Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – AlZubayr ibn al’Awamm The Prophet’s Hawari

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The importance of a good name for a person is discussed, including a zubaid, a son of a dragon, and a sacred child. The success of setting up an Islam tradition for deceased relatives is also highlighted. The importance of obeying the law and finding a family name for a deceased honor is also emphasized. The segment touches on the liveness of the Prophet sallami's message and the importance of the Exodus of Jesus, including teachings of Jesus and the liveness of Jesus' agenda.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim
Al Hamdulillah
Al Hamdulillah Muhammad who understand you know what a stock
Pharaoh who are not going to be here you want to talk Hello Ali.
When are all the villa human surely and fusina Amin say Dr.
May the Hello fellow Medela mama Yulin further hottie Allah wa
shadow Allah Illa Illa Allah Who are the hula Sharika what I shall
do Anessa yet then our Molana Mohamed and armed who are
sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Baraka was seldom at
the Sleeman Kathira on Ilario. Me, Dean, Mr. Barrett. So my dear
respected brothers or sisters, nice to be in your midst again,
after quite a quite a while, unfortunately,
you guys had some work going on, I've had some work going on as
well. So Allah subhanho wa Taala joined us together again, and may
Allah subhanaw taala join us together, in genital for those.
Because our series that we've been discussing here are those people
who've been given the glad tidings of paradise.
And as a believer, we need to take good omens, we need to win
something, when there's a good name about this, we'll probably
sell a lot of time used to do this as well. There was something with
a good name, then he would make a relevant statement to that. So if
we're speaking about the 10 that have been given the glad tidings
of Janet's of paradise. Then why not ask Allah subhanho wa Taala
that Oh ALLAH we've sat here and gathered here to speak about these
10 people. We're not going to be of their level inshallah. That's
very high level, but inshallah Allah give us some baraka and
blessing. So that inshallah we also enter into Jana.
So we've spoken about Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah neuromotor the
Allahu Northman of the Allahu and alira The Allah one. Then we moved
on to
we did a boar obey the Abner Jarrah Roddy Allah one What a
fascinating story that was, and then we did Saturday, you walk us
what are the Allah one? Today we move on to a zubaid as is
available on our Rhodiola one. The name in Arabic is always written
as a Zubayr.
And we generally when we name somebody, we call them Zubayr. I
had a classmate in my class, his name is Zubaydah. Suddenly, one
day he started telling everybody he's a zubaid. I thought, were you
getting this wrong? He was way all the way through for several years
and then suddenly, I can't remember which year it was in. He
started saying Zubaydah anything are you trying to beat yourself
up? Are you trying to make yourself seem special by saying
URL? The Zubayr but then upon inquiry that name is always used
as a Zubair it's never comes as Zubayr. And I know that it'd be It
sounds strange in English showing in order to or whatever to say
Zubair as well. It just sounds strange. So I guess the way it
works, but it's actually zubaid, not our melody, Allah one. So the
father's name is our, the son of whale it the son of acid.
The Arabs in those days, they used to like a lot of aggressive names.
Because the idea of this is that there was a constant turmoil,
there was a constant skirmish between them and other tribes. So
Fahad and acid, you still have those names, set for her or them
for life. These are all names of
these are all names of lions and other other wild beasts. And then,
when it comes to women's names, they had things like the gazelle
deer, the lion chasing the deer.
Right? So they had those kinds of names for women. Subhanallah,
whatever that meant. So zubaid, the son of our son of hoilett, son
of assets and of Abdullah Rosa, son of Qusay, IGNOU, Caleb, that's
where he connects to the family tree of Rasulullah sallallahu
Sallam go say ignore Keylab. After that it becomes different or below
that it becomes different. He is one of the first of the Sahaba to
become Muslim, he's within the first 10 in fact, in fact, they
say that he's either the fourth or the fifth person to become Muslim.
The fourth or the fifth person to become Muslim after Abu Bakr
Siddiq, or the hola Juan
is how it relates that
Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu. I've mentioned this before in some of
the other talks he had, that Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu is
responsible for Zubaydah milawa Rossmann ignore
Talhah, another one of the Ashura Mushara, Abdurrahman mouth, and
Sardegna B workers. So essentially, it's like the
professor Larson said that whoever was brought into Islam by Abu
Bakr, Siddiq, or the hola Juan, they were the best chosen ones.
And all of them become part of the 10 amazing I mean, if, if that is
all Abu Bakr Siddiq Radi Allahu Anhu had to show on the day of
judgment that I've got these people with
In the faith, then that is more than enough. That's quite amazing.
There's one Hadith that has been coming to mind. The Prophet
sallallahu sallam said that when a person dies,
the action stop, because you're physically now not able to do
anything, you're dead. So you can't carry on doing any actions.
So you stop getting reward because you don't have a means to do
actions anymore. He says, except three things.
One of them is a charity, that continues to benefit sadaqa jariya
of some sort number to some realm that you teach some knowledge that
you've taught somebody, and that continues. And number three, a
righteous child who makes do all for you.
And that got me thinking, do I have any of these investments
Have I made any of these investments because when I die, I
can't carry on when you're alive, you can do some Salah you can do
some sadaqa you can do some worship, you can help out people.
But once you're dead, then why not leave behind an investment. And
these are the three examples that have been given. So Bakr, Siddiq
rhodian, he brings three people into he brings all of these people
into Islam.
And they must have brought other people into Islam and all the
great work they did, he gets all of their reward.
So think for yourself as well. If you are today, what have you left
behind? What is the investment you've left behind?
You may set your children up, that is a big idea for a lot of people
to set our children up.
Are we going to set our children up just for the world that we also
want to set them up so that they can actually remember us? The only
way they're going to do that is if we do something right now like if
I get along with my children, and as a project in December holidays,
do something for my deceased mother or my grandmother or
grandfather. They see them doing it. And that becomes a family
tradition that we need to do things for our deceased. So then
when I'm no longer there, my or my wife's no longer there, they will
hopefully do something.
If you're not going to train them, where do you expect them to make
dua for you afterwards? So think about this, the holidays are
coming. Think about these things. What can you do to start a an
environment in the house, to care about our deceased to do things
for them? Whether that be giving sadaqa on their path in their
behalf, doing some other deed in their name and donating the reward
to them or whatever the case is? We have to have that tradition
otherwise what do we expect for ourselves we don't do it for our
his mother now he's comes up this Zubaydah bundle, our Android Elon
comes from an amazing family. He's got these amazing connections
everywhere. And he is the product of that. And there's no doubt why
he's a great person than you know who his mother was. His mother was
Sophia been to Abdul Muttalib
you remember the one who attacked the disbelievers when they tried
to attack the women. The Auntie of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
his the profits or loss from his father sister that is available
our * Allah Who and whose mother.
She used to it says that she used to beat him quite a bit. This is
not to justify beatings, just that she said. Somebody said why are
you doing that for said I want to make him strong. That was on her
exact words. But it was something to that nature that I want to make
him strong. She was a very powerful woman in that sense, or
the Allahu anha. His wife, another immensely powerful woman. And if
you want to know more about her, I don't have time to speak about it
in detail but the sister of our Aisha was his wife, a smart men to
be Bucher, who lived over 100 years and challenge her judging
the use of and the to then become the parents of Abdullah hipness
Zubair who nearly ruled the entire Muslim lands when he became the
So this is quite an amazing family that you have here.
So, his father in law is Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allah one.
He had a number of other waves as well.
When he passed away at four waves, but then he had others as well.
And in total, these are the these are the names of his children.
Abdullah he's the most famous Abdullah Hypnobabies the most
famous Abdullah Urawa Moon there are sim Mahajan, Hadith and Cobra.
The older Khadija the elder Omar Hassan and I Isha all of them were
the daughters were the sons and daughters of a smarter the Allah
who are here with him. So that's eight children from a smart or the
Allah Juana. Then he had hardly the armor Habiba soda and Hynde
from Omaha eyelids and otherwise, then you had Musab and Hamza and
Ramallah. Their mother was rebab been to knife
Then he had rubedo and Jaffa their mother was Xena. So that's 17 and
18. The 19th child was Xena. Her mother was on local zoom. And the
20th one was Khadija Sagara. He loved Khadija so much. Give us
another Khadija to
have you ever seen anybody with children the same name.
So you have two what is her Dijon Cobra The older one and Khadija
the younger her mother was Halal been to face 20 Children
Mashallah. And he had enough money mashallah to spend on them as
well. It's like, the more children you get, Allah gives you more
money, it seems.
So of course, he's one of the 10 that have been given the glad
tidings of paradise. He is also one of the six committee that Omar
or the Allahu Anhu made we've dealt with dealt with that in
detail in Amara, the Allahu Anhu is end of his life when he was
about to pass away he made the committee of six people to say the
next colleague will be among them, they need to decide they were the
rest of the ASHA mobile Silla, most of them.
And what are the Alon said that these are the six that when the
Prophet SAW son passed away, he was satisfied with them
says that he was whitish complexion very tall
and light bodied, but very tall. In fact, he says that he was so
taller when he used to get on a horse, his feet could touch the
ground. So he was quite tall. He became Muslim, as the fourth or
fifth person when he became Muslim, he was only he was only
eight years old and
and then he migrated when he was 18. Remember the Habesha he went
to Hampshire Abyssinian the first migration, second migration, he
went to Hampshire, she was eight and then 18 When he migrated, so
he was into it right from the beginning from a young age. It
wasn't all easy for him by the way. His uncle was very much
against him, was like he is my paternal uncle.
He used to roll him up in a mat. He used to roll him up in a mat.
And then he used to put him next to smoke used to have smoke, burn
a fire and have smoke then
come into the roadmaps until he was unable to unable to sorry
brief, and he would say to him, book, Furby, Robbie Mohammed, deny
the law of Muhammad, and I'll remove all of this persecution
from you. But Zubaydah the Allahu Anhu says La wudu they'll go free
other than I will never return to disbelief. I'm never going to
return to disbelief. So then he finally migrated to Hamish twice
and then he came back and then after that he was with the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam throughout in every expedition. Every time they
went out in a battle or an expedition he was with him. There
was never once where he stayed behind. He was one of the bravest,
just like his ranks along alongside Hamza and alira, the
Alon you know about them. He is the is.
One of the scholars say that there are three people who are
considered to be the bravest of the Arabs of that time. One was
early, one was Hamza and one was Zubaydah. YBNL, our * Allah
In fact, he is known at his young age to be the first person to draw
a sword in Madina Munawwara there was no reason to at that time,
they hadn't been attacked yet. But on one occasion, what happened is,
there was a sound that was heard, there was this rumor that went
round that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has just been martyred or
killed. So Zubayr just got up, he was quite young, at the time, I
think was only about 12 years old or something. If not younger, he
takes out his sword and it goes to the street is just like a world
when it says called Sr. Like a tornado like a world. We're just
going around looking for that who has done this to the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So finally, the prophets a lot of
cinemas around, obviously he met him, and he said, What are you
doing Marduk has called a summit to undercut good deals. I heard
that you've been killed. So all you got to do them. So then he
said Wallah, he was going to take care of the whole of Africa, all
the people of Macau is going to take care of
the voice, Allah has made a lot a lot of dua for him, and made dua
that his sword will always dominate will always be
He was only 12 years old, it says in one narration, he was only 12
years old at that time. So it was just, I mean, that was the culture
of the time and you could do these things at that time. You know, you
can't have kids with swords nowadays. You'd get in big
trouble. I mean, that's just not the right thing to do nowadays. So
I'm gonna ignore Musab News's obey his grandson. He's the son of Musa
who is his son. So Amer Abu Musab Edna Zubaydah relates that zubaid,
the grandfather, his grandfather, he fought with the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa salam, when he was only 12 years old, and
generally the person didn't allow young children to fight with them.
It wasn't some of the shouldn't really want you to go out with
them because it sounds cool or whatever at that time. They would
have to want some
But he insisted and they, the progress was made him made him
wrestle with somebody and only when he proved himself Okay, fine,
you can come otherwise, there was no child soldier business in those
It says that he was so brave is to always be at the front. He used to
always be the front, if not a bit, Zina relates that
during the hunt duck, there were very few casualties during conduct
during the trench. Because eventually of a war did not take
place. Allah subhanaw taala sent a massive storm and they left the
disbelievers left, but there were a few people that were killed in
that. So what happened in that is available on our on Rhodiola. One,
he struck earthmen ignore Abdullah Igneel Mahira, who's on the other
side with his sword
on his helmet,
and he literally cut him down to the saddle bow of his horse.
And then somebody said to him, or people said, what a wonderful soul
do you have? And he got very angry with them, said this is not the
soul. This is me.
This is my power. So he got quite upset what they said
during the Battle of Yarmouk, which was much later, obviously,
he was one of the most vanilla one with the greatest valor of those
who attended that battle.
It says that twice from the beginning to the end, he cut
through the rows
of the Roman army and got to the other side came back again,
without getting hurt, meaning without alive.
That's, you know how big that army was in your book. It was massive.
He went from one side to the other and he came back, cutting through
the ranks.
However, he was struck twice in his nape.
During the battle he was he didn't come out completely free of
blemish, but he came back alive. But it was known that he had been
in so many battles that
he had numerous marks over his body, numerous marks of his body.
In fact, one of them one of his children could actually put their
finger into it. It was a deep gash with had them probably coalesced
over. And anybody who saw him says that on his chest he had he had
marks on his chest that were like eyes. So he was obviously scarred
through all of that. But
during the Battle of butter he wore a Yellow Turban or a Yellow
Turban. And what's amazing is that when you hear about the angels who
descended during the battle, or hood, battle a brother as well, it
says that they also came with Yellow Turbans at that time. Now
maybe that's a coincidence, however you want to look at it,
but it's mentioned he will want and they were seen with Yellow
Turbans as well.
Or more Ottawa Binti Jaffa she relates from her sister Aisha, who
relates from her father from her grandfather's Okay, so this is one
of their grandchildren of his grandchildren reporting that the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the conquest of
Makkah, you know when they walked into Mecca with victory
he gave Zubaydah on our arm he gave him sad ignore Oba does
Banner as well. So he can that's a big deal too. They only give
banners to people you can trust and you know they're brave and
they can lead. He gave him sad Dibner Oba this banner as well. So
Zubaydah the Allah one entered Mecca with two banners on that
day. He was very close to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was
always at the forefront, extremely brave.
And that is why
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam I don't think has done this for many
people at all.
Abdullah Agnes zubaid His Son relates that during the ASVAB
during the trench conduct, I was with Omar Abdullah be Salam. I was
placed among the women to look after them. I was placed with Omar
ibn Abi selama, Abdullah Isabella was placed with Omar Abdullah
Abdullah and as always quite young at the time, and I suddenly saw
that my father is of a roadie Allah, and he's going back and
forth with his horse like he disappeared, and he came back. He
went to the bunu Cordova. This was the Jewish tribe. And
when he came back and said, Oh, my father, Father, I keep seeing you
going back and forth. So his father said, Oh, my son, did you
see me said yes, it says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam had had offered or had
requested that who will go to the bunu kuruva.
And then
let me know what they're doing. Bring me information about them.
What what's what's their position right now?
So I went and when I came back, he was really excited. So when I came
back the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he combined both of his
parents for me.
He basically said, me, my father and my mother be sacrificed for
you. The prophets Allah ism hasn't said that for many people at all.
So Zubaydah. Dianna was very, very excited about this hadith related
by Bukhari and Muslim. That's why there's another narration of Imam
Ahmed, which mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said that every prophet has a Howery you know, in the Quran,
you have however you have a Saudi salaam, his very close disciples
and help us. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam named Zubaydah,
the Allah who won his Howery the prophet has had many helpers, many
so many Sahaba who would all be ready to die for him, no doubt.
But he gave this special title only to the Vedic not our Ahmadi
Allah and he says, Every prophet has a Hawaii and my Hawaii my
special assistant is Zubaydah. The hola Juan, they were cousins as
well right? Because the he is better than I was the dog was the
son of the Prophet SAW sons aren't so they were cousins. They also
had relationship between the Father side as well.
Now Zubaydah the Allah one another thing was that he was a teenager,
he was a businessman. And I think I've told you before that he's one
of the millionaires of the of the Ashura MOBA genre.
Now just look at this, this is just amazing.
He was a touch it from one of the most wealthiest people of the
time, but one of the greatest spenders in the path of Allah.
He would say this was his motto, Minister, I mean come and he
Hakuna Allah Who genuine mean Amylin sila hint Philea foul. I
just spoke about the right at the beginning. Anybody who is able to
have a harvest of good deeds, you know, when you're growing
something to have a field of good deeds, crops that are growing
of good deeds, they should do so. Because one day they will harvest
them. So on one occasion, he sold a house of his for 600,000 and
somebody who was very cheap the way he sold it, that maybe the
person needed it or something. Somebody said to him, you've been
you've been conned. Basically you've been taken advantage of is
it can never Wallahi
lotta alumina and Neelam ordinate limb autoban you you you should
know for sure that I can't be robbed. I know my business
basically. Here if he subete Allah, this is done purposely to
make it in the path of Allah to help somebody out.
There Zubaydah the Allahu only says that he had 1000 slaves.
The purpose of the slaves was not to help him.
Their job was to go on work, and just pay him a fee.
And that fee would not enter his house. They would bring their
whatever they did that day, they would have to pay a fee. It's like
taxi drivers, you know, you tell them you, you give them a car. You
pay me this much at the end of the day, right? There were 1000 of
them. They were dedicated that was his army for his good deeds. At
the end of the day, all that money would be collected and it'd be
distributed laser some he would then go into his house without any
of that money.
Now tell me Isn't it possible for somebody who has lots of
properties that he just designate designate one property FISA
I know people who've done this, by the way, I don't know too many
people in the UK but I know in South Africa, there's a lot of
people who've done this thing.
You know, the wealthy people, they've dedicated one property or
one business, they've actually some people have actually started
businesses purely for the sake they've got lots of businesses,
they see opportunities all the time. They've invested in another
business with the pure intention that now I've made my investment
of 30,000 20,000 10,000 Whatever it is small seed capital pulling,
any profits from here will be submitted.
Lots of people have done that.
And that's exactly what he's doing with 1000 1000 slaves. Yeah,
Just all for this for the sake of Allah. He, he was obsessed by
martyrdom, it seems
his best friend was palha
the other one of the ashrama we're going to be speaking about him
soon inshallah. That's why you always you know, like you have Abu
Bakr Omar Abu Bakr and Omar Radi Allahu Anhu all the time. Tal has
Zubaydah tal has always they always together. They even died
together eventually. So Talhah if not obey the law. He loved the
names of the prophets, right like the Gujrati Zoo. Ibrahim Ismail is
Hawk, right yaku does a good job he is they like names of Prophets,
The Pakistanis they like Persian names
especially with the women they love their Persian names right
it's just tradition so don't ignore obey the law
they Yeah, the Gujrati is they like profit names for the used to
be just profit name for the men and for the girls used to always
Sahaba and Meriam right, that was very, very typical right now
they've moved on to Sahaba. So now you have your Jose furs and
Mawlawi as and others as well now
by the way, I've been meaning to say this for a long time. How many
of you don't have a surname?
Yeah, really sad, man, you guys are lost cause if you don't have a
surname, you need surnames. You know, like these people that
surnames Quraishi, something like that. Told you which family they
come from nowadays is people they get born. The father's name is
something else surname, the son's name. Oh, his surname is Ahmed.
Man. Um, it's a first name. What's your problem?
As far as Ali Ali is a first name, Ali is not a distinguished name
like a family name. So all about nisab find the family name
and find your you must have a family name somewhere, find it,
use it. What is this? Just Ahmed you're going to be lost in
history? Nobody's gonna know who's Ahmed, Saleh Ahmed.
Yusuf Yaqoob. Can they like sound like both first names?
I don't want to I'm not insulting anybody. It's just that in Islam,
there's a concept not saying It's haram not to have it. Don't get me
wrong. It's just a good idea to have a family name. Nikita our
office so that I can understand okay, he's from this okay. I know
people from your family, you know, otherwise you have to make too
many connections.
Anyway, that was a site don't even obey the law. He loved the names
of angels. So all of his children he gave them names of sorry
prophets. He gave them names of Prophets.
Abdullah Agnes Zubaydah said that I know there's no prophet after
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, right? There is no
prophets after the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but I'm going
to call my children by the name names of the shahada, the earliest
martyrs in Islam. Now look at this, and he says, Allah, Allah
whom yester che do so that maybe they will be martyred as well.
That was his focus, right.
So Abdullah hipness, obeyed he called him after Abdullah you
know, Josh or the Allah Allah, who was Martin, his son mother was
called after Monday live no Amber, or the hola Juan Rotorua, Ottawa
Abner Masuda the alarm had been monitored Hamza Hamza bin Abdul
Muttalib, the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, Jaffa Jaffa be
Taalib right now the son Musa Musa diviner omein, who had been
martyred before obey the obey the Abdulhadi for the hola Juan
Khalid, Khalid Dibner, Saeed and Omer was
Omer abuseipdb Alas, who were martyred during the yearbook
Now what happens is after Romana the Alon became Martin I've dealt
with this issue in quite depth in Earthman, but the Allah one stock
and in earlier the allowance discussion, and I am not going to
go through in detail but I'm just going to refer you can listen to
those talks if you want to
the full qualified they they are available on through Rayyan
institute.com and the other talks there on zamzam. academy.com So
I'm not going to go into depth about the whole you know,
skirmishes that took place between ally to the Allah one I shall tell
hyperness debate and then while we are that's very detailed, but
because he played a part in that I'm going to mention just the
relevant points. So this is now initially
after with mana the Allahu Anhu is martyred. I showed the Allah and
is coming back from Makkah Makara mushy hears that he's been
martyred. So she discusses with people people discuss with her and
they decide that we need to avenge Earth manatee alone. And here are
the Allahu Anhu in the meantime has been made the Halifa people
have taken the have given him the pledge and some people are saying
that he's not going after the murderers of thunder the Allah one
these people say no we must ask for that to be taken care of
first, who joins her Talhah and ZWave are the Allah one.
Now what happens is they will they will they had actually gone for
eventually from there they went to Basra with Aisha Radi Allahu Ana,
to try to claim the blood the try to avenge the blood of earth one
of the Allah one. This was in the 36 Hijiri Talhah and zubaid it
Radi Allahu Anhu is on one side. And he's crying when he sees that
I shudder the Allahu anha is on the other side. And then suddenly
in the middle
Have all of that. Who does he see? His own relative Zubayr in alarm
is a cousin brother. Remember, he's a cousin brother.
And he sees Talhah and that makes him sad that makes him even more
sad, long story, which I'm not going to go into. But eventually
he gets to meet Zubaydah in an hour and Radi Allahu Allah.
He says to him, years obey. I swear to you by Allah, do you
remember such and such a day? When the Prophet salallahu Salam, you
and I were in one place? We got together that day you a and the
Prophet sallallahu sallam,
and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said to you, oh Zubayr
by Allah, you're going to be fighting him one day. You're soon
going to be fighting you will one day be fighting him and you will
be the oppressor.
You will fight him and you will be the oppressor.
So severity alone thinks when he says yes, I remember that. I
remember that. We're going to cut nnessee to I'd forgotten that. I
don't blame him for forgetting because when he heard they would
have no I'm never going to fight him. Forget it. You know, I don't
want to fight him. He probably forgot it. It really reminds him
during the middle of this says yes, I remember Wallahi I will not
fight you immediately Wallahi I will not fight you. So Zubaydah
and Tala Tala has to follow the Allah one. They both come away.
They both come away. They're not going to take part in this
anymore. Then they were going to look because Amar IGNOU Yasur
are Radi Allahu Allah is an ally Radi Allahu Anhu cites another
Sahabi and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had said
something about him that duck to local fear toolbar here. The
rebellious side is going to kill you.
So if he's on ally radioland side, and if he gets killed in his
battle, that means the other side is the rebellion and is the wrong
so they had good intentions, but they were on the wrong.
So these two moved away. Now they're trying to get on their way
back. Abdurrahman, if not a bit later relates that Zubayr
Radi Allahu Allah He turns away during this Jamal during this,
this skirmish of the cabin. On the way Abdullah his son meets him and
his son was very bold, even with his father said coward out of
cowardice cowardice, said are you being cowardly? He had a very free
relationship it seems.
So the Abu Zubaydah the as the Father, He says, got the added
bonus and needless to be Japan. I'm not everybody knows people
know that I'm not a coward. But Allien has just reminded me of
something that I had heard from a pseudo Allah salAllahu Salam, and
I have no sworn an oath that I will not fight for them.
So he wanted to follow what the professor Lawson said. Then what
happens is, as he's coming back, armor IGNOU to remove a guy called
armor imager, Muth and fedora, ignore hobbyists and a third
person whose name was an hour at the Mimi Yoon, they caught up with
there's a long story, they found out that they left and there was a
big, there was a lot of monarchy in this. There were a lot of
conspiracies within all of this. So while the main Sahaba I shall
have Yemen, others had good intention for what they were
doing. But there were people trying to instigate a problem. And
based on that when they saw the Taliban Zubaydah moved away,
nothing's gonna happen. They wanted to deal with him. So they
they caught up with him.
And they were in this place called wire, the CBR, which is basically
the value of the wild beasts if you want to translate it. It's a
few miles away from busser, about five miles away from Bassam so as
they're coming back, so this armor imager Muth one story says that
are the aliveness of anything was like resting and nighttime
sleeping and he attacked him while you're sleeping. This was on a
this was on a a Thursday, this was on a Thursday 10 The 10th of Juma
the ruler 36 Hijiri. When according to this opinion, he was
77 years old other ceremony was actually 50 something years old,
so Allah knows best. Another opinion is that no he got up. He
struck him beat instruct him to strike him hard. So Abdullah
Zubaydah, the alarm got up and he started fighting with this mutual
Muth but when the other two saw that they came and attacked him
that was three against one and then finally they killed him. It
says that they took his head to alira The Allah one because they
were supposed to be on that site. There was supposed to be an idea
of the alone site. So they took his head to it to the Allah one
and he sought
when added to the Allahu Anhu saw the sword of Zubaydah, the Allah
and it was well known because he was a person of great valor. He
said in the harvest safe, this sword has possibly removed so many
difficulties and pain from the prophets of Allah on his face. So
he's lamenting the fact that he had been killed, despite the fact
that he had been on the opposing side. abou another relates that
when Zubaydah, Zubaydah, the Allah Juan's head was brought in front
of it to the Allah one. Earlier the Allahu Anhu told the person
who bought it, the bow what your RB Makeda coming in now.
Oh, Bedouin you need to go and make your place in hellfire.
You need to go and make your place in hellfire because the prophets
Allah Allah the Messenger of Allah is related to me that whoever
kills the bear is going to be in the Hellfire
ziplock rubbish relates that this evening Jude Muth he tried to take
permission from earlier the Allahu Allah to come and see him I was
with him at the time he says So Ali, rhodium on heard that he'd
killed Zubayr for the Allah one. He said Bashir God He loved nice
Sofia to be Nam. give glad tidings to the murderer of the son of
Sofia or the Allah one as well give the killer
the glad tidings of the Hellfire.
And then earlier the Allahu Anhu said that I've heard Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying that every prophet has a Harare
and my Howery is obeyed. Basically, you've killed the
special assistance and helper of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam.
One opinion is that when I'm referring to jewel moves, realize
how bad what bad he had done, he killed himself committed suicide.
But the other opinion is a bit longer in the sense that how did
he eventually do that?
He remained alive after Oliver the Allahu Anhu it really and then
passed away after four years. This armor imager Muth he remained
alive for a while
until that he was alive when Abdullah hipness obey the Son of
sweat and became the Khalifa of much of the of most of the Muslim
Abdullah Isabel made his brother Musab the governor over Iraq.
That's where this guy was.
So initially, Ahmed Abdullah Giroud according to this
narration, started hiding. He thinks now he's been made the
governor once he finds me is going to kill me for his father
Musab heard about this. So Musa said sent a message to him. Tell
him that he can be safe according to this tell him that he can be
safe does he think that I'm going to kill him because of the father
of Abdullah
is not worth it.
I can't kill him is not enough for the father of Abdullah meaning
their father You can't kill him for that color Wallah. He lays who
lay surbey So they're not equal. There's no way that he could repay
that, even if I killed him.
That's why Musa nimiq No, Abdullah Abner Ottawa relates from his
father that omega Abner, this American Ninja move he came. So in
this occasion he actually says that he then he must have come.
He put his hand into the hands of Musa he looks like he was really
remorseful. There's no doubt he seems like he was remorseful. This
is unlike the killers of Omar Radi Allahu Anhu are not remorseful.
Right. In this case.
He puts his hand and then he initially he puts him in prison.
So he writes to his brother, Abdullah, who has obeyed who's in
Madina, Munawwara
and Omar Kumbhakarna at the time, and his brother wrote back to and
he says that that's very bad what you've done, you should not have
imprisoned him.
Do you think you're going to kill a Bedouin for Zubaydah the Hola,
Juan, you think you're gonna get justice by doing that?
So then he let him go. So he went, and he went and stayed somewhere
in the desert where there was a structure but it looks like he
used to get bad dreams. And he just had a really, really
miserable time. So eventually, he told him, told somebody to to drop
the structure over him. And basically maybe that's how he was
killed. But God no, he can't. God knows he came into a bad ending,
because he just couldn't, like guilt would not go away. And maybe
that was what the best thing for him was at the time for himself.
When Ali Radi Allahu Anhu finished with burying palha and Zubaydah,
the Allah one. He then stood there to say some parting words you
know, when you say some parting words,
and he said finally he said in Nila or jus Hakuna Anna, what Tala
obey it what was the man Mina Latina Qaddafi him? One is that in
our Murphy sudo to him in real
one and other pseudo remota COVID In verse from the Quran My hope is
that Taha zubaid, an Earthman, or the Allah Who and for whom all of
this was happening, and myself that Allah subhanho wa Taala make
us of those about whom he says in the Quran that we have removed all
forms of
ill feelings from their hearts, and they will be like brothers
sitting on the great
thrones in paradise in front of one another. That's my hope, that
this little problem that we had here will be removed by Allah
subhanaw taala.
And then he looked at for the last time at the grave, and he said
that my ears these two ears of mine have heard Rasulullah
sallallahu some saying palha and zubaid. My are my
neighbors in paradise, related by mountain maybe.
So Imam Bukhari says that he died in Rajab, in 36, Hijiri in Word is
Seba, which is close to buzzer in Iraq today.
According to one opinion, he was 64 or 70, or according to some
it's just over 50 didn't really count these things in those days.
I'm assuming it probably be old about 64. Because, you know, it's
been quite a while.
Look at his wasI. You know, before he passed away, he told his son
how to deal with his estate. And this is amazing.
Abdullah, Agnes Dube says that during that time when he was in
that he knew he was going to be killed, it seemed because he told
his son today, I think I'm going to be killed, he could feel it. So
he told his son, that I've got a lot of people to pay off. I've got
a lot of people to pay off. And the reason for this is that people
used to he was very trustworthy. So people used to come to give him
money to look after, he would say, look, instead of me looking after
it as an Amana
Give it to me as a loan. So that way, I'm liable. Because if it
says, if it's just as an Amana, it could get lost, but give it to me
as a loan.
The difference between the two is that if you if somebody gives me
money to look after, I'm not able to use that money, I just have to
look after it, I can't start investing it. But if you give it
to me as a loan, I can invest it. There's a bit more risk in there.
But there's more liability in there. Because the money is into
something, you understand, so I'm liable now I owe it to you.
So that's what he would do. So lots of people have given him
money to look after huge amounts.
So he told his son, that you need to sell my assets.
And if I can't, if there's not enough money to pay back, the
people I owe, for starting today, he'd be mobilier. He kept saying
this. You need to seek assistance from my Lord Mola in those days,
Lord could be my master. Right. My master my mother could be a
seminary slave said that about the owners in those days. He kept
saying that. So Abdullah Abdullah, his son said wala Hema Deray toma
era they couldn't understand what he was saying, what did he mean by
that? So I said, Yeah, but he man Moloch Oh, my father, who is this
master of yours?
So he said, Allah,
Allah is my master. He and then Abdullah the Alon says that
when I was trying to repay people, anytime I would face a difficulty,
I would just say yeah, molars zubaid. Oh, Master of zubaid. It
could be an who repay on his behalf. And Allah would make it
easy. Allah would facilitate it.
as I said, he had these huge amounts of so called loans that he
taken right for people.
We he says, We counted calculated the amount of loan that he was
supposed to pay, and you know how much it was.
It was all fail for me at a URL. That's 2,200,000 2,200,000. He
didn't. But the problem is he had left a penny no dinars. Durham's
all of his wealth was in assets,
pieces of land, he owned this whole forest it's him and he had a
lot of he had a lot of other properties no cash though, because
he was he was just give his cash away, right.
He had a lot of property land. He had a house in Medina, a palace. I
think it's still I think it may still be around the remnants of
it. I think he may be UNESCO now, you know, preserved so it's more
like it's more like a fort. He had a house in Basra, one in Kufa and
one in Egypt.
So he owned properties mashallah Shanghai bombed by Dubai, you
know, in these days, as you'd see say, right, those were the cities
of those days. But never once did he become a mirror of anything. So
none of this money was taken through, you know, when you become
a governor, never he became a never did he become a tax
collector, right? Never anything like that. The only thing that he
done is was he was with the Prophet salallahu Salam in all of
the battles with a worker and in all the battles we normally do in
all the battles that's already done. And then he did business and
with the return of the Allah one. So the children of Zubaydah the
Allahu on the restaurant, 20 children. So they told Abdullah,
the owner who was the he was the responsible one.
Can you give us on the Euro if you need to distribute the B Ra?
The inheritance
so what what happened is, they started selling the piece of land,
and they started paying people off. Then the children they
started asking for the distribution. So Abdullah, the
Allahu Anhu said, Wallah Hila oxen verbena, I'm not going to
distribute the wealth among you for four years.
I'm going to announce for four years fill most him during the
Hajj period, I'm going to announce for four years in a trot, that is
there anybody who is owed any money by by Zubaydah, the Allah
four times, I'm going to do that.
So every year he would do this for four years, then, only after that,
no, not today. SubhanAllah. You know, if somebody dies, and you
they owed you money, you can just about Forget it.
The children aren't going to give you
unless they're very decent people. Oh, that was my father's problem.
That was my father's problem, you'd have to go to court. And I
don't know what you'd have to do. But no, the good people and I know
people like this today who were from other countries, when they
came here, the first thing they did when they started working,
aside from sending money back to their parents, who used to be in
their homes of origin, you know, in their places of origin is to
pay off their debts to make a debt free first. That is so important.
If you if your parents have debts, please pay them off.
Help them pay it off. If they've died, then pay them off. That is
something they will be punished for possibly, and most likely how
calorie burn. So he did this.
Now, look at the baraka he got he paid everybody off that he had to
pay the 2 million something, whatever it was,
after that, the rest of the assets, you know how much they
were worth. Because that was a big loan that he already had sold paid
off the assets that he had. Out of that he had already said that 1/3
He had done some was he had 1/3 has to go to certain places
besides that.
So taking that 1/3 out, and then taking out the 2,200,000 that we
initially had. He was then
left with so much that he had four wives when he passed away.
Each one of his wives receives
You know how much they get. That's four wives they are sharing in 1/8
of his property
the sharing and one eight so if each Wife Got that 1,200,000 times
What is that 4,800,000 That equals to one eight of his wealth.
That's why he says that whatever he had left was 59,800,000
that is what was left 59,800,000 Who says that you can't be wealthy
and rich and still be one of the greatest and righteous people in
the world.
Right that's a crazy amount and you know what this is not their
hands. These are dinar these are gold pieces. Today, gold pieces
gold dinars, 20 dinars are worth 2000 pounds approximately
just 20 dinars are worth about 2000 pounds, give or take
fluctuate they say dinar as the price is quite accurate. So
imagine what 59,800,000 is worth.
Like give fluctuate whatever you want to you know, take off get
take a conservative
estimate on that. That's a huge amount of wealth.
It's all the bulk of those 100 slaves or whoever or they're
always 100 saves 1000 slaves purely for the sake of Allah.
IGNOU Kathy Rahim Allah says that all of this money don't think that
you know because you can Stipe and you can use up other people's
rights when you
eunuch he says this is all Halal money that he had received, you
know from booty and other things that he had taken part in and from
Halal tiara that he had received this. And this is of course after
giving the cut for it every year.
This is after paying the cost of it every year so it's decreased
already and people think if I gives the cost is going to
decrease, then understand that that is just getting rid of the
word, the dirt in the wealth. That's what you're doing when you
pay cuts, you're getting rid of the dirt in the wealth and you're
getting dirt rid of the dirt in your body, in your in your
spiritual life. So you're gonna get Baraka there's going to be
cleaner wealth is going to do much better for you.
And all of the other help that he had given to people throughout his
life, you know that every night he would distribute that money.
That's why there were seven Sahaba
big Sahaba who had made up who had made Zubaydah and our melody Allah
one responsible for the upkeep of their family after dead.
One was Earth man or the Allah one. Now is Athena need somebody
like that he needs the Veda, the Allah one, right because one of
them is very wealthy.
Abdullah Abdul Massoud Abdul Hamid now of the other billionaire
and others, but these were the three main ones who had made him
responsible after death to look after his family he would spend on
their on their family as well.
And that's why, just to remind us of who we speaking about the
Prophet sallallahu sallam said in a hadith narrated by mantra
meeting, Abu Bakr Phil Jana Omar filled agenda with man Phil, John
it Phil John Paul Ha Phil Jana Zubaydah. Phil Jana Abdul Rahman
Live Now Phil Jana was sacked. Don't feel Jana was sorry didn't
feel Jana Babu obey the eternal giraffe will Jana and this is who
they are, this is their life. How are we going to learn from it?
What can we take from it? We can relate to the liveness of A we can
relate to his obedience on our arm, in terms of having enough
wealth and everything else that we may have. May Allah subhanaw taala
also granted us the baraka that he gave him, may Allah also give us
the righteousness that he gave him. May Allah also give us the
focus on the hereafter that he gave him as well. Um, the liveness
debate finally wasn't one to relate to many Hadith. He was very
considerate. That's why Behati Muslim only have two narrations
that they agree upon from Abdullah Musab al then Imam Bukhari is for
other Hadith that Imam Muslim doesn't relate. Any more Muslim
has one Hadith that Buhari doesn't relate.
Ahmed Abdullah Abdullah Abu Zubaydah relates from his father,
Abdullah Vanessa Bayer said to his father, how come you don't
transmit too much relate too much from Rasulullah sallallahu so I'm
just like Abdullah Massoud, what have you been with him for such a
long time? You were one of the earliest Muslims How come you
don't relate so many Hadith?
So he says that
look, I've never left the profits are low so I've always been with
him of the loan officer that came later. Right? I've always been
with him since I've become Muslim I was a young child.
And but I've heard him say that man katiba Allah Yamato Ramadan
for later but what my father who means that whoever lies against me
they should make his place in the hellfire. I'm just don't want to
take that risk. Because you could say something wrong is very
careful about what he may say what you may not say you don't want to
change any words or anything. So he didn't relate that much. That
was just one thing about him. Same as Abu Bakr Siddiq, or the Allah
there's not that many Hadith from him either compared to Abu
Hurayrah Abdullah Al Massoud and others is also very careful. In
fact, he had a collection of Hadith that he he had them burned.
He says, Look, I'm not 100% Sure. I just want to just over cautious,
very cautious. May Allah subhana wa Taala grant us the bulk of
these people. And really by listening to these people, the
Mercy does come down because it does something for our hearts. So
may Allah give us the right response to that work with that
Werner and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Allahu Mantis, Salam wa
Minca Salam debark the other generic with the Quran, Allah Who
Maya uma Rama Deaconess, delete Allahumma Yohanna and we
learn to Subhanak in Quran I mean nobody mean of Allah, we ask You
for Your Mercy. We ask You for Your clemency. We ask you for your
forbearance, we ask You for Your guidance of Allah, we ask You for
Your light of Allah, we've sat here and we've discussed these
great individuals, surely there will be love to you, our Allah. We
want to enliven dimension. We want to benefit from their stories of
Allah, we want to benefit from their lives in this world of Allah
We ask that
while we can never be of those 10 that were given the glad tidings
of paradise, but Allah at least make us of those who will enter
paradise without having to be questioned. or Allah Our love for
these people of Allah make it sincere. Oh Allah, our love for
these people make it strong. Allow us to do what's right allow us to
follow in their footsteps of doing what's correct. Oh Allah to read
or write to lead a righteous life.
And to be focused in making you happy to spend in your path as
they did. Oh Allah we ask that you assist us and help us. You grant
us children like you gave them an O Allah you give us the
understanding like you gave them you give us the quarterback and
the love of your messenger like you gave them. Oh Allah we asked
you, we ask you despite our broken doors despite our weakness of our
state, our Allah despite the paucity of our deeds of Allah, we
ask that you allow us also to leave people that will do
something for us children that will pray for us charity that will
work for us knowledge that will benefit us, or Allah make us of
those who are thoughtful about these things. Oh Allah bless all
of those who have sat here this evening. Oh Allah when they could
have been doing so many other things of Allah we know that you
don't let any action go to waste of Allah make this a source of
sincerity make this sincere for us. Oh Allah accept our doors and
send your abundant blessings on our messenger Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa salam, O Allah we've also had some requests to make dua
for those who are sick among us of Allah we ask you for a complete
cure, from the from the sicknesses that people are feeling of Allah
and complete relief of relief of the oppression and Ruhlman
subjugation that almost in brothers and sisters are faring
around the world and our law we asked you to fulfill our
permissible needs and guide us Subhan Allah be globalized city
and IOC Funan salam ala moana Serena when hamdu Lillahi Rabbil