Abdur Raheem Green – Purpose of Creation 1
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The concept of "ingerental existence" is discussed, as it relates to the theory of evolution and the lack of rationality and knowledge. The segment also touches on the importance of creating a "ingerental" concept, as it is the only possible rational decision for humans. The segment ends with a discussion of the importance of worship and finding a way to forgiveness from God. The speakers emphasize the need for people to study and practice worship, as it is crucial for personal fulfillment.
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So, this question
What is it?
What is the purpose of life?
What is it?
What is the reason for it?
And in some way or another way
we find different religions,
many different philosophies
to provide answers
to these fundamental questions
we live in a society,
Western society
that in reality
is first and foremost, and essentially
secularists, society
advocates and propagates
the ideology, all materialism
and this materialistic ideology
is backed by
scientific theories
and in particular
the theory of evolution
the theory of evolution
tells us
that, we have our origin
a common ancestor with the
has a lot of other creatures
from this organic food
and this is what they used to back
then, for the men, according to
the human being according to this ideology is in fact, no more than an animal, an animal, but nonetheless
and everything else is explained in the context of that.
Similar similarly, according to them, the universe itself
is a product of some random events,
but it is a product of random events. So,
is the market the moment the reality is this idea that in reality, there is no God, there is no need for God, there is no judgment, there is no Hellfire, there is no paradise, that we in fact, in reality,
our whole existence is a poison.
The life has no real purpose and no real need a sense of purpose and the meaning that
you use when you seek shelter.
You die
one philosophy, one ideology
and atheism perhaps for the first time in human history,
atheism, perhaps the first time in human history has actually been
described as a world setting system.
That to some degree or another degree, people have always believed in the existence of a creator or creating v.
And the pure atheism
was something
during read
and this is what we mean
when we have to develop a conversation
To discuss
the atheistic ideology. And the idea is the concept or the understanding that there is a God, there is a creator, that the universe that life does have a special purpose
in the belief systems that believe in existence of God, there is no difference.
And we hope that we'll be able to examine some of these differences.
And we'll continue conclusions from
the arguments
against an argument,
the belief in the Creator, why, because this is going to be fundamental to explaining
the reason and the purpose
of our
strangely enough
to take the grounds
of rationality,
of science,
have a position where there is a lack of prejudice, whereas the believer is supposed to have
in fact that quite often
humans have
this there are reasons for saying that they
are emotional reasons, not rational reasons.
Like for example, well,
why there is so much suffering in the world?
What is the ultimate?
If there is a God? How do you have a natural disaster? And these diseases? And how come some people are crippled, but
it doesn't seem to be such a perfect world to me.
Rather, it seems to be
how do you have any natural disasters and these diseases and how come some people are critical and some people are born blind?
It doesn't seem to be such a perfect world to me.
Rather, it seems to be
chaos and confusion.
However, you will see the utility of explain
why these things are in fact, the main arguments not rational.
To do first and foremost is proof
that there must be a God that must be agreed
in the fact that the only possible rational decision that can be taken by a human being is that this universe and this was must have a religion.
And this must be
it cannot be more than one.
two different ways.
One way is we can avoid and the second is the main reason, all intelligence
and are
based upon intelligence.
And it's very simple.
The argument is profound in the
and Everything.
When it comes from method
come from
experience, something coming from loving.
In reality, the totality of human experience, it will be very hard to find any one
If something comes from nothing,
let alone a universe,
which is working and regulated, according to
this second possibility,
didn't create itself
couldn't have worked itself into existence in existence before.
Often within the creation
itself is part of the creation itself.
Human beings themselves need a creative
outlet for the rational mind.
People bring our
children, I can't see God.
Even something I can't see.
This is amazing.
People believe in a home.
They can't see, they can't see it, but
they love the effort of the neutrons and electrons.
There's a whole department of
it's in
the middle of the desert
was free, and there is no
single piece of pottery.
This all relates to
the state of knowledge, the technological ability
of the people who produce this piece of pottery, he'll be able to tell you
may not have had such and such amount of access and vote as you are
able to meet up at such and such temperatures. And to be able to play at
this level of knowledge of technology and,
and the writing and
the things about the civilization and the people that produced that piece of pottery without
cooperate actions.
The existence of this piece of pottery is absolute conclusive proof of the existence of the people is mainly essential of the level of technological ability,
the systemising
of the universe and the world in which we live, have to see the creator of
and our world and ourselves.
Learning according to such perfect
is a proof of the existence of the one who made
the sermon,
the planets, ourselves the animals, all of them have been created.
And that means that we need some some things to have organized for this. Since it is not possible. It is not possible.
It is not possible.
It is
a Swiss mathematician to charge
the probability of knowledge
and having a distance
and the
power of 265
millions of times bigger than the known universe and the length of time that
would have been 10 to the power of 160 times the length of the existence of the environment as we know
basically solutions that
use statistics they they have said that anything that is what is the power of one on one to 100 pack is So, important that they consider it impossible. So, how about technical devices that can be 265 01 protein
How about a child that has worked 1616 protein molecules, every single one of their own device simply use
a brain and a heart and kidneys
and all the other parts
functioning together in affection.
We look at the universe the world around us again
the work of chocolate is just unbelievable. There are so many things.
So, many of the laws of physics.
For example, caring upon which we are on the planet,
the planet
was closer to the sun, it was much closer to the sun
just happens to be
at the right speed
at the right speed, it goes
up into space it
will be sucked in
once every 24 hours.
Earth rotates on its axis once every five months.
And the other surfaces become super cool. And
yeah the gaps in our atmosphere
which happens to be able to filter out harmful effects of the sun's radiation
everything would be destroyed on this planet.
The composition of the atmosphere just happened to be of the right quantity of nitrogen and oxygen or carbon dioxide
depends on oxygen, but it was pure oxygen to oxygen.
It must be
to become a member of this club needs to breathe in carbon dioxide. It
was not that one.
So is it possible that these things are the product
he was once invited to a debate
by some atheists
but not right now.
And it will save you after the sunset. On the far side of Section section.
laid out,
laid out.
And essentially
they're supposed to be,
is supposed to be on time.
I didn't intend to be gay. But what happened was when I came to the river, I couldn't find
another down the river, and I couldn't find any 30 boats, couldn't find any bridge. So I sat down to work, what am I going to do, and then right in front of my eyes, this tree fell down and divided itself up into place, and then it popped out. And lo and behold, my eyes and soul was formed itself in the river.
You don't expect us to believe that students are like that. And
you want to believe
that the heavens and the earth and the creatures are caught up with some random event.
as you
the inner reality
is not allowed to believe anything else. The only thing?
You have to believe this, because we're human beings, with human beings, so you have to think like that.
You're welcome
the Congress.
How about disabled people?
that doesn't matter is not a good
idea that you have about one is probably the wrong one.
And most of the time, we're involved with discussions with people about this issue, we find that they have. They think that
what I'm talking about is Christianity. So
Christianity teaches
Christianity teaches our
individual interpretations of some features which may differ from what
Christianity teaches, and certainly the Bible says that God is love.
It says God is love.
And then
when the Christian is confronted by the question of the atheist will
likely play How can they service disease and how come there is so much suffering and how much how long there is service
and in this regard, the atheist has a genuine
because this is not compatible, one is not compatible with the other.
One is not compatible with
the isotope
that the creation of love is perfect. And the creator he is perfect.
And how do you explain that? How do we explain
and his creation creationist?
We explain that
by saying that the creation is not healthy,
in the sense that a lot
of knowledge in the absolute sense
is free from all imperfections in all wise, adjust
the model for the loving
and also the Smith
and when it
is just it is tough. It is tough. It's
not perfect in that sense. No
is perfect believe that the creation is perfect at doing what God has created,
is perfect.
So, then when we say,
once you understood the purpose of life, when you complain about death and suffering and
people that are born April that
all it shows is that you have failed to comprehend the purpose, that which God has created in the world.
It doesn't deny the reality of your creative existence,
it just shows that you have understood the reason
Islam teaches
that there is a purpose behind
The reality is that life is a test.
Night is a test
of the religion, this is the human
form of human beings, life is
a testing ground for the human being
is good and evil has LED
light and
darkness and light
How are you? Good.
How would you?
How would you
How would you
How would you go
and that is why we find in the world, the universe
we find it the way
we find this death, disease, there is poverty
there is there is health,
etc, etcetera, etcetera.
Because this is the meaning, which allows the panel Gada is testing
and it is also the moon through which
we learn the truth in the reality of the creative existence.
The use of is like a sign of
leading up to the confusion of the reality of the creator's existence.
And also some other things that I didn't understand about
observing the universe,
we know there must be one
and this is a simple
it is simple. First of all,
such organization could not possibly be the product of
two such places
they will have
each other and each one will
able to find such a
The second is that if we examine
the reasoning process that we used before,
and we said that everything in the universe has been the mean that everything in the universe has
something someone to do and to sustain it as
and then we can conclude that the one who
created a world into existence the universe cannot be the same as the universe
as the creation
of a creator
and the creator
of this
Looking for the one with the originator of
that creative market, that must be self sufficient.
That is why it's not possible.
And it is not reasonable.
And it is an open invitation for us to say that a man is not God.
Because it simply contradicts everything
about God is everything in reality that Scripture tells us about
the God is the infinite
man is
God and
God is
God condition
is self sufficient, whereas the human being, the creatures are dependent, they need food they need
axioms of that text together to the power of the
and the
of the reality of his existence.
God cannot be a man
of any religion or ideology or philosophy that tells you such and such man is God.
It must be
So, why is that?
And this now we have to talk about and if you haven't, already, we are looking at not only the primary about Christianity, because Christianity is a religion now that claims to believe in God.
If you find that Christianity
poses more questions
and one of the questions that I have found until today, no Christian is able to give you an Ansel is a simple question. Why does God allow a world in which there was
given the power to create the human beings
paradise forever, if we want to do
is love
around the world
these questions
because it conflicts with their ideology.
We find that the most beautiful,
the most beautiful art
since Christianity tells us that God
so they say
so and now.
Next to
us, there is no God.
Man, you need to do come down.
Now, how
but how are we supposed to seek forgiveness from God? Why is this
The existence of sin
allows us to understand something about the reality of
when he said
that he did not see
a lot of
you a lot of people who sell
Because God created us,
He created us
with a nature
that is natural
in a while
that we weren't inspired
by our standards,
the reality that is
confusing. As
soon as the
24 hour our sins
we learn
a lot.
And we design and we know how to punish losses and forgives us what
to do
about the mercy and the forgiveness
that is teaching us the purpose of life.
In fact,
about 10 years ago,
I was born
in a Roman Catholic,
my mother was originally proposed, and she wanted us to be effective.
I was put out in a Catholic, Catholic monastic School,
where we studied the Bible,
but for several different reasons
could not
I could not accept the claim that they said, marriage is the mother of love.
Because how could it be that a woman has no beginning and no end?
No self sufficient creator could have been born of a woman
then she must be God
the materialistic values
the virus being raised in my family
and I will say that I have an iPad
about perhaps, literally every single religion
I studied with
I read books about
and many different books about many different religions.
But there is only one
Well, I found the answer
to that question,
What is the reason for hours
hours it will be led
to the gym.
In this book,
the deal by
23 years
of unbroken chain of formal and written permission since the title of
the reason for which he was up against us.
Brothers and sisters, how can we ever How can we possibly reach certainty about the most important questions
How can we ever reach
a balance most important of all questions and
everything else in reality, you will understand
what they have is desperately, the materialists what they have is guesswork.
And the mystics have nothing except guesswork
gave us the system
tells us that this is the reason for which he created us, then we know this is the reason.
So, let me talk
that he has not created
the gym.
And that is the magnifying the human being the human of the
human being, except that we should choose
you want to worship God is that what is the person right. And that might be an understandable reaction from someone who is born out in the West with a very narrow concept of wisdom
to them. People in the West we have this idea that worship is going to the church on Sunday, or Friday
or Saturday, you know, celebrating Christmas or the Tunis, whatever it is, and a few rituals of worship.
term worship louder
in Arabic
is something
indeed, it's something more.
And one of the great scholars have said,
it is a media.
This word,
this word worship,
or this is more or less.
He said that his worship is everything which Allah, the creator of God, everything which around love. And
whether it is
the same, or the action,
a lot
of you
believe something,
if you believe,
if you believe
it is worship,
is worship. If you have
the speech, that Allah loves the love,
it is worship.
If you do the actions that
is worship.
So this is something more comprehensive. And
one of the companions of the Prophet Mohammed
his name was
teaches you everything, he will tell you how to go.
He said
we don't
have to know the direction.
And the when we have finished, we clean ourselves within the three stones.
Because as Muslims,
everything in my life can be either a worship for love or something other than that
purpose of life.
The purpose of existence is to make sure that all the things
that are
All your actions are
actions that improve
the system.
This is the
this is the way of jihad you hear this word jihad.
jihad is the jihad against yourself.
This is the struggle of life,
to make yourself a worshipper of love, and to meet the worst of the food.
Don't think that
our desires and our passions, other human beings, even