Abdullah Oduro – Nightly Reminder 17-08-2024

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various parables and hadiths related to charity and religion. They use various examples and examples from the HayRx book as examples of the process of proving the statement. The process involves proving the existence of Allah's presence, giving and not wanting anything back, and investing in sadaqah. It is emphasized that everything on this earth is aware of Allah's presence and that giving and not wanting anything back can benefit individuals and bring them closer to Allah.
AI: Transcript ©
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Around someone and they tell you, just say

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this, and it's a lie. The fasting person,

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if they're fasting

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the authentic fast,

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they're not going to say things that Allah

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is not pleased with,

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nor are they going to do things that

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Allah is not pleased with. Right? So when

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you're around that person,

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you're going to, by default,

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be around a person that is of good.

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They're doing good things. They speak well of

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people. They they're very positive because they are

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fasting from those prohibited

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And even the fact that you're fasting from

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food and drink is a sign, Insha'Allah,

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with the intention that one could be, rewarded

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for that. Who remembers any hadith of the

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prophet we mentioned on this? One hadith.

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The hadith we mentioned.

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Whoever doesn't leave off what?

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Bad speech, ignorance, and acting upon it, then

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Allah is not what?

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Allah is not in need of? His hunger.

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I mean, you could say his hunger.

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being governed

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from it.

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Somewhat. Yeah. Then Allah is not in need

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of his his or her abstaining from eating

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or drinking.

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So now we're going to get to,

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the next portion of the hadith. It's a

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short portion,

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that we that we that we,

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part made parts in

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So he mentions this portion of hadith talking

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about tzedakah. He says that

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Yahya was telling the people, John was telling

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the people, and I order you to do

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charity, to give tzedakah.

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For really, the parable of that is a

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parable of a man that has been captured

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by his enemies,

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and they tied his hands to his neck.

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And then they proceeded to come close to

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him to

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chop his head off.

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And then he said, I will ransom myself

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for you for any amount.

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And then he was able to ransom himself.

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This is the parable. This is the likeness

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that he gives charity to a person that

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has his hand tied to his neck,

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and the enemy was going to come

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and chop his head off. And then he

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said, look, I'll give you as much

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and then they let him go.

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Right? So Ibn Al Qayyim says to this,

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He said this is also proof that it's

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proof is is is in its existence,

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and it's also when it's

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the fact that it takes place. And then

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he says,

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He's a for verily, and charity is

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a a a a a a magnificent or

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an amazing

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way in warding off the trials. Sadakah, charity.

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And then He says, walokanetz

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bin fajidin o min valem,

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even if this charity was from a disobedient

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person or an oppressor.

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Then he says, rhamdulillah,

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Bel min kafir.

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What did he say here?

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Even from a non Muslim.

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He says, for in Allah

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for really Allah

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repels with it from all types of,

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And this is an affair that is well

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known amongst the people,

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those that are that understand and the general

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folk as well.

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And he said all of mankind is well

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aware of this and affirm this because they

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have experienced

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And then he mentions the hadith of salallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, he said,

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And he said that verily the prophet said

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that verily charity

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relinquishes the anger of Allah of the Lord

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just as it repels

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the evil,

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the affliction.

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And this hadith is,

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is authenticated by Ibn Heban and it was,

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Hashem Ugharib

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and Atirmidi.

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And then he says

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He says just as

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it relinquishes the anger of Allah, sadaqa.

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He says it verily relinquishes

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the sins and the bad deeds just like

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water does to? Fire.

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And he says,

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that I was with the prophet he was

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And then I woke up and or I

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I I I became close to him. Like,

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during the travel journey, there was a portion

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where I was close to him.

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Or it could be,

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understood as and I woke up that day

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or I became close to him.

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And while we're traveling.

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The prophet's son asked him the rhetorical question.

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He said, shall shall I not guide you

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to that door of of the doors of

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good? He said, asomujuna.

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He said fasting is a shield.

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He said, and charity relinquishes

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the bad

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just as water eliminates and relinquishes

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fire. So Ibn Taym made that statement earlier,

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and then he gives us proof, and this

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is the the the manners and methodology of

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these scholars.

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And he said,

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And then he said, and the prayer of

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a man in the middle and the depths

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of the night is the characteristic or the

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sign of the righteous people.

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And then he mentions the verse,

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And I'm gonna ask all of you this

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question. So

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the prophet mentioned this hadith, and I wanna

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mention it one more time because I wanna

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see if we if we're able to be

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the tonight or the

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the people from Islamic law.

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The prophet said, shall I not guide you

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to our door from the shall I not

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guide you to the doors of good?

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And he said, fasting is a shield.

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And then

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he said,

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and charity relinquishes the evil just as water

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relinquishes fire or puts out fire

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or extinguishes fire. Right? He said,

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and the prayer

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of the man in the middle of the

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night is from the signs of the what?

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Righteous people. And then he recites the verse

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the the verse that speaks about the people

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that are righteous. He said, their sides

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are are separated from,

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their places of sleep, the places that they

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rest. Then what did they do? They call

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on their Lord

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in fear

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and in anguish

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from, and and from what we have provided

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from them, they spend.

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So this verse here, why did the prophet

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mentioned this verse and this context?

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What was the context for him to mention

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this verse?

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So what subject matter are we talking about

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now? What's the subject?

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Charity. Right? And charity was compared to be

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what? What was the comparison of charity?

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Okay. That's one of them that it protects

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us from the anger of Allah. And then

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charity also what?

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Wipes away with sins and Just like?

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fire where fire is extinguished as well. Exactly.

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No. Just like fire extinguishes

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And then he mentioned that verse, that the

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sides of the righteous people are separated from

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their laying their places of of rest.

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Right? And they call on their lord in

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of him, and from what we have given

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them, they they they spend.

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Why is this verse important in this context?

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It's a proof. It's an argument. It is

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Okay. The the and the people of the

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people of Islamic law, this is the process

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of of extracting a ruling from a proof.

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The first thing is they have a proof.

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And then they say, okay. Is every word

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in this verse the proof? No.

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But the context of the verse could be

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the proof.

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But then they get more deeper. They say,

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okay. Where in this verse

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is the highlighted portion that establishes our argument?

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I'm just giving you a process of Islamic

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You understand what I'm saying? So for example,

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if I say

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that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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no. That everything on this earth knows Allah.

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Every single thing on this earth knows Allah.

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And then somebody says, what's your proof? I

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say the first verse of Surat Al Fatiha.

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All praise is due to Allah, lord of

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the worlds.

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Okay. Where is the proof in this?

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Not Alhamdulillah.

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For the Alem Alem Alemene

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can mean a sign,

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and what scholars say, Alemene from in.

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So everything on this earth is aware of

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Allah's presence.

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So the highlighted portion they call it is.

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This is step 2.

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What is your argument from this? Okay. You

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told me this portion of the verse. What's

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your proof? What's your This is where the

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scholarly exercise comes verse. What's your proof? What's

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your this is where the scholarly exercise comes

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in. What I just told you. Allah said,

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Alamin. Alamin means knowledge or the that things

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that have knowledge, which is a sign, which

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is translated to mean the worlds.

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So when we say that, Allah is its

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So it is well aware of Allah being

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its lord.

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So that's the argument to establish

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the proof. So this is the process that

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scholars go through. So if I say, Allah

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said, I

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say prayer is obligatory.

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You say,

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is an imperative verb. It's an order to

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do the salah. So, therefore, that's the process

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they go through. Just for you to go

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you know, a small example of how scholars

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extract proof. So here, he says their sides

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are they they they they they were removed

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from their mattresses or their places of rest.

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They call on their lord in fear, and

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from what we have given them, they spend.

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Where's the highlighted portion in this verse?

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The message

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they spend that they spend.

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Yes. That they spend. Okay. Continue. Who but

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but who?

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The ones that spend are the ones that

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do what?

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kinds of people do?

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The Fajr? The disobedient person? The righteous. The

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righteous person. Because this verse is talking about

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Ibad al Rahman.

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Right? So that's how you establish a proof

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in Islam, in this

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way. So that's why the prophet

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used this verse

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to explain, look, there's special kind of people

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that do this. Not everyone does this.

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Right? So we are talking to people, will

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I give salakah?

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Why? You know who gives salakah?

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The people that pray in the middle of

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the night.

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How do you know?

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Allah said in the Quran.

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Right? Then you establish the proof. So even

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so the prophet

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mentions this verse, and this is all to

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show the virtue

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of sadaqah of giving. And in conclusion, sadaqah

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is very, very beautiful because

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what is so beautiful about sadaqah is

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you give and you what? You don't what?

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You don't expect what?

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A tax return. I'm sorry. You don't expect

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Now you don't give it to be

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The fact I'm giving you something and I'm

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expecting to be

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given back That'd be alone. Right? It wouldn't

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be sadaqa. Right? But if sadaqa If you

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expect something from sadaqa, when would it be?

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Like the

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In the next life.

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So sadaqa could be a form of investment.

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When? For what?

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It could be an investment.

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So when one does a fundraiser

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I'm about to get deep here and it

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may it may it may hit some people.

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Are we ready?

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If one gives charity because of the tax

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return and that is their motivation,

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I know we've never heard of this before.

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Let me just tell you what happens, and

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I know none of you have never heard

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of this before. None of you have never

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heard of this before. There are people on

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the earth.

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Right? There's people. I've heard this before.

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Right? They give charity at a fundraiser

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and a lot of money because they're gonna

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get it back. I know you don't believe

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me. I know you don't believe me. This

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is why they give it.

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Okay? But some people give it

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because they want reward from Allah Subhan. They

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don't care if they're going to see it

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in this land. They don't care if their

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name is mentioned. That's not their motivation.

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And getting a tax return is good, but

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they're just gonna get that back and go

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get charity again.

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So it all goes back to that first

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hadith that is in books of hadith, which

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is what?

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That verily actions are judged by intentions.

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When you give something

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and the the framework of it is to

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give and not want anything back,

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not want anything back, that is the truth

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of the call. And in this particular case,

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it will serve as water that extinguishes the

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fire of

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sin, and it will extinguish the anger of

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So that is what

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Ibn Uqayim is mentioning here, particularly in this

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portion of the hadith.

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May Allah make us of those that are

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sincere, whether we're giving a dollar or $100

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or $1,000 in anything that we give. May

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Allah make the inhabitants of any salakat that

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we give that which benefits them and brings

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them closer to Allah by understanding his man

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of risk of provisions.

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It's a proof.

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