Abdur-Raheem McCarthy – Ask Imam Karim with Abdur Raheem Mcarthy

Abdur-Raheem McCarthy
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of learning from parents and traveling internationally, as well as the need for a culture of "ma'am" and protection for one's health. They stress the importance of practicing Islam and avoiding slang, as well as the benefits of practicing Islam and representing it in a positive way. The speakers also emphasize the need for personal development and growth in learning experiences for students and parents, as well as the importance of learning through mistakes and mistakes to build a stronger future for students and parents.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah Muhammad who want to start you know who want to stop 0102 We learn him in Ferrari fusina Wamena sejati are Molina Maria de la who further mobile La La Why am I not lil fella heard yella y shadow Illa Illa wash the WHO la sharika what a shadow one more Hamadan avocado who rasuluh Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Sayidina Muhammad in wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa as well de OMA Hertl Momineen wild Manitoba home DSN in ILA will meeting my dear respected Brothers and Sisters in Islam. I'm your host, Kareem Abu Zaid and I come live from Denver, Colorado.

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With a very special broadcast today.

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Our beloved brother, I call him the Irish.

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The Irish call of to Allah subhanaw taala. Brother, Abdul Rahim McCarthy.

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He's originally from Ireland and humbler has been around for quite some times in sha Allah. He is our special guest, special guest today for the broadcast. And we're looking forward to having a good conversation with him in sha Allah. As we invite everybody in sha Allah into the broadcast

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like we normally do, let's welcome the first 30 camels brother Bilal.

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And we have

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brother Antonio, from Kuwait.

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Sister Mohammed, our dear sister, Amina Shan Li from Seattle, Sister Caroline, those are all our regular

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Subhanallah I feel like you're my family now. M Wm. I don't know who's that but I know how to paddle Alberni.

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Our brother from Malaysia

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Bonanni salaam aleikum all of those say salam alaikum and Ramadan Mubarak to all of you.

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You have seen Mohammed am Ania

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hammer Mark Ashraf sada caught up Abdullah hit while a young man sister Emily Anderson,

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Steve Davidson. Our brothers smile, per se nailed me Subhan Allah Al Hamdulillah Polycom South Africa to our brother from Chicago Judah. Alia has an Han has an ollie,

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our brother Hussein

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our brothers show I deliver Salam aleikum try

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Polycom saltwater cattle

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of the Rohingya here are the Halima here I'm sorry. And we'll have a mania mania, Anita, Mustafa Suraj and more those are the 30 Inshallah, if we if we get more few in sha Allah. We will add you to the list in the later Allah Brothers and Sisters in Islam.

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The theme is Ramadan, and what can we do

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to revive our spiritual

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health during this month in sha Allah? So let me see if we can invite chef Abdur Rahim McCarthy in and we will start please go ahead and post your questions as soon as you can.

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We can actually post the questions right away but allow the chef couple of minutes just to introduce himself and also give us a message you know

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be biller he Tyler so let me see if we can invite chef Abdur Rahim in and we are ready to go insha Allah with the light Allah

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Right now

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Salam Rahim Salam

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okay let me just put you on the screen so everybody sees you that's more important than anything else but again right here your life everybody sees that beautiful Irish smile. I've done McCarthy and you know Welcome to have you in the US all the way in the USA Abdur Rahim

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I'm in the middle of USA, you know in Denver Denver is like in the middle spot of the country you know like desert area schools Rocky Mountain. Yeah it's very beautiful there. I've only been there in airports when I was younger inshallah very soon we'll, we'll have you here inshallah we have an auto ad it is your place, you know? Shala when was the last time I met you? Was it in Saudi Arabia? In Mecca and

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the TV? Yeah, remember that? Subhan? Allah Subhana Allah? How are you doing? How was your family? And how are you building this COVID-19 business?

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Well, for me, I'm enjoying it, I must say.

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Yeah, maybe I'm a bit different than other people. But generally speaking, I enjoy staying at home. I enjoy being with the family I enjoy working online. So for me, it hasn't really been any a huge change is even like you know, working out and things like that. I have my own home gym. So Matt hasn't really till now it hasn't really hit me personally too hard and on the left, and I miss maybe going out for walks and things like that. But other than that, it's been it's been good for me. I'm then hamdulillah from the left. So let's start from the right place here.

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Somebody is writing welcome Abdul Rahman McCarthy And subhanAllah I was under the impression that you are Abdul Rahman of course both names mashallah are beautiful. And so are you Abdul Rahman or Abdul Rahim?

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Allah Rahim I said is that Rahman? So Abdullah man, Alba and I told him and I said, Michelle, I said you became famous. And he before you had a chance to watch all my lectures, they call me Andromeda. Yeah, so it is abdur-rahim Shall I eat okay now

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unless if you want to call him Abdullah man, and that's another scenario here inshallah. So can you take a minute or so just let us know who you are. You know imagine people who maybe meet you in person of course virtually for the first time just your background when he did you become a Muslim and and also, you know, your quest for knowledge and I know that you you're heavily invested in Kuwait somehow I see you all the time. So tell me what is the connection with Kuwait inshallah. Inshallah? Yeah, Hamdulillah. I became Muslim, many actually, I'm Irish American. A lot of a lot of the things we're talks about, you know, talks about me, it says, that goes after him and he talks

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you know, where I'm from on a lot of my flyers or posters. I give lectures around the world. Sometimes this is USA. Sometimes it says

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Ireland, sometimes it says from Qatar or sometimes it says from Kuwait. Sometimes it says from Turkey. I guess it's where I'm coming from in the world. I'm the lead us Euro Canada International.

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The original Irish American. Obviously, you can see from McCarthy's My family comes from Ireland. But I was born and raised in America. I was born in Virginia raised in Virginia.

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Why became Why did you come?

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What's that? What you were born because your family were here are? My my family. They want to migrate from Ireland at different times.

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So Hamdulillah I was I was born in my family from Boston from my father's side. Virginia from my from my mother's side. Okay. I was born and raised in Virginia,

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and accepted Islam there in 1994. Allahu Akbar. That's so you're not that old? Yeah. I mean, can we ask how old are yours that offensive to you? Now, I'm 45 down there. Okay. So they came, I was 18 hamdulillah Hamdulillah. So and after that, you you traveled back to the east. So basically what happened is when I became Muslim, I became infatuated in human love with the Sunnah of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam or more and I decided, no, this is what I want to do. I want to, you know, become like a student of knowledge.

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As your scholar if I can, you know, so But I realized quickly just being around the Muslims that the ones who truly accomplished that are the ones who travel abroad and travel overseas. And this was this year you know, celebrate the early scholars any relevant follow up and and that they were traveling seeking knowledge. So I stayed in America probably only six months after it became Muslim. And I traveled to Sudan. I learned the basics there in Arabic and what have you, and then I moved on to Saudi Arabia. I stayed there for 10 years

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actually 11 years in Saudi Arabia and then I was in other Gulf countries in Kuwait as they longterm in the UAE as well. So that's why you see an in Qatar as well. So it's your head and all the Gulf countries as well and in most of my life there I guess if you were to edit out yeah hamdulillah

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family right you I mean, you're married and have

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family, may Allah protect you protect your family, our bulalo I mean, to

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set up Rahim, you know, tell me, how can we

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enjoy it on my mind at all?

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You know, I spoke about this the other night and actually I gave a lecture called the beauty of isolation.

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And generally speaking, as a Muslim, we know we attach ourselves to the Quran. And we always have to look at things with you know, the glasses of the Quran and Allah subhanaw taala laid out for us in the Quran, different kawaii principles, not just to tell us but for us to actually make it part of our lives. Now when we when we when something happens to us, we're in a situation that that principle comes to our mind. And we act upon that principle. So ALLAH SubhanA wa, tada told us and sort of Nakara was anticorrosion, who will now we always have to keep that in our mind.

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That the fact that we dislike something right now we think it's bad for us, but it tells us

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that it's actually good for you. And even in Surah Nisa, as technology we're Hlo via Phelan kathira. Now if any of these I add the vanilla one unsalted butter is talking about fighting, the last war kotula common something you dislike for you. And the verses in Surah

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Surah Nisa talking about you know, marital problem, your wife?

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What are the problems facing?

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You, bro, you're growing up. You may dislike being with your spouse. But that is good that could come out of it. Why don't you

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hire and Kafeel and that's not

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we have to look at the positive, you know, and then the

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Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam adjuvant camera movement. Now, how wonderful is the affair of the believer? So Hamdulillah we have to look at it in a positive light. Where can we gain the positive from it? It's any, it's very difficult to think about it. We're so used to being in the massage. We're so used to having no the Iftar Jimmy. And I always tell people when they travel around the world, and they say where's the best Ramadan that you spent? And I tell them in America, like in America, how can that be that's been rolled on in Mecca of countries in America and the West in general. I found though that the community and how they come together and it's really,

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really beautiful. They are Oh my god. So the most countries around the world, it's like that. So you'll find that the facts panel now that's been taken from us in the total way has been taken from us. It was very, very difficult for us to handle but there's also a lot of good in it as well. We're looking at it in a positive light coming closer to our families. Now we have to become imams in our house. Yeah, we have to leave prayer. So we have to make sure that we're on point with our Quran and recitation, our DUA and all of this. Some that we're benefiting a lot from it at Hamdulillah we have to look at the positive legacy. Where's where's the good innit? I'm gonna

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I'm gonna ask you a question, but I really want your gut feeling answer.

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Yeah, you know, I'm really beginning to develop that

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you know, tendency towards the conspiracy theories regarding this COVID-19 You know, I recall these

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pictures which, you know, I used to watch during Janelia time where they they place a chip in the head of the individual, you know, and he's like, he has no other you know, nothing that would distract him from imagine how they are controlling us now. Everybody is sitting the whole population is being controlled. It's exactly like this chip. Walk walk without with a mask.

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Are you into this?

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Are you into this? I mean, I

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Sorry. I mean, you know, I tell my students and my viewers know, we can be amazing. But about it having someone like you coming out there, maybe you can, you know,

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counsel me on this, Wallah. Honestly, when you hear in both sides of the story,

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you have you have to be inclined to do you see the gut feeling, you have to be inclined to do some type of conspiracy behind it.

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I love is done, and then, you know, the virus, you know, it seems real, it's real, it's there. But, you know, it seems to be there behind it. And they're what is their objectives, the political objectives, the economical objectives, to you know, recapture the economy to make it collapse to rebuild it again, it's a sad situation, but it shows you what, you know, these people are willing to do. Anyway, we've seen examples all throughout history and collateral damage, you know, where people pay the price in order for a certain, you know, elite a certain group to gain. So I wouldn't put anything past him honestly. But, but also, we cannot base our action on these theories. We have to,

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I mean, we can think that but we have to seek the means of protection for our health, right? I mean, that's even I've been I've made some videos about this, and I made a video and some other brothers took it. It was actually my wife, she had a, you might hear the baby crying in the background. Yeah, what she was doing there for delivery. She was in the hospital. So we were outside. I was filming some short videos. So So Pamela, did I say one of the most difficult things about the current situation is that we have to take information from any of the news agencies that we know have been lying to us for years. And

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that's true. We know they're liars, you know, and they're telling us this is what's happening. So what do we do? But nonetheless, I said whether they're telling you know, there's three possibilities, either they're telling us the truth, or they're lying to us or it's actually worse than what they're telling us. So and this or that we have to take any Hulu hydrophone we have to take our precautions that's what I think Prepare yourselves Yeah. And that's why I was even now I go out and even here like in my building I go out I put the mask on in new Allahu Allah many but just just in case to be on the safe side. Because any even if it is just like any different type of the

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flu or this and people are dying from it, and if we cannot be from the Shala we're gonna try our best Yeah, but because also I think, shake up Rahim the matter also

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becomes also a low in some countries like in America now. We cannot have a congregation over 10 people. And you know, they could come and lock down your Masjid if you actually violate that and all of this and you're and then you look like you're trying to you know, defy the law of the land. And imagine a Muslim does that beside all this. We're seeing a lot of videos from people protesting in America

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on the streets protesting and all of this about you know, it's their right for movement and what have you, but as Muslims, I think we you know, the situation we've been through in America in the last 10 years. We need to make always make sure that we're we play on the safe side. Yes. So, yeah, here's my first question. And it's coming from a sister by the name of Caroline grace.

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She sang I don't know if you can see that on the picture or not. But I will read it for you. Cut off a bit on the side. Yeah, some of it. Okay.

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So basically, I'll read it for you. I'm an Irish Canadian that grew up Catholic and converted to Islam Alhamdulillah I have had to deal with many difficulties in different indifference of religion with my father especially, and was wondering if you had any advice as to how to bridge the gap and show him the beauty of Islam? Did you get that too? Shall I repeat this again? It's clear.

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Yeah, obviously any and all families are different than me obviously I'm on the same exact background Irish Catholic as well. So then my family was a bit different I think you know, the the jelly I had was so when they saw the

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outcome that Islam had on me and and how it became up there. And I think they liked that. They might have thought I would stay in a state Muslim this long and then this series about are dedicated to Islam, but I'm gonna have a very good relationship with my family. Now, I think one of the key points that we all need to have we need to follow obviously in the footsteps of the Sahaba as well and look at them as our role models, because many of them face difficulties as well. And we tend to forget that the Sahaba all of them were reverts as well. Except for the young ones who were born in Islam, but the majority of them will reverse so they face many of the things and I think this is

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something as reverse we need to look back on their stories. For example, the story inside them I will close with his mother who refused to eat and drink and you know, said you

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that she that she will die if he doesn't leave his religion. And he said, if you would have 99 souls, each one of them comes out in front of me, I wouldn't leave my faith. And then she ended up eating and going back to our senses. Right. The point is, is that these types of stances, we need to realize that make our families understand divine intervention team that was not accepted, right? Like the statement of sad, we know that Allah subhanaw taala actually said, that is not nice, in a way. Yeah.

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True, but the point remains is this thing step past that we're not gonna leave our religion, obviously, for them or to please them. So that is correct from the stance. But if you think about a brother Abrahim,

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you're the one who changed on a, you know, I'm trying to take on the role here on the conversation. You're the one who changed, they brought you up, and they are the parents, and you ordered a child, and you are the one who changed. That's how they look at you. And, you know, what is your thing but what, what one thing doesn't change, in fact, I think, is the beauty of Islam as it becomes more the being dutiful and being kind to your parents. This is something that that increases, and if some of us didn't have it before, and some of us did have it before, so the ones who didn't have it, they're gonna see it, and the ones who didn't, or the ones who did, they're gonna see an increase in it. So

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they're going to see the beauty of Islam from that, how Islam teaches us to be towards them. So when she said the best way to represent Islam, it's always it's always for us to implement Islam. This is the beauty of Islam always do ask me the best way to give Dawa act upon Islam, it'd be a true Muslim, and people will see the beauty of Islam in our actions. So this is the key thing for the system for all of us is that we implement Islam, and we stay firm, and we show our relatives that we are very firm, very dedicated, our religion comes first. But we also have loved a lot of love and affection for our family. And we're supportive our family, there's certain things that we won't do

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certain gatherings that we won't attend, obviously, but generally speaking, hamdulillah and he will support them, and we're good to them. And I think when they see that most people, even if there's an industry to experience, that through time, eventually they come around, and then it becomes easy for them to then deal with shallow down. There's what we see in most of the time. What about how do you handle the holidays, like Christmas and

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Easter and these special days they have with their family supposedly get together?

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Well, I mean, any for us now. I mean, they know we don't attend and we don't take part in it. So they've kind of it's kind of become an old thing. Well, it's not really an issue for us anymore. But I can understand why this could be an issue in the beginning.

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For me, I guess the birthday is still in my parents for some time, they kind of left it within they've come back to it now when they like they sent me on my birthday, happy birthday, which Alhamdulillah. And when they know I don't celebrate it and things like that. And

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my father, and I even told him a few years ago, and he was really happy on his birthday. And I told him, I said, you know, we don't celebrate. But I said I know this day, I don't forget. Yeah. So just that, you know, if that changed, I know it's to your birthday. So and he really liked that. Yeah, but we don't know, we don't celebrate and they accept it. So just I mean, it's a change of customers that we still have a lot of other things that are involved in a lot of other gatherings that they come over, we visit them, they visit us sometime that these things remain the same. And they don't change with these type of holidays, that we kind of just, you know, stay away from them. And they

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understand usually, and like I said, sometimes it takes time, maybe the first three, four or 510 years, they're not going to get it. They're not going to support it, but eventually handle most most families come around and tend to respect each other Alhamdulillah

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the second question I have for you is you lived

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for so many years.

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That is Abdo parallel Benny, one of our dear students here in the Muslim land. do you advise that reverts to Islam to spend time in the Muslim lands in order to learn the deen and attain Islamic manners?

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Um, to be honest with you, it's a bit of a two edged sword because there's there's a lot of good and Muslim lands but it's not all it's cracked up to be. I think a lot of times can I tell you something before you go on. The other day I was talking to a brother from Minnesota and he came to visit Dotto here and he stayed behind and said, chef, I went to Saudi Arabia as soon as I accepted Islam I was about to leave Islam the only decent Muslims I met were in the USA. I mean, just to show you that. But of course this is cannot be generalized. The only I'm sure there are very decent brothers and sisters overseas as well. Yeah, please go ahead. Yeah, there are but I think a lot even laptimes the

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cultural shocks that you'll find and sometimes like even some of the things that we faced in the University of Medina.

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I can tell you stories and other you know, she acts in Medina, Medina graduates in North America now, things that we faced that were, you know, alarming this patient, basically we can say, we face to face a lot of difficulties there. So there's the mentality, the mindset is so different. So you these type of things can actually throw you are. And you can find that actually a lot of times practicing Islam in the West, and the freedom we have in the West is much, much more. So for example, if I'm going to come back home, any without any issues, I can have now election data here recently I was with the brothers in, in Sacramento, I did something with him online, I can do

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something in New Jersey, I don't need to get any permission from anybody to do that. I could just have my freedom and lecture all around the US with no problem and hamdulillah whereas you have a lot of restraints, and other Muslim countries have things you can't do and counter can and can't do. So this is this is very difficult. A lot of times you're very involved in the measurement very involved with the Dow you come overseas it is that is more Slama phobia in the Muslim world than in the West. Yeah, unfortunately, phobia towards the real religion, not the societal cultural norms, religion, to be honest, even with dealing with it with the non Muslims, a lot of the non Muslims have more

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respect for you and for your religion in the US or in the UK in the West, than you'll find a lot of Muslim countries. And in fact, for example, if you see if you if you come to the US or the UK, in your head, you know, the border control and your wife is an ecobee you'll find that the respect they have for her is better than a lot of Muslim countries, even though bring over a woman without you even say anything with some country that like why bring a woman it's Doris necessities, like no, you have a woman right there, she can come see her, you know. So it is that so a lot of times the non Muslims have even more respect. So maybe it's not, it's not all you can benefit from both. And to be

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honest with you, I believe I've truly benefited a lot from both cultures. And you might have an Arab world and I've benefited a lot from them, but also my culture from America. And as an American Muslim, I've benefited a lot from it as well. So I think the combination is good. Yeah, I always look at this incident in the Sierra, you know, the truth of the idea when sorry, when?

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When so Hallo Nam, you know came and he would that contract, and then his son key throwing themselves at the Muslims in and now rasool Allah wa Salam is big. And so how can you let this one go? He said, No. Now you have to send your imagine anybody who's Muslim now would have left Islam, you know, these guys are not even helping me. But you know, subhanAllah a lot of people, unfortunately, they become dismayed with Islam because of the mistake that you you judge the religion by the people, but you don't judge the Huq by the heart like they they say.

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Quite frankly, it's very trying I tell anybody who want to go to the Middle East or the Muslim world. And I tell Danny, that as well. You have to strengthen your Eman more than here. Otherwise, they will test you right and left. And I mean, to be honest, I don't really know any any good place. You could go now anyways, before there were some places like we've all studied Arabic and Quran in Egypt, that's not suitable. Now, Saudi Arabia, the issue of the visa, can you maybe I mean, sometimes it's not it's not it's not as easy as you might think. Even some of the setups we have in America, to learn the Quran. And to learn this, you might even find that it's better than and a lot

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of Muslim countries, the system in which you find it, or more Muslim countries, but the system might be better than at home. Brother Ismail has a very interesting question here. And this is a very common thing how to deal with the parents who are not practicing who are non practicing Muslims.

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The same, the same approach. I think a lot of the times what I've seen throughout my

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life in Islam with you know, new practicing brothers and sisters who are from this part of the world, and he are the ones who start practicing themselves and in the West, a lot of times new practicing, they become a bit a bit harsh in their approach, and they want their family to practice was a bit tough with them. So I think we have to be you know, we have to be a bit softer in their approach. But at the same time, we have to stick to the stick to our guns stick to our principles, where we hold firm to our principles make it clear that we're not willing to compromise on our principles, but we're still dutiful to them we're still kind to them. We still speak to them in a

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kind way. We still attend the gatherings without doing things that are haram. We help them out in everything we can we have the beer with them as a as Allah has ordered us to have with handling left. So with these type of things, and they'll see the beauty of Islam. And once again, they'll see the impact that Islam has on us in practice Islam has on us and that will have a good impact on this world. We have to be any I think more softer

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Our approach sometimes as a lot of the brothers when they start to practice the approach is a bit too too harsh.

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Yeah, that's why we should hide away when we come back to the religion you know, we,

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the scholars, the advisors that when you come back to the dean, just stay by yourself for two years until you create that balance otherwise, they're gonna see as extremist. I have to vote this from Muhammad Ali, maybe you can tell him a couple of words. He said my Irish brother man, I have so much respect for you. Frankly, it is a good role model for our kid for my kids otherwise they will test you leaving in martial arts I think what is you're trying to say is like using the martial art people what

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No, maybe I maybe he follows me I do do some training okay. I'm not I'm not as good as I should be. Because all my traveling and lecturing and things like that. So if at any I'm consistent when I want to can be but unfortunately I kind of cut off a bit. So I started

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training martial arts and when I was in Ireland

00:31:06 --> 00:31:40

think about three or four years ago. So I started with Japanese Jiu Jitsu, and then I moved over two doing MMA and and Brazilian jujitsu as well so I do and now at home, and even the brothers and sisters take a watch I did a video the other day about my daily routine, obviously, it's changing Ramadan, but from the morning I would get up and I would exercise. I have the jujitsu mat so I've been doing some solo drills and things like this. I do trade a bit of martial arts so I didn't know that part about you now I am discovering more about you in sha Allah so Okay, we have you have Habib.

00:31:43 --> 00:31:48

That sounds like the the fire guy hobby like

00:31:49 --> 00:31:50

it the exact same day, but

00:31:52 --> 00:31:53

hopefully that's not hear the term.

00:31:55 --> 00:32:11

Okay, and Ramadan a lesson Have you we love you, man. I mean, if that's you, maybe you can let us know. But we love you and Ramadan. He's saying we are getting to recite as many people as possible, but how do we incorporate the ADKAR of the morning and evening as well as the Islamic Studies.

00:32:12 --> 00:32:47

It goes back to the balance, you have to space out your time, there's enough there's enough time in the day, there's a lot of time, the priority goes to the Quran, even I have a video I put on my YouTube channel the other day about do we focus on quality or quantity of tokens, so that when it comes to the Quran, in so we focus on both in Ramadan, so we try to because want to put more time and more focus on the Quran, just as the Prophet alayhi salatu salam did, and just as the scholars after him, all of them did throughout history, the more focus comes on the Quran. So but that doesn't mean that we have to just focus on getting as many customers as possible, maybe we can put a

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goal for ourselves, we're gonna have two customers three customers, we're also going to have some type of tfcu that we're going to read and just have to be the whole product, it'd be a Tafseer of certain Jesus, it can be a certain reading in for example, if I if My Arabic is not that strong, I would read in my my language, whether it be you know,

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in English, or if this is the real COVID will be the study language for him where he would read in that language as well because that makes you understanding better of the Quran. So you have you make that balance and then the account of the morning in the evening, then that doesn't stop that's normal, just like you would do it outside of Ramadan, you have to have that spiritual time in the morning. And I put that on my daily schedule in the video the other day, you have to have that you know, the daily dose of your thicker in the morning that the God takes about 15 minutes probably to finish most of them got to survive and also the Messiah, so it stays the same in Ramadan. And then

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the issue of Islamic Studies, take out some time to learn the fifth of Ramadan, halal haram of Ramadan, the do's and don'ts. And also and it's a good time because in the neffs when you do all of these good deeds, it makes you want to focus more. So I like to focus a lot of times on the Sierra, I'm giving a lesson now about the Shemitah Muhammad he has started now, given those live lessons as well on my my Facebook page. So this is different things you can be doing. And you can even make that balance because the more focus is going to be on these things in Ramadan. So there's enough time for all of inshallah Yeah, I always advise. You know, besides the car, like you mentioned,

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that's important to get in the habit of doing them is to focus more maybe on the understanding like the, you know, the DFC of some of the Tafseer. And that would compensate the Islamic studies. But again, that takes some time somebody who is already prepared. We always get this question. This is a classical question, and I'm gonna have to ask you, what is the ruling? I guess that's what he meant that is Brother Bilal on living in a non Muslim land. You know, I

00:34:44 --> 00:34:46

I have my take on this, but

00:34:47 --> 00:34:58

we want to hear you there. You know what I think? I think, you know, our Scott has made it clear that, you know, it's permissible if you can make you know, and

00:34:59 --> 00:35:00

you can stand

00:35:00 --> 00:35:23

What is your religion? There are the basic fundamentals of religion, you can establish them. And as we mentioned just a bit ago, the reality is that we have more religious freedom and a lot of Western countries than you do in a lot of Muslim countries. Absolutely. What is the what is the what is the criteria? You know, would you rather know travel to a lot a lot of Muslim countries? Or will your the travel to African a political country and you mentioned any names but some of the Muslim countries as you enter into the airport, they're

00:35:26 --> 00:35:35

like, you lose all your freedom just as soon as you step off the plane, you know, sorry, what they are if they asked me, Who is your shake?

00:35:36 --> 00:35:38

I said milk shake.

00:35:40 --> 00:35:41


00:35:42 --> 00:35:45

Yeah, you have to be welcomed in some Muslim countries.

00:35:50 --> 00:36:26

So any we have the religious liberties freedom so unchallenged on it's Annie. And then I think that we're wise, as long as we're establishing our religion, we're practicing religion, and then we're representing our religion in a positive way, is the key thing we need to focus on it. And so many people have thought, you know, making hate your own going abroad is going to be better. But I always tell them, you know, the expression how the expression goes, the grass is not always greener on the other side, you think it's going to be when you go to there, you get it, you get the shock of a lifetime. So basically, the measurement the sensor is, are you able to practice your religion

00:36:27 --> 00:36:39

openly? Are you protecting Islam in your family, those you're responsible for? Stay where you are, and complement this with giving Dawa. And that's my position.

00:36:40 --> 00:37:22

And building. And then one of the problems that we're facing in the West, in general, is the first generation who will live whether it be in America or in Europe, is that they're living with one foot in one foot out, right? So the mentality is back home mentality. And the mentality is, I'm going to make hit your and go back home. But usually, most of them never do. Unless they go in the taboo, they go in a coffin. No, they do, but for one month, and they can handle it, and they run back here again. And even if they come back, their kids can never handle it there. Right. So this is the thing you know, I remember one of my my close friends from the UK. He grew up in the UK, born from the UK

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got married from the UK or revert sister, and he's written in Pakistan. So I noticed he never goes back. So I asked him and I know a lot of Pakistani brothers who actually like it. So I asked him, I said, Why don't you go back? And he said, No, I've been back. He said, I went once for two weeks. He said, I cancelled the trip halfway through. It was my first time my last time he said I'll never go back you know? Is it for me said I'm British is where I gave a very good practicing brother very active at Dow. But he said, No, I can't handle that. Well, other brothers go there. They like it, but he didn't. So then even the brothers who like it, most of them couldn't handle living there. And

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the same thing you know, once you grew up from Egypt, or from once you come from Morocco, or wherever it might be, you know, they might go back for some visits and love it, you know, but to live there, you know? You know, it wouldn't. I'm an Egyptian and I have my clan dear. For me to give a talk in a masjid. I have to get a permission from the, you know, the government

00:38:15 --> 00:38:24

in Egypt over here, you can go to the park and I mean, they're gonna think you're crazy. But you can give that word right there. If you're looking for the reward, that's

00:38:25 --> 00:38:26

our speaker.

00:38:29 --> 00:38:30

Okay, we have system

00:38:32 --> 00:38:48

of an American who was born Muslim due to my environment, I had no knowledge of Islam. What happens to someone who has a sinful past but now wants to follow Islam? Could they be forgiven

00:38:49 --> 00:39:21

Alhamdulillah and whether you had a past a built on knowledge and analogy, if you were someone who was a stray, and then wants to come back home to Allah subhanho wa Taala as he told us in the layout, Pharaoh the new virginiana is all of this since I'm there, so the it does regardless of the background, if you repent and you come back to Allah, Allah forgive you, but the fact that you were ignorant or didn't know that you have more of an excuse and someone who had knowledge that's the difference there. But the doors of repentance open in either or whether you were someone who had knowledge of what you were doing, but if you excused and maybe Allah will fit in he will forgive

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anyways for all of the center channels out if you truly repent. But you had an excuse on top of that excuse if you were someone who was from an environment where Islam was in practice, or you didn't know much about Islam inshallah. Yeah, I you know,

00:39:35 --> 00:39:56

you know, the Hadith as if your sins pile up to the heaven. There is always a chance you can have, you know, a better chance than that. Okay. Is it permissible to say Ramadan Kareem? Of course they some people say that? I answered them by saying Ramadan Kareem Abu Zaid,

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00


00:40:03 --> 00:40:42

what I mean many of the scholars mentioned that it's not correct as the students use their own robotic, right I mean, I personally don't see that big of a deal with it and I think its intention is good but a lot of it and it's not something Ramadan Mubarak is probably the better of the two obviously. But Allah knows best what is what is your take on his shift and well, the Hadith, sunnah Tirmidhi when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yanni announced the coming of the month he said attacco, shahada, Ramadan, shopping on mobile, so he used that I think that's the basis on which a lot of the scholars they would say, I'd rather stick to the Sunnah but I will not you know,

00:40:42 --> 00:40:49

like rebuke somebody who tells me and I'm I mean, I'm not gonna say that you know, this is what you have to leverage. You know?

00:40:51 --> 00:41:23

What do you want to talk to this brother again or not? You know, do you want to give him that weight gain or not? Yeah, you know, you know, I love one of the things that I love about your work lately. I really I really, you cannot imagine I mean, I really admired your thoughts so much because I'm a soccer fan. And when Mohamed Salah came with that picture and use that beautiful parable of Abdullah Hypno Mr. That was you know,

00:41:24 --> 00:42:00

that was very thoughtful a few I thought this was very you know, the you know, I love I love brothers we'll go into the try to connect maybe you can talk to us about this please. Yeah, and so I saw the picture and I saw that he was under attack so they can some people may know who is more Salah is Mohamed Salah is Liverpool Egyptian player like he's one of the he's like LeBron James to the soccer. Yeah, he's he's a celebrity now and he's a Muslim, somebody who talks about Islam and presents Islam. So when I when I first saw the picture,

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immediately my mind I remember the picture of him reading the Quran. I remember the picture of him walking in with his team as he's holding the Quran. I remember the pictures that we used to post of him making dua, all of these good things. And okay, so now, as I said, maybe it was in a public place. I looked at the picture, him and his family were barefoot. So apparently it's in his house or in someone else's house, maybe I don't know. But the point was, is that nonetheless, any This is a mistake. If this were the case, if it was in his house, it's a mistake. But any the code that we mentioned, any don't don't any help shape on against your brother, any letter in shape or not help

00:42:42 --> 00:43:16

shape and so I mentioned that quote, that we need to stay away from, you know, helping shape on because someone who has all of this good, let's make an order for Okay, he made a mistake, he made a mistake, but don't go out and spread his sin and make his sin look worse. Because that can push him away. He sees the Muslims the practicing was an especially they were you know, refuting him exploiting him, then it might make you know, farther away from Islam and being in a society later he's in as a celebrity. They face a lot of fitna, it's not easy to stay firm on the deen and that type of thing. So you want to bring him closer and not push him away. That's, that's beautiful, very

00:43:16 --> 00:43:29

thoughtful. I really liked it, not because I like Salah and I like soccer. It's you know, I think we need to, to be more of koehlers to the path than judgmental, you know, in the sense of

00:43:30 --> 00:44:06

like you said, you know, that he may he may, he may even doesn't know, like, in in Egypt, you know, people who are celebrity they have a Christmas tree behind them. And you know, he's not educated in the field of of Islam. But you got hit on something interesting. If you look, I did a video some time back. It's on my YouTube channel. But it could be we had a message earlier. Yeah. And it was 54 things. I did a whole video about it that we benefit from his life. And some of it some of his stances from the things he said. And I said at the beginning of the whole book, I say no, right away. Brother's going to say but he does fighting hitting the face hitting that face is haram. And I

00:44:06 --> 00:44:27

said, Look, I said we're not going to get into that. That's between him Allah subhanaw taala. He knows the ruling, I said, but there are beneficial things you can benefit from his life. But the visual things that he said that is that he's made, and I said this is what I want to discuss today. So that's what I looked into and you're benefiting from the positive and that you know, just focusing on a new, annual 5% negative and you leave the 95% positive that someone has.

00:44:28 --> 00:44:54

Because your intention is to better the person is not to just do them and just you know, okay, we have own Barack Barack Obama, Barack Obama, Barack I don't know what that means. Salaam shake. I didn't I didn't breastfeed my kids as I didn't feel comfortable. I recently found out this was a sin. Is there any way to repent for that?

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

I don't know that it's a sin, but I know it's any 11 oldest. That's something

00:45:00 --> 00:45:04

Good thing that this is the right of the kid. And this is any, it's even been proven

00:45:06 --> 00:45:41

that it creates a special bond between the mother and between the child also the nourishment that he gets from the breast milk. There's nothing else that can replace that. So I mean, it was a mistake that you made obviously and you know, just ask for is too far but me I don't know that I will be fine as being sinful that you were committed haram. And this is something as well that don't forget that it's become like nature now or custom now where people it's the thing to do where you give your kid a bottle and you're busy, you have a career I don't know your situation. But you know, this is what happens all around the world now. So it's become the thing that many mothers do not even

00:45:41 --> 00:45:57

thinking about it. Not even realizing the benefits for herself. And for her childhood, the bond that it's creating, and that strong health and for his immune system, one of the things he's missing out on if he's not breastfed, so in general and so on, if you have another kid Inshallah, you know, for the future, not to do it inshallah. No.

00:45:59 --> 00:46:16

So, we have nice here. He's saying, I got a question. So would we consider someone passes away from COVID-19 As someone who passed away from a Blake, I think that's what he meant another cue with a G, because I saw two responses from Dr. Bilal and she has him

00:46:19 --> 00:46:26

is the question really, I think it is the area of this this question. Shiva Brahim.

00:46:28 --> 00:46:44

We come to this argument that Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in an authentic hadith that the PA own liat, el Medina, the town the Blake will not enter Medina and at the same time, we're saying that this is the COVID-19 is of our own.

00:46:46 --> 00:47:08

And meanwhile, it entered Medina now now we respond by saying that is not Taiwan. That's a virus. So now what is the ruling on those who die from that virus will be Hadith, whoever stays in his house, and dies? Because of that our own is a martyr apply to him or her? That's the question.

00:47:09 --> 00:47:34

I think it is applied. I mean, there is apparently a difference between a plague and a virus. So there's a difference there. That is true. But nonetheless, they did the same type of rulings. And the same type of if you make that clear, so the analogy when it falls into the same thing, it's the same type of thing. It's very similar to the plague even if it's a bit different. And the same in Moulins now having to isolate yourself and doing this we're actually what they're telling us to do. We're actually following the sunnah to a teenager. Yeah, exactly. What Yeah.

00:47:35 --> 00:47:46

So this is something in shallow Tala that I believe inshallah and once you put your hope any, I don't know don't close the doors, you know, the doors and then people will sometimes want to make it difficult to get the gender Shala. We have high hopes and gentle, talented people.

00:47:48 --> 00:48:33

The way that I look at this ship abdur-rahim is, you know, we live in cannot determine who is a Shaheed and who is not a shade, we don't do that. Because the moment that you say that you're saying this person is going to genetically, so we say in Cebu, but like you mentioned that all the restrictions, the all the complications, all the difficulty of our own, we're living it. So we hope that Allah subhanaw taala will give us the reward, I think that's beautifully, where they just ask Allah Who firearm I won't do. I'm going to ask you this question. And you're going to have to tell me what you think. And I'm sorry, this fatwah is coming from where you are right now I'm going to

00:48:33 --> 00:48:41

let you disclose your location. I don't want to say where you are. There's not like you're in a bad place or something. You're in Turkey. I mean, that's a beautiful country.

00:48:43 --> 00:48:44

The virtual

00:48:46 --> 00:49:21

Joomla. And what we mean by virtual Joomla because some people may assume we're talking about any ma'am, reminding the people and warning them before the drama, that guy is brave, or this is not a drama, but we're talking about somebody leading Salah in the masjid. And the people 678 10 miles away or even 1000s of miles away because they like his voice, they will follow him and Salah do they have the TV or the thing in front of them and he becomes the Imam. What is your take on this? And don't be political? Please. I know that you will never political All right.

00:49:23 --> 00:49:52

Actually, I did a video it's on my YouTube channel 10 Things you turn away and locked down. It's called that away and locked down 10 Things You Need to Know. So this was number three. And actually when I was saying it actually kind of laughed because I said you wouldn't think someone actually would say this. And I first started to hear it. I heard it a few times here a few times. They're like is someone actually giving that to about this? I didn't think it was really that was like a joke. You know, I thought it would be someone who had nothing to do with Islam who would be saying this, you know, like some you know, move down to the bridge or someone just you know, but it's a

00:49:52 --> 00:49:59

good idea that the modern day and how advanced technology is Bismillah all of us can be at home and pray in Mecca or something. You know, I thought it was

00:50:00 --> 00:50:33

joke honestly, but then to hear that a scholar who is someone who is somewhat of knowledge that someone you know, is not someone who is was, he has, he's someone who's very, very knowledgeable, that would say something like this respond to this and he no doubt is not acceptable. Scott has made it very clear in love with diminished demand by Ken, you have to be in the same place. So if you if you're in a masjid, for example, the example they give if you're on the roof of the Haram, and you can't see the Imam, but you can hear them. And in this situation, okay, that's, that's acceptable. If you're like, in the women's section, or we're in one of the sections of the masjid, like we have,

00:50:33 --> 00:51:06

a lot of times in the West, we have different rooms, and the different Islamic centers or sometimes houses, and you're in the same area, but you can't see and you're somewhat connected to the Imam, there's no problem here. This is okay. Even if you were example, let's say we're and we have two buildings, in our place. And in, in Colorado, for example, we have a building in the front of the building in the back, okay, those are pretty much connected. But I can't say that if I'm, you know, I'm tuning in to data to heat and I'm, you know, five blocks away or five miles away that, you know, I'm praying with Imam Kareem during the weekend, isn't that something and even logically, you

00:51:06 --> 00:51:39

wouldn't accept it. The scholar has mentioned this a long time ago that you have to be in the same place, and the so forth, they have to be motivated the lines, they have to be connected. And if there's a small gap between them or a small building, but you're connected to the microphone or something like that, then that's not a promise. But did he when he when it's something that's more validated, say, you go to extremes on when the distance it's not going to be accepted. But someone I was thinking about this earlier that when someone of this caliber makes a festival like this, it's actually a blessing. It's actually a blessing. Why? Because it's a reminder to us that no one is

00:51:39 --> 00:52:12

perfect. No, no. And I remember one of the great chefs who taught us and he was really high powered and his knowledge. And I remember I was in the first year and University of Medina, and we were walking out the hot room, and we're asking questions, and I always had recent lungs that seem from far away, he had a small beard, like on his chin here. And it seemed that he didn't have hair here. When I noticed, and I looked closer, I noticed that he didn't have a bit of hair, and he would shave it. So when I saw that it broke my heart, you know, it's like, oh, God, this, you know, this year has shaved part of his face and for me, but then I thought about it later. And I said, that just

00:52:12 --> 00:52:28

shows you that no one's perfect. Even this guy was very high power and he's giving us knowledge from the Quran from the Sunnah. Very good And fifth, but any had a shortcoming in that issue? A May Allah forgive us and forgive him. But it shows that no one's perfect. No, no one. Everyone makes mistakes. So I'm there.

00:52:30 --> 00:52:52

I know that you had a long night. You had actually a broadcast earlier and it's too late now and Turkey, you want to get some did you have your support yet? No, no, we still have like, three, three hours? Do I have to pray through it? Inshallah? No, you haven't eaten away yet? So we have seven more minutes. Exactly. Inshallah. So this way, you know that there is an there is a light at the end of the tunnel is sha Allah.

00:52:54 --> 00:53:36

But I have three questions. So you have to balance your time here. I have a brother who just accepted Islam just maybe three, four days before Ramadan. His name is Jim I asked him to call you his, I think is more of a Dutch Holand. From Holland. I mean, he lives in the States. Can you give him an advice that it is a new Muslim who just accepted Islam couple of days before Ramadan? And you know, he can even be with the congregation? And what advice do you give to him to Subhanallah the Jewish man really, I wasn't the advice I was about to give. And I forgot, you know, we can't be with the congregation. Because he's one of the great things that really helped me I became Muslim two

00:53:36 --> 00:54:05

weeks before I hold on. And you know, being with the Muslims and seeing how the Muslims were in Ramadan. It was really, really good. But I think obviously, he needs any, even online, there's a lot of things you can do to be involved with the community. And yeah, I was looking at the things on YouTube today, all of the videos that are coming out, and Michelle Pugh, everybody's very, very active on Facebook, on YouTube. So a lot of things you can do online to learn have no direct relationship with the local community that will keep you strong again as your as your brother's and the beginning of the

00:54:06 --> 00:54:40

any conversion or that stage. So he needs to make sure even if it's the you know, online, what's up the telephone that he stays in contact and the brothers stay in contact with him, and he tries to learn something new because the real beauty of Islam, you're not going to really gain it until you learn you learn more about your religion the more you learn about your religion, the more you learn about a law that's it the stronger your faith is going to become and challenge and the more you're gonna benefit from your feet. So know that he became Muslim in an appropriate time but in a horrible time at the same time. Oh, Mashallah. is very positive. I talked to him Oh,

00:54:42 --> 00:54:59

yeah, yeah. Okay, the the second question the sister is asking about a Farah. I guess the California telemetry kind of broke her question into two pieces. Can she give it to 10 Poor people, actually a brother whose name is Omar. I'm sorry, Omar. I set up a sister

00:55:00 --> 00:55:04

Is it permissible to give the explanation of foreign form of cash for 10 people

00:55:06 --> 00:55:08

poor people well if I'm

00:55:10 --> 00:55:12

I don't know what is your take on the ship

00:55:13 --> 00:55:51

it just is you're going to be given the autonomy and he gives it to them a lot of money because it's money it's supposed to be in food right? Yeah. Well basically attire masala tea Misaki and I'm an ounce of him out of the Mona Lisa is what to whom I would have the Euro kava magic sauce, yeah, masala tea, I am fairly you feed them. This is important that people realize as well because a lot of times what he's doing is correct, because it's Oh, and then if you don't, you can't do any of the above three, then you go to the CME because many people they go to the CME right away before going to these three. So in shallow tan, I mean, I think it's better this guy he gives them an in food

00:55:51 --> 00:56:17

because even in the things before a lot of times sometimes the poor but they don't use it for food, you give it to them so they that goes away from their time so you get your feed them and you either feed them a meal or you can give them dry food that will be good for them and that is more beneficial in shelter and to have that with them for some time in Showtime so we wouldn't go to cash. I think that the last question is a piece of cake because I think you're gonna you know, practice what you preach

00:56:19 --> 00:56:27

right now because you said you haven't played it yet and here here is the I think you're the answer is practically when I pray Allah we have for the show and that's

00:56:28 --> 00:57:08

but it's not called taraweeh then it's called the heck dude right? Because Tarawa is in the masjid, you know, after Isha directly, but it could be called tahajjud as well. It could be could be called PM. Yeah, that's the question. The last question. I mean, the km of the province was LM him he did it through an all parts of the night he did it immediately after Asia. He did it in the middle of the night and he did it to the last third of the night. He will focus more on the last third of the night. Obviously tonight because I had a live program in the UK and then once I finished I had about an hour into this one. So I didn't want to rush myself in there in the 100 or so I said I'll delay

00:57:08 --> 00:57:15

until after the show and anytime we're gonna let you go with one condition two conditions actually that you make dua for US

00:57:17 --> 00:57:33

dollar Kiba steadfast and the second condition that you will virtually come back to our best again and physically come visit us at CMC Dotto here we're gonna enjoy the community here inshallah with the light

00:57:34 --> 00:58:01

Rocky Mountains in Rangel just Aquila here abdur-rahim And may Allah subhanaw taala protect you and your family keep us steadfast and may Allah subhana wa Tada make a lot of people benefit from your blood. I mean, may Allah subhana wa Taala gather us always in his path of obedience and upon the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam

00:58:02 --> 00:58:06

I love you for the sake of Allah my brother and stay safe

00:58:07 --> 00:58:12

hopefully if I don't see you again in this world I will see you in jannah inshallah.

00:58:15 --> 00:58:15

Rahim Salam

00:58:17 --> 00:59:02

aleikum South Africa to okay Brothers and Sisters in Islam that said that our special guest he was live with us you know he was live with us. Alhamdulillah Giselle Lakeisha Abdur Rahim. Brothers and Sisters in Islam. Please don't forget to like our Facebook page Imam Karima was eat don't forget also to like the to subscribe to the YouTube channel. This is how we're gonna get more people. Inshallah we're gonna try every Saturday to have special guests. For you in sha Allah also help us out if you can with you know, financials if you're able to inshallah Brothers and Sisters in Islam, just Aquila Farah, and I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow in sha Allah at five o'clock

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Mountain Standard Time. We're back to our original time. And tomorrow we have a short presentation on know your messenger series followed with Question and Answer in sha Allah. And I think the Skype should be working. We tested it already. And Sheikh Abdul Rahim was actually live on Skype. Does that Kamala Farah Have a blessed day as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Oh,

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