Abdullah Hakim Quick – The Days Of Allah

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The speaker discusses the importance of Allah's revelation in providing peace and blessings to his companions and avoiding the negative impact of the current crisis on their lives. The challenges faced by the city's political parties, including religious and immorality issues, and the rise of immorality have led to a need for a change in understanding between their religion and behavior. Prayer relentlessly is urge, and individuals should avoid the negative impact of the current crisis on their lives.
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All praises are due to Allah, lord of
the worlds.
And surely,
the best ultimate reward
is for those who have the consciousness of
And surely there is no animosity,
no ill feeling,
for the oppressor.
And I bear witness that Allah is 1
and has no partners,
and that Muhammad, the son of Abdullah,
is his servant,
his last messenger.
May Allah always constantly
send peace and blessings to Muhammad,
to his family,
to his companions,
and all those who called to his way
and established his sunnah
to the day of judgment.
As to what follows, I begin by reminding
myself and you
of the critical
of taqwala.
That consciousness of Allah, that fear of Allah,
yet hope in Allah,
that will form
a wakaia, a shield around us
to spiritually
protect us
in everything
that we do.
And Allah
has revealed
in His glorious book,
in a mighty revelation
that lasted over a period of 23
Yet the effect of this revelation
is still
touching us today.
It is still as relevant today
as it was in the time of Prophet
And Allah has revealed in Suratul Talaq verses
and whoever is
conscious of Allah,
Allah will make
a way out for him
and provide for him from where he knows
And whoever depends upon Allah, Allah will be
sufficient for him.
Surely, Allah will reach His
purpose. Inna Allahha balighu amri
Allah has made a limit
for everything.
And so there is a limit
for destruction.
There is a limit
for oppression.
There is a limit for everything
in this world.
Oh, you who believe,
last Saturday,
as the Iranian missiles
and drones
entered into
occupied Palestine.
The world
stood still.
People's hearts skipped a beat.
And some would say,
this Qiyama?
Is this the day of resurrection?
Is this the beginning of a nuclear war?
What is happening to us?
Is this the doomsday?
the week before,
were in awe
and fear
at the sun and the moon.
The eclipse, the total eclipse.
And some people even said, It's the day
of judgment.
Strange things are happening in this world.
One day you are on top,
the next day you are on the bottom.
Even in the richest places on earth now,
in Dubai,
the new Paris
of the Middle East,
They are almost drowning in water.
People with homes worth 1,000,000 of dollars
are knee deep in sewerage.
And so we are entering into an apocalyptic
But those who are close to the Quran,
those who are close to the words of
Prophet Muhammad
this is not your mukriyama
have to come about before
It is a process that we are going
It's a process.
And young people,
those who are projecting themselves
for the future,
we need to understand
the process.
Allah Azzawajal
tells us
in Surah Ali Imran,
addressing it to Prophet Muhammad
and his companions
after the battle of Uhud
when they had suffered terribly
from the mushrikeen,
Allah tells us through the Prophet
Allah tells us
such are the days
of varying fortunes.
We give people by turns
that Allah may expose those who believe
and take to Himself
from your ranks,
martyr witnesses.
But Allah does not love those who do
Allah's object is to purify
those who believe
and to destroy
the disbelievers.
are the days of Allah.
Yomun Lek
or yomun Aleik.
There will be a day for you
and a day
against you.
In the time of Prophet Muhammad
the great
powers of the world,
in the Arabian Peninsula,
Prophet who began
the message by himself
was faced with internal
The Mushrikeen
in the Arabian Peninsula,
the tribes of the yahood,
the munafiqin.
He had to face this internal struggle,
but change
came about.
It seemed
How could a man
by himself
in Arabia
defeat the mighty Roman Empire?
How could Bedouins
living in the desert
defeat the mighty Persian Empire?
But it is a process
because Allah does not love
the oppressor.
And Allah promised,
He will test the believers
and He will take from us
Allah will take shahid from us.
Muhammad was reported to have said, on the
day of resurrection,
people will wish
that their skins
had been cut with scissors
in this world
when they see the reward
of those who were struck with calamity.
When they see the reward
that people are getting,
the shahids are getting,
They wish their skin was cut with scissors.
Think about this.
in the process
tells us, waliyumahis
Allahu lathinaaamanu
Allah will purify
the believers.
And a purification
means to rectify us,
to clean us.
And we see now
what is happening in the world with the
crises in the world. The hypocrite leaders amongst
us are scrambling.
They are being exposed.
We are being purified
to do a mighty job.
And then Allah said, Wayam hakal kafiri
He will destroy the disbelievers.
We are witnessing
the destruction
of a civilization,
and this destruction
will not come
because this civilization
has developed weapons
of mass destruction
like never seen
in the history of the world.
They have developed
They have developed
like human beings
never had before,
but they are not greater
than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
A clear example for them
and young people, students of knowledge,
those who want to connect
the past to the present to the future,
don't forget the past
because this process has happened before.
One of the clearest examples
is the Roman
The Roman Empire which ruled from
to 476
almost a 1000 years.
It was the largest
that ever existed up until that time.
They ruled over
The Mediterranean,
North Africa, West Asia,
they were not only
their culture,
their architecture,
their road systems,
their philosophies.
They had a system that they called
law and order.
They had senators
who would go to their parliaments, to their
to dispense justice.
But the challenge
that they faced in this process,
number 1,
was religious
They were confused
between their pagan religion
and the religion
of Tawhid.
They were confused.
And so they mixed it up together,
and came up with a strange form of
and used that to dominate
much of the known world.
Number 2
of their great challenges was
They were the most immoral people on the
of the planet Earth.
They would enjoy themselves
by going to coliseums
and watch wild animals kill people.
They would enjoy themselves
through bloodlust,
through *.
This was supposed to be the pinnacle of
but it was falling
lower and lower and lower.
And then from amongst their poor people,
slave revolts.
Their slaves
made rebellion.
And a slave revolt
is an ugly thing,
because the slaves who have been
in a small area, whipped and tortured and
burst out
and made revolts on the Roman Empire.
The most famous of the revolts was the
revolt of Spartacus.
They were attacked from the outside.
The Huns on one side, the Vandals, the
They were attacked internally and externally.
Economic changes, one of the biggest problems the
Romans faced,
make a parallel with today.
It was economic.
had risen up.
Their goal was not equal
to the promises that they had made to
started to bring them down.
changes, droughts,
began to hit the lands of the Romans.
And a pivotal moment
in the Roman Empire in 4:10
was when the rebel slaves
of the Visigoths
to the ground.
We are living in a parallel process.
The pan Palestinian
who've been living in the largest
camp on earth.
Nothing has ever been seen like this before.
1000 are dead,
1,000 are lost,
1,000 are maimed, and it is happening right
in front of the eyes of the world,
But the slaves,
the so called slaves,
are in revolt.
The slaves are free people inside
because they are Muslim.
The world is changing now.
One order is coming down
and another order is
The same factors
that hit Rome is hitting
America, the Western powers,
the colonial powers, the occupiers of Palestine.
It is hitting them the same way it
hit the Romans.
Just turn on the television and see immorality.
Look at the people who are running for
their presidents,
the most corrupt,
filthy people.
Moral confusion.
They are confused
about their religion.
They say they are followers
of Christ,
but would Jesus, would Isa
the destruction that they carry out?
We are at
the cusp,
at the base of an economic recession
which is about to hit us
whether we realize it or not, but they
will tell you the American dollar is stronger
than ever before.
Look at what the earth is throwing back
on us now.
unprecedented storms,
Civil disobedience
is hitting the streets
in Western capitals all over the world.
It is a process
of coming
Our job
is with ourself.
Allah will not change the condition of a
until they change that which is in themselves.
We have everything
in place. We have resources.
We have military.
We have
We have youth. We have everything
in place,
but we need to change
our understanding of each other.
We need to see what is positive in
other Muslims.
We need to unite
even if there are some differences. Allah told
us in Surat Al Anfal, verse 73,
Allah tells us, And those who are disbelievers
are friends and allies
and helpers one to another. So unless you
do this,
there will be great trials,
and corruption
on the earth.
And so
it is on us now to take this
to take the lessons of the month of
to take the unity that we had, to
take the victory that we had over our
We defeated ourself,
and now we need to take this
out to the world.
If we do not do this,
then Allah will replace us.
And Allah told us in Surah Muhammad,
And if you turn back, Allah will replace
with another people,
and they will not be like you.
So the destructions
that we see,
the climate change,
the missiles,
the solar eclipse,
it is not the day of judgment.
There are certain signs
that need to be seen.
There are small signs, alamat al suhara,
and there are major signs, alamat al kubra.
And we need to study these signs.
We need to know where we are coming
and where we are going,
And we need to continue
to pray relentlessly
to Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
to give victory
to the believers throughout the world.
We need to pray to Allah, Azzawajal,
to have mercy upon the children of the
Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu
alaihi wasallam.
We need to pray relentlessly to protect the
the dignity of the ummah of Muhammad sallallahu
alaihi wasallam.
We need to pray relentlessly
to protect the men and give strength
to the Ummah of Muhammad, sallallahu alaihi wa
We need to pray relentlessly to raise up
in the Muslim world
to take us from darkness into light.
We are in the midst of a purification.
May Allah purify our hearts,
purify our deeds.
May Allah purify us and clean out the
from the Muslim world
and give us victory
on the ground.