Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – 40 Salat & Salam Arabic Text & Audio

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes various news stories and their impact on society, including the origin of the virus and the flu. It also includes a brief recap of the first quarter of the year, including cases and a seasonal pattern. The transcript describes variousERi accomplishments and their impact on society, including the birth of the first-ever-ever- Never- Never- Never- never- never- never- never- never- never- never. The transcript also describes various speakers and their roles in a video game, including law enforcement and the use of shadi as a symbol.
AI: Transcript ©
00:00:00 --> 00:00:04

Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Salam o Narada a birdie he led the inner

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stuffer Salah mana Island Mazzone, Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali

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Mohammed zileuton McArdle, Mo Kuroda InDeck Allahu murabaha. The

00:00:13 --> 00:00:18

Dalit Emidio Sadat in VR it is on Jada Mohan, muddy water and needed

00:00:18 --> 00:00:22

are letters how to bury the whoever the Allahumma Salli ala

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Muhammad in Abdi Kawada Zuleika was only I mean, you know a minute

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you will Muslim you know what a Muslim Allahumma Salli ala

00:00:29 --> 00:00:33

Muhammad Ali Mohamed Anwar Bertie Garner Mohamed Anwar the the

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Mohamed Anwar Haj Mohammed Mohammed Gamal solito about Torah

00:00:38 --> 00:00:44

him Dinah Ibrahim Ibrahim in Nikka honeydew Majeed Allahumma Salli

00:00:44 --> 00:00:49

ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed in camera so later on the evil Hema

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in Nikka hamidou Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad the wider

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earning Mohammed in camera Dr. Ernie Ibrahima in Nikka Homido

00:00:57 --> 00:01:02

magazine Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed income also

00:01:02 --> 00:01:06

later, the Ebola Hema in Nikka hamidou Majeed or the riguarda

00:01:06 --> 00:01:11

Mohamed Anwar Ernie Mohammed income about Ebola Hema in Nikka

00:01:11 --> 00:01:16

hamidou Majeed, Aloha masala Ida Mohamed Anwar in the Mohammedan

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coma so later either Ibrahima innaka Homido Majeed Allahumma

00:01:20 --> 00:01:24

Bertie Garda Mohammed the wider Ernie Mohammed in coma Baraka

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Ibrahima in Nikka Homido Majeed Allahumma Sanjana Mohamed Mohamed

00:01:31 --> 00:01:36

in cameras are later Ibrahim Ibrahim in Nikka Homido Majeed are

00:01:36 --> 00:01:40

the riguarda Muhammad Ali Muhammad in Cuba doctorado Ibrahima innaka.

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Honeydew Majeed Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed in comas

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are later Anna Ibrahim Oh Burdick either Mohammed Ali Mohammed

00:01:51 --> 00:01:56

Garner, Ibrahima innaka, Hamid en Majid Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad

00:01:57 --> 00:02:00

Ali Mohammed in camera so later either Ibrahima innaka Hamidah

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Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Ali Mohamed

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Ibrahim in Nikka Jaime dome Majeed Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali

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Mohammed in coma so later the Rahim Allah Bertie cada Muhammad

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Anwar the early Mohammed

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Ibrahim in ko Homido Majeed Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad he

00:02:24 --> 00:02:28

was wording he was looking at E commerce or later or the early

00:02:28 --> 00:02:32

Ibrahim Oba Ricardo Mohammed he was working he was working at

00:02:33 --> 00:02:38

the Ebola Hema in Dhaka hamidou Majeed Allahumma Sunyata Mohamed

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you were either as word he was already at he came also later

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either early Ibrahim, although Ricardo Mohammed you weren't as

00:02:45 --> 00:02:50

worried he was already at Eco Baraka early Ibrahima in Needham

00:02:50 --> 00:02:55

Majeed Allahumma Salli ala Mohamed in a BUI as word you he heard in

00:02:55 --> 00:02:59

what many you know was a reality you live at Gmail. So later Anna

00:02:59 --> 00:03:05

Ibrahima innaka, hamidou Majeed Allahumma Sanjana Mohamed Mohamed

00:03:05 --> 00:03:10

in camera so later, Ibrahim Anwar Ibrahim Al Bertie, kinda Mohammed

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Ibrahim Mohamed Anwar the early Mohammed Mohammed Ibrahim

00:03:20 --> 00:03:26

Ibrahim Allahumma Sania Mohammed, Mohammed Inca masala Darla Ibrahim

00:03:27 --> 00:03:31

Ibrahim Amin Nica Hamid Al Majid Allahumma buddy Garner, Mohammed

00:03:31 --> 00:03:35

you are the early Mohammed in camera Baraka Ibrahim Anwar

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Ibrahim in Nikka, Homido Majid Allahu metaldehyde Marla Mohamed

00:03:40 --> 00:03:46

Anwar and Ernie Mohamed salah, I'm Dinah Ibrahim. Ibrahim in Naka,

00:03:46 --> 00:03:50

hamidou Majid Aloha Medina Allah Mohammed, earning Muhammad in

00:03:50 --> 00:03:55

gamma tahanan Darna Ibrahim Ibrahim in Nica. Homido Majeed

00:03:55 --> 00:04:00

Allahumma Salli ala Mohammed Mohammed in coma Salim Darla

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Ibrahim are either early Ibrahim in Nikka Homido Majeed Allahumma

00:04:05 --> 00:04:10

Salli ala Mohamed Anwar the early Mohammed Salim Ida Mohammad Anwar

00:04:10 --> 00:04:14

the earning Mohammed Waldheim, Mohammed Mohammed Mohammed in

00:04:14 --> 00:04:18

gamma salido about Obatala Hamdallah Ibrahim Anwar Ibrahim

00:04:18 --> 00:04:23

Athena I mean, in Mecca Jaime de Majeed Allahumma Salli ala

00:04:23 --> 00:04:28

Muhammad Ali Mohammed in cameras are later Ibrahima are the early

00:04:28 --> 00:04:32

Ibrahima innaka Homido Majeed Allah Allah Bertie, Carla Mohammed

00:04:33 --> 00:04:38

Ali Mohamed in Canada Allah Tada Ibrahim Ibrahim in Nikka honeydew

00:04:38 --> 00:04:43

Majeed Allahumma Sanjana Mohamed Abdi Guevara Zuniga come also

00:04:43 --> 00:04:47

later on the Ibrahim Oba Ricardo Mohamed Anwar the early Mohammed

00:04:47 --> 00:04:53

Gamma DR. Ibrahim Brahim Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad in A beat up on

00:04:53 --> 00:04:55

me here what are the early Mohammed income as a leader

00:04:56 --> 00:04:59

Ibrahim Bertie Garda Mohammed didn't beat up on me you come over

00:05:00 --> 00:05:05

Moqtada Ibrahim in aka hamidou Majeed Allahumma Salli ala anna

00:05:05 --> 00:05:09

muhammadan Abdi Guevara Sudhi cannot be Elomi early Mohammed

00:05:09 --> 00:05:13

Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed in solid and takuna laka

00:05:13 --> 00:05:17

you don't want to who just what you have to hear to university

00:05:17 --> 00:05:20

that I will follow the letter Wilma Commonwealth northern lady

00:05:20 --> 00:05:24

white, woodsy Anna who had who was the head of color managers eight

00:05:24 --> 00:05:29

and a billion and Comey he was sued and and it was only Jimmy it

00:05:29 --> 00:05:34

was only him in an OBE and I saw the hanging a hammer raw he mean

00:05:34 --> 00:05:38

Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad in in the below me You are early

00:05:38 --> 00:05:43

Mohammed can also later either Ibrahim Ibrahim Ricardo Mohammed

00:05:43 --> 00:05:47

Nabi el Amin you are earning Mohammed income abakada Ibrahim

00:05:48 --> 00:05:53

Ibrahim in Dhaka Hamid Majeed Allahumma Salli Ana Mohammed the

00:05:53 --> 00:05:57

beta he can also later the Ibrahima innaka Homido Majeed

00:05:57 --> 00:06:01

Allahumma Salli Idina amerihome Allahumma barik ala Muhammad the

00:06:01 --> 00:06:05

wider urllib at Kumar Baraka Ibrahim A nica Hamidah Majeed

00:06:06 --> 00:06:10

Allahumma Bertie Carlina Mara Han Solo Tula he was follower to

00:06:10 --> 00:06:15

remote minion Arda Muhammad in on me, I love my jazz solo Urtica

00:06:15 --> 00:06:19

Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Carla Muhammad Ali Mohammed

00:06:21 --> 00:06:25

Ali Ibrahim A Nico Hamidah Majeed are the Ricardo Muhammad Ali

00:06:25 --> 00:06:26


00:06:27 --> 00:06:33

Ibrahim are the evil Hema in Yokohama Majeed was a loved one on

00:06:33 --> 00:06:34


00:06:35 --> 00:06:38

at the here to La he was Solara to work on eBay the seller more

00:06:39 --> 00:06:42

Johanna be your Rahmatullah he Obamacare the husana Morning.

00:06:43 --> 00:06:47

Everybody law his Saudi Hain shadow Allah Allahu eyeshadow Anna

00:06:47 --> 00:06:52

Mohammed Abdul Hora sudo apt he took the Yeva to solo to the law

00:06:52 --> 00:06:56

he said you have to be your rahmatullahi wa barakato I said

00:06:56 --> 00:07:01

Morning, everybody He's sorry he shadow Allah Illallah who

00:07:01 --> 00:07:03

eyeshadow and Muhammad Abdul rasool

00:07:04 --> 00:07:08

Allah hippo EBA to follow his Santa Monica you want to be your

00:07:08 --> 00:07:13

hot Hola, yo barakato Estella Marlena arriba de la his Saudi

00:07:13 --> 00:07:17

green eyeshadow Hola. Hola. Hola. Shadi color who eyeshadow and

00:07:17 --> 00:07:21

Mohammed Abdullah sudo apt they're hanging out on mobile aka to solo

00:07:21 --> 00:07:26

to PA EBA Tula he Salah Malika Johanna bu Rahmatullah you have to

00:07:26 --> 00:07:27

say that when

00:07:28 --> 00:07:33

he saw your pain eyeshadow Hola. Hola wash. Mohamed an Arab the

00:07:33 --> 00:07:39

Hora su Bismillah. He will be here during La he was Salah toto EBA to

00:07:39 --> 00:07:43

sell them or you want to be your rahmatullahi wa barakato slo

00:07:43 --> 00:07:48

Morlino now the law is Saudi Hain a shadow Allah. Allahu eyeshadow

00:07:48 --> 00:07:53

and Mohammed and the Hora pseudo as Anwar halogen netofa are also

00:07:53 --> 00:07:54

below him in

00:07:55 --> 00:07:57

here to Zakia to rely on

00:07:58 --> 00:08:03

his Salah Monica Johanna bu rahmatullahi wa barakato Sarah

00:08:03 --> 00:08:08

Moreno is Saudi Hain eyeshadow Allah Allahu eyeshadow and

00:08:08 --> 00:08:12

Mohammed an Arab Devorah pseudo Bismillah he will be learning how

00:08:12 --> 00:08:16

you will Esma it they're here to pay you back to Salah to dilla

00:08:16 --> 00:08:16

here shadow

00:08:18 --> 00:08:21

Allah Who are the who will actually cover what I shall do and

00:08:21 --> 00:08:25

Mohammed in the water so our Salah who will have dementia Oh 101 this

00:08:26 --> 00:08:31

year to Lurie Buffy her Malika Johanna be your rahmatullahi wa

00:08:31 --> 00:08:37

barakato a Salah Morellino Eva de la his Saudi Hain Allahumma Finlay

00:08:37 --> 00:08:41

wa Dini at the here toto Yeva to Salawat Wellmune Karela is Santa

00:08:41 --> 00:08:45

Monica your neighbor your rahmatullahi wa barakato Bismillah

00:08:45 --> 00:08:49

hater here to realize Salah Tula his Zakia to Allah His Salah

00:08:49 --> 00:08:54

Marlin EBU rahmatullahi wa barakato Salah morning, Adela his

00:08:54 --> 00:09:00

Saudi Hain Shaheed to Allah in La La Shaheed Muhammad Rasool Allah

00:09:01 --> 00:09:07

at the here toto Eva to Salawat Zakia shadow Allah illallah wa

00:09:07 --> 00:09:11

Julio Sharika when Mohammed and I'm the who also a Salam Arnica

00:09:11 --> 00:09:15

Johanna be your Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh seller Marlena woreda

00:09:15 --> 00:09:21

Everybody is saw they've been here to tayyiba the solar desert here

00:09:21 --> 00:09:25

to here shadow Allah, Allah illallah wa shadow Ana Mohammed

00:09:25 --> 00:09:28

Abdullah he was a pseudo Santa Monica your newbie your

00:09:28 --> 00:09:32

Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Salam Adina wider Eva de la he saw the

00:09:32 --> 00:09:37

pain, but they're here to solve a doula his Salah Malika Johanna bu

00:09:37 --> 00:09:41

rahmatullahi wa barakato Salah Morlino our Anna Ebert in his

00:09:41 --> 00:09:46

Saudi bien de here doula his solo took to eBay to seller morlich You

00:09:46 --> 00:09:49

have not been your metal seller Marlena

00:09:50 --> 00:09:55

in Saudi hain, a shadow Allah, Allah illallah wa shadow and

00:09:55 --> 00:09:57

Mohammed and Abdullah who are pseudo

00:09:59 --> 00:09:59


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solo tour to learn more if you have never used Rahmatullahi Wa

00:10:05 --> 00:10:06

Barakatuh as Sara

00:10:08 --> 00:10:13

saw the hanging eyeshadow Allah, Allah illallah wa shadow Anna

00:10:13 --> 00:10:17

Mohammad Rasool Allah Bismillah. He was more than

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