Abdullah Oduro – Nightly Reminder 01-12-2024

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The importance of ShaykhENTiy's contentment in shaping behavior is discussed, including bringing light to people's hearts and bringing joy to them. The Nour of the Earth, the light that causes success and misery, is also emphasized. The importance of belief in Allah's Nour and holding it in one's life is emphasized, along with the shaping of one's life based on spiritual presence. The speaker emphasizes the importance of making decisions based on the spiritual presence of Allah in their life.
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We continue, we were speaking about Shaykh Ibn
Qayyim was speaking about Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah.
When Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah was speaking about the
virtue of dhikr and how he had contentment
in his heart because of the remembrance of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And before when he was talking about in
the thirty-fifth or thirty-fourth, thirty-fourth
benefit of dhikr is that it is when
one is continuous, then it saves them from
forgetting about Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, which
the forgetfulness of Allah can cause them to
forget themselves.
And then he mentioned, Alhamdulillah ta'ala, the
statement of Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah when he said,
أنا جنتي في صدري that heaven is in
my heart.
If I was to be jailed, then that
would be خلوة.
And if I was to be expelled, then
that would be a رحلة, that would be
a سياحة.
So it was showing his contentment in any
situation, whatever situation he's put in, he's content
and he's okay with it.
And that's where Ibn Taymiyyah speaks a little
more about him.
He even says here, I'm not going to
translate, but he just mentions here in portions
of it how whenever we were down and
we were sad, we would go to him
and he would liven our hearts because of
his optimistic attitude.
Even though he was in he was jailed
and he was exiled and he was held
captive, he was always positive.
So Ibn Al-Qayyim moves on to the
next portion.
He says, Alhamdulillah ta'ala, الخامسة والثلاثون أن
ذكرى يسيل العبد وهو قاعد He continues on,
he says, Alhamdulillah ta'ala, أن ذكرى نور
للذاكري في الدنيا والنور له في قبره ونور
له في معاده يسعى بين يديه على الصراط
فما استنارت القلوب والقبور بمثل ذكر الله Ibn
Al-Qayyim, he says here that dhikr of
Allah is a light for the one that
remembers him in this life.
It is a light.
It is a nur.
ونور في قبره and is a light in
his grave.
ونور له في معاده and is a light
upon his return.
ويسعى بين يديه and it will illuminate in
front of him when he is on the
And the Sirat, he's going to speak about
The Sirat is in a long hadith of
the Prophet, it is a structure that is
present on the day of judgment where the
believers or all of the all the human
beings will go in front of the Sirat
and it will be pitch black.
It will be dark.
And under the Sirat is Jahannam.
And the Sirat, as the Prophet described it,
is as thin as a follicle, a hair
And it is very sharp.
It is very sharp.
And on the sides of it are prickly
That one side of it is wide and
the other side of it is narrow.
And he compared it to a prickly thorn,
I think he said it is in Philistine,
if I'm not mistaken.
It's not Philistine, it's another country he mentioned.
He gave an example of it.
But he's going to talk about it here.
And based on the illumination of their Noor,
they will cross over the Sirat.
They will cross over this bridge.
The Sirat is a bridge and the bridge
is over the Jahannam.
And some of them will go as quick
as lightning.
Some of them will go as quick as
Some of them will go as quick as
Some of them will slip and fall.
Some of them will be drug over.
And the illumination is based on their Iman.
Some of the Noor, the light will be
like a shining sun.
Some will be like a star.
Some will shorten out.
He mentioned some will come on and come
off by the size of their fingerprints.
He's going to speak about it.
In any case, he says, And he says,
He says in the hearts, the hearts and
the graves will be lightened.
There's no illumination except with the mentioning of
Basically, that is what will give it its
illumination and its light.
And he says, Surah
Al-An'am, verse 122.
So he mentions a verse that's in the
chapter of An'am.
He says, Is the one that is dead
and we have given him life.
And we have made a light for him
that he walks between mankind with this light.
This light that we have given him when
his heart was dead.
We liven his heart and he walks amongst
mankind with this.
Is this person the same as the one,
The one that is in darkness.
And he will not be excused from it.
He will not be taken out of it.
Is this one similar to the latter?
It's a rhetorical question to show that this
one is not like the latter.
The one that his heart was dead and
we have given him light.
Is he similar to the one that, The
one that is in the darkness and does
not leave that darkness.
So Ibn Qayyim says here.
So the first one is the believer.
Is the believer that has been given this
illumination and light.
Because of what?
It is the faith.
It is the belief in Allah.
It is the mentioning of Allah that increases
their faith.
That's what gives them the Noor.
And depending on their severity or intensity of
their remembrance.
Will increase the what?
The Noor.
Increase the light, right?
That's the first one that he mentioned.
That he walks amongst mankind with the light.
And then he says.
He is the one that his heart has
been illuminated by the Iman.
Or has illuminated because of the Iman, the
faith, and the love of Allah.
And knowledge of Allah.
And his mentioning of Allah.
And the other is the negligent one.
The heedless one on Allah.
The one that turned away from his remembrance.
So these are two different people.
So the one that loves Allah.
Tries to come closer to Allah.
Tries to know Allah.
That will increase the light for them.
And the one that is opposite.
They will be in darkness.
And then Ibn Qayyim says.
He says.
The concern of all concerns.
And the success of all successes is in
that light.
It's in that light.
And then he says.
He said.
And the misery of all miseries.
Is in the loss of that light.
What is the light again brothers?
What is the light?
Is a symbol of?
So what is this saying?
About the importance of Iman.
And the lack of it.
So if there is no Iman.
There is no light.
And there is no light.
There is darkness.
Literally and figuratively.
And he's going to talk about that.
So when we talk about figuratively.
What's some kind of light that the Iman
gives you?
For example.
Like in this life.
The Nour of Iman.
What does it give you?
That it doesn't give someone that doesn't have
the Nour.
Following the religion.
Teaching them Islam.
So it gives you the understanding.
That this life is temporary.
And you have to what?
Go back.
But someone that may not have the Nour.
May have that as well.
May not understand that.
Everyone knows life is temporary.
Iman and Belief in Allah.
Iman and Belief in Allah.
But what?
Like give me an example.
Because of that belief.
What are some things that they believe.
And the belief was because of the Nour.
Their actions because of the Nour.
The remembrance of Allah.
So for example what?
Such as what?
This is one primary action.
There are people out there that are not
They don't care about praying.
There are people out there that are Muslim.
And they don't care about praying.
There are people out there that are Muslim.
And they know that praying is supposed to.
But they're not.
For example.
So the remembrance of Allah.
The Zikr of Allah SWT.
Is acting upon that Nour.
Even before that.
The Nour of feeling the importance to do
And the importance is there.
Because you hold Allah and his deen important.
Because you love Allah.
You love Allah.
You know Allah.
And because of that.
It motivates you to do the action.
All of that is the Nour.
You see it.
It is as though you see it.
And the one that has the darkness.
They can't even see.
How many of us have relatives or friends.
Like I don't know how they don't see
this clear.
I used to work in the OR.
In the operating room.
I used to talk to physicians.
How do you not believe in God?
Like you see this.
Anatomy is how?
There was one doctor.
He died because he smoked so much.
General Surgeon.
He smoked so much.
And he sees all this.
He come in smelling like smoking.
Like all of these signs.
And you smoking.
You die from a cheeseburger.
From a cigarette.
Like all of these signs you see.
And the darkness is just layers.
Layers of darkness.
Because what causes those layers of darkness.
Is the Hawa.
The desires.
They don't even fight it.
They let it take over.
And the Shaytan.
Shaytan is their Sultan.
Do you understand?
That's what this Noor is.
Ibn Qayyim.
That's why he says.
The affair of all affairs lies in this.
This is the seed.
This is the anchor.
Iman and Allah SWT.
And he says.
In his hair.
In his hearing.
In his sight.
And from above him.
And from below him.
And from his right.
And from his left.
And behind him.
And in front of him.
So that he says.
And make me a light.
So this is in Muslim.
So Ibn Qayyim he mentions.
And the Prophet SAW.
Used to exceed.
Or be expressive.
Or exaggerate.
In his question to Allah SWT.
When he would ask him.
To make in his flesh.
In his bones.
In his nerves.
In his hair.
In his skin.
In his hearing.
In his seeing.
Above him.
Under him.
On his right.
On his left.
Behind him.
And in front of him.
Until he just said.
And make me Noor.
Do we know this Dua?
When the Prophet SAW would leave his house.
He would say.
Oh Allah.
He said.
Oh Allah.
Make everything he just said.
Ibn Qayyim mentioned.
This is an exact Hadith.
Of the Prophet SAW.
And it is in Muslim.
To the degree.
That he just said.
Oh Allah.
Make me Noor.
Bless Noor.
In all of these things.
So he asked Allah SWT.
Asked his Lord.
To make.
For him.
In himself.
The appearance.
And the hidden.
Or that which is.
Outer and inner.
To make Noor.
In all of these situations.
And to make it.
Surround him.
In all directions.
And to make his.
That of light.
To make his.
That of light.
In here he says.
And then.
The religion of Allah SWT.
Is Noor.
It's light.
And then he says.
And his book.
What is his book?
The Quran.
And his book.
Is light.
And the abode.
That he has prepared.
For the Awliya.
The Awliya.
Or who?
Who are the Awliya?
The ones whom Allah SWT loves.
When Allah is blessed.
And he has made.
For these people.
A glowing light.
And Allah SWT.
Is the Noor.
Is the Noor.
Of the heavens and the earth.
And from his names.
Is Noor.
And the darkness.
Is dispelled.
By the light.
Of his face.
So we'll conclude here.
Ibn Qayyim.
He's talking about the Noor.
He continues to talk about.
We'll talk about it.
On Sunday.
So Allah.
Ibn Qayyim here.
Is talking about.
How the.
Zikr of Allah SWT.
Is that which.
Can bring forth this Noor.
Of the believer.
Because as was mentioned.
Mentioning Allah SWT.
Reminds you of Allah.
And reminds you of his Deen.
And it brings life to the heart.
Because when you remember him.
You mention him.
Just as you remembered Allah.
To get in your car.
To come here.
You remembered Allah.
To get in your car.
To come here.
That is a remembrance of Allah.
When you walk in.
Mentioning Allah.
Allahu Akbar.
Mentioning Allah.
Mentioning Allah.
Allahu Akbar.
Mentioning Allah.
Mentioning Allah.
All of this.
In a matter of five minutes.
So if you look.
Even in the wisdom of the Sharia.
How within the Salatul Jama'ah.
You mention Allah's name.
So many times.
Just imagine.
If we were to make the effort.
Our strongest.
Our best effort.
Five times a day.
Just five.
How many times would you mention the name
of Allah?
You make the effort.
And you have your undivided attention.
What would that do to your heart?
When you leave the Masjid.
And you go back to work.
That Noor is surrounding you.
That is what we're talking about here.
That is the Noor.
That is in the seed.
The seed.
That is the affair.
That is what is most important.
And that is why the Sharia.
The Deen of Islam was brought for you.
Is for you to know Allah.
And to continuously come closer to Him.
Through what He has legislated.
And when you try that.
That is what will establish.
And keep the Noor in our hearts.
Inshallah Ta'ala.
And one way of doing that.
Is Dhikr of Allah.
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Which could be what we just all mentioned.
Or it could be specifically.
Mentioning Him.
His name by our tongues.
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.