Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – 5 5 Pray as You Have Seen Me Pray

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of the Sun airline's (the time of the flight) and the Hadith in the history of the country. They also discuss the use of the Sun airline's (the time of the flight), the importance of the Hadith in the history of the country, and the use of the Sun airline's (the time of the flight). The segment also touches on the use of narratives in recorded music, including the importance of the twelfth birthday of the Glahid's (the time of the flight), the return of the Prayer, and the difficulty of the winter prayer. The speakers also mention the importance of praying with the right hand and holding hands together, and the importance of praying with the right hand in certain situations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala so you did more Serena what are the

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early he will be he he marine a merge. So the first thing that we

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want to discuss is taraweeh. That's a very long discussion,

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however, to be simply put,

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just like with the issue of where to place the hands, the tarawih

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one is similar to that. For example, if no Tamia Rahim Allah

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He relates that with regards to tarawih there is not a single

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narration that is sorry, and none problematic, which tells you

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exactly how many records were done. Which means there are

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generations which say 20 there are generations we'd say

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eight, there are generations would say different numbers. But there

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is no single narration from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam that tells you of a one number where that narration is

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also Sahai and it is also non problematic. Now, the reason for

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that is very clear.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he used to make us Tahajjud prayer at home. And on one occasion, he

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prayed outside an extra prayer in Ramadan. Some of the Sahaba joined

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The day after or the day after meaning within a day or two, the

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Sahaba then waited for him to come out again from his room into the

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masjid so that they could make this special Jemaah again and he

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didn't come out until the morning until Fisher time.

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And he said the reason I didn't do that is because if we did this

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regularly, it will become necessary on my ummah. tarawih

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would have become obligatory for the worship on the Oman, he didn't

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want that to happen. So he didn't come out, which means that tarawih

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is not a further worship. It's a sunnah. And because it was then

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done regularly and Amara, the Allahu Anhu

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established it in a particular way, which I will discuss. It

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became what you call a pseudonym, aka Alchi fire. It became a

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emphasize communal sunnah. Right? Which means if the GEMA there's

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one GEMA taking place in the masjid, then other people can

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actually pray it alone if they really wanted to. It's a sunnah.

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So one shouldn't miss it unless one has a valid excuse to miss it.

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Maybe they're very tired or extremely sick or ill or whatever

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the case is. Now, during Amara, the, during Abu Bakr Siddiq, or

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the Allah one time, he didn't have time to focus on these issues,

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because he had a rebellion on his hand in the south of Arabia.

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People were becoming apostates. Or they were saying, we're not going

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to give him a cut. We're going to do this but we're not going to do

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that. So he was dealing with that in his to approximately half a

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year. This he was primarily dealing with that when he came

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home or the Allah was caliphate.

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And one of the alone inherited the caliphate in a very stable

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position. He focused a lot on reconciling many of these

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differences and issues and so he got a group of Sahaba together,

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and he would they would discuss these issues, consult with the

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right Sahaba and clarify. On what occasion he came into the masjid.

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And he what he saw was that there were some people reading here,

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there was some people reading there. There was some people

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reading here, Gemma going on here, some people reading here. So he

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said, Why don't I put all of these together so that they can have one

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Jamar, this was tarawih. So he told,

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obey of macabre, the Allah one

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to lead the prayer. And he had everybody pray behind him.

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The day after a short while after that, he came in and he saw that

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everybody was calmly performing the salaat of tarawih behind this

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one Sahabi. And he made us he made a statement he said, NetMundial be

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there too heavy. Such a beautiful, excellent innovation is this.

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Right? It was an innovation in what way? It was an innovation in

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the sense that to have everybody do these 20 records like this in

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that group and not independence in the masjid like this. In that

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sense, it was a bidder. But it was something being made to be that

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way by Omar the Allah and the Prophet Allah sama said in a

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hadith, that whatever the next to Oba and Ramadan, legislate for you

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accept it and take it because they were literally completing things

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that were left a bit unclear during the time. Rasulullah

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Salallahu Alaihe Salam, so that's where you get the Hadith from so

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that is why you see the Shiites, they do not do tarawih they reject

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tarawih because they say oh my God, Allah want to meet it in the

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way it is. It has roots in the time of Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam but the province of Assam just stopped doing it as

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a group because he didn't want it to become legislated as a worship

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out of mercy on his ummah. But this is what Abu Bakr Siddiq

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Rhodiola did and it was 20 records and that is how

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It has been in Masjid Nabawi and mocha and mocha Rama from that

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time and it's never been any less. In fact, in McDowell mocha Rama

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they used to do 36 rakaats. Why? Because actually Medina Mora what

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are they used to do 36 records.

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There is no mention of less than 20. in Madina Munawwara in Mocha,

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mocha Rama, they will do photocards then they will do

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tawaf, then they do another photocards then tava. So in

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between every forecast, they do tawaf.

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Dharavi was a very relaxed way. It says that in the time of it really

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alone as well. They used to do such a long therapy that all the

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people had to actually stand with sticks. That's how long he was in

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here. We want people to read faster and faster. Right. Then,

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another thing was that in Madina Munawwara they, when the because

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really the Sunnah is or what's mentioned in the books of fit as

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well is that you do four cuts, and then you rest for the same time it

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takes to do four cuts. That's what he mentions in the book. In the

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books of fit, what it mentions is that you do four cuts of taraweeh,

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then you rest for four cuts, the time that it takes to do four

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cuts, like if it takes 10 minutes to do four cuts, you then rest for

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10 minutes, then you do another forecast and you rest for 10

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minutes. Nobody does that nowadays, because you just want to

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over and done with. So in the time that they were resting people used

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to stand up and do another of their own tour for records. That's

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how it became various that's why it is an opinion in the in the

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Maliki school that tarawih is actually more than 20 records. 36

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records, right? So 20 plus four times four was four times 416. So

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that's 20 plus 16 is 36 records. That's why he ma'am, no, we for

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example, he mentions the various opinions. It goes from 20 to 36.

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It doesn't go less than 20. Now, to make it very simple, there's a

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there is a Hadith that is a sahih Hadith that is normally put

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forward to say that tarawih should be eight records. It's a hadith

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related from a shot of the Allahu Allah it's a same narration. And

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this is what the narration says. It says that somebody asked

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actually the Allahu anha that can you describe Sif? Lana, can you

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describe the prayer of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam. So she

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said Don't ask about the beauty there was so beautiful and so on

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he used to make.

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He used to make ATRA cards then he used to do the Witter.

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it's this narration that is normally used by people to say

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that tarawih should be eight records only because in this

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narration are Aisha Radi Allahu anha. That is what she's saying. I

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mean, let me let me bring up the narration for you. So Abu selama

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related so Buhari narration that

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he asked I shouted the Allah Juana regarding the prayer of the

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messenger SallAllahu Sallam during Ramadan. She explained, the

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Messenger of Allah would not perform more than 11 Records

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neither in Ramadan no out of it. He would perform for records and

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do not ask of the beauty and land followed by another four and do

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not ask of their beauty and limb. After that he would perform three

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records of Witter I shot at the Allahu Allah continued, that I

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asked the Messenger of Allah do you sleep before you perform the

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Witter? He replied, Oh, I shut my eyes sleep but my heart does not

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Buhari. Now look at this carefully. He asked about the

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prayer of Rasulullah sallallahu during Ramadan, that is where the

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misunderstanding comes from.

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She is being asked about the prayer of Rasulullah son during

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Ramadan and she says this is what she said he would not perform more

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than 11 Records neither in or out of Ramadan.

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Could she have been talking about tarawih?

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If she had been talking about tarawih

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then why would she mention out of Ramadan? There is no taraweeh out

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of Ramadan anyway. So if if the question had been Oh, tell us

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about the tarawih of Rasulullah sallallahu. I'm sure they said

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this is how it was. But since the question was not about tarawih it

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was about priamo ln it was about the Hajj. How was the the process

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and do a different type of tahajjud number of records. How

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did he do his time during Ramadan? So she understood the question

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correctly. She said the Prophet salallahu Salam would not perform

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more than 11 records. She's including the winter three of

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winter as well. So eight plus three is 11. Sorry, is yes. 11.

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Neither in Ramadan nor out of it. She could not have been speaking

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about tarawih and nowhere does it clearly mentioned that she was

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speaking about tarawih she was speaking about the Hajj. That was

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awesome. In Ramadan and out of Ramadan, his private Tahajjud

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prayer he would do. Only eight records with three records of

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Witter. The turabi was a separate issue altogether which is not

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being discussed here. But the people who are normally going on

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about eight regards this is one of the main narrations they use.

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There are a few others, but this is the main one. But as even a

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Tamia Rahimullah said that

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This is a I mean this hadith sahih Hadith. If this was about Dharavi,

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and people accept it as that there would be no difference of opinion.

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But even even a Tamia himself says that there is no that there is no

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sahih Hadith which is not problematic. That, you know is

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very specific about how many records there is. He says in his

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fatawa it has been established that Obaidullah, Gabriella would

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lead the people in 20 records of tarawih throughout the month of

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Ramadan, after which he would perform three records of Witter.

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So he believes and he firmly believes that 20 records were

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performed after Almighty Allah on his time, because that's how they

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did it at that time, hence, most hence, he says most scholars have

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taken 20 records to be sunnah as obey ImmunoCAP perform this number

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of records amidst the MaHA Jeannine and the answer and none

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refuted him. So again, it's it's one of those issues. And I leave

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it to that there's lots of other evidences that you can look at.

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It's all in the book. With regards to Witter. Again, there are some

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narrations which seem to indicate

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that Professor Lawson performed three together in fact, there's

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some clear narrations that he read all three with one Salah

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because the chef is allow a one knockout of Witter. They take it

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from this these number of iterations which say that promise

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allows us to make the Hijri prayer to regards to in regards to

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rockets. And when he saw that it was going to be morning, meaning

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when he saw there was going to be fragile time, he would add, he

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would do one rocket to three Ruby Ha, which means or ut Ruby, you

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would do one knockout to make it a winter winter literally just means

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an odd number. That's what winter means. Because it's an odd number

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prayer. So he would add one extra cards to make it a winter prayer.

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From what from that they've understood that he would make a

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separate one rakaats they will do to to to finish off and then do

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one extra cut as the final cherry on the top. Right. But that is not

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how the Hanafis have understood it. But both parties have the

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evidences and again, it's something you can read in the

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frequent Imam.

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Now they are in Muslim there is a narration which says that after

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the Witr Prayer as well, the prophets Allah some said Aegir

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aloo Hera salatu salam, Al Witter. Make the last of your prayers, the

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Witr Prayer. Now, lots of people ask this question that if you do

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your return prayer as the last prayer, and then if you will get

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off at tahajjud for example, does it break your return? Because if

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you have to make your winter the last prayer, and you've done now

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want to do some tahajjud? Will it break your winter? Should you redo

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your winter? That was an opinion that some scholars used to hold

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what they called knuckle winter, the breaking of winter by praying

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something after it, but pretty much is an agreement after that,

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that it won't break it. It's the best thing to do that you keep it

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the last prayer. But if you don't have if you don't have trust in

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yourself to wake up to do with our prayer, because winter is more

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important to hedges, because it's a worship, then you should do your

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winter before you go to sleep or after Asia. And then if you get

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up, do your tahajjud fine. It won't break the winter prayer away

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you can you know you're gonna wake up then keep the winter to the

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end. But in Ramadan winter is superior to pray with Gemma in the

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And in the Hanafi school, we have another evidence that a single

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record is an incomplete prayer or aka attune. Wahida tune Butera, a

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single record is an incomplete prayer. And that's why we don't

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think it's permissible to do a single record alone.

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Right. Now you're going to ask what do we do when we go to Makkah

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Makara, Rama for Amara and the Imam is doing two in one day

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separately because sometimes they do that sometimes they do three

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together. Now among the Hanafi scholars, you've got various

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different opinions. There's a group that say just pray to and

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one inshallah it should be fine. You're in the Haram, just just do

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it. There's another group that say do it there for the sake of unity,

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then repeat it afterwards. And there's a third group of very

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hardliner. Hanafis. Right, who say, Don't pray there, just go and

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do your own afterwards. Right. Personally, I follow the middle

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opinion. You do it there, but because there is this opinion that

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the Greek folk AHA and jurist of the Hanafi school held, that

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single record is not valid. I think you should pray that they

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can just do it again afterwards. Right. It's Ramadan. Anyway,

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that's, that's my personal opinion. But you've got rhythm in

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from the Hanafi school that follows all three of these

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opinions. Right? That was the winter prayer. Now another thing I

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don't know if any of you have run into this issue about after the

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ruku when you get up, semi Allahu even having the Robert Robina

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whether Ken Ham, should you tie you up? Should you put your hands

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back like this? Or should you keep them to the side?

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Right? Have you run into that issue? Some people do it some

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people don't do it. Now, in that case, there is a difference of

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opinion there.

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again, it's an issue of preference. In the Hanafi school,

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he mentions that anytime you're going to stand for a long period,

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then you should put your hands together. But where you're not

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going to then you just leave it to the side and he has

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Since you're just saying something I love when you hang up and a

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little hand, you keep it to the side. Now, really, I believe the

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chef is medica somebody's I don't think anyone really puts it

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together. There is, I think, who put it together. Some people

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nowadays, but there's a difference of opinion among them as well as

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to whether you should or not. So according to

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ignore thymine, who was one of the scholars of Saudi Arabia. He said

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that the people were commanded that a man salad on the side of

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the Lord relates in Buhari, that a man the people were commanded that

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a man should put the right hand on his left forearm when praying.

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So based on that general narration, he says that you should

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do this in every standing posture,

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when you're standing up to read Kira, and between the ruku as

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well, after the record as well. So he's saying if you look at the

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general meaning of the Hadith, you will note that it says when

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praying not when standing, thus it will be clear that when standing

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after ruku, it is prescribed to put the right hand on the left

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forearm. So he takes that narration so it's HD heard of is,

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which means it's something he derived, he inferred, is not clear

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cut. However, shaycarl Bernie, he criticizes that point. And he says

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to instruct people

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to be relaxed in prayer.

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And he said, raise your head and you know, the the Hadith we read

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before about repurposing prayer. He said, when you do recruit, and

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make sure you're straight, when you stand up, then make sure

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everything goes back to its place. There, he didn't say that you're

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tying your hands, he said, until it goes back to play. So she

00:16:39 --> 00:16:42

called Bernie uses that narration. And I think that would be the

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evidence of anybody else that leaves the hands on the side. So

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she called Bernie's opinion, was that you left it to the side,

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whereas if no thing means opinion, was that you tied it together, and

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there was a bit of a contradiction between them. Now even according

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Sheikh Abdulaziz bin buss, who was a previous Mufti of Saudi Arabia,

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he said as well that you should put it together similar kind of

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reasoning. But that is, as I said, That is not what

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the humbly school says, Because Imam Ahmed didn't know him, but he

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actually gave a choice. He said, you can hold them together, or you

00:17:16 --> 00:17:20

can put your hand to the side in after ruku. Now, he doesn't give

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that choice. When you're standing up for reading, you know, hamdu,

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lillahi, rabbil aalameen day he says, You tired, which means had

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it been necessary to put them together? After the ruku he would

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have said, so he would not have given a choice. So even according

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to the Hamleys, it's not necessary to put it together. What I'm

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trying to say from this is that it's not something then that you

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should go around insisting that other people do because it's clear

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he had with a valid difference of opinion between scholars that, you

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know, between scholars have have this right, that's that one.

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Okay. I think we'll stop there. When it comes to any detailed

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discussion. I think we've done most of the detailed discussions.

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