Abdur-Raheem McCarthy – Overcoming Psychological Trauma

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The transcript describes the struggles of trauma and loss in the past, including the implementation of the Quran and the implementation of reality. The importance of finding guidance and benefits from implementation of real and implementation of reality is emphasized. The segment also discusses the benefits of the Prophet sallavi and the importance of understanding the definition of psychological trauma. The segment provides examples of how difficult it can be to deal with difficult situations and how it can lead to success. The segment also touches on the struggles of trauma and mental health, including the importance of faith and action in addressing them and the benefits of weight management and silence.
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Bismillah walhamdulillah wa salatu wa salam ala rasool
Allah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man
wala wa ba'da Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah Before
we start today's talk reflecting on surah Maryam
alayhi salam and How her story can help
us overcome?
Psychological trauma I Want to reflect on a
story that happened in the days that we
live in and That was a story that
happened to one of our brothers in Ireland
Was a neurosurgeon one of the only two
neurosurgeon in all of Ireland he sent his
family to study in the Islam course in
the UK and One day there was a
fight between two individuals One of them being
an Englishman and the other one being an
Englishman from Pakistani descent and this English man
was defeated by the Pakistani brother.
So he wanted to get revenge and As
he was looking to get revenge he said
where does this guy live show me his
house So some of his friends showed him
this is where he lives the only thing
was That it wasn't his house It was
the house of the family of this doctor
in Ireland who was a much of a
very good Muslim very good practicing family They
were there memorizing the Quran They had nothing
to do with this fight so he makes
a firebomb and he goes to the house
and he throws it into the house and
To the house burns down and the brother's
wife his daughter and his two sons Who
had just completed their head of the Quran
and now we're easy moms when they would
come back to Ireland and we'll leave the
Tarawih All of them were killed in this
house fire.
I Heard of this story and I had
met with the brother and Then one day
we had a radio program on the local
radio in Ireland I was talking about a
new Islamic Center that we were about to
open And as I was waiting for my
turn on the radio station they hosted him
to talk about his story as well and
He talked about How he has suburb and
how patient he was and the Presenter on
the radio station.
He couldn't understand How someone could be so
calm and be accepting to what had happened
to him?
This this is a serious trauma how could
it be so accepting so open to what
is happening and subhanallah He said this is
what we were trained to do in the
Quran when Allah taught us in that in
Lahi We're in that e-mail.
He Roger truly, we are from Allah and
to him will return and The tips here
that he gave to this ayah It's not
a tough seer that you find in the
books It's not a tough seer that you
learn it's a tough seer that he went
through Personally and he's telling the story and
that's why it was so powerful and I
never really understood in that in Lahi.
We're in that e-mail.
You're going to that level until I heard
his story And when laws upon what Allah
tells us in the beginning of these verses
in surah al-baqarah When he says what
another one that we will certainly test you
He's gonna test us with what look at
the things that are mentioned here Be shame
in a little coffee.
Well, you're he's gonna test you with fear
and something of hunger when oxen many I'm
Wally what I'm pussy what's the marauds and
he will test you with having not having
sufficient when it comes to your money your
wealth and the summer of the fruit and
even losing those who are closest to us
and Allah said well, but shit is so
beady Give glad tidings to the Sabir in
Aladina either our father to Musiba to those
who when Affliction comes when it strikes.
What do they say?
Here comes the implementation of true Iman.
They say in Naliwa in Nailea radio.
They say indeed we are from Allah to
him or return.
What is the outcome?
What is result for these individuals?
Well, I am Salawa to me Robby him
or Ahmad what will I go home or
more to do?
These are the ones who have Salawat blessings
sent from Allah upon them and Rahma and
mercy and they will be the more to
do they will be the ones who are
the truly guided ones Some of you might
ask why do we start today's lecture with
this story?
Clearly there's a lot of benefits in this
story, but the main objective is to show
That this type of Iman and this type
of implementation of the Quran can actually happen
even in the days that we live in
because sometimes what happens is that We look
at these stories in the Quran The stories
in the Sunnah the stories of the Sahaba
the Salaf the early generations of the ummah
And we said that was back then when
they had strong Iman no one could do
that in the days that we live in
But this example that happened to our brother
Tophiq It's something that happened in the days
that we live in something so powerful I
remember we had a conference in Dublin when
I met with him and I said with
him personally.
He told me the story He said, you
know something amazing Shaykh.
I said, what is that?
He said every single thing in the house
was completely destroyed by the fire except for
two things the Masai of My children well,
I'm telling you the story the hairs are
standing up on my body right now because
there's something I witnessed They went through myself.
He was telling me the story.
He said everything was burnt in the house
everything destroyed except for two things the Masai
that his family was memorizing the Quran from
and some Sadaqa some money paper money that
his daughter put her eye for Sadaqa somehow
wasn't burnt and Then he gave me the
Quran to see myself you could see the
burnt marks on the outside of the Quran
You could smell it.
I took it and you could smell the
fire You could see where it was just
the outside of the pages, but it was
completely nothing happened to the Quran inside It
was amazing subhanAllah.
This is a story from the days that
we live in So we look at these
stories that Allah mentions in the Quran To
find the guidance in it to find the
benefit from it We can truly implement it
today as we're gonna see in the story
of Maryam alayha salam, and why is it
so important?
because nowadays when it comes to Psychological trauma
and dealing with these difficulties and this is
a new term by the way.
It wasn't there Many years ago or the
beginning of Islam psychological trauma.
There's a new term but dealing with it
was there Solving the problem of this psychological
trauma These emotional traumas it's there in the
Quran when Allah described the Quran for us
in Surah Yunus He said it's shifa lima
fi sudur.
It's a cure for what is in the
hearts and he said in Surah Fussilat, qul
huwa lilladhina amanu hudan wa shifa and say
it is for those who believe Huda or
source of guidance and shifa.
It's a cure So the Quran is there
as a cure and we look into Islam
because what happens to the Muslims today We
say that these new terms Psychological trauma, okay,
where do we find the cure?
Let's go to the West.
Let's see what professor John and dr Sally
the psychiatrist what they say and okay Let's
go to them and find solution and a
cure for them and let's go to a
psychiatrist and let's get some antidepressant medicine to
deal with these traumas While that might be
necessary in some cases The original the cure
we have it humble in the Quran If
we were to act upon what we have
in the Quran in the Sunnah, we would
find a cure for many of these things
So if you look for Islam an example
as an Islamic example an example We have
al-qadr al-iman bil-qadr one of
the pillars of Islam if we truly understood
that pillar In fact when the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, he said and to amin
bil-qadri khayrihi wa sharrihi It came in
the hadith of Jibril He said to believe
in the qadr the good and the bad
which comes from it If we really understood
that meaning we're gonna understand how to deal
With trauma and calamities and difficulties and tests
when it comes to us.
We have a verse in the Quran one
verse That if we understood this verse It
would make it very easy for us to
deal with traumas and difficulties when they come
to us and there's many verses like this
In the Quran in the hadith of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And in this story That we have in
the Quran the story of Maryam alayhi s
-salam, we're gonna see examples of that as
well And subhanAllah even just listening to the
Quran is a cure It's a shifa and
this has been proven for Muslims and non
-muslims alike When they just listen to the
Quran how they feel good inside This is
the power of the Quran Before we look
into the story of Maryam alayhi s-salam
The iman bil qadr The Prophet alayhi s
-salatu wa s-salam Was with his young
cousin Abdullah ibn Abbas radiyallahu anhu ma'a
And he took it as an opportunity to
teach him a very valuable lesson A lesson
that we need to constantly remind ourselves of
and we need to teach our children as
well He said ya Ghulam, oh young man
inni u'allimuka karimat.
I'm going to teach you some words some
advice I'm gonna give you Ihfadil la yahfadak,
to be mindful of Allah and Allah will
protect you Ihfadil la Tajidhu tujahad, that if
you and be mindful of Allah, Allah will
be in front of you.
He will be there for you Widha saalta
fasallil la, and if you ask Only ask
from Allah, widha ista'anta fasta'in bil
la, and if you seek assistance only seek
the assistance of Allah Pure Tawheed, pure la
ilaha illallah.
This is the Tarbiyah and this is why
it's so important when you have this pure
Tawheed and that attachment to Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala and That Iman, the Qadr, the
good, the bad that comes from it.
It's gonna help you when that Trauma comes,
that calamity, that difficulty, when it hits you're
gonna be prepared but if you're far away
from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and Then
the trauma hits Then it becomes difficult.
You can still find a way out with
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, alhamdulillah But it
becomes much more difficult to deal with it
Then he taught him a very very valuable
lesson after that, after that introduction He said
wa'lam anna al-ummata law ishtama'at
ala an yanfa'uka bil shay'in lan
yanfa'uka illa bil shay'in qad katabuhu
allahu ladin.
He said and know that if the entire
world Were to come together to benefit you
with something They couldn't benefit you with it
unless it's something that Allah has already decreed
for you wa'lam anna al-ummata law
ishtama'at ala an yanfa'uka bil shay
'in lan yanfa'uka illa bil shay'in
qad katabuhu allahu ladin.
And to know that if the entire world
Were to come together to harm you with
something They couldn't harm you with something unless
Allah has already decreed it upon you And
then he said rufi'at al-aqlaam wa
jaffat al-suhu That the pins have been
raised and the ink has dried, khalas, this
is the qadr of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
And another narration of this hadith There are
six principles if you reflect on it When
he taught him He said ihfidh allah tajidhu
amamat That if you are mindful of Allah,
you will find him in front of you
We'll find it there for you And then
he said and pay attention to these quwa
'id, these principles laid out by the Prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam He said Ta'arif
ala ila allah fi al-rakhaa ya'arifka
fi shidda.
He said to know Allah at the time
of ease and Allah will know you, he'll
be there for you at the time of
difficulty and This is why it's so important
to have that tawheed Because when the difficulty
comes when the trauma strikes and you know
that you've been working for Allah, Allah's gonna
be there to assist you He's gonna be
there to make it easy for it.
Doesn't mean you're not gonna be tested The
anbiya were tested and they're the highest in
level of iman the sahaba were tested but
they found ease in that test or more
ease than others because of the fact that
they had that foundation of strong tawheed and
strong iman and Then he taught him another
very important principle Wa'allam anna ma akhtar
lam yakun li yaseebik Wa ma asabak lam
yakun li yukhtir.
That what you missed out on missed out
your failed opportunity He said it never would
have came to you in the first place
and that which be fell upon you that
what came to you You never would have
you never would have been able to avoid
it This is the qadr of Allah subhanahu
wa'ta'ala and when you have that iman
and you're ready when the calamity strikes you're
gonna be able to deal with it and
Then he said wa'allam anna nasr ma
as-sabr and to know that victory It
comes through patience wa anna al-faraj ma
al-qurb that the Relief comes after affliction.
Wa anna ma al-usr yusra and that
after hardships comes ease But their foundation in
both of these narrations What was it having
that strong iman billah first of all and
then the iman del qadr and that's why
in the other hadith when the Prophet alayhi
salatu wasalam found a woman and She was
crying On the grave of her young son
who had just died And no doubt that
that as a parent is probably the most
tragic thing That a parent could ever face
losing his child, especially a young child at
that age As she's crying on the grave
The Prophet alayhi salatu wasalam he came behind
her to remind her about sabr and patience
This sahabiya not realizing who was behind her
she didn't realize it was the Prophet salallahu
alayhi wasalam She said alayka anni and he
said get away from me She said you
don't know What happened to me?
You don't know the difficulty that I'm facing
The Prophet alayhi salatu wasalam didn't say anything
else to her and he went to the
masjid The people were around they heard this
they went over to do you know who
that was that was the Prophet salallahu alayhi
wasalam Obviously now the iman kicks in and
she felt bad and she remembered the reminder.
So she rushes to the masjid She rushes
to the masjid To seek forgiveness from the
Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and say I didn't
realize who you were What did the Prophet
alayhi salatu wasalam say to her?
innama sabru inda sadmatul ula That patience is
at the time of the affliction That's when
you really benefit that's true patience when it
hits But like we said the foundation has
to be there in order to help you
deal with it and we're gonna see that
and the story of Miriam very clear as
well and The story of Miriam before we
start in this story Who was Miriam alayhi
Allah subhana wata'ala describes her for us
in the Quran And before I mention that
I want to mention something very beneficial that
one verse because you might have asked about
that I said there was one verse that
if we understood this it will be a
life changer for all of us when it
comes to dealing with difficulties and calamities and
That came in Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 216
when Allah subhana wata'ala said kutiba alaykum
al qital It's been prescribed for you to
fight in the path of Allah subhana wata
'ala Why it could be a great honor
to fight in the path of Allah subhana
wata'ala generally speaking the nafs As a
human being you realize when you go to
fight there's gonna be two outcomes You're gonna
be victorious and come home to your family
or you're gonna die on the battlefield So
it's a situation that most people don't want
to be in because all of us we
want to live as long as we can
So Allah subhana wata'ala said kutiba alaykum
al qital wa huwa qurhun lakum.
It's something disliked to you It's human nature
that we don't want to have to fight
unless we have to But then Allah said
something very powerful and take these as qawa
'it as principles in your life Allah subhana
wata'ala said wa asan takrahu shay'an
wa huwa khayru lakum that perhaps you dislike
something but it's actually better for you wa
asan tuhibbu shay'an wa huwa sharrun lakum
and that perhaps you love something But it's
actually better for you wa allahu ya'lamu
wa antum la ta'lamun and Allah knows
why you don't know If we understood this
subhanAllah if we understood the power of this
verse and wallahi I've sat with non-muslims
non-muslims and Talked to him about this
verse and they found it as a solution
for their problems because when you sit down
and you reflect on the benefits That perhaps
it was really bad for you, even though
you wanted it something you really wanted But
it was actually bad for you something you
look at as being really horrible a calamity
But a lot of good came from it
How many people have gone through calamities?
But Allah subhana wata'ala then raised their
status and made them better Muslims and open
for them the doors of khairul hamdulillah So
you don't know where the good is Allah
knows where the good is and Allah puts
each one of us in a situation To
be tested in a different way But if
you're ready for it and you have this
iman then it's gonna make it easier to
deal with inshallah ta'ala And the story
of Maryam alayhis salaam Who was Maryam?
This story and the Quran comes in the
beginning of the second half of the Quran
After surah al-kahf when Allah subhana wata
'ala mentioned the four main trials and tribulations
that face mankind every day the fitna of
the deen of our religion the fitna of
al-mal our wealth and of ilm of
knowledge and that of sulta of authority of
being in charge and then after chapter 18
surah al-kahf comes surah 19 Chapter 19
surah Maryam alayhis salaam and in this surah
from verses 16 to 26 Allah talks about
the story that we're going to talk about
today But before that who was Maryam alayhis
salaam Allah subhana wata'ala describes her in
different ayat in the Quran in surah Ali
Imran chapter 3 in verses 42 and 43
Allah says with Allah
has chosen you and purified you and chosen
you above the women of the world O
Maryam Allah has chosen you and purified you
and chosen you above the women of the
world O Maryam O Maryam To be someone
who is Devotely obedient to your Rabb and
making sujood and rukoo and be with those
who are making rukoo and the other verse
in surah Al-ma'idah chapter 5 verse
75 The verses before surah Ali Imran before
the birth of Isa alayhis salaam in this
verse after the birth of Isa alayhis salaam
What did Allah subhana wata'ala say about
her in surah Al-ma'idah chapter 5
verse 75 And his mother was someone who
was Siddiqa a supporter of truth someone upon
truth Why is it so important to understand
Because this explains makes you understand as you're
about to enter into this story and to
verse 16 of surah Maryam When Allah subhana
wata'ala tells us about this pious woman
who has devoted herself for ibadah She's devoted
herself completely to ibadah.
Allah told us wadhkur fil kitabi Maryam idhin
tabadat min ahliha makanan sharqiyya To mention in
the book the story of Maryam if she
were to withdraw herself from her family towards
the east Fattakhathat min doonihim hijabah She put
a screen between herself and them.
So now picture the story.
She's devoted herself To ibadah Just like we
have an itikaf To seclusion to worship Allah
subhana wata'ala all of us need that
in our lives And this is the way
of the salihin of the pious.
So here she is devoting herself worshiping Allah
subhana wata'ala What happens after that Allah
subhana wata'ala sends an angel who was
Jibreel alayhis salaam When he said That also
we sent our angel to her and he
presented represented himself to her as a well
-proportioned man and here in this story we
might focus on the first part that an
angel has come to her but a well
-proportioned man as Many of the scholars of
tafsir focused on that.
He is someone who is handsome Here's a
woman who's not married and the handsome man
Has come to her and she's seclusion where
no one else is around very similar to
the story of who?
story of who and in chapter 12 The
story of Yusuf alayhis salaam a young handsome
man or beautiful woman comes to him.
He's an unmarried man What did he do
to find a way out Yusuf alayhis salaam?
What did he hold on to?
What did he say?
Ma'azallah, I seek refuge in Allah the
same tool that Maryam alayhis salaam is going
to use qalat inni a'udhu bir rahmani
minka in kunti taqiyya She said I seek
refuge in a Rahman From you in kunti
taqiyya and if you're someone who was pious
And this is the way of the believer
at the time of difficulty time of trauma
Immediately seek refuge to seek assistance to seek
a help from who from Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala to attach ourselves to Allah ma'azallah
huh, I Seek refuge and a Rahman from
you and she reminds him if you're someone
who's taqiyya if you have taqwa taqilla fear
Allah get away from me and Then he
comes and tells her and by the way
The real trauma in the story hasn't happened
This is just a scary part for her
in the story This is something that's put
her in fear The real trauma is about
to come and the verses that are coming
when she says when when Jibreel says to
her Qala innama ana rasooli rabbiki li ahaba
laki ghulaman zakiyya I am the messenger of
the Lord sent to you To give you
glad tidings of a pure boy meaning who
is pure from sins Obviously here she's shocked.
She's astonished and she says Qala anna yakunu
li ghulam.
How can I have a ghulam?
How can I have a child?
How can I have a boy?
Because the one who has a boy there's
two possibilities and she mentions both of them
here in the verse Wa lam yamsasni bashar
wa lam akum baghiyya.
No man has ever touched me and I'm
not someone who's unchaste She's not someone who's
in haram.
So how can she have a child?
It's impossible Jibreel Jibreel says to her Qala
kathaliki qala rabbuki huwa alayya hayy This is
what your Lord has said that it's upon
him hayy and it's something easy upon Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala He's the one that
says kun fayakun, be and it will be
And then he mentions through the wisdom.
You're about to go through this now this
difficulty, but there's wisdom in it Walina ja
'aluhu ayatan lil nas wa rahma wa rahmatan
minna That we will make him an ayah,
a sign for the people and a mercy
for the people Then he says to her
Once again the imam of qadr So we
hold firm and we believe alhamdulillah.
Don't take it difficult.
Don't make it difficult upon yourself because he
says Wa kana amran maqdiya That this is
something that has been decreed from Allah.
This is what it is And then Jibreel
alayhi salam he blew An opening of her
garment and the breath went up into her
private part into her womb And then she
became pregnant like a woman becomes pregnant from
a man After that Allah said That she
became pregnant with him and then she went
to a remote place, any far away from
her family Until then the labor starts Now
picture the story as it's coming in the
ayat A pious woman devoting herself, all of
a sudden becomes pregnant And no one's ever
touched her but she's pregnant.
It's from Allah.
Who's going to believe her?
She's in this difficult going through the pregnancy,
being by herself Now she's in delivery.
No one there with her.
All by herself That she goes against the
trunk of the palm tree as the pains
of the childbirth starts to hit She goes
up against the tree And imagine her emotional
state right now that she's going through Even
though she knows it's from Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala How difficult is it?
No one there with her.
What's she going to say to the people
when she comes back with this baby?
What does she say?
She says subhanAllah I wish that I would
have died before this And I was just
someone who was in oblivion, forgotten This is
the situation that she's in.
How stressful it was But right away But
he called her from beneath her and said
Do not become saddened.
Don't grieve Who called her?
The scholars of Tassir said it was Jibreel
and some of them said it was Isa
himself The other one said he hadn't spoken
yet, so it was Jibreel Either or Don't
become sad and do not grieve Allah has
made underneath you a stream that's flowing He
said this stream had stopped flowing, it wasn't
flowing anymore There was no water and she
looks down and there it is, flowing And
shake the trunk of the date palm And
fresh dates will come down to you And
it wasn't the time of the fresh dates,
but here Allah is providing for her from
his signs Then Allah said in the last
verse of the story in 26 So eat
and drink and be contented Be contented, meaning
with what you have Being contented with the
blessing of this child Being contented, meaning being
in a good emotional state And then he
said That if you see anyone from humanity
So tell them that I have made another,
a vow to the most merciful That I
will not speak to anyone I won't speak
to anyone And then the story comes after
obviously where Isa himself speaks to them From
this story, what do we gain?
How can this be a map for us
to deal with physical trauma when it hits?
From the foundation right away, as we mentioned
earlier That it's something that's already been decreed
And we understand this, it's going to help
us deal with it Yes it's very difficult,
but it's going to make it much easier
in dealing with it And then the sabr,
having the sabr in dealing with these difficulties
And being sincere to Allah subhana wa ta
'ala And these difficulties, they strengthen our faith
And they also attach our hearts to Allah
subhana wa ta'ala Because some trauma and
some trials and tribulations, they're so difficult You
realize that the only way out is with
Allah subhana wa ta'ala How many people,
if you saw on social media I mentioned
actually in a lecture in Malaysia recently About
a man who came to me after his
khutbah He was someone who was very successful
in the company in Microsoft And he had
had all the dunya And he said the
most beloved thing to him was his young
child, 5 years old And when he got
sick he said he was far from Allah
subhana wa ta'ala He didn't really believe
in Islam He used to make fun of
Islam and the Muslims Because he became a
successful engineer It went to his head Until
his son passed away at the age of
5 When he passed away, everyone tried to
help him, console him Didn't work Then he
remembered who?
Allah subhana wa ta'ala He said I
knew that the only one who could help
me out was Allah He turned to Allah
and returned to Allah And attached his heart
to Allah And Allah made it easy for
him on the way Alhamdulillah And that brought
him back to the deen So a tragedy
that makes you stronger Alhamdulillah Also from the
things that we gain from her story Is
taking a temporary isolation To be by yourself
At the time of trauma You're going to
be sometimes in a negative area The area
where you were where the problems happened And
that's why the hadith of the Prophet about
the man who killed 99 people What did
he tell him as his solution?
He went to the abid who didn't have
much knowledge of the deen And asked him
can I have tawbah?
Can I repent to Allah subhana wa ta
He said no way You're a horrible person
you already committed 99 sins There's no way
out for you You already killed 99 people
There's no way out for you So what
did he do?
Obviously he has a problem with anger management
this guy right?
Because he already killed 99 people So he
takes out his sword and makes him 100
Then he goes to the alim who understands
the deen Who knows Allah subhana wa ta
'ala He said of course What comes between
you and making tawbah?
He said lakin but Innaka bi ardi su
Fadhabila ardi katha wa katha Fa inna fia
qawmun salihun Ya'budun Allah fa abudullah ma
'hum He said go to such and such
a land A different land He said because
there there are pious people who worship Allah
And he said go and worship Allah with
them So get out of the environment that
you're in He was making tawbah So the
same mind said here she goes by herself
She's by herself What happens when we are
alone by ourselves for some time If trauma
hits We have the emotional management To be
able to deal with the overwhelming emotions Without
external triggers In everyday life The same problem
that happened to you could be in that
same area So we Temporary isolate ourselves Also
it helps us to reflect and raise self
-awareness Because sometimes When you reflect the trauma
that you're in The test that you're in
The reason behind it is what?
Yourself It's us Allah told us that no
musibah Happens upon earth except for what?
That's what the people have done with their
own hands We're the ones behind it a
lot of the times So here when a
trauma happens And you reflect and you say
Because of my sins Some of the salaf
They said something Very very deep about this
They said that I see The impact of
my sins on the people in my house
When they change and how they deal with
them In the house They said I see
the effects of my sins On my own
family And how they act when I sin
When I have shortcomings When not fulfilling what
I should be doing as a Muslim Even
one of them he said He said the
father He said the mouse that's in my
house I can see he changes what I'm
sinning for Subhanallah Where did he reach this?
On a deep contemplation On reflecting On why
he's in this situation Why is my family
acting like this?
Look what I've been doing the last couple
of days I have been going to the
masjid I've been waking up late on the
salat I've been doing this sin or this
Or watching this or doing that And then
he realizes that The sins that he's committing
is having impact So that self reflection It
opens up So you might understand why you're
going through The test or the trauma that
you're going through And as we said it
also helps us Healing spiritually Because you're going
to be closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala When you isolate yourself As we saw
in her story And helps you reconnect Either
reconnect altogether Someone who's far away from Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala Or someone who has
become weak It helps you reconnect And sometimes
we attach ourselves To the creation And we
forget Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Just recently
I was looking for an upgrade in the
dunya Something good for me and my family
Alhamdulillah And in order to get this upgrade
I just need someone to sign a paper
inshallah And I'll get it And I knew
the perfect person to help me with this
This guy, no one says no to him
So I talk to him and wait for
him He goes and he speaks to this
individual And we're considering that it's done, it's
finished And the guy comes back and he
says You know what, it's not really a
good time right now Maybe in the future
Subhanallah Right away what this reminds me of
I said to my wife I said we
made the biggest mistake I said we remind
the people We need to remind ourselves subhanallah
That we forgot Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
We made a bit of du'a But
not as much as we should have been
making We relied on the strength of the
people that we knew That was going to
happen So something like this sometimes It could
be a small thing You didn't get what
you wanted from the dunya It could be
a musiba, a crisis Trauma, trial, tribulation, whatever
it may be It could be just to
remind you To return to Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala To reconnect with Allah And that
when you're isolated It helps you be able
to do that inshallah wa ta'ala Also
exiting in the circle of grief Because what
happens to the individual When the trauma hits
Is that Sometimes we despair Sometimes we despair
And we start to give up hope And
this is the trick of shaytan Is what
shaytan wants from us Because if you have
hope You realize the only hope that I
have Is from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
So I want to connect myself with Allah
I want to beg upon Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala But if shaytan can get us
to give up And just be sad and
despair And then just go take medications And
go to a counselor And be far away
from the deen This is what he wants
He's become victorious And that's why the Qur
'an Focuses on this in detail In the
sunnah of the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam If
you look at the story of Yusuf a
.s Yaqub is going through the difficulties That
he's going through Of losing his son And
still having hope Not giving up What does
he tell his children?
وَلَا تَيْأَسُوا مِن رَوْحِ اللَّهِ Do not despair
From the relief from Allah لماذا?
إِنَّهُ لَا يَأْسُوا مِن رَوْحِ اللَّهِ إِلَّا الْقَوْمُ
الْكَافِرُونَ That no one despairs from The relief
of Allah Except for the kafirun, the disbelievers
It's not the way of the believer to
despair We always have hope And the story
here We see that when Jibreel or Isa
Whoever said it to him لا تَحْزَنِي Do
not become sad Don't give up And the
story of the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam When
he was in the cave with Abu Bakr
as-Siddiq And if one of them looks
down Abu Bakr said If he just looks
at his feet He's going to see us
underneath They're going to get caught They're making
hijrah No, they're in a cave They're going
to get you You want it dead or
alive In this situation What did the Prophet
shallallahu alaihi wasallam say?
لا تَحْزَنِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعْنَا Do not become
sad Do not grieve Why?
Indeed Allah is with us And what was
the outcome of that Iman?
What did Allah say?
فَأَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ السَّكِينَةُ عَلَيْهِ That Allah sent down
His Sikina His tranquility upon him The same
thing in the story of Musa alayhi salam
When he was caught Trapped The sea, the
Bahar in front of him And Fir'aun
and his troops coming from behind him They
said إِنَّا لَا مُدْرَكُونَ Khalas, they're going to
catch us now We're caught What did Musa
say with the Iman?
He said قَالَ كَلَّا إِنَّ مَعَيْ رَبِّي سَيَهْدِينَ
He said no He said indeed my Lord
is with me He's going to guide me
He's going to show me the way And
subhanAllah Those of you who are with me
on social media You might have saw in
the last clip That I posted about two
days ago The signs of Allah in Gaza
And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Grant
ease to our brothers and sisters in Gaza
And in Syria and Sudan and all around
the world I mentioned the impact of the
ayat And this I mentioned several times throughout
this conflict And this genocide That we live
with the Quran Wallahi these ayat It's like
it's being revealed about us As we're looking
at the situation I looked at the verse
in Surah Al-Baqarah When Allah said مَسَّتْهُمُ
الْبَأْسَاءُ وَضُرَّةٌ That they were touched By difficulty,
by poverty And I'm seeing exactly what's happening
to our brothers and sisters وَزُلْزِلُوا And they
were shaken And wallahi We've never seen anything
like this What they're going through What did
Allah say after this in the ayah حَتَّى
يَقُولَ الرَّسُولُ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مَعَهُ مَتَنَصُ اللَّهُ It
got so bad The affliction that they were
going through That even the messenger Look at
the level of Iman The messenger, Rasul And
those who believe with him They said مَتَنَصُ
اللَّهُ So wallahi this is the level we
reached Because every time there's negotiations And خَلَاص
Our brothers and sisters are going to finally
find some ease It fails It fails, it
fails, it fails And it's just like wow,
this is never going to end And we
started After about 14 months To start to
give up hope Just something that It goes
into the heart sometimes Even if you're someone
who's positive I try to always be positive
But I'm thinking is this the end for
our brothers and sisters Maybe they're all going
to be annihilated I don't know, subhanAllah مَتَنَصُ
اللَّهُ Not realizing just as Allah told us
in the ayah أَلَا إِنَّ نَصُّ اللَّهِ قَرِيدُ
That indeed the victory of Allah is close
And alhamdulilah right after that The victory came
May Allah make it continue يَا رُبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
From the benefits that we gain from this
story Is remembering the blessings The ni'mah that
Allah has given us When trauma strikes When
difficulties strike We go through tests And we
remember the blessings that we have Alhamdulilah makes
it easier If we go through a difficulty
And then I look at what happened to
my brothers and sisters in Gaza It makes
everything easy People said how was your flight
coming here The worst flight I've ever had
in my life Honestly Not gonna say oh
it was a great flight No it was
horrible It was a horrible experience But even
with that Even though if you look at
the timings And there's no sleep Allah made
it easy And on top of that when
I see what happened Alhamdulilah No difficulty Alhamdulilah
It's a blessing in the end Compared to
what other people are going through And that
was mentioned here in the story when you
see قَدْ جَعَلَ رَبُّكِ تَحْتِ فِي سَرِيَّةٍ Allah
has made a stream flow under you So
Alhamdulilah You're going through a difficult time but
there's some good at it Look in the
blessings that you have And this is one
of those powerful ways For us to deal
with trauma, with tribulations With difficulties, with fitna
when it comes Is thinking about the blessings
that we have Also from the things that
we gain from this story Is maintaining strength
And not succumbing to weakness Don't give up
to weakness and become weak And for us
to do this As we said the foundation
for this is faith And then taking the
necessary means And action And that's exactly what
was mentioned here In this story When right
after the delivery What did Allah tell her
He told her a reminder about the Jibreel
or Isa said to her A reminder about
the stream coming under her, about the blessings
And then right away وَهُزِّ إِلَيْكِ بِجِضْعِ النَّخْلَ
Now to shake the tree So the rota
will come down for you What do we
gain from this Many times we might not
think about this Because at the time And
this is one of the benefits from the
story as well Is quickly addressing and rectifying
the situation Realizing the situation It's a mosib,
it's a crisis But let's deal with it
quickly so we can find a solution Because
what happens when trauma strikes When people go
through a psychological trauma A psychological emotion Difficulties
they're facing Two bad things happen to them
First of all is The mental and emotional
Impact that it has And secondly is what
The physical side People stop eating They become
depressed That's why right away in verse 26
Allah said فَقُولِ وَشْرَبِي وَقَرِّ عَيْنَا That Allah
said to her Eat and drink and be
content Be happy with what you have Be
content with what you have And eat and
drink to stay strong Don't let yourself become
weak at the time of difficulty Physically as
well And quickly inshallah as we wrap up
Two other points Is that we seek Allah's
help Through silence And putting our trust in
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Sometimes they say
it's better to go talk about it Maybe
at some times it is And to certain
individuals but not about everyone So you see
that her silence At the time of trauma
It was actually one of the solutions And
if she had started to speak and talk
All of the things that were mentioned in
the past The other benefits we mentioned There
wouldn't have been much benefit in it But
the silence now helped her benefit from the
things That were mentioned in the past So
silence sometimes can be the best cure And
in the end Also having certainty That after
hardships comes ease And after distress comes relief
And subhanallah We see this very clear In
her story Here's this pious woman Who went
through this difficulty Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
raised her status Until he called her a
siddiqa She's a supporter of the truth Named
it a chapter in the Quran after that
we read until today And the Prophet as
he said in the hadith Which came in
Sahih Bukhari Many of the men Have reached
perfection Many of men have reached perfection And
there's no one from the women Who have
reached perfection Except for two people he mentioned
Maryam bint Imran and Asiya The wife of
Firoun Subhanallah So you see here that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala Even though she went
through this difficulty How he raised her status
when she had sabr and she had yaqeen
This teaches all of us That as Allah
told us in the Quran That after difficulty
will come ease Allah knows best May Allah's
peace, mercy, and blessings be upon the Prophet
Muhammad And peace be upon you