Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – After Hajj Be Thankful and Seek Forgiveness

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The speaker discusses the importance of acceptance and learning from mistakes in a relationship. They mention a hook from Allah's subhanaw taala that gives the ability to perform certain behavior, but also acknowledges mistakes and the need to learn from them. The speaker emphasizes the need to learn from mistakes and work hard to improve.
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Thank Allah Firstly, he has given you the ability to perform this
hedge, because that's an absolute
honor of Allah subhanaw taala. And then do is still far for all the
shortcomings in it. What this tells you is that acceptance is
from him. And clearly we generally have shortcomings.
And if he doesn't accept it fully, then who's going to accept it,
then all of our efforts have gone to vain. So, let us ask him, first
thank him. He likes sugar, and then ask Him to forgive us for our
mistakes with him. This is what a sort of lesson lesson taught us
after each Salaat as well. We did the test be hard but we also do is
the far three times because of the mistakes we probably made inside
So that's where everything else and especially when you do an a
concentrated effort, like vicar sit down for vicar, and it with
the DUA. Especially it was of this nature. And may Allah subhanaw
taala give us the TOEFL.