Abdullah Hakim Quick – The New Muslim Corner – Exaggeration Of Saints

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The importance of religion in driving people to apply Islam is discussed, including the use of religion in shaping people's lives and the use of the word saint in cultural practices. The discussion also touches on racism and the danger of confusion among Muslims, as well as the importance of fasting on Mondays and Thursdays for religious Islam. The speakers stress the need to be aware of cultural practices and avoid dangerous situations, as it is a major thing for religious Islam.
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين
والصلاة والسلام على سيد الأولين والآخرين نبينا محمد
وعلى آله وصحبه وبرك وسلم All praise is
due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds and
peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet
Muhammad the Master of the First and the
Last his family, his companions and all those
who call to his way and establish his
Sunnah to the Day of Judgment As to
what follows, السلام عليكم ورحمة الله Alhamdulillah, this
is our New Muslim Corner and we have
established this time on Fridays in order to
give those who are interested in Islam those
who have recently embraced Islam and those who
are reviving their faith an opportunity to listen
to the basic elements within the faith without
getting caught up in a lot of the
politics and a lot of the tribal tensions
and cultural divisions that we find sometimes in
the main Muslim community So this is an
opportunity to drink from the fresh water of
Islam and then also to ask certain questions
that may be troubling you concerning how to
apply Islam to your life and it is
critical for those who have recently embraced Islam
to be able to separate Islam from culture
because the culture of people has an impact
on how they practice their faith but it
is not necessarily from Islam itself In many
cases, the culture of the people comes from
other religions religions that worshipped the sun or
worshipped trees or worshipped people and so sometimes
it gets confusing for somebody who embraces Islam
and begins naturally to imitate the one who
gives them the faith and I can recall
waves of Muslims coming into the faith here
in North America and in Europe and when
they were taught by people from India and
Pakistan they tended to take up the culture
even sometimes changing their accent if they were
helped into Islam by Arabic speaking people then
they would take on Arab culture but after
a while, once a person is grounded in
the faith and realizes that there is a
difference between the cultures and the faith they
are able to express it through their own
culture their own part of the world their
own linguistic group and so, the key element
that we learned is Tawheed and that is
the oneness of Allah monotheism that is the
quality that separates Muslims from people of other
faith and that is the quality that we
continue to work with and to take it
to a higher level and you'll find that
this discussion will go on through the whole
of your life on different levels some people
take it to a very deep level but
I want to just touch on certain elements
and today, tonight I want to reemphasize some
of the points that we looked at before
and to make it a little formal so
that you could see where it's going because
eventually this may come into a major discussion
especially if you continue on into Islamic scholarship
and so, there is a tendency amongst people
to give excessive praise to pious individuals, male
or female there is a tendency to want
to aggrandize or to exaggerate in love those
individuals who are powerful who are very helpful
and that's found in many different parts of
the world and it is said through our
traditions that in ancient times there was a
very powerful person a really good person leading
his people and then when he passed away
they wanted to, for the next generation to
have an image of him so at least
the people could see what he looked like
because those who didn't see him wouldn't get
that effect because the way he looked his
character, his personality was very enticing and it
helped the people to worship the creator so
they drew a picture and when the next
generation came along that picture wasn't enough they
wanted to have some idea you know, give
us more of his body language so they
then made a type of sculpture they did
a statue of what this individual looked like
when the next generation came along who did
not necessarily have the basic teachings of monotheism
that the originator had they started worshiping the
statue and so this is how idol worship
came and we find especially in the prophethood
of Nabi Noah that within his time you
find a major movement of idol worship coming
in amongst the people and this spread all
around the world based upon where individuals were
I know from my experience in traveling in
the African continent that there's a great emphasis
on the African continent on spiritual strength spiritual
strength and so therefore you'll find in the
rivers you'll find in some of the objects
worship is strong and so amongst the people
also the leaders would tend to be very
strong and you'll find that the person who
is the speaker the preacher always has to
be very charismatic in many other cultures in
the world the preacher may be very low
-key and very soft you can hardly make
him up but generally within African culture the
preacher has to be animated strongly animated and
that is because of that spirit power the
spirit power and so it is easy within
cultures like that for these powerful individuals to
be loved and to be worshipped and I
can remember being in the Arabian Peninsula and
meeting groups of the Arabs and one of
the royal families and the royal family generally
tended to be taller and stronger than the
other people so literally in some cultures you
could look at the people and see who
is like the strongest one in the group
or the tallest that would tend to be
the leaders because it's a natural thing for
people to want to to follow strength now
the danger in that is that the prophet
Muhammad peace be upon him was very aware
of shirk of polytheism and even at the
time of his death he said to the
people don't do to me what the Christians
and other people have done to their prophets
don't make my grave a place of worship
ok and he kept saying it to them
in one case he even said that the
curse of Allah is on the Jews and
the Christians those Jews and Christians who took
the graves of their prophets to be houses
of worship ok and in one tradition he
is reported to have said do not praise
me excessively as the Christians did to the
son of Mary verily I am merely a
slave so refer to me as Abdullah wa
Rasulullah right meaning the slave of Allah and
his messenger and of course when you say
the word Abd because generally in English when
we say slave we think of somebody who
is very lowly and they are being tortured
and they are on a plantation but Abd
actually the root of it is Ibadah it's
a type of worship as well so being
a slave of Allah really means a worshiper
so sometimes people might even say servant might
be a better word but the literal word
is slave in any event what he is
saying is do not excessively praise me now
you are going to find as you travel
in the Muslim world that in some cases
the people go overboard they go too far
in dealing with the prophet peace and blessings
be upon him and this can actually lead
to forms of shirk and that is where
you are actually giving power to objects and
you are praying to the individual to get
to Allah you can even make an idol
of the prophet peace and blessings be upon
him and you can see that he was
trying to say that I am Rasul Allah
so Rasul means a messenger and Risalah is
the message so literally like he is the
mailman he is just bringing you a message
but he is not God he is trying
to make that clear because human beings have
weaknesses and even in the case of the
prophet peace be upon him as a man
he had weaknesses as a messenger when the
message came through him it was hear and
obey he was delivering from the creator but
as a man he had his opinion and
in some cases when for instance in planting
crops in Medina he gave some advice about
planting the crops and it was the Medina
people who came to him to show him
that we plant our crops in a different
way because the bees are carrying pollen and
we have pollination this is different than Mecca
because Mecca is really dry whereas Medina is
wet and there is a lot of vegetation
so they were showing him that this is
a different style he accepted this because this
is not a revelation from Allah saying that
you have to do it this way so
he is admitting that you are right and
I am wrong and this is important because
there is a tendency for us to put
a lot of emphasis on individuals and there
is nothing wrong with that but every person
has weaknesses and sometimes if we put too
much emphasis on an individual that person becomes
our main reason why we are Muslim for
instance that is a mistake because that person
might one day fall or that person may
make a mistake so this is a very
important point and the terminology you will see
later on is called gholu so the term
is gholu and so this is exaggeration and
it is found in many different religions you
will find that especially in Buddhism there is
heavy gholu and the Buddhas like this is
a depiction of a Buddha and you will
see different Buddhas that are cut out of
mountains but when you look at Buddha's life
himself he was a Hindu prince and he
was actually against idol worship and he refused
to worship idols he refused extreme Hinduism and
gave up his riches and went on the
road to find enlightenment so this is a
person now who is against idol worship and
then the biggest idols in the world are
him look at the contradiction as they say
he might roll in his grave if he
ever knew the size of the Buddhas that
are in his name Isa Jesus the son
of Mary peace be upon him a humble
messenger of Allah a very simple person usually
didn't wear shoes very humble in his lifestyle
exaggeration and in Surah Nisa the verse of
the women verse 171 Allah says Ya Ahlul
Kitab la taghlu fi dinikum it says oh
people of the book do not exaggerate in
your religion do not exaggerate because the things
that they do with Jesus go to extremes
and on the left they found this piece
of cloak like a woollen piece of material
and they believed that the image of Christ
was in it I believe it was in
Turin in France and so it looks something
like this there on the left so they
believed that this was actually on his face
something that he covered himself with and they
had this and they went to extremes and
you will find this happening in many parts
of the world in Hispanic speaking parts of
the world in Mexico in Spain and other
things you will find people making pilgrimages to
churches where they said somebody had a vision
of Christ where something happened in that church
and it becomes a place of pilgrimage ok
so they exaggerate different things about the individual
that person you know there in the picture
that you see that they say could be
Michelangelo's uncle that he drew in the Sistine
Chapel but this is not actually the image
of Christ or Isa Alayhi Salam that is
described in the literature because he definitely was
not Germanic or from the northern peoples he
was Semitic and the Semitic people in those
times were generally brown skinned people there are
even some controversies coming up with depictions of
Jesus and Mary coming out of Russia and
Turkey and other places where they actually have
them as African looking people so it is
totally different and he is even described in
the Bible as having hair like lamb's wool
and skin like burnt brass so it is
totally different and the danger in this is
not only shirk because they made him into
like the son of God or God but
also racism because if this is the picture
of the son of God or God then
anybody who looks like this is God like
because you are now focusing on the image
is God like and people have a tendency
to want to make Jesus to look like
them for us as Muslims it is not
an important issue to us because the color
of the prophet or the physical nationality is
not important to us although we do have
descriptions we do have descriptions and Isa is
described as a person having a type of
tan complexion and is here in a type
of curls that are sort of wet in
some of the descriptions coming in so racism
can come through this exaggeration as well so
what this leads to and I just want
to emphasize this point again for those who
are listening maybe for the first time online
and to confirm it and that is intercession
with the dead so this is an issue
now that the scholars have had to look
at seriously that is because Islam was spreading
into areas where there were saints, there were
gurus there were people who led the different
religions who had graves and these graves were
the centers of religious practice ok so in
this intercession now ok where you're taking the
call shafa'ah where you want intercession that
the living person directs his prayer to the
dead saint ok so the prayer is to
the saint and strangely enough even Muslims have
gotten into this so the religious person, the
living person is praying to the dead saint
hoping that the pious man will be able
to win special favors with God and surprisingly
enough when we had a discussion some years
ago about amulets and how the prophet used
to tear amulets off his followers necks and
take them off the animals and told them
whoever hangs one of these amulets that becomes
your protector in other words Allah is no
longer your protector this amulet hanging is something
which is practiced in many different places and
so we had a discussion in one of
the masjids in Toronto and so some of
the people were convinced when they heard the
hadiths and what not so they brought some
of the amulets to the office and a
friend of mine Dr. Siddiqui from India, he
was an expert in Persian language he was
an expert and so we opened up the
amulets so generally the amulet is a little
package it's like a leather pouch and then
there's naqsh so inside of it there may
be a type of crossword puzzle looking thing
and writing around it, that's what you find
inside it, most people don't open up their
amulets because they're superstitious but that's what we
were finding inside of these amulets and sometimes
they were even trying to write verses of
the Quran or things like this but one
amulet we opened up, it was saying Ya
Abdul Qadir it's calling out to Abdul Qadir
Jailani who was a great scholar a pious
person in Baghdad who didn't believe in this,
but they went to extremes with him and
they were saying Ya Abdul Qadir we are
swimming in our sins save us that's literally
what they were saying in Persian that they
wanted Abdul Qadir to save them that's shirk
and even though the people thought that they
were doing something really pious they were literally
involved in an open form of shirk so
that's how dangerous this can be and now
there may be somebody who's accepting Islam and
the other people want to hang amulets on
them they want to make them do cultural
things like they do so if our foundation
is strong if our Tawhid is strong then
we can avoid this we cannot fall into
this and there are many different verses about
this in verse 255 Allah was saying who
dares intercede with me without my permission so
nobody can intercede with the creator without the
creator's submission so this is the area of
intercession I want to open up the floor
if there's any questions that anybody has on
anything concerning this so
the best way to respect our scholars who
have had an impact on our life is
to pray for them and really as in
the case that came with the Prophet if
you really respect the scholar you should follow
them, you should follow their teachings, so it's
not a matter of just idolizing the person,
so there's a difference between idolizing and listening
to that person following their instructions following their
guidance the danger is what has happened in
some Muslim countries you will find that when
the saint or the wali, the pious person
passes away then they will put his grave
sometimes next to the masjid and then it
will go sometimes in the masjid or sometimes
there's a grave and they build a masjid
around it so you're literally in the masjid
and then on the side there's a room,
and in that room is the grave okay
and this even happened to the Prophet peace
be upon him because when Rasulullah peace be
upon him died, he died in the house
of Aisha and her house was attached to
the mosque so he could leave her house
and walk right in, so he died right
there and they buried him where he died,
because this is where prophets are supposed to
be buried so they buried him there and
for a long time that was where his
grave was, and the masjid was on the
other side.
Now, when people started pouring into Medina, they
had to extend the masjid so they extended
it on one side, eventually they extended it
around where the grave was okay, especially below
it and then on top of it until
it actually became inside of the masjid now
this was a problem for people who have
this mentality of praying to the person and
not to Allah this can be a problem
and so the way they set up the
grave is that you don't know exactly where
his grave is so if you're a grave
worshipper who wants to actually focus your dua
exactly to him you won't know exactly you
know the general area but you won't know
exactly where it is but still there has
to be constant reminders to the people of
not to pray to the prophet peace be
upon him but we're coming from cultures where
this is very important and so the people
will still tend to do this and I
remember being a student in Medina and we
used to study in the prophet's mosque so
we're there doing our lessons and what not
and then you look by where the grave
is and so there are individuals coming and
they're like cutting off their hair and trying
to stick it in the cage because they
have a cage and then there's a grave
they're putting their hair in the grave or
they're writing notes and the poor Bedouin guy
who's standing there guarding the grave people wonder
why they look so mean right and you'd
be mean too if you see what the
people are doing because they're literally hanging on
the cage and he's got to sweep this
thing up every day so one day he's
sweeping up and so he said what does
it say he opened up one of the
things and it said Ya Rasulullah, O Messenger
of Allah I owe so many rupees or
dollars please pay my debts they're like asking
him for things in the note and if
they can get it in there then they'll
get an answer or if their hair somehow
is inside there then that hair is connected
to them, you see and then they can
get forgiveness from Allah this is from other
religions yes no doubt in the time of
the Prophet there were certain miracles with the
body of the Prophet he even took his
saliva he actually rubbed it on Ali's eye
one time he was going blind he was
wounded and it was healed so there were
certain things that happened specifically with him but
that was in his time and so it
is not all of the other things that
are around here and we used to sit
there and there was one brother from Morocco
Maymoon, I don't know where he is may
Allah help him and he was a really
fired up brother from Morocco and the people
used to the Qibla was here and the
grave was there and the people would go
face like this and they were like you're
praying and they would literally walk out the
mosque like this, backwards the Qibla is there,
right and they walk out backwards you might
still see that if you go to Mecca
and Medina not as much but you'll see
people like this facing the grave so he
used to go and he used to turn
them like this and he'd go to the
next person and turn him and then he
finishes but when he gets to the last
one the other one turns back and they're
all turning back and he's getting blessings for
his effort but this is something deep and
it's even rooted in some of these religions
like in the case of ancestor worship and
this is a common form of belief to
the point where in China this is like
25% of humanity the majority still have
this ancestor worship in southern Africa they also
have ancestor worship so you're talking millions of
people and if you go to China, I
happen to be there on this special holiday
they have for their ancestors and what they
would do is they go to the graves
and they sweep the graves so they sweep
and clean the graves nothing wrong with that
but they sweep the graves and then they
burn money at the grave, burn it so
they're literally burning it and they believe that
that money that they burn that their ancestor
on the other side is going to get
the money and I don't know if there's
a difference in exchange with the US dollar
and the rupee or the naira or whatever
it is in * on the other side
but they're burning if you burn a US
dollar, that's a good one so they were
literally burning it and we went to the
graveyard of the Muslims and there were some
Muslims sweeping the grave and we said no,
please they didn't burn money though they just
took the holiday to visit their relatives but
they're seeking the blessings of these individuals okay
and as I mentioned before just to consolidate
this for those who may not have heard
exactly or you want to actually get more
proofs behind it for instance, in Christianity in
the Catholic Church they designated certain saints to
bring results so Saint Anthony of Thebes was
the one for lost so you would pray
to Saint Anthony okay and Saint Jude was
the one for the impossible incurable diseases or
broken marriages and the Beatles made a song,
hey Jude don't let us down, hey Jude
so they called out to Jude so this
is because of Saint Jude Saint Christopher was
for the blessings on the journey and in
my city in Cambridge in Massachusetts it was
like the Saint Christopher Episcopalian Church so it
was for Saint Christopher okay so they would
pray to the specific saints for specific issues
so this was an issue and this is
where the Baraka so what some Muslims translated
that and they call it Baraka Tabarruk so
you rub certain things so they will think
they will come and you will see this
if you go to Mecca or Medina, not
as much today but you're going to see
it you'll go to Medina and you'll go
to Mecca, especially in Medina and you'll see
they'll come to the wall or they'll come
to the cage and they're rubbing they're rubbing
they're rubbing this is Tabarruk they believe that
there is like a type of power in
the object and they have these different objects
there is one object they claim that they
have the hair of the prophet there's different
claims one of them came to Toronto they
actually had the hair of the prophet I
think they had it up in Brampton or
something like that in one of the big
places and so people are going there and
they're on this thing and they're like if
you can rub this thing and touch it
and see it this is Tabarruk so this
is Shirk and it's rampant and this is
a dangerous thing for the Muslim Ummah to
be involved in these intercessions and for this
Tabarruk this is a dangerous thing but unfortunately
it is widespread I want to open the
floor for any questions that anybody may have
concerning this this Tabarruk thing is, you're going
to find it in different parts of the
world yes
this is a good point in terms of
the amulets itself is that sometimes people will
wear like for instance you'll get Ayatul Kursi
the verse of the throne and they put
it in a necklace or something like that
or the name Allah or something like that
and the scholars say that if it is
worn for beauty because it's a nice necklace
then there's nothing wrong with that as long
as it's not worn for its power so
there's a difference so the only problem is
that if you have the Quran or you
have the name of Allah when you go
to the washroom you have to take it
off you can't wear it into the washroom
so that's the thing you have to be
aware of but if it is worn for
beauty there's nothing wrong with that also if
there are practices done by the Prophet himself
and his companions then that could be permissible
and there is some proof of they used
to write the Quran on the Loh on
the tablets and with a type of charcoal
and then they would wash it off and
then they would drink it and that was
a practice that is allowable amongst the early
Muslims especially with the Quran itself but the
actual cure is from Allah it's not from
the Loh the tablet or it's not from
the ink ok so the intention is very
important involved in this now question yeah who
is non-Muslim participate in a practice as
a Muslim should
you do anything as a Muslim in terms
of seeking forgiveness because you didn't actually participate
in it but it was done on your
behalf ok the question is if somebody did
one of these practices on your behalf are
you responsible no the person is not responsible
unless they do it themselves however if they're
asked can I do this for you it
is better to say no you don't have
to do that make dua for me like
pray to Allah what can be done for
an individual if you want to do something
for you can give sadaqa you can give
charity for that person asking Allah to give
the blessing for the person you can make
an umrah you can do something for the
person if the person died you could make
hajj but you have to have made hajj
yourself first for yourself then you could make
it for somebody else that is permissible but
again these are the cultural things that we
have to watch out for and you might
run into these things as new Muslims and
you have to be aware and the people
don't do it out of an evil spirit
in many cases it's ignorance they think that
this is Islamic practice but it's really their
culture any other questions concerning this floor is
open for any general questions anybody has concerning
issues in Islam so we're dealing with the
issue of seeking the blessings and again this
is something when you travel in the Muslim
world you're gonna you might be a little
shocked when you come to certain places and
in some places in India and Pakistan you
might think that this masjid is like a
Hindu place but it's not it's actually Muslims
still being affected by Hinduism and we have
to try to avoid this as much as
we possibly can question yes I mean the
word saint itself is not actually our I
mean we have Wali and Awliya so you
might translate that as saint but really some
say it's the friend of Allah they use
other words because saint it is a loaded
word in English because generally saint would be
like Saint Jude or Saint Christopher you know
it has the wrong concepts involved in it
so was it mentioned on the stage or
was it just by individuals no on the
stage so in other words before bringing the
person up no no no so Sheikh Hamza
Yusuf he talks about saints I'm very confused
by it yeah I mean
obviously he doesn't mean it in a Christian
sense but you know it would be better
if he didn't use the term saint he
might confuse people relative to that but it's
this concept of Wali and the Awliya the
problem with that too is getting too much
into the discussion of who is the Awliya
is that it starts to set up this
category of people and the Quran itself is
saying Allah and the Awliya Allah that verily
the friends of Allah have nothing to fear
nothing to be afraid of they are those
who believed and they had Taqwa the consciousness
of Allah they can be a Wali doesn't
have to be the person with the long
beard and the tall hat and you know
reading Quran all the time and constantly you
know like that doesn't have to necessarily be
that the Wali could be the person who
is clean in the mosque like you don't
even know who the Wali is because it's
something between that person and Allah it's not
supposed to be a public thing and usually
if the person was somebody of that caliber
and they found out that somebody is saying
that they would reject it they would not
want to be called that so it is
dangerous because it sets up a type of
class of people and this is where you
get your class and if you haven't read
certain things or gone to certain institutions or
studies then don't talk you have nothing to
say and that's a mistake that's not in
the Sunnah because the Prophet ﷺ and his
companions in terms of that they were not
into this thing at all and this is
one of the dangers that unfortunately we have
fallen into in terms of dealing with pious
people any other questions online so
you know the Sunnah of gaining Barakah is
first to you know to practice our Islam
to do all the things that are compulsory
and then you have the Nafilah so you
have your prayers your Fard prayers compulsory and
then you have extra prayers that you can
do so you do the Nafilah things like
that then the Prophet ﷺ showed a number
of ways that we can do extra prayers
for different things fasting we can gain extra
blessings by fasting on Mondays and Thursdays and
the three white nights in the middle of
the month you know and so to give
in charity give in a special way so
there's many ways with the right intention that
you can get blessings but it is not
necessarily joining a particular group or going to
a particular place see this is where the
danger came in going to Mecca to Medina
to Jerusalem that we are encouraged to do
but other than that we can go for
knowledge we can go but when it becomes
like a religious pilgrimage this is the danger
and you see in Hinduism how now millions
are going to the Ganges River you know
and whatever you see these so called religious
pilgrimages that people do sometimes for the strangest
things into the strangest places and Muslims have
fallen into some of this they've actually made
you have Hajj one of our brothers made
Hajj and he got mixed up because he
couldn't speak Arabic so he got stuck with
a group because there were so many people
and he was lost and they could speak
English and they were doing all types of
different things going to this grave and doing
this on a tree and collecting dirt at
this place and he was doing all these
things and when he finally got back to
us we said what happened to you he
had made like an alternative Hajj with this
other group not even knowing what he was
doing because they had all these things that
they were doing like some place where the
Prophet ﷺ he had taken dirt and put
it on somebody and healed them because there's
many miracles, the Prophet had miracles like this
and people thought that this area was where
he did that so they still dig holes
there to get the dirt and you can
take this dirt back home and sell it
you get a lot of money too if
this dirt came from that hole so you
have to know your fundamentals and keep your
tawhid very tight because of so much cultural
things that are surrounding us and taking us
off the mark where we're supposed to be
so this issue of Barakah Tabarruk it is
a major thing however on the other extreme
people who do not respect the Prophet ﷺ
and people who do not know his life
and actually do Salawat that means sending peace
and blessings to him and trying to be
to Sunnah some people can get too cold
hearted and they become like scientific Muslims where
they don't have the spirituality that's a mistake
too so that can go to another extreme
so that love and sanctity needs to be
there and that belief in miracles and Karama
Karama is a miracle that can come to
an average person Morjaza is the miracle that
comes to the Prophets like the water opening
for Musa Isa healing the blind and the
sick Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Isra and Mi'raj
he's traveling above the heavens and he cured
certain people but there's Karama so Karama is
a miracle that can come to Muslims for
instance in the case of Omar ibn Khattab
one of the great companions that one time
Omar the armies of the Muslims were in
Iraq and he was in Medina and they
were coming to a mountain and the Persian
army was had an ambush on the other
side of the mountain and the leader was
called Saria and so Omar was given the
Khutbah in Medina and he was inspired in
the middle of the Khutbah he said Ya
Saria al-Jabal the mountain and he didn't
know why he said that and the people
said okay Omar you know but then they
said when they came back later on they
said they heard Omar's voice saying watch out
for the mountain and they didn't go around
and they defeated the Persian army that's a
recorded miracle but you can't say you're going
to have miracles before it happens that's the
problem when you start producing miracles or you
start to claim to be a miracle maker
that's the danger you see and that's what
gets into this shirk type of relationship with
individual this saint type of things where it
starts to get into that this is a
major mistake and again it takes away from
the simplicity of Islam because when you see
the relationship of the Prophet with his companions
it is human relationships simple relationships that they
had and it's the love that they're showing
it's not necessarily waters opening up all the
time it's things that we can do ourselves
it's not too late and there still is
Karama and those individuals who are involved in
struggle especially when they're under fire like stories
coming out of Gaza stories came out of
Afghanistan of miraculous things that have happened people
being saved and things going on miraculous things
still it is happening to the individuals so
it's not too late because as we understood
there are thousands, hundreds and thousands of angels
that are there and the power of Allah
Azawajal is still with us today I think
we're going to close now and Inshallah we
will continue on next week with our class
we have entered into the month of Shaban
and so if you can whatever good deeds
you can do it's a good time, fasting
like Mondays, Thursdays, try to fast as much
as you can the Prophet used to fast
in Shaban more than any other month except
Ramadan so this is a time to do
a lot of the fasting and to do
as much good as you possibly can do
so have a safe journey home ...