Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Ability vs. Acceptance

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the importance of finding one's ability to achieve success in life, rather than just finding one's ability to use a cabinet and accept acceptance. The segment also touches on the history of Islam and its use as a reference to a previous experience. The speakers emphasize the importance of compassion and selfless actions in achieving success, as well as the importance of preserving one's skin and things like that. They also mention a man who sold his car and bought it from someone who had a similar experience.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al Hamdulillah

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Al Hamdulillah in Ramadan who understand you know when to stop

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Pharaoh who will you know be who you want to talk to Ali when I was

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with him in Shruti and fusina Amin say Dr. Medina mania Hello father

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mandala Whom are you the little who follow her the other one a

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shadow Allah Illa Illa who the hula Shanika when I shall do

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understand you then I will move on the knob the whole Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa Baraka was seldom at

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the Sleeman Kathira on Isla Yomi Dean Amma Berg

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My dear respected

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and noble brothers and sisters, As Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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hamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala has given us a trophy that we get

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some amount of our Dean whether we like it or not every Friday, this

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is specially so for the men who go and get to pray Jamar.

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Imagine if we were totally deprived of that we'd be so busy

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to go and listen to a lecture because many lectures happen,

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maybe not in Stevenage. Insha Allah Allah subhana wa Tada

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increased this place with his late but they happen in other places

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like London and so on, and maybe in Luton and other places probably

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a bit more than in outlying areas. But Allah has blessed us that at

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least in Juma, we get this opportunity to go and listen. So

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we have to go for Jamar anyway, let's just go a bit early and we

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get to listen to Hamdulillah. There's a great rewards for going

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early for Jamar. The hadith mentions and if you've heard the

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Hadith before, the Hadith mentions that when it goes in the first

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hour, he gets this really huge amount of reward the reward of a

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large animal, like a camel or a cow, the second hour starts going

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down until in the last hour, you get the reward equivalent to an

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egg. And then it says once the Imam begins once the hotbar the

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oven, the Imam begins, then the angels who are writing the names

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down for everybody to slot them into the right into the right

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reward positions. They roll it up and they say okay, we're going

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inside us now to listen to the hotbar as well. So then the reward

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gets diminished. Now, the Hadith mentions first, our second our

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third hour. We don't count like that anymore. We have 24 hour

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clock set start one o'clock in the morning, 12 o'clock at night. But

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about 6070 years ago, there was a different form of time that was

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being used around the world. Some of you are very old might remember

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it. I never knew about this until some really old man from Iraq told

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me because once I mentioned this hadith and he grabs me after

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Salat, and he says, Do you know what it means by first hour and

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second hour and third hour starting after sunrise. He said

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this is how we used to count time before. So the first hour after

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sunrise was the first hour, the second hour, the third. So time

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started then in the daytime. Very interesting, but we lived all our

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life in the 24 hour clock. And this is very difficult to think

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outside of that. Anyway, that's not my topic to start speaking

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about time and geography and that's not our topic today. Our

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topic is inshallah a bit more important than that. The main

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thing here that I want to speak about there's a hadith related by

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Imam Bukhari, from Sahel of Masada Radi Allahu Anhu. He says that

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once Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting with his

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companions. And a man was going on his horse.

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You know, I think nowadays we can say there's a guy that just pulled

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up in his Mercedes, BMW or some nice car that people respect. You

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know, whether that's a Nissan you respect or whatever it is. He

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pulled up in a really nice car, nice clothes, you can tell that

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he's oozing wealth, money, influence, etc. But this person,

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he comes along on a horse and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said,

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Mara, you, Kofi? What's your opinion about this man, he just

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wanted to gauge their opinion. And the people said, you know, he's

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such a man that when he speaks, people are going to listen, he's

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probably got something important to say. So when he speaks, people

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will listen. When he comes to your door, you're gonna let him come

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in. Right? When he sends a proposal for any woman she's going

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to accept. If he puts in a word for you, that's your contact, his

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intercession will be accepted, in the sense that if he puts in a

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good word for you to work in a place or to get a promotion is

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going to work, because he's got that influence. probably sounded

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awesome said didn't make any comment. He's listened. Okay,

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that's what you guys think. Okay. Then another person comes along,

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who is totally the opposite of that disheveled hair, clothing,

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soiled, not very smart looking and such and the process and said,

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What's your opinion about him?

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And they said, he's such a person that if he speaks, nobody's going

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to listen. They're not going to consider him at all. Here.

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Ask for women in marriage they are going to refuse him. He tries to

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put in a word for you. It's just not going to be accepted.

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Then the prophets of Allah made a statement. He said,

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This man, the second man is superior to a whole world full of

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the other men.

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A whole world full of people like the other man, this man is

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superior to that in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala though you

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do not consider him anything.

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There's another Hadith in Muslim Sahih Muslim which mentions roba

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Shatha Akbar Rama through the middle of work below Oksana and

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Allah He the Abara there are certain people

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who are a chef Oboro disheveled hair soiled clothing, not smart at

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all. More through the middle of work if they came to your door you

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don't even want to let them in. You don't even want to get away

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from here. But they are so close to Allah subhanahu wa taala that

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no Oksana and Allah if they took an oath, Wallah he this is going

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to happen what Allah he this is what it is Allah subhanaw taala

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will make it like that.

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If they said it's gonna rain today, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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will fulfill that promise for them. Now because they control

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Allah, He loves them so much and they don't ask for things

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unreasonable anyway. But there's a hadith of Muslim.

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Essentially what we're speaking about

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keep this hadith in mind, let me just talk about something else.

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Every one of us

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we live in this world we use certain things that Allah has put

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into us some of you are mashallah very good at maybe fixing

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computers, programming computers, maybe programming software, maybe

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you guys are some of you are it technicians. Maybe you're a car

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mechanic or a car technician and a new cars don't have mechanics,

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they have technicians because they do everything by computer, right?

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You're either a doctor, you're either really good at studying,

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maybe you always get top marks in whatever you do, maybe you're very

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good at making money. You know, you can you know, you look at

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investment opportunities and mashallah you just notice them and

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you make more money than somebody else and the other guy's trying

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and he never hits a six and you're always hitting a six.

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You know, it's a metaphor.

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Or you're gonna good taxi driver, you make good money in taxi

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doesn't matter. Maybe a good painter

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doesn't make a difference. It's about maybe a good solicitor,

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lawyer, whatever it may be maybe a good restaurant business,

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hopefully halal. So it doesn't make a difference what you're

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doing, what you have actually done is you've discovered the potential

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within you, you've discovered your ability. In Arabic, the word for

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ability is carbonyl.

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Carbon here in Arabic, this is a word I'm sure most of us have

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heard of. He has carbon, a great carbon, we use it in order to use

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in Gujrati. We use it in many, many languages. This word is

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Arabic word RBD means ability. And if you haven't discovered your

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ability, then I feel sorry for you. Because everybody must

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discover their ability. Look, you could have discovered your

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ability, you may be using it in the wrong, but you still

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discovered it. You still got potential to use it in the right

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way. Allah has placed in every single one of us some ability.

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Have you discovered it or not? That's the question. If you have a

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Hamdulillah, generally, if you get if you see people who pick up a

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paper, you can tell by the choice of paper that they read how they

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are for one thing, then you get a piece that you know, you get a

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paper, let's just say you get the Evening Standard in London, which

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is a free paper that they give out, or Daily Mirror, not the sun,

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but the Daily Mirror, let's just say if the first page that you

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open up is the back page, and you read a few pages and then you put

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the paper away. What does that tell anybody about you? You're not

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really worried about what goes on in the world. You're just worried

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about what goes on on the pitch. The ball is very important for

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you. But seriously, you got some people, that's all they take the

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paper for. I mean, what's life for them football and that's it. An

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example if we don't have to say that we're not talking about

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football, it could be anything is that our life? The only focus that

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we have. Now what's important is this we have this accountability

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is this word carbon EITS comes from in Arabic, every word in

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Arabic comes from a root term, root letters, whose asleep they

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call them. So Kaveri it comes from cough ba lung. Now there's another

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word in Arabic, which we're all very aware of as well, which is

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called Kabuli.

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So you got covariates and you got kuliah. They both come from the

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same root term, cough Balamb.

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Right. Kabuli means acceptance. What we're trying to aim for is

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this core belief that Allah has given us this ability to do

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whatever. Can we turn that into acceptance, accept

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Turns means we use the cabinet in this world for our benefit. But

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Allah subhanaw taala when we go to the hereafter he puts us in

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Paradise because we use the in the right way and we gained his

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acceptance. That's the question. Let's take an example. Has anybody

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been to Egypt?

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Has anybody been to the to Egypt?

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Have you been to the Pharaonic Museum in Egypt? Yeah. So I don't

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know how much you paid. But to go into the Pharaonic Museum, which

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the British built about 100 years ago, it's like four or five

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floors, this really massive structure. It's got everything in

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there to do with Pharaoh from his chariots. So you know, you've got

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his big, big, like, imagine somebody's cause to the needle

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that they used to use. They've got everything in there. Now that's

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amazing. It is absolutely amazing that after how many years how many

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years ago did Pharaoh live?

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Mashallah, 4000 years ago, 2000 years ago was isa Ali Salam 2000

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years before that was Musa alayhis salam 4000 years ago, and from

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4000 years, we've got chariots, we've got needles, and we've got

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everything in between. All made from slave labor.

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All made from slave labor. He had the whole of the Bani Israel under

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his slavery. He was literally make making them do whatever he wanted.

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For somebody to enslave someone, to make them work for you to do

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whatever you want. In conditions that are not necessarily

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favorable. You must have some ability. You can't do something

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like that without ability. Allah has given you some ability. You've

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used it to subjugate people. It's a bad thing, but its ability he

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had called me a great club idiot. Pharaoh had great club idiots. Now

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if you go into this museum when I went about six years ago, five,

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six years ago,

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you paid 40 You paid 40 Egyptian pounds to get in. Right? I can't.

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You must I don't know when you when we paid 40 Egyptian pounds to

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go in. There's not much 40 Egyptian pounds is at that time. I

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do not think there's a seven eight to a pound I can't remember. But

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then you go on the second or third floor. And there's another place

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that we have to buy an additional ticket if you want to go into a

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room there. The other day you pay 90 in nighttime, 90 So 40 at the

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door and the special room you pay 90 Why do you pay 94 to see some

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right to see some dead people there from 4000 years ago, I paid

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for it because I wanted to the Ebro Allah subhanaw taala says in

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the Quran, when Pharaoh was about to die and he tried to then

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embrace the faith, I believe in the Lord of Musa and Harun

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Alehissalaam it was too late. But Allah subhanho wa Taala said in

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the Quran, Allah Winona jika be by Danica Lita Hakuna Lehmann

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Khalifa, I'm going to give you respite with your body so that you

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could be assigned for the people after you. Now what's most

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interesting here is that Pharaoh's body was only discovered about 100

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years ago, Ramses is in the MME Tarzan, they're one of those two.

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Were the were the Pharaohs of Masada. He's one of those two but

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you don't need to go there. I can save you your 9040 40 Egyptian

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pounds. Check online for Ramses the second you'll see his mummy

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there. Right so you don't need to go there to see him. You can get

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your Ebro from here inshallah reading the verse. The main the

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most interesting thing that I find one of the most interesting things

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is that he's only discovered about 100 years ago.

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His his mummy was only discovered, but the Quranic verse was there

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from 1400 years ago to us. Can you imagine the people who lived 200

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years ago they must be thinking, Allah says, I'm going to give you

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a respite with your body, where is this body? Right where is his

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body? But mashallah de Eman was so strong that they believed in the

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unseen you Alladhina you're gonna believe maybe for our times where

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we need evidence for things Allah has given us Pharaoh to see it's

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there available. Right? But can you imagine the faith of the

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people for 1300 years who didn't see him and it's there. That's why

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I do not ever question anything in the Quran or the Sunnah.

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Allah has a timetable and whenever he wants, things will happen most

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appropriately. Our test is that we are tested to see if we believe

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what Allah subhanaw taala says or not. He said the 1400 I'm going to

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give you a respite. What do you think the people were thinking and

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their own amount of thinking about what respite means here? But we

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see it that he's got 4000 years How do you preserve about

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Inshallah, inshallah knows everything is there you can see

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him is not just a skeleton. It's not just a skeleton. It's there's

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preserve the skin and things like that, whatever you call it now.

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It's quite interesting. But the main thing is, our purpose of this

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is not to do a history lesson, Egyptology. Although much of the

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Egyptians are making a lot of money through Pharaonic tourism.

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Right. The main thing for us here is to focus on the fact that

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Pharaoh had cobbly it but no Qubool yet. He was a

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made an example for us. Let's take a more recent example. After 2000

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years, 2600 years

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2700 years after, after the pharaoh

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in the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the

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beginning of Islam, profit and loss have made the DUA he said oh

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Allah strengthen this Deen with one of these two armors there was

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Ammar Ibn Hisham, and there was Omar YBNL hottub we all know Ahmed

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Abdullah hottub these are both enemies of Islam at the time. They

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were both leaders of the Quraysh they were both very powerful

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individuals, both with great Covidien both go getters like you

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know get up and do the work on what are the alarm was like that

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I'm originally sham was like that. Most of you probably will not know

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who I'm with. No, Hashem is by name. Some of you will know that

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he was called Abdul Hakim at that time, his title was great. The

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father of judicial understanding he was very good at you know,

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judicial matters at the time. Unfortunately, nobody knows him

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like that anymore. Except now we know him as Abuja *.

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No, he sham was Abuja, they both had called idiots. Allah subhanho

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wa Taala accepted Amara, the Allahu Anhu to become the

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believer, and to strengthen this Diem, and that is exactly what the

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do out of the extra load isn't was accepted for him. So you had to

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carbonate, but only one Kabuli it for one of them. So we want to

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follow the example of Omar the Allahu Anhu. If you're your person

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who can do things, let's see how much we can use our good, how much

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force you know how much we have for the force of good and not for

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the force of evil. The prophets of Allah some said, Whoever takes the

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person on the right track, they will Mandela, Hayden, wherever

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indicates towards a good way they will get the reward of all of

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those that follow whoever indicates towards the wrong way

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they will get the sin of all of those that follow in that regard

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as well. So do we want to be forces of good or bad? Let's take

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a more recent example. When I was an imam in in America, we had a I

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used to go to one shop, there was a shop the store called Costco. I

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went in there once and I met this brother who comes up to his Salaam

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Alaikum brother. Now I was in a very small area 100 people for

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Juma like probably this area. So you know everybody, you know if

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there's a new person, you know, if somebody is missing, I've never

00:17:15 --> 00:17:18

seen this guy in the masjid. And he's working there, which means

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he's not a stranger. He's not a foreigner. You know, he's not from

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another city. He's living here. He's working there. But I've never

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seen him in the masjid. A nice Turkish brother. He said my name

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is Ahmed and everything. I didn't tell him brother. Well, why don't

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you come to the masjid the first time you say that to somebody?

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They'll never meet you again. Right? So then I just said slavery

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come how are you brother? How's everything that every time I used

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to go there, whenever he was there, he would come and meet me.

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Then eventually one day I said Brother, you know you should come

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for Juma. Where do you pray to him? He says I can't man. You

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know, I've got two jobs I do. I just can't make Jumeau I'm married

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to a non Muslim woman this that and the other big problems.

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So eventually, what happened is one day I see him in Juma

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and I after I finished a sunnah and everything I went outside and

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brother is there he is giving everybody his Subhanallah he is

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serving cold water to everybody. He's bought these two cases of you

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know, 24 or whatever bottles of water. He's taken them home his

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children. Now here when it's cold, you're probably not going to

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appreciate cold water. You might appreciate tea or coffee or

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something like that. But they're it's hot in California. And

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believe me, if you're given hot water, cold water to drink, you

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don't have to raise your hands to make the you don't have to tell

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somebody here take some water make dua for me, the DUA will

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spontaneously come out of the huts.

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Right. So imagine how much reward this man was getting out of laws.

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The worst thing for me was this. I'm the Imam of the Masjid. To buy

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those two crates of water was only about $8. Right? Two cups of you

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know, two, three cups of coffee one good $8 Like five pounds. In a

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restaurant, you can't get a dish, a decent dish for five pounds

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nowadays. That's all it cost. But it didn't occur to me. I didn't

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get the Tofik for this. I didn't get the reward for all of that.

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He's getting the reward I spoke to I said, Man, what happened? What

00:19:06 --> 00:19:09

happened to you? He said, You know, I'm now working in a gas

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station, the petrol station and the other guys are Muslim there as

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well. So we've made an agreement, that one week he'll go for Joomla

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and one week I'll go for Joomla

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SubhanAllah. You know, for somebody saying I can't come for

00:19:20 --> 00:19:23

Joomla and say you're a catheter but they know some people will say

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that, but he's trying he's trying and may Allah give him moto fika

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moto Vic, I mean, at the end of the day, he'd he doesn't know I'm

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speaking about him today in Stevenage. He doesn't know that.

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And you are saying I mean to my two hours about him. There must be

00:19:37 --> 00:19:42

something good about that act. So selfless simple act of $8.05

00:19:42 --> 00:19:45

pounds, which is getting you so much reward. This is what you call

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selflessness. This is what you call compassion for the people

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using your ability in the wrong way asking Allah subhanaw taala

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for Tofik to do the right thing. I mean, this is exactly what is the

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success of Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allahu Anhu. It said about Abu

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Bakr Siddiq or the Allah

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Anhu that when he saw below the Allahu Anhu in all of this

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turbulence in all of this persecution, he decided that he

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will go and buy his freedom so that he could be freed from this

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persecution. So he went to the master of Milan and he began to

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negotiate the price with him. And eventually they negotiated on

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three or four measures of gold to buy him off an Abu Bakr Radi

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Allahu Anhu agreed and paid the sum and he emancipated below the

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Allahu Anhu. Later that Master would go around and say that I got

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a very good deal. If he had insisted on just buying him for

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one measure, I would have sold him for that. I wanted to get rid of

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him. I would have sold him for just one measure, but I made him

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pay for and he paid it and he thought that he got a good deal.

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But I'll tell you what Abu Bakr Siddiq Radi Allahu Anhu he thought

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differently for us, we would have thought if we heard about this,

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that a guy who we just sold our car to and or we just bought

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something from and he went around saying that I would have given it

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to him for a lower price we would have said, man, let me go back and

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try to negotiate again. You know, this is how we act like this. But

00:20:56 --> 00:20:59

oh Bakr Siddiq are the hola on when he heard this. He said if he

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had negotiated up to 10 I was willing to pay for it.

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This is the way people think that are going to be high in this world

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and in the Hereafter. May Allah give us the fee for that. There

00:21:09 --> 00:21:12

was another there was another brother one more story before we

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end there's another brother Omar, his name was he was a young guy

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about 20 years old or something like that. And about 22 years old,

00:21:19 --> 00:21:21

he was separated from his parents had some problems separated

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parents as well. He was living alone, the way he would make money

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was by babysitting, babysitting children. He used to live 10 miles

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from the masjid and he used to come for every salad. On a few

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occasions. He didn't come for the salad. I was wondering what

00:21:34 --> 00:21:37

happened to him. Only later did I find out that the only reason he

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did not come for the salad is because he didn't have enough

00:21:39 --> 00:21:43

petrol money to come for the salads. Because 10 miles you can't

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walk it. You have to come in a car. He didn't have enough money.

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One day before Ramadan in Shaban, we were you know we normally used

00:21:51 --> 00:21:53

to buy the dates for the whole month I come into the masjid and

00:21:53 --> 00:21:56

there are three or four boxes of dates there already. Who bought

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this Omar bought this. I'm thinking how they how did he buy

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these he eats hand to mouth. He owns a bit of money. And he

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survived. But how did he do this? Right when he came in, I said

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brother Omar, you bought these he says yeah, I want to reward for

00:22:10 --> 00:22:13

the whole of Ramadan. Because when you feed somebody in Ramadan, and

00:22:13 --> 00:22:16

they break their fast by by by whatever they break the if you

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have paid for them to break their fast and you give them some food,

00:22:19 --> 00:22:22

you get their reward, all of that reward is going to go to him look

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where he's thinking, look where I'm thinking, for example, I said

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to him, brother O'Meara, I'll pay you for them. You've got your

00:22:27 --> 00:22:30

reward already. But let me pay you because I know his state. He said,

00:22:30 --> 00:22:34

your shake? Do you can't steal this from me. He refused to take

00:22:34 --> 00:22:34

the money.

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Right? May Allah subhanaw taala, accept from him and give him

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Tofik. Again, he's not asking to be made. What are we going to do

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in this world that will remind that will that will keep a

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remembrance for us? On the day we die, people will come for Jenna's

00:22:48 --> 00:22:50

our janazah and pray for us and they will be for us for the rest

00:22:50 --> 00:22:53

of our life. What are we going to do? What are we going to do? We

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must think to ourselves, we're in this life for a very short amount

00:22:56 --> 00:22:59

of time. What kind of compassion do we have in our hearts? Do we

00:22:59 --> 00:23:02

know the ability that Allah has given us? And are we using it

00:23:02 --> 00:23:06

properly? Are we going to get acceptance? ask Allah for tobique

00:23:06 --> 00:23:10

You don't have to be a scholar to become a weenie of Allah. You just

00:23:10 --> 00:23:12

need to do things for the sake of Allah in the right way and avoid

00:23:12 --> 00:23:17

the harms. In that regard. I've also been told that mashallah

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there's a big project here for this masjid, to expand it and do a

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lot of other educational work and everything like that, believe me,

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that is one of the greatest thing that you can do for your local

00:23:25 --> 00:23:28

it's a right that we have to do this as well. I didn't do this by

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hand for the sake, I was going to do this by hand and this lecture

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beforehand. But when I found out that there's a project going on

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here, I thought, let me speak about it. So you need to donate

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because every penny that you donate here, and it will inshallah

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last forever, then everybody that will come that will study here

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that will benefit from here, you're getting part of that

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reward, it's an investment that you will only see in the hereafter

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and you'd wish you'd done more about it. So may Allah give us the

00:23:52 --> 00:23:55

Tofik to invest as much as possible, and to ask ALLAH SubhanA

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wa Taala for acceptance, and may Allah subhanaw taala forgive our

00:23:58 --> 00:24:02

sins, and may Allah accept us in this world and in the hereafter

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working with that one and in handling.

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The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get

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further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The

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next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books

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to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of

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Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware

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of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan

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courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand

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whenever you have free time, especially for example, the

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Islamic essentials course that we have on there, the Islamic

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essentials certificate which you take 20 Short modules and at the

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end of that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of

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the most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more

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confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue

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to live, you know to listen to lectures, but you need to have

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is more sustained study as well as local law here and Salam aleikum

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wa rahmatullah

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