Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – 44 of bread produced in the UK goes to waste

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The customer expresses concern about the potential loss of bread due to the coronavirus. They discuss the difficulty of buying bread in a cheap and low-quality way. The agent acknowledges the concerns and suggests that the situation may become more severe.
AI: Transcript ©
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We've got a major problem, right? I mean I'm not even going to start

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on bread yet.

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When it comes to bread for example, they say that about half

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of the bread that will be sold in the shops that will leave the

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bread factories will eventually be disposed and not eaten in this

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country. Half of the bread that is produced in this country will be

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disposed nearly up to half of the bread will be disposed and not

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eaten. Because you know you bought too much buy one get one free you

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know two for two pounds or whatever the case is, half of it

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will be disposed of and you will need to because it will become fun

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guide you know it will become dry and become stale or whatever the

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case is. Even though the bread these days lasts for so long. You

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know the kind of bread I'm speaking about, you know, the

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cheap white stuff that you buy that is softer than anything else.

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