Abdullah Hakim Quick – The War Against Muslim Women

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of speaking out against Islam and the need for a thorough analysis of one's actions. They also touch on the negative impact of Islam on women and men, including the use of light strikes and the loss of women rights. The importance of cooperation and empowerment for Muslim individuals is emphasized, as it is crucial for solving problems such as poverty and schools. The need for physical training and education for Muslim professionals is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yeah levena

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Dona Wella boom

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boom de Ballina de

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Dena visa

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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smilla rahmanir. Rahim al hamdu. lillahi Rabbil alameen wa takim Willard wanna Illa Allah aalameen washerwomen la ilaha illallah wa sallahu la sharika wa shadow under Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa la he was happy woman da da da what he was standing up he soon knotty Illa Yama Dean was Southern Sleeman, kathira.

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A My bad.

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All praises are due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

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And surely the best reward is for those who have Taqwa.

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And surely there is no animosity, except for the oppressor.

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And I bear witness that Allah is one and has no partners, that Mohammed the son of Abdullah, is a servant and his last messenger. May Allah always and constantly send peace and blessings to Mohammed, and to his family, and his companions, and all those who call to his way, and establish his son, to the day of judgment

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as to what follows

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when the armies of Islam

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had conquered

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the Mediterranean islands,

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it was a great day of cheer.

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The Muslims would join us law had given them victory in a place that they never thought that they would reach.

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And as the armies moved around in happiness, they found one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a Buddha, while the other one

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they found him bitterly crying, Becca buka and mudra.

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And they came to him and they said, Yeah, about da da. Why are you crying? Allah has given us victory. Laws opened up these lands and he answered

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These people have disobeyed Allah.

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And he has given us authority over them.

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And I fear the day would come when we would disobey a law, and he would give them authority over us. So that's about Delta rhodiola. One,

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this day has surely arrived.

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Or you believe

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Muslims are at the crossroads.

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And in few times in history, have there been such contradictions in front of us.

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Such a vast oma,

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so much potential.

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So many young prepared strong men, intelligent strong women.

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But yet, such defeat on the ground,

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confusion, humiliation.

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And although the oma is rising, for many people, who don't necessarily have that full perspective, to realize that we are coming up, we're coming out of a low point in our cycle. For many people, it's hard to deal with this contradiction.

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And so we need to have an honest analysis.

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And we need to speak to each other in sincerity.

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And so I want to speak to you tonight not as a great scholar of Islam, not as a movement leader, not as a Mufti, but as a brother, who has been in the field for 20 years,

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and has seen lived with the with the problems of the Muslims.

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And looking at history, and seeing the condition Muslims are in today.

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I seek refuge in the words of Allah subhana wa Taala. When he tells us a little bit about him in a shaytani regime, yeah, you have Latina Armando taco la wakulla Colin sadita you slay America. We have a fella from Zoo Nobuko will may UT la hora Sula, who Professor fosun azima. O, you who believe have the consciousness of Allah, and speak a straightforward word, he would repair your deeds, and forgive you of your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, has surely gained a mighty triumph.

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And so I speak to you tonight, not just from the mind, but from the heart. And we need to speak to each other as brothers and sisters, as people in the same family,

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and to speak about our Islam from the ground up.

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And not necessarily from the high echelons from the ivory towers. And then we look down on the people

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because the Muslim masses, and the majority of the Muslims

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are looking for a savior.

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And there's a strange phenomenon that is going on today.

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that in some cases, we find Muslims victorious on the ground. We see Allah subhanaw taala opening up victories for them in these times. But the question is now and we will all make an all of us may have to face this.

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What is after the victory, my battle fat

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after the enemy has been defeated,

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and we have to deal with ourselves,

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then the real war has begun.

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And so despite the fact that the western press

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and the history books have targeted Muslims

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as the new enemy and are trying to make a clash with us, in a clash of civilizations, despite the fact that they have focused on Muslim women, as one of the groups

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and have attacked the wearing of the hijab

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despite this fact,

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I believe strongly that we have to look inside of ourselves.

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Allah tells us in the law allow you to be comin, what are you a human being?

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law will not change the condition of people until they change that which is in themselves.

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And so we reflect tonight as we have in the last few days.

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And the theme that we are constantly hearing change ourselves. We are constantly hearing that Allah subhanaw taala has told us ooh Billahi min ash shaytani regime? Yeah, are you hella Dina Armando taco

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La whelton Donaldson mapa de

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la Ilaha Byrum de matar I'm alone. Well, that's a coup nucala Dena nessa la ha, dancehall and fossa home, hula ikkaku facetune. O you who believe have the consciousness of Allah and let every soul look to what it has put forward for tomorrow and fear Allah. Surely Allah is well aware of all that you do,

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and be not as those who forgot Allah. And so he made them forget themselves. Surely, they are the disobedient ones. They forgot Allah subhanaw taala. Allah gave them victory. Allah gave them authority over the weak in their own families, in their own community. And they forgot their responsibility.

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And so the victory, although it was sweet,

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could actually turn bitter.

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And so we need to look at some of our internal practices.

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And I want tonight to open up one of the veils, and to go behind the veil of our homes, into our private life,

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into the very relationship between the men and the women of Islam.

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Because the home is the face of Islam, if we do not have strong homes that support the masjid, the central part of our community,

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then we have no future.

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If the home is not strong, the children won't be strong. If the children are not strong, we don't have leadership for the future. And so we need to be honest with ourselves and open with ourselves.

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We forgot a lot.

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I was traveling in one of the Muslim countries.

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I won't say which one it is.

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And I was traveling with brothers and we came by some addresses, Medallia's Islamia. So hamdulillah the young people are learning to read the port and they are learning Tafseer they learning Hadid who is studying in the schools, and they said the boys and I said Is there a school for the girls?

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They said No, No, No brother Abdullah.

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The more knowledge they get is the more problem you have.

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So they said

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so wait a minute.

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What religion is this? What are you talking about?

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When what I understood is that when Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, are you hella Dina Manu,

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he is talking to male and female.

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He's not only talking to males. So any, if any Hadith, which is directed to the believers as a jamaa is directed to male and female.

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And when the prophet SAW Selim has told us tolerable in Florida call the Muslim, that seeking knowledge is fostered. It is compulsory on all Muslims, then that includes females.

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What religion is this? I recall the fact that our issue of the law one have

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a number of studies

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and that if we look into our Islamic traditions, and we go to the books of Hadith, then after a short time, you will come to her name as one of the reporters, the second most Hadith 2210 Hadith reported by a woman

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and she also became one of the leading scholars at the time, even great Sahaba would come to her for information and analysis.

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I also recalled that according to a shalabi Nafisa, a descendant of Ali rhodiola, one was such a great authority of traditions that he mama Shafi learned from her in unfill start at the height of his fame,

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and that Kareem have been admitted as murder was he was a transmitter, an interpreter for Sahih al Bukhari.

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One of her pupils, a person who learned from her was aloha cheap al Baghdadi Rahim Allah.

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I also recalled that even a circuit of famous Hadeeth transmitter had over 80 women eight out amongst his highest regarded scholars

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and that in

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I'm assuming

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that many of the great ima of Islam would put women in their Silsila in their chain of knowledge as a person who they would refer to, for those who are above them in knowledge of her deep knowledge of Tafseer

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and that Fatima with Malika bananas. May Allah have mercy on them both was a famous student of Al Motta.

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And you can go on and on, and list the women who have made valuable contributions to Islamic education.

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Islam empowers people, it empowers the first generation, it empowered the second generation, it empowers the third generation, it empowers the great scholars of Islam. How now? Could we be disempowering people

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in the name of Islam?

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We forgot a law

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in one Muslim country, and I am reporting to you directly from the community that I was involved in before

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the testimony from the women of this nation and I won't say which nation so one is against the other.

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But in this live to report, the women said, we were taught that you cannot enter Paradise, unless you get beaten by your husband.

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You can enter Paradise, which religion is this? What sooner are you talking about? When the Providence element is recorded, never struck any of his wives? You want to do so now?

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What you do solar rockets. You want to be sooner like you tell your mama

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prophet SAW them never struck any of his wives. That's a sooner

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but yes, we find something else.

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Prophet peace be upon him also said in the manisa Shaka unresolved that women

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are the blood relations of the many, the Shaka. This is not just somebody who has a relation but a close relation.

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So how could you be humiliating and beating and striking somebody who has a close relation of you? How can it be done? How is the name of Islam? Could a woman be struck by a man who claims he fears Allah subhanaw taala viciously struck, then yes, there is. There's no doubt about it inserts in this app. As we know. There is a verse number 34 that allows permission for a light tap to be given to a woman who is disobedient.

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After counseling her warning her leaving the bed calling in our counselors on both sides.

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Then a light tap is allowed. But how many? How many men in their rage can actually give a woman a light tap? I want to deal with reality now brothers.

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I'm talking to myself. How many can actually give a light tap? Like a handkerchief or a miswak

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most of the brothers ain't coming in like Mike Tyson.

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This is far from Islam.

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And Allah tells us never forget lots of cool new Kela Deena Nestle Ah ha, for unser home unforeseeable

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and I fear one saying of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon and I wondered how could the enemies of Allah swine eaters

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defeat Muslims who had died?

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What is happening to them what is behind them? What to ours against them?

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The prophets Allah seldom said it tacos down to the Muslim. For laser Bina ha ouabain ally hedger be beware of the drama of the prayer of the oppressed person.

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There is no barrier in between death doula and Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So if that woman is humiliated,

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if that woman is down on the ground,

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and she is crying to Allah subhanaw taala

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and she raises her hand, she turns to alarm against you or me. We're in trouble.

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We're in trouble.

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We forgot Allah subhanaw taala

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After years of being Imam in Canada, in a community very similar to this in Australia,

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we found that there were serious problems. And when we opened up the veil and look behind the veil, behind the soul, the jelibean

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behind the Avaya behind the Koofi, the CMR, we found something else going on inside of the houses.

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And we forgot Allah subhanaw taala.

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And there are some cases where we had what can be called today in our community, Alamo, Allah, aka

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the one the woman who is hanging,

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hanging in between marriage and in between divorce.

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And there were cases happening over and over again, where the brother leaves the house.

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He might abuse his wife.

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He doesn't pay the rent. He doesn't do the knock off, he's not paying anything. And then he says I won't take care of her, but I won't divorce her.

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And she will stay in that condition until yamo. Pia

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Where did you get this from?

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I found out and I say this to myself, I say it with all sincerity. Because we have to speak Poland sadita.

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The yahood the Orthodox yahood were the locks.

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They have a practice in their teachings that no separation can come about in any way unless the man himself pronounces divorce. No matter what he does, no matter what happens, he must pronounce it.

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And somehow, even though we have been oppressed by them, this thinking has drifted into our minds.

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Because some men think that the only way the marriage will be separated is if they themselves say it.

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But the prophet SAW Selim has established the hula and there is a way for the woman to pay back the dowry and to come out of it. There is also fest there is a cancellation, with the Imam can step in, and when oppression is done,

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when abuse is done, he stays away for a period of time, different sayings of the of the Ummah, whether it be four months or six months or one year, he stays away.

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He is in Nein, he can't fulfill his his sexual duty. And so the man could step in and separate that marriage without his permission.

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And that is agreed upon by all of the scholars

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and that is clearly within the Sunnah of the Prophet sellaronda

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and then this thing of talaq,

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they use talaq

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and this Talat comes out of the mouth like water.

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They get angry than talaq talaq did anything to lock, it keeps pouring out the most. When the products will sell them whenever this talaq is coming up, he becomes angry.

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It's ignorance, you call it the number of times it's jahi. Leah.

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You're in a state of ignorance. If you're using this, it is a serious statement. If you say it jokingly is serious.

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If you say it's serious, it's serious. I hate the word, but yet

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it's used for a type of black males to be put over the heads of people to keep them in fear.

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humar blah blah blah the other one has informed us will lie in the corner. Phil Jha helia MANOVA doula Nisa Umbra Hata Angela la Houma anzahl la casa mala hoonah la casa de la Omar reports by Allah, we were in ignorance, and we did not give women any rights until Allah subhanaw taala revealed what he revealed and divided up for them what he divided up

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our original sources of Islam.

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Our original revelation

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was liberation of all people.

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And in the case of women, no ideologies, no political movement, no armies, no civilization no culture has ever given women rights on the ground like Islam gave.

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Women will be buried alive that young girls will be killed in infancy.

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There was no rights

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With chattel in all societies, including European society, they were slaves.

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They could be bought and sold.

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They had no rights they could be killed. And then when Islam came, it gave them equal rights under the law.

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It also shows clearly

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that a woman has a soul.

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Now this might sound strange.

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The loss of pants, Allah tells us kulu knifes and Bhima, cassava, raw Hina. Every soul will be held responsible for its deeds. Now that might sound strange. Why are we saying women have a soul? We understand that but the Christian Church in the 20th century was asked, Do women have souls? And many of the priests and ministers said, No.

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They're soulless creatures. Up until the 20th century.

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Islam also gave property rights to women,

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that she can have her own property, that the Mahara this directory, which is supposed to be an amount of wealth, that has some meaning to it, not necessarily something just symbolic, not a trifling thing, not a bribe for the Father.

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But something which is a meaning. That is the property of the woman.

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And Islam established these property rights.

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And so, up until today, she has the right to her own property.

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And she has the right for her own bank account.

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She doesn't have to put her money in her husband's account.

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The sound strange brothers.

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Oh, no, they marry her. They say, Oh, darling, you're in love, put your money in my accounts.

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She has the right for own account.

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Some people didn't know that.

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She has the right to her own properties. That's her property.

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She's supposed to have power, and the ability to do things on her own. And if something happens now some of her law, and there is a separation, this property that she has given this gives her independence, economic independence. So she's not totally dependent on a man.

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This is what Islam gave long before women's liberation movement.

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It also said she doesn't have to take the name of her husband.

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She keeps her own family name.

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She has her own father and her own mother.

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Now yes, we are in western countries. And sometimes this lockable, whatever it is, or the name of the tribe or the Kabbalah. The people take it.

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But the reality is, the constant stress in this is on independence.

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that these are two individuals who are married together. So Jane, when soldiers being used, it is a companion.

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It's not just husband and wife, but they say an English husband and wife, like slave, master and slave. It is oh Jane, two companions, who complement each other, whose qualities should not be struggling and fighting against each other, but should be complementing each other.

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We forgot a lot.

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Even in the Islamic movement,

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a phenomenon has happened.

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where many of the brothers feel

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that the more they committed to Islam is the more they should suppress their wife.

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Lock her up, shut her up.

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Don't have her involved, hide or away.

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crusher intellect, and they think that this is Islamic.

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And I'm not talking about the separation, which is a natural thing in Islam. But Allah subhanaw taala gave the rights of education to the women. We didn't give it to them.

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And even what has happened in America,

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that there are in the case of some African Americans, and it happens to other people too, who are entering into Islam, where the woman during the period of slavery was the building block. She was the center of the whole family.

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Most of the people in the slavery and apartheid periods didn't even know their father

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Slavery was killing the men, imprisoning the men, making them drink alcohol, destroying them. But yet the person accepts Islam, and then tries to be Little Women,

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tries to put them down. When I was a woman who taught him almost everything he knew,

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until he left the house to go to school. And even then, he had to fall back on his mother, not only for his emotional needs, but sometimes for his physical needs, his financial needs, all of his needs his protection, because in many cases, she was the man and the woman of the house.

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So how now can we enter Islam and you put her down? This is not what Islam is saying to us. That is not the early generation. It is liberation, it is freedom, from slavery to human beings,

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to the slavery to Allah subhanaw taala. And if we become a servant, and a slave of Allah,

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then nobody and nothing should put us down. And the prophets of Salaam said very clear that our little Muslim movie Masia telephonic there is no obedience to the creation. When the creation disobeys Allah, there is no obedience.

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And so we have to re analyze the concept of separation, I want to speak straightforward to you. Because I feel in my heart, that you have the opportunity, inshallah, to take Islam to all parts of this island,

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to take Islam all around Southeast Asia to be a beacon of strength. For the whole of Southeast Asia, we have this potential in sha Allah. But what has happened to us, in some cases, we have created second class citizens.

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And if separation means that in one side, you have first class treatment.

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And on the other side of the veil, it's second class treatment. The net is what we call in South Africa, apartheid.

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It is apartheid.

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It is not the Islamic concept of separation,

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where the men and women equally listen to the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala. With where they learn Islam equally in different areas. That is the Islamic concept.

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In many cases, we have conferences, I've experienced conferences on the brother side did talking about fix Arpita tafsir.

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Now one sort of going deep into Islamic history, on the sister side, how do you cook Islamic cooking?

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Or they say what are the rights of men and the obligation of women?

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Not the rights of women. What are the obligations

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in some Muslim countries who come into the masjid.

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And on the men's side, the rug is clean, it is nice on the woman side.

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The fleas are jumping all over the place and the roof is falling in.

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And one of the things when I was traveling in Morocco, I love

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that I love so much about the massages that the women's section had the same blue area, and the same rugs as the men's section.

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And they can enjoy this a lot. It didn't have to be even in the same area. But they could enjoy the salon. They could make the zoo, they have the interests.

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They could pray to Allah subhanaw taala if they were outside with their family.

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And so separation should not be marginalization.

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There's a difference between the two.

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And so we need to be honest with ourselves and to look into this

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dilemma that we are in this crisis. It is a challenge. Look at it in a positive way.

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Because we can change the societies.

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If a woman is educated,

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then the whole family is educated.

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you educate the man you educate the individual. you educate the mother and you're educating the children.

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What if the mother is afraid of the masjid? If she feels negative about Islam?

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how can the children love Islam?

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Is the province of Southern has given certain rights to women. How can we take it away

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and so we need to look at this in a serious way. Number one,

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we all need to increase our taqwa

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Especially the brothers. And I say this with all sincerity, because we have a big task on our shoulders. We have a mighty test.

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And the Sahaba were Mujahideen in the daytime, and they were bad. They were praying to Allah subhanaw taala in the night, they feared nobody.

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And nothing. And they would speak out when you had to speak out.

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And it was time to go forward, and the enemy was there 10 times their size, then they would look at each other, they would turn around look at each other.

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And in the Battle of Malta, when they were facing the enemy in the huge Roman army, and the great Sahaba, July, even on the White House, or the low on and many of them, they look and they said, did we come here to live?

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Or do we come here to meet Allah subhanaw taala? Why did we come to this place to hold on to the dunya.

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So we have a mighty task upon our backs,

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that the sisters are empowered to take this message and to stand in back of the men

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and to hold the rope of Allah subhanaw taala that inshallah we can have that type of structure that will not be quaking

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when it's under pressure,

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although when the ego and the knops gets involved, when tribalism comes in, when organizational fanaticism comes in. And so you see people fighting against each other. And you will see in some of the Muslim countries where the men are the most intolerant to the women, see how they act with themselves.

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You see how they act with themselves. You Mark my words, look at the countries where the men are the most intolerant to women don't even want to see them. Then watch how they deal with each other. They can't agree on anything. The ego comes in in a minute. And when another man opposes them, they try to kill him.

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Why are they like that they need some water to put out their fire.

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In many cases, the presence of a woman, her opinion in matters, the thought of the families, when we are making our decisions for the communities, it waters down the flame.

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It was the flames down

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when the natives in America

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would build settlements, and would make a decision in their shorter. They would say what would happen three generations from now. They didn't plan just for now. What will happen three generations for now, if we build a house on the right side of the street,

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because they were thinking about their families. They were thinking about the future. They were thinking about the nation, not just the ego and their movement and their reputation.

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So we need to fear Allah subhanaw taala

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we need to focus more on character on a flop. We focus heavily on rabada

00:38:21 --> 00:38:37

on how to make the salon how to fast and Ramadan promises element has told us who is truly who Jemima macadam is a clock and we find this in a laptop that he said I have been sent in order to complete

00:38:38 --> 00:38:40

the best part of character.

00:38:41 --> 00:38:44

That's why I've been sent. It's the character

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and so we need to focus more on character on o'clock when we are dealing with the Sunda

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also interpersonal relationships. How do the properties of them deal with other people?

00:39:01 --> 00:39:06

How was the Muslim committed? but yet he was humble.

00:39:08 --> 00:39:24

He was strong against the disbelievers. Humble to the believers, easy to forgive, easy to forgive wanting unity. Wanting peace inside of himself will reach out to other people. That's our character. Forgive other Muslims

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make make close our wrecks make unity whenever we can.

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The enemies of Allah subhanaw taala marching on us and they're planning day and night.

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And so we need to focus more on interpersonal relationships.

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How the prophets of Salaam dealt with his family, how Muslims deal with each other. Number three,

00:39:50 --> 00:39:55

a change in concepts of manhood and womanhood.

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What is manhood in Islam

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What is womanhood in Islam? There is a concept is a wrong concept we have about leadership, this idea of anomia.

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What does Amir mean? What does the President mean? If you become the ees, or you are Medea, or you are the Amir, you are the Imam. What is the concept of leadership in Islam? In many cases,

00:40:27 --> 00:40:27

we have a problem.

00:40:29 --> 00:40:32

Because it's it's a concept of hierarchy.

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And so you have hierarchy versus cooperation.

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In the concept of hierarchy.

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The leader is above everybody else. He has privileges. He looks down and gives orders. And the more names that you get and titles that you get is, the more worse you think you have.

00:40:58 --> 00:41:00

The more money that you think you deserve.

00:41:01 --> 00:41:02

This is a concept of hierarchy.

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And it influences not only our organizations, but it also influences our families.

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On the other side is cooperation.

00:41:19 --> 00:41:27

It is complementing that our Muslim the Muslims complement each other. And it is said that the prophets Allah Salah

00:41:29 --> 00:41:30

was a humble person.

00:41:31 --> 00:41:41

And when the people used to hear about his reputation, and they would come to Medina, they would be trembling, they would be afraid. But when they met him, they never wanted to leave them.

00:41:43 --> 00:41:52

On one occasion, the person came in and looked at the circle. And he said, which one of you is rasoolillah salsola. Which one of you? Like he couldn't see he was not on throne.

00:41:54 --> 00:42:00

He was not special to people. He would come in the room, and the people would stand up. And he would say, sit down.

00:42:01 --> 00:42:03

And he would shake their hand sitting down.

00:42:04 --> 00:42:13

What do I leaders do today in the Muslim world, he wants to travel from his office to another building. And the police are lining the road two days before

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because he wants to go from one office to another office.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:21

And he flies by

00:42:22 --> 00:42:30

when he comes inside the masjid, he wants to make Juma so everybody can see that he's making a lot and they won't overthrow him. And so they kick people out the way let him pray.

00:42:32 --> 00:42:33

This is not Rasulullah saw some of them

00:42:35 --> 00:42:42

a humble person. But when the revelation came, when it was time for the command, all eyes were upon him.

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People wanted to do everything that he was doing, even how he moved his hand, how he how he wore his clothes, how he ate his food, they wanted to do everything like him.

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They loved him that much. So cooperation, the leader is the most responsible person. That's what the leader really is. He's the one who should be thinking at night about the Jamaat, when everybody's sleeping.

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He goes in the front lines.

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Rasulullah saw the solemn many of the battles and who they be are especially, we see when the Muslims were attacked. They were surprised.

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And the battle was hot, Muslims were dying. And the Sahaba would say, when the battle got hot, we could see their eyes, we could smell them. We took refuge in Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We took refuge in Him in the heat of the battle. He was there not way in the back somewhere.

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But he was there suffering as his followers suffered.

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This is true leadership.

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And so hierarchy on one side and cooperation on the other side. How does this affect our homes? This is a key problem. And if we can overcome this concept, and implement this concept, I believe a lot of the problems that we have in our families would be solved. Or at least we could see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's cooperation. So the Amir of the house, the man is the leader of the house, and he is the Amir. But what does the Amir mean? He's not supposed to be a dictator.

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He takes shorter with his family.

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And if his wife is correct, then he says Alhamdulillah you're correct. But in some cases, that doesn't happen. Everything he says huge semaan what

00:44:43 --> 00:44:47

I told you he calls home and he says I want roti,

00:44:48 --> 00:44:49

no rice

00:44:53 --> 00:44:56

she doesn't have any any flour to cook the roti man.

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

And so the rice is cooked and he comes in

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

Billa you disobeyed me?

00:45:03 --> 00:45:05

Is that disobedience to the Amir?

00:45:06 --> 00:45:08

She had to make a decision.

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But it goes that far. It goes that far.

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Never forget and one of the great scholars in West Africa check with man Dan fodio Rahim Allah.

00:45:20 --> 00:45:28

He said to the women of hausa land, and this is unprecedented what he did. He was lucky in the Maliki phip.

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He was half of the Corps and he was a master of Tafseer. A master of Hades did Dawa for 30 years in the fields. He had 1000 students. By the time that 30 years was a whenever he traveled from one place to another 1000 students traveled with him.

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The King became jealous of him and called him to the court and aim the gun at him is caught here in the gun and it backfired and killed the Katya

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the chef for him Oh, Hola. received it.

00:46:03 --> 00:46:04

He received it.

00:46:06 --> 00:46:10

And he made his euro just like the prophets, Allah Salah. Then he took

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the prophet SAW them came to him in a dream and gave him the Sword of Truth and told him take it forward.

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And then they opened up 250,000 square kilometres.

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And they ruled with Sharia for over 100 years to the coming of the British

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250,000 square kilometres. This is fifth in action. This is a scholar who now his students became the governors of the areas. And he wrote to them in classical Arabic language.

00:46:50 --> 00:46:51

What did he say to the women?

00:46:53 --> 00:47:01

He told them if your husband will not educate you, a law support Allah said you're supposed to be educated you disobey Him.

00:47:02 --> 00:47:05

I will have a circle every day after Asa.

00:47:07 --> 00:47:24

If they don't educate you in the home, you come out Why? Why do you say this Ebony foodie? Call Elisa to slam laptop, the must look the maaseiah to father. There is no obedience to the creation. When that creation disobeys Allah.

00:47:26 --> 00:47:27

And it's happening to us.

00:47:28 --> 00:47:32

We have a case of a brother. I'm talking reality now.

00:47:33 --> 00:47:54

We want to feel good. I'm a little light sometimes, because this is really a sad story, the whole thing. But this was happening really one brother, he accepted Islam. And then he got married to the system. He was a good brother, you know, a very hands on type of brother she was she was a college student. And so she began to study,

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memorize the Quran. And then whenever they got into an argument she brought, he brought de Lille, she gave him the de Lille. So finally said I, your husband don't study anymore. I prohibit you from studying. And he ran in a room and tried to study the Hadith.

00:48:14 --> 00:48:17

That's not the way brother that's not the way man.

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Because if she knows the Hadith, that's going to save you from the fire.

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She's going to save you from the fire.

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So cooperation,

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cooperation, if we see the qualities of a woman, the qualities of the man. And I say this also to the sisters as well. Because it's not just the problem with the brothers. It can be the problem with the woman as well in the home. Her husband makes a mistake. He loses his job.

00:48:50 --> 00:48:59

He's in a weak condition. And how does she deal with him that? Does she support him? In some cases, she looks at him and said You little boys.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:07

Look at you. It can earn money, your shame and disgrace to manhood.

00:49:08 --> 00:49:26

How does he feel she makes him feel so low? She knows the secrets right? What this edition of the law one had do when the prophets of Salaam came back from the mountain and he was trembling. This thing had come to him and said a crock a crock. He didn't know what it was

00:49:27 --> 00:49:33

a power beyond human imagination. He was trembling and shaking. She covered him up.

00:49:34 --> 00:49:37

She didn't belittle him. She believed in him.

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And she used her wisdom went to her cousin Wanaka

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and so she strengthened Islam. She was a first to believe

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this is what we know of Muslim women.

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But not to put the man down not to find his weaknesses and constantly be on his back.

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Talking against them and putting him down, and then expecting him to treat you, right? It's not gonna work like this, it has to be cooperation. The two sides cooperate with each other. They have strength, like a football team. One is in the middle, the big guys, the other ones run on the side, throw the ball. Everybody cooperates. That is the Islamic family. And if we could understand that, then the whole all the concepts and problems we have, who's the leader of the house, who will make the decision? Who will get this in inheritance, all of these things come clear. When we see that Allah has given us if he has given a man an advantage, it's not because he's a higher human being.

00:50:48 --> 00:50:55

It's because he's going to have more responsibility. And he is he will be answerable on the Day of Resurrection.

00:50:59 --> 00:51:00

Another suggestion

00:51:01 --> 00:51:14

is that we develop special institutions, and support mechanisms for the protection, education, and empowerment of Muslim women. And also,

00:51:15 --> 00:51:19

anybody who has serious problems in our community.

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And I want to give you this concept, and also our pledge myself inshallah, in the future, if needs to be to come and deal with workshops in this area.

00:51:33 --> 00:51:40

Right that we need a new institution that happens, and this developed is developed in Canada. Now it's spreading all over America now.

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It's a social service organization.

00:51:45 --> 00:52:27

Because what I found, after years of being a man, five years of the biggest mosque in Toronto, most of the problems that were coming with not problems and fit. It was not actually the problems. And when asked me these questions, they had economic problems, psychological problems, social problems, all kinds of things that would come with. And, and so I needed to have somebody with me, I wasn't qualified, I wasn't prepared to do this. And what happens in many communities, and I can see it happening here, there's a few sincere individuals, they start handling social problems, and suddenly, the whole world is on their back, and you get burnt out.

00:52:28 --> 00:52:36

Because there's only so much you can take as an individual. And the emotion that will come into you from dealing with social problems, we need training.

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And so we established this center, we established a hotline,

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a telephone line that people could call when they were in crisis.

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And after two years, we were receiving 5000 phone calls per year,

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and registering it. And we opened up the office like a doctor's office, the Imams cooperate with the doctors, with the lawyers, with the social workers, with the psychiatrists, and we make a list. We have a database of all of the Muslim professionals in our area. So if a person has a drug related problem, then we find the Muslims who have been involved in detox. If a person has a psychological problem, then phone Muslim psychiatrists, if a person has an economic problem, we have a brother who's working in the government. We have another one who's an accountant. The person has a legal problem. There are Muslim lawyers, you have a list, you have a Data Bank of information. And so when

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the hotline when when you answer the phone, the person is trained to deal with crisis. It's a crisis. People are calling in, you're trained to deal with the crisis.

00:53:50 --> 00:54:13

And then you either put them on to somebody else, or you bring them into the office. And the social worker works along with the Imam. And so Sharia is the limits. It sets the limits. We don't go outside of the limits of Islam, but also we benefit from the best professionalism that is in our community. And so we handle counseling.

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we handled family problems, youth problems, housing, marriage, abuse problems, so many problems of abuse behind the veil.

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We also gave people referrals. We refer to immigration problems, housing, social assistance, legal problems, shelters, food banks, employment centers, health, Muslim community resources. We got the Green Book, we had set up with all the resources in the community.

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Also education. We had classes for Deaf Muslims hearing impaired because you may have some hearing

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appeared Muslims. And what we developed and this is another level, which which I make as a suggestion, when we had a speaker come, we would have a signer standing right here. And the deaf Muslims would sit there near the signer, he would listen and he would do the science. So they would get the lecture also.

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There are many hearing impaired Muslims that need to hear the word of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Also guidance counselors, education, Islamic heritage, Tao classes, training and development, burial services.

00:55:38 --> 00:55:55

Also community development, our community is in crisis or in the midst of our society and crisis. So we need to have discussions and programs along with our fifth and our aqeedah anti violence, health, anti racism,

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youth employment, cause consultation, recreation, youth development, camps develop out of this, workshops, training programs for the youth.

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And so we developed this institution to empower the community. And sisters need to be empowered.

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Not only just reading the books, but sisters need to have skills. And when we are involved in education, we naturally continue to practice our Islam. We wear our clothing. We are modest, male and female. And if we have to sacrifice our Islam, then we're not going to be involved. But if we can go out and get the education, then we need it for our community.

00:56:45 --> 00:57:03

Sisters need to be empowered with skills, education. Also, even physical training. The sisters need physical training as well. Now that might sound strange to you. But you know what happened to us in Toronto, we had a * and he only raped Muslim women

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who was a beloved shaytaan a devil of *'s

00:57:09 --> 00:57:27

only followed the woman with it with a skirt with with scarf. Okay, so then we train the sisters. So the sister started to take what they call a window, a soft form of self defense window. And so when she finished the course, she broke a board.

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And it said Zeynep broke this board on April 22 2001.

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And she went home and put it over her bed.

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And the next time her husband was about to hit us, he looked at the board.

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And he said Marshall, lots of muscle.

00:57:54 --> 00:57:56

And then he remembered the idea.

00:57:57 --> 00:57:59

Well, I'm going to whom should have been.

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And their affairs are handled in mutual consultation.

00:58:07 --> 00:58:13

And so what empowered the sisters Alhamdulillah they caught the *, they gotta throw him in jail.

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But the sisters realize then they were empowered.

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And they needed this. It's part of the Islamic personality. They are attacking people with the job in other countries. I don't know if it's happening yet. I don't believe it's happening yet. But in France, and in Quebec, in Canada and other parts you can be attacked on the street, if you are wearing the scarf.

00:58:37 --> 00:58:57

And so what is happening in western countries, and it will eventually come forward, the stronger the Muslim world gets and the weaker the Western world gets. And so we need to be empowered. We need to fear Allah subhanaw taala and we need to close our ranks. And I leave you I say this to myself with all sincerity.

00:58:58 --> 00:59:19

It takota Muslim, for laser baina ha ouabain a la hijaab. Fear. The two are, are the call of the oppressed. There is no barrier in between that and a lot. And I asked the sisters to forgive us. Forgive us. We don't know what we're doing.

00:59:20 --> 00:59:21

I asked the brothers

00:59:22 --> 00:59:49

if you are on the right path and hamdulillah if you have made a mistake, we need to make Toba. We need to ask Allah subhanaw taala to have mercy on us and and to empower our families and to give us the strength to stand up to this tidal wave of Kufa that is growing in the society today. I leave you with these words, and I asked a lot to forgive me and forgive you are kulu holy * the last stop for lolly walakum wa salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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