Abdullah Oduro – The Quranic Call Juz 16 – Jesus

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is not a conversation or interactions between speakers. It is a dialogue between two speakers. The first speaker is a woman named Shelley who describes her experience with the COVID-19 crisis and how it impacted her work. The second speaker, who is a senior executive in the company, talks about the company's recent developments and how they are responding to the pandemic. They discuss the importance of the pandemic and the potential impact on the economy and the need for people to stay home. They also mention the impact of the pandemic on the company's ability to attract and retain employees.], [The speaker discusses the impact of the pandemic on their company, specifically the impact on their recruitment and retention. They explain that the company is still recruiting for positions and that they are working to prepare for the pandemic. The speaker also mentions that the company is still recruiting for positions, but not as many as they had expected. They discuss the impact on their hiring practices and the potential for a return to normalcy
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh me the Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you all rehab reached Jews number 16, the 16th part of the Koran and I want to talk about the chapter of medium it has to lamb chapter number 19 verses number 3236. Allah subhana wa Taala talks about something that you will not find in the scriptures as we know with the Quran. There are some portions of the stories of the prophets that are within our Islamic scripture. And you will not find in other scriptures that concur with the presence and holiness of those prophets. This one is about Jesus Allah, his Sunnah Allah subhanho wa Taala brings forth the story of medium and how she with her

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righteousness was someone

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that was always devoted to worship. She was always devoted to showing gratitude to Allah subhanho wa Taala and she was always devoted to serving the house of Allah amongst the houses of Allah subhanho wa Taala to the degree where a lot of speaks about that we conceived her and gave her Jesus in her womb and then she delivered him but what I want to start off in this scene of this movie, if you will, is when she comes back to her people and she's holding a sign a Salaam, Jesus, peace of blessings be upon him.

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And she points to him. And then they said,

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they said oh, Marian, the cottage at Shea and fairy you will come with something unprecedented. Matt can abou camera so in mechanic's, omake Bahia Your father was not an evil man, nor was your mother someone that was immoral. For a shout out Elaine so she pointed to them all okay for no column woman can have in mind this idea. They said how can we speak to anyone that is in their cradle as a young boy, verse number 30. Father in the Abdullah he said Verily I am Abdullah atatiana ki taba. What Jana Nina BIA. So here is Jesus, Isa Allah is and I'm speaking as a young boy, a baby, not even a young boy, a baby slubby in his mad,

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she's holding him. And he speaks in the Abdullah. You won't find this in any other scriptures.

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That's the first thing. The second thing is that Isa, the first thing that comes out of the prophets mouth is that he is a servant and slave of God and He is not God.

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He said I am Abdullah. And Abdullah is the epitome of servitude in that name is the epitome of servitude, meaning that I am a servant and slave that that needs a master and my master is my Creator who is Allah. So the first thing that comes out of his mouth is to heat and then he says what add tiny and keytab but what Giada needs to be he has given me a book. And that is what scholars mentioned the Injeel

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what Giada need to be and made me a prophet what Jana name about a Canadian American to what also I need to sadati was a catty madam to here and he has made me bless it wherever I may be. And he is enjoying me with salats the prayer and giving the charity this other card is a catty magic to higher as long as I am with you.

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So here, Allah, he mentioned that Allah has appointed him as a prophet, that's the first establishment, he has given them a book to live by. And then on top of that, the contents of the book, he has made him blessing wherever he may be. So in other words, his his his presence of a prophet is adhering to the book that has been given to him the revelation. And as long as he does that, you will be blessed wherever he may be. And from being blessed, wherever you may be the actions of a blessing person is in joining in prayer. And then joining in giving back to what Allah has given you charity cicchetti, as long as you're with the people, we're about to run, be worried

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that he will immediately jab Baron Shaka, and he has made me righteous to my mother that I treat my mother with respect, because in that time, it has been mentioned that the better Israel that the Jews of that time, the women, the women would be littled. And they because they were weaker than the man was the perception that they were weaker than the men. So they were disregarded, they were second class. But here, this prophet, claims to be a prophet, look at what he's enjoying them to pray,

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to give charity. And he says in I am righteous to my mother, I am good to my mother, and wit does not make me an overbearing, miserable person. And as scholars mentioned, that the more you are overbearing, the more money

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miserable you are with shows that the people that are overbearing to their females or their family and to be little people. It's something that is of a miserable state. Well, let me get your knee jerk Bella Shaka Jani Allah omya Some scholars mentioned upon his mother was Salam O Allah Yama Willett to Yama mucho mo ba to higher, and peace be upon me. The day that I was born, the day that I will be taken, and the day that I will be raised up to Allah subhanho wa Taala Haiyan alive. So Isa here is speaking as a baby. The first thing that he mentions is that he is a man that he is a prophet that has been given a mission. And then he mentioned some of his responsibilities that are

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loss of kind of what Allah concludes here to remind you speaking to you now that you're a seven year old and haka lady v. m. Tarun, that is the aisyah and nobody that is Jesus listen of medium, the statement of truth in that which they all are you. They all are you was He's the Son of God or God or whatever the case may be. But that's the truth what he just said, that is the golden heart that they all argue about. then allow us with Allah confirms it here he says, Matt candelilla yet to hit the moon, well, I didn't. It is not for Allah to take a son

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Subhana globey to him and if you notice in the Quran, Allah uses the word Subhana

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as an answer or response to people that say that God has a son, or is like another form of escape, he always responds with suparna.

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Then last one Dallas's after that Matt Kennedy lay a few them in what is in some Hannah either Cabo Ameren for in America hula hoop Vokoun. If he wants anything to happen, happen, he will say be in it is within the law, how to be what a book, in fact will do. And verily, verily, Allah is my Lord and your Lord with that knowledge, fat will do worshipping has now said often was talking, that is the straight path. So we asked the last panel data to keep us on the straight path in which we ask him for in the chapter of the Fatiha at least 17 times a day, and remembering that the most important message was giving the most important right, and that right is worshiping Allah by himself, not

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saying that he is like his creation, not saying that he is at the level of his creation, or taking any of his creation over him and greater than him in any form of magnificence. May Allah Subhana Allah make us of those that are like a salesianum that we fulfill this message of the book that we are blessed wherever we may be, because we fulfill the laws of the religion. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Thank you.

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