Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – A Fruitful Exchange

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers a former employee named Maliki who urged someone to make a deal with him, but was not recognized. The proposal is based on a formula that will guarantee a customer's life insurance policy. The speaker also mentions a proposal from a previous caller who promised to give a large sum of money to a man who had been guaranteed a 100% policy. The proposal will cost 100,000 dirhams to be given to a person named Monica advise and will be written in shaded areas. The speaker also mentions a letter from a young man who claims to have related the whole incident to a young man from the UK.
AI: Transcript ©
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Let me give you an example. Right? When a heart is like that how

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successful they can become, it's related by

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it's related by YBNL. Kodama and makdisi, by one of the great

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humbly scholars even Kodama MK this he he actually relates from

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another humbly scholar. His chain goes through that another humbly

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scalable fellowship no Josie, the great humbly scholar of Baghdad,

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he says the above fellowship no Josie related to me with his chain

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that goes all the way up to Jaffa, IGNOU Sulaiman, Jaffa eveness.

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Today man died in about 178 TGD. It was a hadith scholar, he says

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that he was once in the company of Malik IGNOU dinar, one of these

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great aesthetics of the past great, really influential

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individual. And he says that he was with him in busser, in the

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streets of Basra. And as he was walking around, he suddenly sees

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you know, when you see a new construction going up, right,

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there's like, you know, you can see the dust in the air, and

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there's movement, and there's people coming in with supplies and

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so on, he saw this nice Palace, you know, about to be built. This

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is young, really elegant, dignified, handsome looking man

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who's supervising this whole, you know, this, this whole project.

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And so they said, what's going on, instead of this is a new palace

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that he is designing for himself, and he's supervising the whole,

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you know, the whole construction of it. So Monica Medina says to

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Jaffa eveness today, man, that you know what, let's let's go and make

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him a deal. Let's make him a better deal. You know, I, he felt

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something for this man, that he felt like he should gain a special

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form of guidance and reward. He said, let's go and make a deal for

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him. So you went up to this man and started speaking to him. And

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the man didn't recognize him first as to who Maliki Medina was, he

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didn't know he had never met him before he knew about him. He

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didn't he didn't he didn't recognize him. So when people told

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him that this is malignant dinar, he quickly got up and he says,

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Hey, Roger, like, Is there something I can help you with? You

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know, like, Can I help you either wealthy guy, can I help you? He

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says, yes, I've come to actually sell you a proposal, right? You

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know, people come to your door, they sell you this investment and

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that life insurance and so, when I come to sell your proposal, he

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says what is it he said, The proposal is that I will give you I

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will, I will I will guarantee for you. A special palace that will be

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made of you know, the rubies will be studied with rubies and pearls

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and so on. And the smell of it will be masked, you know, when you

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go into certain stores today, and there's a nice smell because they

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have a really special fragrance system. And it just smells really

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nice. Well, this will be must throw out 100% All the time,

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because the mortar of it is must Zafran you know, all the best

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products will be used, or the best supplies will be used to make this

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and you know what? The greatest thing is that no hand would have

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made this so there'll be no human error here. Right? So it won't be

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any touched by any human. It will just be made by Al Aziz al Hakim,

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who will say couldn't fire corn. Right? Allah subhanaw taala will

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make it for you by just saying Quran and they will be. So now

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somebody comes to you with that kind of a proposal. Right? The

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biggest scholar in town comes to you with that proposal. How would

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our response we were finally getting our palace made? Right?

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This is what I've been wanting for a very long time. I've got all the

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material now all my money is together. My funding is there. Now

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this is what it's going to be and then suddenly I get this proposal.

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Right? Subhanallah so he says, This is what he said. He said, You

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know what, give me tonight. Let me think about it. Let me think about

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it for a moment. You know, it's a special moment is that let me

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think about it. So Monica Medina goes back he says fine, he goes

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back at night he makes dua, he prays a lot, probably tahajjud and

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he makes the offer this man you can imagine what kind of door I've

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guaranteed in this, you know, This better work out. So he goes and

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makes his dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala the next day he goes in the

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morning early and the man is actually waiting there as soon as

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he sees Marikina dinar he jumps up. He's, you know, he is like

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he's like, you know, you don't know what he's gonna say. He says

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I accept the deal. And he pulls out a paper he brings somebody

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that ascribe because in those days you had scraped, it brings a

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scrape and then Monica Medina or writes it down her other mouth.

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Amina Amina Lea Marie Kibler, DNR, this kind of a house which will be

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in a shaded area, right, all of these descriptions are written

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down, it will be in a nice shaded area, it will be like this, that

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and the other. And this will be given to him for 100,000 dirhams,

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because that's what it was going to. That's actually I forgot to

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mention that is the proposal that I'll sell you this for 100,000.

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Durham's, the 100,000 that you're going to spend in making this

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policy in the world. That is what I will give you this Greater Paris

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in Paris in the hereafter. So that's all written down. 100,000

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done hellos. madrichim, the dinar comes back. Right. He comes back,

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and it's been about 3540 days. And one day, Monica Medina got up in

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the morning,

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and he's praying fajr prayer after fajr prayer, he notices that

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certificate that he had made and given to this person. Right. He

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sees it on the on the side, just just there by where he prayed. It

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was very astonished. He picks it up and it's there the certificate

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everything is written that hit

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Don't sit around and he says that it was written below me that him

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without ink that you could see but there were there was writing on

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there without ink. Now if that was said 150 years ago 10 years ago is

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like what are you talking about writing without ink. Today we have

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inkless displays, right so we can completely understand. So he says

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it was written there and what was written is her, her the he Beratan

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mean hola hola Aziz al Hakim, demotic. Ibni dinar in our Fein a

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sharp Arkestra Liddy, Dominica Dominica LA who were Sabrina,

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Devon Xia

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that we have, this is Bharat This is exoneration. This is a

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fulfillment for Malika dinar for you what you guaranteed that man?

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Right? For we have fulfilled and fully given fully given right

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fully paid off this, this palace for this person that you had

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guaranteed for him and 70 times that amount. So it's going to be

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70 times better than what you even promised him medical than the

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dinar. I mean, he saw this he's totally like astonished, amazed.

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He takes us and he runs to that guy's house. He gets there, the

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doors are closed, but he could hear all the crying from inside.

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Right. So when he knocks on the door, he finds out that this guy

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just died last night. Right? This guy just died last night. And he

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says you know what? There must be something more to this right?

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Because he's got the letter who which was him and suddenly he

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finds it by his door with this weird invisible ink or you know

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this, you know, inkless writing on it. So he calls the hustle he

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calls the person who did the hustle is telling me what

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happened. This is what I was called to do the hustle, the

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bathing. I was burying him, but I was told

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by his family, whoever it was that there's this letter that he has

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made rasiya he had, he has requested that this be put in

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between his coffin. Right there was a letter that he gave me that

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was the only thing we had about this whole case only strange. So

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Monica Medina pulls out the letter he says was it this letter? He

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says Wow, that is the letter that I put in his in his coffin. We

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buried him that way that letter went with him. Right that letter

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went with him.

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So molecule Nadina molecule with the and then related the whole

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incident and this other young chap, he gets up he says sell me

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one for 200,000

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and madrichim Nadina says Kerner Markham first, Mr. Phones,

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whatever happened has happened, that time is gone, that time is

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lost. These are only moments that are given. This is a miracle. Now

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the reason I know it sounds very mythical is not something that's

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going to happen every day for you. But if ever, right? That's why I

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mentioned to you that it's not related by just any old ordinary

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person. It's related by some very stringent individuals who had the

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18 IGNOU, Kodama ullmark, the CL humbly right, anybody will respect

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him? Right? Go Go and tell the story that ignore Kodama and mock

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the sea and related from herbal fellowship No, Josie, again, you

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know very critical scholars and they relate this through a chain

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up to Jafar even also a man from multiquip Medina.

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