even repent, but then we've spoiled our repentance.
We've broken our repent
Since your Allah Ya Allah give us st karma, give us steadfastness.
Oh Allah allow us to be punctual in our prayers allow us to fulfill
all of our and make up all of our Miss prayers allow us to be our
balance to be clean, so that when we come in front of you, and the
first question will be about the prayers, at least we can pass that
hurdle. Oh Allah then things could look much more promising for us.
But oh Allah if we, if we, if we are, if we are corrupted in that
then what is the rest of it of Allah bring us closer to the Quran
of Allah allow us to understand the Quran to enthuse ourselves to
beautify ourselves with the Quran, adorn ourselves with the Quran and
elevate ourselves with the Quran. And with the Sunnah of your
messenger Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, make that beloved to our
hearts of Allah make it conducive for us make our surroundings
conducive for us, Oh Allah, assist us in being those who help
themselves and help others who are productive people. And Allah
accept us for the service of God. Oh Allah bless all of those who
sit here today who listen at home. And Oh Allah, we ask you for the
blessings of our brothers and sisters who are not here. And Oh
Allah, we asked you for Shiva of those who are sick, and our Allah
forgiveness for those who have passed. And Oh Allah, we ask that
you bless all of those who make these programs possible here, and
we ask that you accept from them and their families and all of us
Subhan Allah because Allah is that the IOC Fonasa, Lebanon was
several 100.
The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously, to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our Dean wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses, so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on there, the Islamic
essentials certificate which you take 20 Short modules and at the
end of that insha Allah you will have gotten the basics of most of
the most important topics in Islam and you will feel a lot more
confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue
to live, you know to listen to lectures, but you need to have
this more sustained study as well as Accola here in Santa Monica
when I have to live record