Abdullah Oduro – Nightly Reminder 11-03-2024

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The speakers discuss the significance of hadiths and their use in obtaining power, with a recitation of the Prophet's Supplication and the American Supplication being universal. They also discuss the importance of remembering the god's guidance and actions in one's life, with a recitation of the Arabic Supplication as a universal belief. The discussion ends with a quiz and a discussion about a designation for a gray area.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful.
May Allah open my heart and grant me
my command.
And I say, My tongue has been perfected.
My speech, O Lord of the worlds, is
The author, may Allah have mercy upon him,
said in his book, Riyadh al-Saliheen, in
the chapter of Amr, with his supplication and
his favor, a statement and a sentence from
his supplications, peace be upon him.
Abu Zakariya Yahya bin Sharaf al-Nawawi says
in his book entitled The Guardians of the
Righteous, in the chapter of The Divine Command
to Invoke Allah and Some Special Sunnah Supplications.
And Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her,
said, The Messenger of Allah, may Allah be
pleased with him, used to avoid supplications and
used to invoke other than that.
Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, narrated
that the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with
him, liked comprehensive supplications and discarded others.
And there is another hadith about Anas, may
Allah be pleased with him, who used to
invoke the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with
him, O Allah, grant us a good life
and a good hereafter and save us from
the punishment of the Fire.
A Muslim added to his narration, And Anas,
if he wanted, would invoke a supplication that
he invoked.
And if he wanted, he would invoke a
supplication that he invoked.
So the first hadith, as we mentioned, the
Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him, is
on the authority of Aisha, may Allah be
pleased with her.
And Aisha was who?
The wife of the Prophet, may Allah be
pleased with him.
And the second hadith is narrated by Anas,
Ibn Malik.
And Anas, Ibn Malik, was who?
A companion.
He was a young Ghulam that was given
by his mom to the Prophet, may Allah
be pleased with him, that stayed with the
Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him, and
served him.
So why is this important?
Both of them are close to the Prophet.
Well, yes, they're both companions.
So anything related from companion, the companion is
definitely Thaqa, up there.
But as you mentioned, they're always around the
Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
So when it comes to the duas he
would make, they would probably be the most
acquainted with what he would say in every
Like what he would say around the house,
what he would say when he's prostrating in
salah in the middle of the night, like
Aisha mentioned.
Ya muqallibul quloob, what?
That hadith is narrated on Aisha.
Because when they were asleep, she was searching
for him, and then she found, she touched
the bottom of his foot, and she heard
him saying Ya muqallibul quloob, and he was
praying tahajjud.
So these duas, the first one is Aisha,
she said, the Prophet, used to like making
comprehensive supplications.
And then in parenthesis it said, short supplications
which were comprehensive in their meaning.
And discarded others.
So he wouldn't make long, extensive, specific dua.
Oh Allah, I want the gold house in
Jannah with 16 steps.
Or excuse me, 17 steps because you love
the odd numbers.
And in Jannah, I want champagne because I
left off champagne.
No, just short, comprehensive dua.
And what's beautiful is that the hadith right
after it is Anas, and Anas was a
young man that was around the Prophet and
would live with him.
He said, the supplication most often recited by
the Prophet was Our Lord, give us in
this world that which is good, and in
the hereafter that which is good, and save
us from the punishment of the fire.
So this is an example of what?
Comprehensive dua.
And Imam Nomi mentions in a narration by
a Muslim, Sahih Muslim.
It's a book called Sahih Muslim.
All the hadith in this book are authentic.
It is added that whenever Anas supplicated, he
used to beseech Allah with this supplication.
And if he made any other, he included
So whenever he would make supplication, Allah says,
Or he would say that, and he would
say another dua along with it.
So he would always say it.
Because the Prophet, as he mentioned, would always
He said, He would supplicate with this the
So, why is this dua comprehensive?
It comprises of the dunya and the aakhirah.
And those are the only two forms of
Existence of the human being.
Of the human being.
That they're going to be in the dunya,
or the aakhirah.
And Allah says, So what's three examples of
For example.
For example.
So give us the good in this life,
such as Salah.
What's even deeper than that when we say
Let's go a little deeper.
Give us the khushu' in the Salah.
Even though you said Salah, we understand you
know, hasanah is Salah, and the khushu' is
Okay, what's another one?
We said, Oh Allah, give us good in
this life.
Don't lay on your stomach.
Allah says, Oh Allah, give us good in
this life.
So one good thing in this life that
Allah has given us is the Salah.
But hold on.
You chose to do the Salah.
How did Allah give it to you?
You chose to do the Salah.
How did Allah give it to you?
He gave us the what?
The guidance to do what?
To what?
To remember Him and to get up to
make the intention and also the action, the
So the intention, the decision, and then to
get up to, like just now, you came
up, you left the house to go and
That's hasanah.
Then you came and prayed.
There were people that probably intended to pray,
but then they were distracted, and then they
stayed on their balance sheet, they stayed on
the internet, they stayed on their phone, they
stayed eating with their family.
They stayed doing something halal, but there was
something that's much better, coming to the masjid
and praying.
Okay, that's hasanah.
What's another one?
Okay, give us hasanah, and hasanah could be
the pious children.
The pious children.
What's an example of pious children?
What would pious children do?
Hold on.
What would pious children do?
Uh, not be on their phone?
Not be on their phone?
They won't go on electronics.
I'll take that.
They won't go on electronics.
So they don't call their mama when they
need mama to pick them up from the
masjid, because it says no electronics.
He doesn't ask uncle for the phone because
it says no electronics.
I understand what you're saying.
They don't go on electronics and do what?
Play games.
Okay, what's another example of a what's the
third example?
So we have salah, righteous children.
What else?
Give us hasanah, give us what?
Good parents, you mean?
Or what?
Pray for them.
Okay, that's what the pious children would do,
What did the prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam say
about the three things that will continue after?
Is that there's a waladun salihu yadir Allah.
That will continue after you die.
The righteous child that prays for you.
So the third hasanah.
What's one more hasanah?
And then we'll conclude.
Oh, okay.
That was everything.
Yes, yes, yes.
Right, right.
So, yes.
So, rizq and hasan, give us hasanah, give
us a good job, a good halal job,
a good halal means.
And then another hasanah is after I get
this halal money, I do what?
I give it to those in need.
Because you could have been miserly.
Or you could have been careless and said,
wallahi, we're in the dunya, it's so hard
here in America.
It's so hard.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala ghafurur rahim.
I give me a good job.
Allah knows I'm trying.
I tried for two weeks.
I tried for six months, couldn't find a
halal job.
I have to do what I have to
I have a family to take care of.
Allah knows.
The hasanah is where you stick through it.
The intention.
You continue on.
And you ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
in the beginning, in the middle, in the
Even when you find a good job.
You ask him, give me the intention.
Preserve me in this.
Preserve my family.
Rizq and hasanah.
Allahumma as'aluka ilman naafi'an wa rizqan
tayyiban wa amalan mutaqabbalan.
So those are three.
Dunya hasanah.
So then we say, we have the dunya
hasanah wa al-akhirat hasanah.
And due to time inshallah, we will conclude
But this is where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said give us in dunya hasanah
wa fil-akhirat hasanah.
This is an example of comprehensive dua.
Because hasanah, khalas.
I don't have to explain what the hasanah
is here and there.
And then al-akhirat hasanah, khalas.
Give me good in this and give me
good in that.
And then save me from the penalty of
the azab an-naar.
So this is an example of comprehensive dua.
And this is from the fiqh of the
sheikh, the muallif, the author of imam an
-naar, because he gave you an example right
after that.
Comprehensive dua such as this one.
So inshallah may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
make us of those that continue particularly with
this dua.
Just one small quiz.
One small quiz question.
When is this dua said?
Is there a particular time that one can
make this dua?
You can make it in general.
Yes, because Anas would always make dua of
this person.
But there was a particular situation where he
would make this dua in particular.
You're close.
Now you're far.
Y'all are getting closer.
It has to do with taqawah, it has
to do with tawaf, it has to do
Who remembers?
It has to do with the Ka'bah,
it has to do with tawaf.
When you are at the rukun yamani, the
last rukun before the black stone, Right?
They call it rukun yamani because the Ka
'bah has four corners.
When you're at the corner before the black
stone, that's called rukun yamani because it faces
The Prophet shallallahu alaihi wa sallam would make
this dua from rukun yamani to the black
Arabic Arabic This is what he would make
this dua.
I don't know.
I looked at some of the shura.
I don't know why he would make that
dua at that particular time, at that particular
Why rukun yamani?
Let me explain.
I looked for the reason why.
I couldn't find anything.
Arabic Arabic Arabic
Arabic This is what he used to say
the most.
It's mutlaq, whenever.
But I don't know if it's muqayyid.
I mean look, if it's general, khalas.
You can make it anytime in a situation.
You can complete an ibadah with a complete
Which one?
This one?
I don't...
What's the complete dua though?
Ah, I don't...
I mean Allah Allah.
Allah Allah.
I mean if one says you complete this
dua, you complete a dua you're making with
this one, or if you complete an action
with this one, it'll be a complete comprehensive
action of ibadah.
Allah Allah.
I don't know anything about that.
And to make a designation for that is
a gray area.
That's my humble opinion.
If you say this and then you...
That's where it goes into a gray area
and it falls into bid'ah.
And Allah SWT knows best.
Arabic Arabic