Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Allah’s Mercy is Greater than Your Sin [Hikam 49]

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The concept of shay is used to indicate a person who refuses to deal with the evil eye and iswilling to deal with it. The importance of fear and shaytan is emphasized, as it is used to achieve success in life. The speakers also discuss the importance of forgiveness and avoiding sin in order to achieve happiness. The need for mental health issues and accepting and love one's own success is emphasized.
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You know, sometimes you have an evil eye of somebody and it messes
you up, doesn't look gay, they say, little child or somebody
Likewise, you can actually have the righteous eye a benefit of the
righteous eye.
You just need those eyes. It's the righteous eye. If a bad I can work
from a distance, they don't even have to touch you just have to
give you a bad day. Sometimes even without realizing that they can be
good eyes. Now they use that idea Janay the body is using the idea
that Allah subhanaw taala has when when from the noble one. One
glance comes when he says, okay, Ahmed, use of Abdul Rahman
That's it. I like what you've done.
You're a sinner. I love what you did that day.
Alcatel Moosie bill, Mohsen.
He can take that wrong that wrongdoer that sinner and make him
from the group of righteous ones.
He just wants an excuse. He just wants us to try to get back, get
back, get back. He's not going to mess us around. No, you can't come
back. He's not going to make us jump through hoops as long as
we've done the right thing is a very straightforward scientific
approach with Allah. Make your Toba sincerely and you get back
Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu
was Salam ala so you will most Salim were either early he was
Sufi or Baraka was a limiter Sleeman. Kathira
Allah Yomi Dean a bird call Allah with allarakha with Darla field
Quran in Nigeria with for coil Hamid not be either the attorney
and unlawful Rahim. So the Kola who nahi so brothers, sisters
difference. Last time we started wisdom. Number 49 of ignorant Otto
Illa al Iskenderun. Eskandari Rahim Allah, his book of wisdoms,
which is on page 97. It's the last one there. Number 49. We did half
of it. So the first half of it was last year alone with them who are
in the Calvin method, the suit dukkha and Hosni vonlee Billa, he
That was the first part which meant let no sin reach such a
proportion in your mind, in your eyes, that it cuts you off from
having a good opinion about Allah. The next part of it is it's a
continuation of it.
For in m&r author, Rob, is the Sahara fi gem be Karami. He's the
For indeed, because whoever knows his Lord considers his salt sin as
small and poultry next to Allah's generosity.
So it's talking about this one is obviously referring to a situation
after a person has sinned make Toba and is too far as well.
But then shaytaan keeps making them feel bad, that whatever
you've done is not good enough, or whatever the case is. So now this
is giving them hope. We need hope and fear are things that which we
described last time that the beginner needs more fear, because
that gets them going. And then the person who's on the path, now they
need a balanced, and then a person who's advanced, they need more
hope. Because there's different circumstance for those that we
Besides that, though, if you look around in terms of our
circumstance, in our situation, sometimes we just need a bit more
hope. And sometimes even on a regular basis, sometimes we just
need a bit more hope because we're feeling down. So we need hope. We
don't want fear at that point. Maybe there's something else going
on in our life, some other difficulty going on in our life,
is that focusing on the fear, then we'll probably get worse. So
that's why sometimes what might happen is that we might need a bit
more of a dose of fear. And sometimes you might need a better,
bigger dose of hope. So this is speaking about after a person has
committed a sin. They really regret it. They want to move on
but they can't maybe because shaytan attacks at all different
angles and all different times. When he doesn't win one battle. He
has another ploy for after
if he can't stop you from getting together, then he's going to try
to create competition and other things like that. So that's what
shaytaan of the humans do. It is what shaytaan the real shaytaan
does as well. So
we discussed the first part last time that don't ever let
any sin becomes so great in your eyes that you lose sight of
Allah's gratitude and Allah's benevolence and patience and ALLAH
SubhanA without us forgiveness. That was the first thing because
he says that if you do recognize your Lord, if you get an
understanding of YOLO, then you will understand that all sins can
be wiped away completely. And
you can get back on track with Allah subhanaw taala because Allah
is just willing to forgive more than anybody else. So let's look
at that in a bit more detail. Basically, he says that anybody
who recognize Allah subhanaw taala. And if this doesn't happen,
it means we don't know Allah. So this is what should happen.
Anybody who then focuses on Allah, the sin that we have done and make
Toba for, sincerely repented for that should no longer bother us.
Not because we think it's like a fly that you just tapped away
from, you're just kind of shooed away from your nose. Like a little
irritation. No, it's because we are so now immersed in Allah.
that gives you so much hope and promise. So it's all for Allah.
It's not never selfish, you have to remember that it's never
Why? Because at that point, he's made so much sober, so much
repentance. And he's done so much thicker, and he's renewed his
faith in Allah subhanaw taala to such a degree, that nothing else
matters except Allah anymore now.
So everything else just becomes completely gone from his site.
That's why.
So if somebody does end up doing something wrong, and then he makes
his stover and everything
he should then restart to realize the amount of blessings of Allah
upon him, for Allah has given me all of these blessings, then why
not some more? So then it's just Allah, Allah, Allah in his mind,
and nothing else. That's why Allah says not be a baddie and nee Anil
hoorah Rahim. What a statement in Arabic. It's like what a
wonderful, not be a birdie.
inform my silly slaves, inform my servants, that I am the foreign
the Rahim I am the most forgiving one. And I am the extremely
Merciful One.
I tell them to tell them let them know
they want something come for it.
Why would he declare something like that?
Now there is another part of this insert will hedger which is what
another be who will either will Alene.
But my punishment is also a severe one.
This is for those who have not made it over. And who might want
to use the first part in the wrong way before they've made any Toba
or to actually let them do sin, and give them a concession to do
sin, give him an excuse to sin. To think that oh, don't worry, Allah
is telling look, he's announcing that he is the most forgiving and
the Most Merciful One, Allah immediately make sure that
shaytani is not going to make us use that in the wrong way. So
that's why he declares that My punishment is very, very severe.
So that's for those who have not made Toba who have not committed
the sin yet to warn them against it. So now you can see how you
might need different doses of both at different times, just so that
shaytaan it's a amazing system, to be honest. It's an amazing system.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said and this gives us
an understanding of the great hope that we need to have in Allah
subhanho wa Taala This is a Hadith that I'm sure many of you have
heard. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said lo the Neptune had the
tableau, Hatha Yoga come an earnest summer.
If you have sinned, if you have sinned and sinned and send until
your wrongs reach to the summit of the heavens, reach the skies. Sama
took to him as long as you do that, then you have made over
the top Allahu Allahu Allah will accept your Toba
and then he said well Anil Eva de la mia number now just to really
drive that point home look how far Allah subhanaw taala is making us
feel comfortable with this.
The next part just bewilders me Subhanallah it just blows me away
because that much was enough. That if you're if you got sent up to
the heavens, we will still forgive you. Now Allah subhanaw taala
really drives that point home more by saying that if this if my
servants did not sin, like if you guys were such that you did not
sin at all we didn't have any sinners that have Allahu Rahim
Allah would have got rid in your view. Allah would have got rid of
so much I'd be home in a hurry then you were pretty
used another group of people, years nubone Who would sin for
your stuff your own, but then who would seek forgiveness for your
funeral home and Allah then would forgive them. Because why Allah is
Forgiving and Merciful he loves to figure.
But that's after you've made Toba. Now, I want to clarify something
else. What is the difference between Istighfar and doba?
A lot of people think they're both the same. You can use them
interchangeably. Definitely one is included in the other one. But
what is the difference between the Stefan and tilbyr
and today I'm going to tell you something about Toba, which
should, which should really give you give us an understanding of
what Tober really means, because I don't think we understand what I
think we think it's like a Stefan. Stefan means to seek forgiveness,
literally to seek forgiveness. Yeah, Allah gives me forgiveness,
which is one of the steps in the process of the Toba. So what does
Toba mean? Toba doesn't mean a stick for
Toba means to come back to return to Allah. Remember that?
You know, keep that in mind that Toba means to return to Allah,
what do you mean return to Allah?
You didn't become a cafe Did you that now you have to embrace the
faith again, maybe, but not everybody, right? So what Dilbert
really means is that whenever we commit a sin whenever we've done
something wrong, whenever we've gone against the obedience of
Allah subhanho wa taala. It's like we've gone off track. That's
literally what it means that we've gone off track. So you're supposed
to drive, you know, in lane, you keep swerving left and right.
And then eventually, you think I'm going to get into an accident, or
maybe you did get into an accident. So you say let me stick
to the lane and you get back and stick to the lane. That's
essentially October is to come back to the obedience and love and
security of Allah subhanaw taala. Now from now on, whenever we think
about this, whenever we commit a sin, whenever you've done anything
wrong, think literally think that we have become away from Allah,
that we've driven away from Allah. Let's get back. Don't you think
that that's a much more powerful idea of October? Because now we've
really understood what Toba is. Because until now, it was like,
Okay, I've done wrong, let me seek forgiveness. No, let us actually
think of ourselves as having moved away. Now we need to come back to
as close as we can. That is Toba tarbiyah. Tubu means to come back,
Raju to repent and to come back. And Allah subhanho wa taala. For
him to say tab Allahu Allah him means Allah will accept you back.
Allah will accept your return. He's willing, he's got so much
that he's willing to Always Accept our return. So now again, let us
keep this in mind. That whenever we sin, we depart from the path we
go away from Allah doba means to come back to Allah subhanaw taala.
Now, that's what the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, he says,
Allah is just so forgiving, so forgiving that if you did not sin,
then he would have gotten rid of us and put some, but obviously,
he's not going to get rid of us because we do sin.
We all sin, it's just that we don't seek forgiveness enough.
That's what it is. So the reality is, is that we do sin, there are a
few people, there are a few people who do not sin, meaning they've
never committed a major sin.
They can say at the end of their life, that we never committed a
major sin. There's people like that, even as recent, you know,
even recent, I know it's getting more difficult.
You know, I've just been thinking, if a person 100 years ago, or 50
years ago, or 100 years ago wanted to sin,
the amount of sin that he or she had access to was much more
limited than the amount of sin that a person can do today in five
Now, if I'm to give you a really graphic detail, a graphic example,
or a little bit of a graphic example, may Allah protect
everybody is that if there was somebody a man who wanted to
commit some kind of Zina a form of Zina, he'd have to find the person
to do that with and it'd be one person for the hour or whatever it
is, today, a person in an hour can probably do different forms of
Zina in with 20 different people.
Whatever his heart desires, in an hour in 10 minutes, five minutes,
whatever you want to say, before if somebody wants you to do that,
they would have had to go out, look for somebody hook up. And
it'd be one person I mean, maybe two people, whatever, but here,
it's unlimited. The scope is just so great. So all we can say that
it's more difficult. But then we hope that with Allah's mercy that
there's greater reward for that. There's greater reward and greater
protection, greater forgiveness. We need these Hadith we need a lot
of hope. Allah subhana wa Tada we've got number of other Hadith
ALLAH SubhanA wa
gets more joyful with the return of his servant
than a very, very thirsty person who finds water. Finally, then,
a woman who hasn't had a child for years and years, and suddenly she
gets pregnant. These are extreme forms of situations of happiness.
Like imagine 10 years, no gender, and suddenly you get a child.
And number three, somebody's lost something. They can't find it.
Their life depended on it. They really needed it, and then
suddenly they find that thing.
However, this after saying all of this, this does not mean that our
sins must now diminish in our site. We still commissioned sins,
and they're so small in our sights, because Allah subhanaw
taala has forbearance and forgiveness is so great. Let us
not be deceived by that. Allah subhanho wa Taala once revealed
to Tao that a Salam that would Ali Salam, yada would collect Riba the
acid the theme lie of Teru
announced to tell tell, tell my tell my voracious servants, my
absolutely truthful servants, they're truthful in every sense.
They're not just truthful in their tongue, but they're truthful in
their actions as the subsidy tenant they must never become
deceived, for any in Joakim Allah him oddly work history, while the
boom layer of oil volume in law home, because if I was to
establish my my justice and fairness and deal with them in
justice and fairness, then I could punish them, and I wouldn't be
considered an oppressor.
I could find something that they've done off track slightly,
and I can just give them a punishment for just what they've
done wrong. Just when they went off track when they went distant
from me, and I wouldn't be an oppressor. I couldn't be guilty of
And then tell my righteous servants though.
Tell my righteous servants actually tell my sinning seven
this was for the righteous servants.
Tell my sinning servants lie or cannot lie or kanuto they should
never be despair. They should never become despondent for in the
whole idea of the more Allah you have them going for a hula hoop,
because never Is there any sin any sin whatsoever that I can't
forgive for them.
Oh, no, that one's a bit difficult. Sorry, man. That one's
a bit difficult. That one's too big. That one's too messed up.
Now, it could be really messed up. But as long as the Toba comes and
you come back to Allah subhanaw taala in the right way, you found
your way to come back to Allah then it can be forgiven. Nothing's
too great for Allah subhanho wa Taala
Junaid Al Baghdadi Rahim Allah Radi Allahu Anhu said either
Beddit I in mineral creamy
al Hakata Lucy Erbil, Mufson semana Allah,
you know, sometimes you have an evil eye of somebody, and it
messes you up, doesn't look gay, they say, little child or somebody
Likewise, you can actually have the righteous eye a benefit of the
righteous eye.
You just need those eyes. It's the righteous eye. If a bad guy can
work from a distance, they don't even have to touch you just have
to give you a bad day. Sometimes even without realizing that they
can be good eyes. Now they use that idea Janay them Baghdadi is
using the idea that Allah subhanaw taala has when when from the noble
one. One glance comes when he says okay, Mohammed, use of Abdul
Rahman Muhammad.
That's it. I like what you've done.
You're a sinner. I love what you did that day.
I'll Hakata Lucy Moosie Bill Mohsen.
He can take that wrong that wrongdoer that sinner and make him
from the group of righteous ones.
He just wants an excuse. He just wants us to try to get back, get
back, get back. He's not going to mess us around. No, you can't come
back. He's not going to make us jump through hoops. As long as
we've done the right thing is a very straightforward scientific
approach with Allah. Make your Toba sincerely and you get back
very simple, straightforward with somebody else. You have to worry
about their temperament it is very difficult to process once you mess
him around, he never forgives. Or you really have to do a lot to
convince him that's what happens with other people you have to do
all sorts with Allah subhanaw That is very straightforward theory.
Straightforward fact. straightforward procedure.
shakable Abbas al merci Rahim. Allah says in his his now this
one. Just listen then I'll explain to because it's a bit. Not so
straightforward. When you hear it. He says, this is his menagerie to
Allah this is
his his little intimate discourse with Allah subhanaw taala. He
said, Allah He, my lord, Marcia Tucker, now that need to be
Your disobedience called me to obedience.
disobey you call me to obedience. Again, don't jump to any
conclusions here. I'll have to explain this one. But it's very
subtle. Your disobedience called me to your to obedience. But then
your obedience has called me to your disobedience
for fee him out a half now which one should I be worried about?
Which one should I be more fearful in the obedience or disobedience?
Well, if he him, I urge you, and which one should I have put my
hopes in,
in call to Bill Massey then he's saying to Allah that I've tried
this, and these are my results. If I say I should put my hope or fear
in the mouse here in the disobedience.
And thus cobblestone EB phallic, then that means that you will
approach me with your grace, then that means then there's going to
be no fear left.
There's going to be no fear left. If I say oh, it's the obedience
that you need to be worried about. Then you could confront me with
your justice and punish me. So then I don't get any hope left.
Now hope remains afterwards.
How is it now for later Shari? K for our so nima cernik. How can I
ever compare, whatever I do is good compared to what you do for
me as a favor. I'm gay for Hulu for the LACMA is psionic. At the
same time, how can I ever be ignorant of Your grace? Along with
disobeying you? I can't. I can't deal with this. This is an
experienced person speaking about it. It might not make any sense
right now. But let me explain what he's saying. What he's essentially
saying is that when a person is in a disobedience, and this is
talking about a person who doesn't like to stay far from Allah will
actually stay in the middle, of course, is usually an obedient
person, he's done something wrong.
He wants to be obedient, really wants to be there. But he's done
something wrong.
And when he does something wrong, he realizes that what he's done
wrong is really bad. And he's done this wrong against the might have
the truthful one. How can you take him on? How can you take Allah
subhanaw taala on how can you take the Majesty of Allah subhanho wa
Taala on so he becomes extremely submissive, he becomes extremely
weak and incapacitated, he feels really, really helpless.
So what his sin has done, has given him this ability to feel
like a proper slave of Allah, to feel helpless and in total needs
of Allah subhanho wa taala. So can you see now how his disobedience
created obedience.
And he just starts to magnify his Lord and just really perturbed and
They call this other role a badass, this could be one of the
highest forms of worship when you feel like that, not that you do a
sin. But what it produces, it doesn't have to. That's the only
way to that's not the only way to produce this state. There's other
ways to produce it safer ways. Because this one, we might say,
we're going to do that to produce this state may never actually
produce that state.
You have to have something going on something you need to have
something for this to happen. He says forgot nada to Marcia to
allottee who a fee habita. So now this disobedience that he had
fallen into has has basically called him
Subhan Allah to be obedient
to the very thing that he had avoided in the first place. Now,
on the other hand, when he is in obedience, he's enjoying his
obedience. It's easy for him to do a bit he's waking up at the edge
is getting his prayers done on time. He's avoiding a lot of stuff
and everything. Aruba Shahida fi NAFSA and it's very easy in that
state to start thinking Mashallah.
I'm on it. I'm on it. I'm great. Not with a view of thanks. That's
fine like Alhamdulillah Monets Alhamdulillah I've stayed safe.
No, man, this is really good. Look at that guy, man. He can't even do
this much. He can't even do that much. Alhamdulillah have not
missed this in two months. hamdulillah right. Subhan Allah.
Yeah. So his his whole focus now becomes very selfish, very self
ego centered centric for Ashoka the rugby at the end of the day.
What does he do? He starts to now to shake with Allah not like he's
claiming another god, but he's directing his attention to others
now to show others
especially if some people come and give him a bit of praise, then
and it just makes it worse. I remember a friend of mine, we were
traveling somewhere, and there was something he did that was
praiseworthy. But I wasn't sure if he did it. I had a hunch that he
did. I said, Did you do it? So he tried to avoid the question. I
said, What are you trying to do? Like, why? Why don't you just say
it. So then he figured out that he knew, so he said, You know what,
I've already got such a big ego problem, I don't want to feed my
ego more this way.
So that's a way to try to deal with that kind of stuff. Just try
to avoid any kind of praise.
So this person will start to focus on others focus on his own knifes
and self. And that means that's going to totally spoil his
etiquette with Allah, his other with Allah, he's focused on Allah.
That's a sin. For Allah, that's a sin, once you start focusing on
somebody else that Allah hates totally.
That is sheer Schilke is when you have a scribe somebody or maybe
it's on a minor level where ascribing them, we still doing it
for Allah, but we just want to show these guys.
So that's why when he is in his worship, then it's possible that
this kind of sin be can be commissioned by him that he should
be avoiding. And now he's not hit now, the sheikh Sheikh Abu Abbas,
he says, I'm worried now I don't know which one to focus on.
Because if I'm here, I could, you know, if I, if I, if I'm on this
side, then this is what comes about sometimes. And if I'm on
this side, then this could come. I'm not sure if I should be
hopeful or fearful, I'm not sure which one to focus on. What he's
basically saying is that, you know, when I look at the form of
a, of a disobedience, the outer form of the disobedience, so he's
committed around and you look at the form of the disobedience.
And I realized that it's a problem. So then you are going to
give me your grace, you're going to forgive me.
So what's going to happen is that whole disobedience is going to be
wiped out.
Because you forgiven me now.
On the other hand, if I look at that disobedience, and I know that
you, and I think that you're going to actually treat me, punish me,
give me back for our I did, and you've got total right and it with
fairness, would you do that? So, at the same time, the same thing
is going to happen.
Eventually, that will also be obliterated, because I'll seek
forgiveness afterwards. So eventually, what I have to come to
terms with, he says, is just purely hoping you hope. He says
we're Bucky Mahadeo Raja immunol, Karim, will Wahhabi Allah, the UT
Villa suburban, I need to forget about all of this. And I need to
just look upon you
without any focus on my sin, all obedience, and I need to just have
hope in you as the greatest giver that you will give me.
I don't know if you've got that. I need to then forget about
everything else, because that's going to create turmoil. I need to
avoid sin, obviously. But my philosophy and my Outlook needs to
be that Ya Allah, I must just put all of my hopes in this
benevolent, and this abundantly gift giving one who actually gives
without any need reason to give,
because he's given all of us so many things without us doing
anything right from our infancy. That's where we want to eventually
get to we just focus on Allah so much that that's it, we avoid
everything else, but our main focus is just that Allah gives us
So eventually, the conclusion of all of this is simply that if our
if Bill is the one who wants to always be with Allah,
if He does end up committing something wrong,
then he doesn't stay there. He comes back to Allah subhanho wa
he knows that there's enough room with Allah subhanho wa taala. And
Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives you enough. So that's what he does
shake up the log and go he the way he explained this whole wisdom
number 14 And he says, one should not hold one sin in such a great
light, that one loses hope, in the grace and mercy of Allah Most
High. And one should not think that the gravity of my sin is so
great that there is no forgiveness for it. And I have on account of
this sin now reached the stage where I am unfit for His grace and
mercy. Such despair has to be the consequence on other ignorance and
an unawareness of the attributes of Allah Most High you don't know
Allah. That's why you would think like that. One who has recognized
the creator and is aware of his attributes will be acquainted with
his attributes of forgiveness and grace.
He will
thus understand that in the presence of the infinite
attributes, His sins are insignificant. In such a state, a
servant will always have hopes of being forgiven. Sometimes people
have psychological issues. That's what I want to finish off the
discussion with. Some people have psychological issues where they
are more prone to fear. I knew one person, every now and then maybe
once a year or something, they would just go into a fear mode. To
such a degree, they couldn't come out of bed, they wouldn't want to
eat, they wouldn't want to go out anywhere that we want to go and
sell out. There was a fear of Allah.
It was a fear of Allah. It was literally these dreams about
Jahannam and fear of Jahannam and hellfire and so on.
Now, that could be spurred on by some kind of mental health issue.
No doubt, it's just mental health issues are very tricky. Because
when you have a mental health issue, it's probably a chemical
imbalance in the mind. But then what that does is that it takes on
a manifestation of something that you relate to.
And people think that it's actually the problem. The
manifested problem is the problem. But the real problem is the actual
mental health issue.
So I've had somebody called me who said that they've had mental
health issues, or this particular problem for about seven, eight
years. They've tried lots of rakia and everything. And I said, Go to
luctus Oh, am I allowed to go to the halal I've been just told that
you're not allowed to do that said, of course you can.
You have to do a multi pronged approach because simply, if Rukia
is not working could just be a chemical imbalance. This just like
you have a physical imbalance. You don't just do Rukia for physical
imbalance, do you?
I mean, if you have a big wound somewhere, right, you don't just
do Rokia for that you I say you should have a multi pronged
approach ask Allah pray, yes, make dua on it, and everything, invoke
the Shafi everything but then go and get some medicine.
Unless you're so close with Allah that you know that he's just
gonna, you know, it's fine. However, Allah wants to keep you
that's fine. That's a different level we're talking about. Same
thing. I mean, just consider mental health or, I mean,
nowadays, I hate the word mental level had an issue with that
somebody gave me a new word is emotional problems, emotional
health problems. So yes, absolutely you can, you can, you
can, you can do that. Just, you know, get two or three opinions if
you can, and then and then basically just just do that. So,
sometimes people are beset with immense amount of fear. And that
doesn't have to be just a religious thing. However,
religious things do help in that case. So I would sit with the
person, sometimes others would sit and they would bring all of these
virtues, a lot of the virtues, a lot of the SIFAT of Allah, the
Hadith, the forgiveness verses, all of that would help the person,
but because of the chemical, because it's a, it's just beset
him, it works for a while and goes back, it works for a while, and it
goes back. So it's a good idea to get a large, it's just that we
probably don't have enough Muslim therapists who understand all of
these things, plus the profession. And that that's what we need more
of. And then what do you do about people who are just overly
hopeful? They just don't care about anything, I think, is there
more of those, right? There's more of there's more of them than
people who get really, really scared. Like I've seen very few
people get really, really scared. But there's a lot of people who
just have lots of hope they don't care.
They just totally apathetic, they just have apathy. That's a more
difficult one. Because at least the guy with a fear he knows he's
got a problem. He's going through some kind of depression or
something, but the person was just they don't even know that they've
got a problem.
I don't know if that's a psychological problem. That is
enough. See problem.
It's probably not a brain problem. It's probably a brain and nerves
problem. So that's why that definitely can be helped.
Allah subhanaw taala protect us from all forms of extremes in
every aspect and give us what the author has told us and may Allah
subhanaw taala allow us to understand him better so that we
know exactly what he wants from us at every stage and working with
that one and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen olam and the Scylla
Mormon because
they haven't given a Koran Mayor how you pay your medical history,
a lot of them Yeah, and Yemen in for Subhanak in Konami, the word
Amin llama feelin our home now or if you know
Allah Medina, what have you been our agenda with? A
lot of meanness that look at the moment if you were the worm and if
you were shook around and if you Allah, Allah, Allah, have mercy on
us. We ask for your mercy and grace. We ask for your
benevolence, your generosity, your forgiveness. Forgive us our
wrongdoings. Forgive us our
Mistakes Forgive us our laziness, our distractions, our delays, our
transgressions and our sins and especially those that we've
forgotten about now. We don't want to see them as their judgment. We
want to be purified. Yeah Allah bring us back. Accept us, allow us
to come back on life. Even if you don't want to come back or law
grab us by the four locks and bring us back to you. Enter us
into paradise. Oh Allah make this journey back to you easy for us,
or will that make us want it? Oh Allah, Oh Allah, we know that.
There's lots of space. We know that you accept we know that you
have great mercy. We know that you give abundantly We know that you
are the greatest Forgiver but Allah we sometimes just lacked the
drive and we stay away from you. Or Allah, we stay away. And we
stay away from your compassion. We stay away from your mercy, we stay
away from your generosity. We find others that we think we can get
something from our Allah, this is delusion of Allah, we ask that you
protect us from this delusion, you snap us out of this delusion. You
bring us back. You bless all of us, all those who are listening or
Allah bless all of us, and keep us with you. Oh Allah, allow us to
stay with you. Allow us to have that love and have the love of
those things which benefit us in this regard. And have distaste and
distrust for those things that take us away from you. of Allah
slowly, slowly, many many people
and us we fall for things that distract us that take us away. Oh
Allah grant has returned to you grant us blessings with you grant
us comfort with you grant us harmony review. Oh Allah, this is
the place grant is the sweetness of faith. Oh Allah grant is the
sweetness of faith Oh Allah, bless all of those who have assisted us
and who have allowed this theme to come to us and conveyed it to us.
bless everybody up to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam all of
our teachers and grand teachers and all the machinery who Allah
bless them all abundantly without them we wouldn't have been where
we are today. Oh Allah allow us. Allow us to be the source of
goodness for others as well. Allow us to be good ourselves and allow
us to be the source of goodness for others. Remove help us to
remove the evil within us the real evil around us. And Allah allow us
to stay away there are so many avenues of SR Allah today it is so
easy to sin. It is so easy to disobey you have Allah it is so
easy to disobey you Allah protect us from all of these forms.
Because the only way we can stay away is with your assistance of
Allah with your consciousness of Allah grant us your consciousness.
Allah bless all those who sit here and all of those who listen
wherever they are. And Allah bless all of us and our families in the
entire ummah. And we ask especially for delivery for those
who are suffering and persecution in this cold and in the harsh in
the harsh climates in all other harsh conditions that they may be
in. Oh Allah make us of those who assist others. Oh Allah make us of
those who do the right thing. Accept us all for the service of
your deen fulfill our permissible needs, fulfill our permissible
projects and make them easy and accept us all to do something for
ourselves and for the entire Ummah and grant us the Cunnamulla Ilaha
illa Allah and grant is the company of Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam Suhana Rebecca, Rebecca is that Yama Yossi fauna
masala when animals Selena will handle
the point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further an inspiration and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on there, the Islamic
essentials certificate which you take 20 Short modules, and at the
end of that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of
the most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more
confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue
to live, you know to listen to lectures, but you need to have
this more sustained study as well as aka la harem Salam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.