Abdullah Hakim Quick – New Muslim Corner – Entrances Of The Devil To The Heart
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The course on Islam provides practical advice for those renewing their faith and provides practical examples of purifying oneself and improving their mental and spiritual well-being. The course covers topics such as religion, political and cultural reasons for practicing Islam, and the concept of "has" in relation to practicing Islam. Personal development and personal growth are emphasized, along with avoiding negative comments on one's wealth and following a system of learning. The course emphasizes the importance of learning and development for personal growth and personal development in helping individuals achieve their goals.
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Haman hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah he will not be allowed Amin was SallAllahu Taala Saison was studying while he was happy with adequate Salah
my beloved brothers and sisters to our viewers salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah Alhamdulillah. This is another opportunity for us
to reflect in our new Muslim corner.
And this course, is set up especially to give some practical advice for those who are accepting Islam, those who are renewing their faith.
And this is something that I believe, is of critical importance not only to those who just accept Islam, but also to the majority of Muslims, who have learned their Islam from their culture. So most people learn Islam from their family, from their mother, from their father, from the village, from their people,
from their nation,
it's a cultural thing. And so you will find, like, in the cases of many
great religions, you will find that people tend to practice religion on special occasions. So at birth, death,
special holidays, then the religion becomes supreme.
But the reality of Islam, being dean, and this is the word at Dean, very important word. That is a complete way of life. And so Islam should be affecting everything that we do. So it's not only special occasions, but it's regular life. When you get up when you go to school, when you go to work.
When you're involved in your life, whatever stage in life that you're in,
you're Islam gives you a guide.
And so that guide, that basis of a way of life, is what is shared by people throughout the world. So this is what we're
trying to set, or to preview with you. So that you would have a basis of understanding Islam. No matter where you go, no matter what group you are with, you will have a good foundation. And you will also know if somebody appears to you and says they're Muslim, but they're not. And there are a lot of people around who have an appearance of being a Muslim, or who may speak the languages of Muslims. They may come from the same culture, but they're not actually practicing Islam. So this foundation will help you to clear the air. And also it helps each individual to develop a Zen, and that is righteousness, perfection, that is to bring Goodness Goodness into your life. So we have
been looking at the three levels, or three dimensions within Islamic way of life. And that is Islam, which is your five pillars of Islam. And then there is Amen. Right, the six pillars of Eman and then there is SN. And Sn is righteousness. It is to make things good to try to do as much good as you possibly can and to purify yourself. So to bring goodness within yourself, because the first struggle that all of us have is with ourself.
And that's the essence of what it said is it begins with a personal struggle, a personal cleansing that we make and then that can affect other people around us. It could eventually affect a whole society. And there are some cases where the SN changed a society not just military not just political takeover. And so this is what we are looking at.
In order to understand SN, we went into some of the different approaches to SN and many of the scholars look at ASN as being what is called Teskey atan.
knifes and that is to purify yourself
to purify the lower self the bad side of the individual from bad qualities and bad characters, others use the term to solve
basically, for that sober cautious form of the soul of antiskid enough's it is basically the same. So we are taking this as a basis. And looking at a few of the scholars who actually had that ability, they rose above differences in political movements or ideological movements, they rose above that to a higher level. And one of the scholars was Sheikh Usman dan Fodio. Rahimullah, who was a great West African scholar who was a fucky, a expert in Maliki jurisprudence.
At the same time, he was a very introspective, spiritual person. So he is considered to be on a high level in one of the soul of groups called Cordelia. So he had both.
And that's rare to have somebody who actually isn't a high level of both. And he made it clear like other scholars, balanced scholars, that there is no SN, there is no to Salaf. Without fic, you cannot go to the higher level of Sn, if you don't have a good understanding, working understanding of Islam,
and a good understanding of Sn, if you don't have that, you're not going to be able to really benefit from the third dimension, or the third level. And so
in order to understand this in a practical way, because that's the discussion that our students are looking for, give us some practical examples of this cautious to solve or this task yet enough. Give us some good examples. And this is where shakhas Mandan Fodio, is an amazing scholar.
And what he faced in West Africa, in the 18th century, this is in house or land 18th 19th century is where they live, so not that long ago. And he was one of the most influential scholars in West Africa at the time, and his people succeeded in opening up over 250,000 square kilometers. And they're governed by with Sharia, they govern with Islamic law.
And that's for 100 years, that's close, because many times people in order to see a functioning Islamic society, you got to go back like 1000 years or you have to go back 500 years to see a functioning Islamic society. This is only this is a few 100 years this is close.
so, therefore,
we are looking at some practical examples of how to purify yourself. And in one of his books, he wrote about 150 textbooks or writings in Arabic. And in one of these texts, which is a tough Rika. Boehner element to solve.
It is the separation between elements of the soul of lit to HELOC where elements are so have led to Huck. So this is the book that he wrote, how does to distinguish between
SN or to solve, which affects your character.
It's character building. And that other form, which is really trying to raise your spiritual level to the heights. Okay, he's separating the two. And the last part of his title of this text is called Medaka Iblees. And this is
the satanic entrances into the heart.
the discussion begins in looking at the heart itself, which is the key part of the human being. That's your conscience. That's what's inside you. That is your heart.
And Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him even said that there is a lump of flesh if it goes right, the whole body is going to be sound and good. If it is corrupted. The whole body is corrupted and that's your heart.
Okay, so this is in all of our Islamic literature is the word is called the pluralist club
So you're gonna find that word in key places, in terms of
disk conscience. And again, it's not just the physical part, it is connected to your physical heart. Because sometimes people feel like what they call heart ache, you have heart ache when you're really sad, like, you could actually feel it. But it's more than just your physical heart.
Okay, so the sheikh who said that,
the Shaytaan, The Devil, well, he has a beloved May Allah protect us from his schemes, he is trying to destroy the hearts of people. Because he knows that if he destroys your heart, you're finished. And that's clear from the traditions. So you can have all the book learning that you want.
You can have all the titles that you want, you can come from the best family. But if your heart is corrupt, then you're corrupt. Because that's the source, which is connected to your soul. And the way he depicted it, he said,
the heart is the center of the conscience. And around it is like a wall.
There's a protection around the heart. And in the olden days, you would have the city states all had a big wall around them, and they had entrances gates.
So you have gates to the city. So he made this
comparison. And he said, the heart is surrounded by a wall that has entrances.
Okay. And these entrances, the shaytaan is trying to get through to the entrances.
Okay, and if you can get through that it gets to your heart.
So this is important to be able to protect your heart.
Okay, which is your purity, remember, test gets enough is the essence of your SSN. So he's given you a practical way
to deal with yourself.
And he brought 10 key points in this Medaka rubrics.
And without going into the discussions too heavily on these points, they all very significant points. And this is very practical, not because somebody said well,
I want to be a good Muslim. So I need to have good Islamic clothes. And I need to say the right thing. I need to show up at the mosque on Eid, or whatever it is. And they have the superficial aspects, but they don't have the insight.
So this is what the issue is. So amongst these things, he listed in the beginning
hassad he listed jealousy, and covetousness. And Jealousy
is a way that once the person now has this jealousy and jealousy, as we discussed previously, it's a big topic. And basically, it is this feeling of hatred, animosity, because somebody else makes progress.
So the person has a degree, they graduated and they have a degree they have a BA
or the person is got a new job.
So amongst their friends or people who know them, some people would like to have a job, like his job. That's okay.
But other ones hate the fact that he got it.
And once that feeling creeps into the heart, this is how sad when you covet an English like you feel this bad feeling about materials that somebody else has. Okay, and we learned
that hazard that is jealousy. It actually hurts the person who is jealous. More than it hurts. The one who is
He's jealous off. Okay. So this is one very important point. We make this slide complete.
So this jealousy
acts actually harms. What would be the hassad more than the Massoud. That's how the Arabic would look. So the Hastert is the one who has the jealousy
jealous of that material things of the person.
Right? And the Massoud is the one who's jealous off. But usually that person you know who's receiving this jealousy doesn't necessarily feel it.
Because it's not, this is not something that's physical, although sometimes the jealousy comes out, because they will do something against you.
Or you'll see movements, sometimes you'll see their eyes cutting, you know, against, you can tell signs of acid. It's very dangerous quality, it's something really to be aware of.
And people have tried to protect themselves
from hazard in many different ways.
Even when they, for some people, I mean, some people go overboard in many of our cultures, we tend to go overboard, and you know, this concept of the evil eye, right? You've heard of the evil eye before. That's an everybody's cultures. And so people do different things to protect themselves from the evil eye. Can you think of anything that people do within your culture to protect from the evil eye?
Anybody have any examples of this?
Now, you know what I mean by the evil eye, right? Black Onyx, and like gold beads that they give to babies, okay? That they give to babies.
Okay, so they will give it to the babies in what form make a bracelet.
Okay, so it's black on Onyx.
Okay, so this is a way now.
Right? So so it is believed that through that black onyx stone,
right, they're going to be protected.
And so many people they do put these amulets on.
And in some cultures, the baby is wrapped up, and they even put amulets on them. And what because they're really afraid, and most of the cultures have this Hassan evil eye touching a child.
Okay, people are really afraid of this. And sometimes it happens. Maybe in your own life, you might make some success, you might get an award in front of everybody else. And then one of your friends, somebody says read surah two falak.
Now this is the second last chapter in the Quran, where we are told to seek refuge in Allah, Allah, men has eaten either acid. So you seek refuge in Allah from the jealous person, if they put this on you.
So So So somebody may say, Read Serato falak.
Okay, meaning seek refuge in Allah from this jealousy. Okay, so, we had some discussion a little bit about this last week. But this is
extremely important to be aware of this, and how has that affects people. And we need to try sometimes to help the person who has asset and just to remind them, this is only a material thing.
Okay, Allah was the one to control the if a person, you know, you know, Allah bless that person with beauty, physical beauty, or something, everybody may be jealous because of how she looks or how he looks. But in these times today, that's not necessarily a blessing. It can be a curse, because of all the fitna, and confusion that a person comes in who has good physical looks. So it's not necessarily a blessing
to have that. So we need to
help the person who has hazard. But at the same time, be aware that that evil eye or that bad feeling, somehow can be used by the shaytaan to actually affect the person.
It can, in some cases affect the child.
It can affect people in some ways. But that's rare. I would say that's rare. That's not the average
effect, but people tend in our folk cultures and our superstition, we tend to like really get afraid of this, right? So anything that goes wrong, you think is acid on me.
Okay, but it's not necessarily that. But the key point is that the sheriff is saying that this is one of the ways that the shaytaan comes through the wall, surrounding your heart through this, so if the person has hassad they they literally opening up the door to get into your heart. And that's how the devil could get into your heart and corrupt because this is the war that's going on now.
With the devil, the evil one wants to corrupt us, and wants to take us off the path.
And the second point before we go on any questions that anybody has about this, this one, we looked at it a little bit last week.
This is one of the, again, the title is Medaka Iblees. These are the satanic entrances to the heart.
It's the entrances to the heart. And this is what chakras man dan Fodio laid out in his text that around your heart. And he made it an example a metaphor example of this is like a wall around it. And it has gates.
Right. So that's how the evil one is getting in the gate. The second one is uncontrolled. Okay, question. Just a comment. Would you say that, like the jealousy and covetousness can be expressed in gossip as well, right? Yes. So this, this is one of the ways that it comes out. And you will see, and I'm not saying it's females, it can males gossip, too. Right?
Right, you have a different way of gossiping, but males gossip.
And it's just like, oh, yeah, did you see her today? Are you see Ali? Like I said, you see Ali's new car? Isn't an ugly?
Like, why did he get that model?
You know, they're doing that thing. And it's spreading bad feelings, like
it's literally spreading bad feelings. But what the people don't understand is that the one who has that asset is being affected by it. It's going to their heart, it actually spoils them to worse than the other person.
That's what they don't know. And this is the point of Sn. Sn is to purify yourself, to to rid yourself of bad qualities.
The second one is uncontrolled anger and desires, uncontrolled anger.
And that is where people just, they just lose control of themselves.
And the province or Salim even told one of his companions, when he came, he said Don't get angry.
He could see he is the kind of person who gets angry. And in some cultures, they get really angry, fast, they get angry. And I don't know why in some cultures, they drink too much tea, no brown tea, they drink too much brown tea with sugar in it.
You know, and in some cultures, they smoke too many cigarettes, right? But there's some things that just get you nervous, right.
And then they get angry fast. And get into these arguments. This is a dangerous thing. Because that anger once that anger comes
an argument between husband and wife,
an argument between two men or two women.
And they start arguing and you see in an argument, when they start to decay to shouting louder and louder and louder. And it reaches the point where one side is not listening to the other side. You've probably seen this before. They're arguing with them. And they're not listening to what they say they're just waiting for them to stop. So they can say something.
So when it reaches that level, it's out of control. And that's where shaytan can come in. See how he enters now.
So if you can't control your emotions, if you can't control
these feelings, then the evil one can come into your life and destroy you.
we mentioned last week,
that and this is what check was the man Zenfolio Rahimullah, you know used as his solution because he looked at
solutions to the problem too. And he said that in the case of anger, if a person is this kind that can get into this, this argument fast. And you feel this fire burning inside of you. Then
the Prophet peace be upon them then said it's part of Prophetic teachings. That is that if you're standing up and you're getting really angry, sit down.
You can see some physiological sense in this right? You're sitting down, right?
And if you're sitting down and you're still in an argument, he said lay down.
Right, just lay down.
If that doesn't work, make withyou like put water on yourself to control your anger
because practical solutions to control your anger. There's another one that that that came up during our counseling sessions. And that is that if there's an argument going on between how
has been way for one brother's Brother and Sister sister. And these things don't work, just leave the room.
Like, just don't stay there. When you feel yourself going out of control, then that discussion is a waste of time.
It's a waste of time. So it's better not to be there. Because now she taught us like dancing on your heads.
Right and as a chance to destroy you. So this is the issue that the chakras bringing, he's bringing practical forms of Sn practical forms of how to purify yourself.
Right. So this has nothing to do with spiritual exercises. This is a practical thing that you do in your life. And it comes straight out of the center.
The next point that the shaker made Rahimullah is and again, this is very interesting.
The points that he's making, because this applies to us as well. He said that, and again, we're talking about the heart of the individual. And this is like a metaphor or an example, you know, for what it is the heart is surrounded by a wall.
Because the cities in the ancient times had all had war with gates. And shaytaan wants to come in the gate to get to your heart. So how are you going to protect your heart from the evil to come and come inside of your life?
Okay, so this is modalities. That's what it's called multiple, multiple is entrance.
Okay, so the fourth one.
And this is something interesting. He said excessive love of food and drink.
So people who love food,
they love to drink. And you don't just do not just doesn't mean that you enjoy eating food. Everybody's got it, especially in Ramadan. Iftar, right. The promise of Salah said that's one of the times when you can, it makes you happy, right? You'd like to really feel good when we have our Iftar you really feel good after you fast. But this is the person who excessive love.
They love to eat.
They live for their dentists.
And in some cultures, and I don't want to label any race of people or groups. But in one of the cultures, I heard they love food so much that when they greet each other, some people in some cultures say like, you know, how are you? Okay, for Hello, how are you? But they say, What did you eat today.
That's how they greet each other.
Because eating is a crucial part for their day. So excessive love of food and drink.
Okay, and this is not just drink, meaning alcoholic drink.
It could also mean fruit juices, it could mean soda pop, you know, whatever, but excessive love of it right.
And today, this is even more relevant, because many of the foods that we have that we eat are processed foods.
So the more you eat it is the more sugar that you get inside of you.
And the more sugar you have inside of your body, that gets you nervous to
write and that can affect you as well. So when the person has this excessive love, of food and drink, that's an entrance of the devil into your heart.
Because when you have that love for that, it like opens up other
you know things as well.
Okay, now the one I skipped number three, we'll go back to it. And that is greed and ambition.
greed and ambition.
This is a this is an important one as well. Because greed, person, they want more things. And they just greed, they're never satisfied with what they have. And ambition means that they want to have a higher position they want more and more and more and more.
When that feeling comes into the person's life, greed and ambition.
Okay, this is a way that is the shaytaan that the devil can come into the heart of a person. Too much ambition.
And that doesn't mean that you take a position taking a position that you deserve to have is okay.
But when you want that position,
you know you have an organization you have a group and this person has a lot of ambition. They want to be the president
or they want to be the Emir
It could even be an Islamic group so they start campaigning for it. You know the campaign
things that go on, before the political things, they come to other people in the group. And they say, as a vote for me,
right, like he wants to be the leader. And an Islamic thinking, a person who wants to be the leader shouldn't be the leader.
You should not want to have disposition because leader actually means responsibility.
You're more responsible than the other people in the group. It doesn't mean you have some special authority over everybody.
No, but ambition.
It can destroy things. And you'll see within royal families and empires, that people actually
kill even members of their own family
out of ambition. So this is a very serious character building here. So I want to open up the floor for any questions or discussions on these two
that came in now. And that is greed and ambition. And the other one is excessive love, of food and drink. Okay, any questions that anybody has on this? Or any comments? Yeah, exactly what you consider excessive love. Because like you mentioned, during Ramadan, everyone enjoys food, right? And you try to make like, great meals and everything.
Except access. Yeah, so this is like more than what you actually need.
So in other words, the person all that thinking about all day is just what they're going to eat.
And they'll order all types of things. And because they just love food, there's too much love of the food, if you love that food.
If you're not nourishing your body.
You see it, it's like a desire, like you start to enjoy the taste of the food. And once you're enjoying this taste, it's opening up like a weakness and that's why the Prophet Muhammad peace if I'm used to fast all the time, on you know, during the week, Monday, Thursday, he would fast constantly and that's why we have Ramadan because Ramadan is supposed to,
you know, to to to cut down this desire. Some people, however, even in Ramadan,
if they have excessive love for food,
then this can be a problem.
And I remember I was living in Cape Town before and I went to one of the butchers.
And he said hamdulillah Ramadan is coming.
And I said, why? He said, Because I sell more meat in Ramadan than any time of the year.
So this is strange, because this supposed to be a fasting month right? How can you be selling more meat like it should be less right? But because the wrong understanding of Ramadan, the whole key is Iftar
it is having that meat
then it comes it becomes what you could say not shadow CRM, not the fasting month, but its shahada Taha it would be the month of eating food. You see,
that's the wrong thing. There was one teacher in America
and he said he found a group and he put out a book and he said How to Eat to Live
How to Eat to Live.
So in other words, you're eating food
to live not because you enjoy food
a system and when you can cut down the desires
then it's easier to control yourself to
question are the same that 1/3 of your stomach should be 1/3 water
right so this is the Sunnah it is said amongst the Sunnah. And this is a way of Prophet Muhammad peace be a part and we don't have to necessarily do this. This part is not commanded. But this is what he used to do he when it is said that, you know he would fill 1/3 of his stomach
with food. Another third with liquid and he always leaves 1/3 empty.
Okay, and if you think of how some people eat
okay, they might start off with two thirds filled with food.
Okay, and then that then that drinkin right,
until they're totally stuffed
with food and when a person is stuffed with food, then there even their thinking is different.
You know their desires are open
And that is what check with man Rahim Allah Allah said, this is mud calm. It's an entrance
that the devil can have into your heart to destroy you. Any question online?
We're dealing with these two so far.
And that is greed and ambition and excessive love of food and drink.
We have a question right here. So how can we explain our Muslim rules conquering other lands? Is this ambition or it has another explanation? Yeah, so the question is, how can we
you know, how can we, you know, explain why Muslim rulers, you know, conquered, you know, other countries? Well, we have another concept, which is an admirable Maroof. We're not here Mancha, and that is calling to the good and forbidding evil. And if you look at the original setup, where Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in the Arabian Peninsula, he was attacked by the Romans. The Roman Empire was afraid, and they threatened to attack. And after his death, the Romans continued to attack. And on the eastern side, the Byzantine Persians, they attacked
or sorry, the the the the sustenance, sounded dynasty of Persia, they attacked on the eastern side. So the Muslim responded to their attack. So the initial movement outside of Arabia
was a response to the Romans and societies.
And when they Muslims defeated them, they realize how corrupt these people were, and what they were doing to their own population. So they continued the conquest
to try to spread the word of Islam, not by force, because they did not have large armies. There was not a large number of people, but yet Islam spread
faster than any other religion ever.
Because they were calling to good righteousness, and they would forbid evil.
So they saw evil, they would fight against evil. Okay, and that's the essence of the Congress. Now, this is not to say that
all of the so called Islamic rulers did this, because there are some people who use the name, Muslim, but they weren't actually practicing Islam. Some of them even followed the kings of the Romans, they took on other qualities. Okay, but we're talking about the people who were actually practicing Islam, when they spread it.
Now, the fifth one,
in these Medaka bliss, it is Elijah, it is haste, except unnecessary acts of worship. This is interesting.
Because this culture today has become really fast. Quack, quack, quack, quack, could do everything fast. Talk fast, move fast, walk down the street fast. Everything's got to be fast. Okay, but that's not it. And that has changed. Then you even look at social media. People are online, and then they get a Facebook page and Instagram now Tik Tok and all, whatever else is getting shorter and shorter and shorter.
People's people's time span their patients that they're losing their patients, you know, rapidly. So the Prophet said, haste,
accept unnecessary acts of worship. And you know, it's interesting because there's a hadith where the prophet said, Allah jalla min ash shaytaan. This is an actual Hadith, where he said haste, doing things too quickly is from the devil.
That's a straight out Hadith.
Okay, and you can see where this is so important, I say this to new Muslims, and those who are renewing their faith, it's so important.
Okay, that we got to take your time.
And I saw this over and over again, I'm going to be straightforward, because of discussions we've already had about marriage and stuff in this class. If if people are you thinking about marriage in your life, take your time.
Do not rush into marriage.
Especially new Muslims.
You have to take your time.
And the Prophet peace be upon him said that when you're thinking about getting married, then you should see learn about the person's family learn about their religion, right? Learn about you know his his ability to provide
right you got to study the person you would need references Do not rush into this.
And I've had extreme cases in this. Have a sister coming in said You know, I want to
Get married, this brother wants to marry me. He reads the deed so nicely. And then he wants to get married. And, you know, he said, Okay, let's do it really fast, because it's so now we got to do it fast. So next week we're going to Niagara Falls.
That's where you're going to get married, right? You know, Niagara Falls. Okay, that's where it used to be. Anyway, everyone who gets married in Canada, used to go to Niagara Falls. So he wants to go to Niagara Falls next week, man. So I said, who is he?
What is his family?
What is the situation? She didn't know. But he looks so handsome. And he reads the Hadith. So nice.
You got to take your time, she didn't listen to me.
She did not listen. And I told her, I'm here, no Muslim class here. I washed my hands, you're on your own.
She came back, you know, after some time, angry, you know, upset and really. And it turned out I want to go and I don't want to go into the details of this. But it turned out that he was an abuser.
And he was even taking drugs. And then when we really checked him out, he was already married to somebody in his own country.
Look at this.
And then and this is a real story now.
Because we tried to stop him.
he got into a he used her car all the time. And then he got into a hit and run accident with her car.
And then he fled to his country.
So the sister now comes, the RCMP came to the house.
When they discussed with her, they said she's innocent.
But him, then we realized what he was, if she if she took her time
and had somebody check him out, check out his family, put him to the test,
then these flaws would have come forward. You see an agile administrator. But the ship made a stipulation here. Interesting one, because remember, he's fucky. He's a scholar, he said except unnecessary acts of worship.
So if it's time to make your prayers,
right, make the salaat.
Because does the Prophet said the best prayer is the one done on time.
If you have the ability to make Hutch to make pilgrimage, it's called Azad Rahila. If you have that ability, make the pilgrimage even when you're younger.
Don't wait till you're 6070 years old.
And try to make the pilgrimage that that's what a lot of people that's a mistake.
Because it's very strenuous step.
So it is better to make it so the shack is saying if you have that ability to make it.
Don't put it off. Right?
This is agile administrator. Okay, any questions on this, anybody has any points concerning this?
Now the next point that he's making is wealth, if it exceeds the basics, so if you have wealth, okay, which is nothing wrong with wealth, you need to live a decent life, have a decent home, have a vehicle, you know, you need to have education. But when your wealth exceeds,
and now the person's putting away and putting away and putting away and putting away, if you don't pay the cat, if you don't pay it to the poor do to those who are need from that, if you don't purify that wealth, then this can be a way that shaytan can come into you.
And this society will do it to you to
to the to the point where we even saw that many times when the group wanted to build a masjid, or there was some relief. And the and there were people who were suffering and they needed money. It was it was the ones who gave the most were the poor people.
Were the ones who didn't have the rich ones. They said, Well, I got three cars and two villas and I can't afford this. You know, I got a mortgage, I have this I have that. You know, but as the ones that didn't have that much. They're actually closer to Allah. And they were giving more than the other ones. So there's nothing wrong with wealth, but when it exceeds the basics,
that's an entrance. You gotta close the door right?
Gotta close the door so your character does not get destroyed.
This is wealth. Any questions on this? On this point? This is a
workshops. So, floor is open for any questions or discussions in any of these. Because this is this is the practical system that chakras man used to reform the character of his followers to purify themselves in order that they would reform society. So in other words, sn propelled them to change that to the lead.
A lot of times in this society, there's a big focus on like saving for future, right?
And things like that to save for retirement, for example, how do you balance that?
You don't practical and looking ahead to making sure you're not amassing wealth that's going to now exceed what you should have. Right? Well, I mean, you know, the first point, remember, now, the purification of wealth, is pay as a cat.
So technically speaking, if that person is paying a cat on that wealth, in other words, they're giving two and a half percent, you know, to those who need it. And if they, if that person also when real need comes, they'll give from their wealth, then it's okay, there's nothing strategically wrong with that. Because that wealth is purified through the cat. If they didn't pay as a cat, then that would be a place for the devil that will be unclean, but as a cat, cleans the wealth.
And also, we can't get so tied with the wealth, that if something happens, you know, the stocks go down or this so that, you know, then the deal, they want to commit suicide.
They shouldn't be tied to their wealth, right?
That's why the Prophet peace be upon him. Whenever gold came into Medina used to give it away, give it away, give it away. When it was all gone, then he would go to sleep.
Because he did not want to have a lot of wealth around him not being used.
Okay, so this is wealth if it exceeds the limits. Any questions online anybody has.
Now, the next point is a very interesting one.
this came out really heavily in the past 20 or 30 years, it's been around. And the way it happened with chakras men is that they were a group of students of knowledge. These are students of knowledge. And they were studying a book of a scholar from the desert region, Southern Libya, as Sanusi, his name was Sanusi
and his book creador, St. Lucia, this Aqeedah book on faith. And they were studying this book. And then
they were going to extremes. And then also, oh, yeah, and this one here, you know, what was happening, the extremes they were going to, especially here he's saying, fanaticism in madhhab.
He said, one of the ways and I'll switch from the other appeal to one because this one, one of the ways that the shaytaan can come into your heart, if you become a fanatic on your school of thought. Now what that means is, there are great scholars of Islam, who after the death of the Prophet peace be upon him explained organized Islamic way of life. It's called a madhhab. And you have four great methods in the Sunday, you know, teachings, Maliki Shafi, humbly, right. Hanafi.
Okay, so can people follow those because that was the basic way in the area that they lived. But the scholars were not against each other. They were just providing a way to the Sangha.
People actually get fanatical about their their schools of thought. Now for the new Muslims. This is a little bit advanced, because you don't have to worry about schools of thought and all that now.
But this is this is an important point for those who are reviving their faith. Everybody will follow a certain system of making solid.
Okay, and generally the majority of the people who are in your area, you will naturally follow that. But what chakras man was saying to not be fanatical?
Do not be fanatical. Because these teachers were actually students of each other.
These great Imams, so don't be fanatical.
Okay, and for the most part with most Muslims, you won't know.
Unless you're an advanced students, you won't know the difference between people's practice where you really see it as insolate
because sometimes in salaat, the profit coming up from Roku he would be
like this, sometimes he wouldn't.
Okay? Sometimes in sitting position, he would put his finger on hold it, or move it a little bit, sometimes just a little bit.
And it's different reports.
So the Imams took what they had and made it into a system. Okay, so now if both of them asana
and one person only learn one way to make salad
and they get fanatical about it, that's what he's talking about. This is a heavy point. Because this can actually cause division amongst people. And it can cause hatred. This has happened in our community hatred because of the school of thought.
And it gets ridiculous. And I at one point was in this position of Imam in the Jami mosque way back, you know, and we had all the schools, everybody there a nice, you know, and people were fanatically into their schools.
And I told them straight out, I couldn't hold myself
because I'm a new Muslim, even though I studied, but I told him Look, I told him straight out. Abu Hanifa was not a Pakistani,
not a Pakistani.
He's an Arab.
Imam Shafi was not a Somali
he was not a Somali
because the Somalis are basically sharpies in his school of thought.
Right? He was not, he was an Arab.
So this is not a nationalistic thing.
And if you see something from the Sunnah, that somebody else is doing, and it's proven to go to the Prophet, you can do it. That's what Jack was man taught. His followers were Maliki. But if they saw something from the Shafi school, that sunnah they can do it.
And the great scholars said it also Hadith for hormone therapy, if the Hadith of the Prophet saying is correct, that's my school of thought. See how they thought they didn't put us in cages.
But that's a problem. And he faced this fanaticism amongst his people. I even had a case where somebody came to me and said, Brother Abdullah,
can Hanafi Marissa Shafi.
Now, you got to understand how deep this question is. It's just a school of thought, right? And I looked at him, I said, we are not Jehovah's Witnesses and Catholics. And this is a problem that happened in Christianity.
You don't understand the Imams, they were teachers of students of each other. You completely misunderstand this thing. See? So this is a really important point to think about. To not be if you see somebody coming to you and says, Do you pray like this? Don't pray the other way.
Do not do that.
I'll give you an example. You will see some people when they pray. And you know after the Fatiha opening chapter, they say are mean silent?
Some people say out loud,
okay, both are correct.
They're both correct. There's nothing wrong with either of the two.
But if you become fanatical about this, this is the problem.
The sea floor is open for any questions that anybody may have. This topic can get really deep we're just touching the surface in it
Okay, go ahead question for those who seek to learn slowly call suit the fact that
yes, so you know, it is better to go to
neutral people to to learn from scholars, you know, who are open minded for the new Muslim, there's a group called new Muslim academy.org No Muslim academy.org. And you can go online, and they have everything is set up, how you pray, how you do this, how you do that? It's a good online
base questions can be answered. You know, so you can get, you know, a balanced approach. This is the appropriate approach we take here in it is this open approach? Okay, we're not forcing one school on the other, or one group against another. Okay. No Muslim academy.org. Okay, this is the website. The next point coming down to these
Madatha bliss, and that is hatred and calm.
attempt for those who disagree.
So if somebody disagrees with you, right?
They have a different opinion than you.
And then the person said, No, because that person disagrees, they start hating them. You see what that does to your heart, it opened the door
that opened the door shaitan is going in, is going in on you.
Right? If somebody just disagrees, that's okay. And you can do something, what we call you can agree to disagree.
And there's a famous example of the Prophet peace be upon him.
It is after the Battle of the Trench.
And they had heard that there was some some animosity, you know, in an area of Medina called benaco data.
So the Prophet said, now we have to go to Ben who could say that these people were fighting against us. So he said, anybody who believes in Allah and the Last Day should not make Arsa that's their afternoon prayer until they reach bento kureta bento credos in the south part of the city. So they had to all start moving toward venoco data, right? Start going and make your answer there.
Now, the problem that happens is some people started to go to bed Okonedo. And as a prayer was going out,
they were a little bit late. Right? So now what do you do?
Do you make Arsa?
Or do you not make it?
That's the question.
And some people said no, we're gonna make you know ASA.
Because Allah subhanaw taala said that you should pray on time. The other said no, the Prophet peace upon him said, make it there.
And they start fighting with each other.
What would you do? Not to put the new Muslims do a test. But for those of us who are making praise regular, what would you do? If you were in this situation? Would you make us are on the road?
Or would you make it there and benaco data?
Those who would make it on the road? Raise your hand.
Okay, those who would make an bento kureta raise your hand.
Some of you are not making a lot.
Right, that's okay. Right. You gotta have Whoo. Okay. Yes. All right. See, but there's a difference of opinion. Right? They went to the profit. This is real life. Right? And they're arguing with each other that like we do, right? My position is better. And my thing. You know what he said? You're both correct.
See, wisdom. He said both of you are correct.
Because the ones who made the prayer, they did it based on the commandment of Allah.
In the salata, Canon, me, Nina keytab, and Mahkota
believers make their prayer on time.
And those who made it on who made it there, you are following me.
But you see he didn't, is that you can agree to disagree, right? There's more than one way to do things, right. See this understanding? That's how Islam is supposed to be.
It's a universal faith for us, right? Not supposed to be narrow minded. My people my way? No,
there's all kinds of cultures in Islam.
Because all types of people in Islam.
The next point is, and this is the point that I had started on. It is burdening the common people with pondering about the essence and descriptions of Allah more than is necessary. Now, these students, they studied this book upgraded to sentencia. Okay, it's a surah.
They studied this book about Akita, about beliefs, and they started questioning people, they start going to common people. And they said to the people, where is Allah?
Where's Allah?
So, you know, the start, you know, it's, it isn't a belief question, right? And you're burdening the common people who shouldn't be doing this, right? You're putting them to a test
that they're not qualified to do and you're causing confusion.
You see, now this is very much like what has happened. It has happened in our world today, between groups, the same groups, movements and whatever, they question each other.
I have given talks in places in London, England, London is a place where there's a lot of different Muslims and you know, a lot of things and so you know, I would, I was there, you know, giving a lecture and I realized they were asking me questions, not to get the answer. They wanted to know how I answered
because if I answered in a certain way, you one of those people,
you see, but because I took a middle road, they couldn't figure me out.
So you should not be getting involved in these, especially dealing with abstract things, the names of Allah, the descriptions of Allah, this is high level Aqeedah.
Right, that should be discussed by people of knowledge,
who know how to agree to disagree.
Right, not by the average people.
Okay, and the last point.
And this is a very important point as well, holding suspicions against Muslims. Suspicions, so we're done.
So you will look at somebody
and you will judge that person.
And I knew this contradiction because
people would say, you know, salaam alaikum. Brother, which country you come from?
That's the first thing they want to know. Right? Which country do you come from? So now when I say a certain country, ah, you're one of those people, right? But they get confused when you're dealing with me. Right? Because I'm combining things and I lived in Medina.
And they're, the hajis are there and everybody, most Muslims, they wear their clothes, like a uniform, you know, like a police uniform or a fireman. There's a certain way a police dresses right?
Certain Way Fire Man dresses. So Muslims, they have a long so but they have a short one. Or they have buttons in the front. Or they have a different way. This is a national dress, right? So people dressed in their. It's almost like a uniform.
Okay. And I would so
they would see this brother come walking down the street.
He has on a Nigerian cap. He has a Moroccan jabya
He has Pakistani pants.
And he has Sudan issues. You know, people in the Sudan they have leopard skin shoes, right.
And really nice moccasins they have. So he's got all of this right, Nigeria, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan. And they look at him and they say
he's an American. He's must be American. He's a Canadian.
He's like he's a Westerner, right?
Because he's not one of our little groups.
So other than
suspecting people, you should not suspect people.
And just because a person looks a certain way, don't prejudge them, is what we call prejudice. You become prejudice, because you're pre judging people.
This is dangerous. And the Sheikh said, that is the way one of the ways that the devil will come into you. If you have this suspicion inside of you.
Very practical advices. Now that he's giving
so the floor is open for any general questions. Now. These are the 10 points and Medaka bliss that was brought by chakras man Rahim Allah
floor is open for any questions concerning these 10 points.
And now we'll open the floor for any general questions. So if you have any general questions, this is a chance also to ask general questions about Islam. Yeah. He's also known as diseases, the diseases of the heart.
Yeah, they can also be called diseases of the heart as well. Yeah. It can use it. You know, sometimes it's described like that, because other scholars have done things like this as well. Something similar, but his his way is a special way Modafinil?
You know, yeah.
Is there any advice and teachings about specific things you do to battle each of those? Like, I'm sure, you know, I look at that list. And I see the ones that are my weaknesses, for sure. Is there any specific advice for each of them? Or is it just general? Yes, there is. I mean, we could we could go deeper into it. There are some advices. You know, but But generally, what he's thinking, how he approaches this, is that there's a theoretical solution. And as a practical solution,
the theoretical solution is, you know, if you are jealous, for instance, about somebody, why are you jealous, what it is Allah who gives to people and takes
and maybe that wealth that that person has is going to be a burden on them. It's not necessarily a blessing because you have a lot of money. Some people go crazy when they get money.
So you have to think about that first. And then the practical way is to do things
To counteract this,
so you have to break this.
We have a heavy tribal thing, where we see people of a certain tribal color or rate and we tend to sort of judge them.
Right, you have to interact with people get to know people of other nationalities, you know, Muslims, and then you'll see. And that's one of the things that I found from traveling around the Muslim world is that we're actually more similar to each to each other than we are different. We're really similar to each other. The only difference in that close is one of them has some buttons in the front, his quota is a little bit shorter than the other one. He puts a slit on the side. And he calls it his national dress.
Okay, but we're really similar to each other.
And we have to focus on what brings us together and not what divides us point. A lot of these seem like they come from ego and arrogance.
What does Islam say? Yes, so this is why He said one of the general things
is pride. And we looked at that last week, he gave some big general categories. Pride is one of the heavy things involved in a lot of this. And it's one of the most dangerous, bad qualities because that's what the shaytaan will, he has a biller why he destroyed himself right in the beginning, because he refused to bow down to Adam out of pride. He said, your creative is created from clay and from fire. Right? He was a racist.
Okay, so pride and arrogance, which comes out of this. And what he's done now, with the Shack has done, he tailor made these things to the situation of his people at the time.
Because he knew the problems of his people, right. And he went to the Sunnah, and help them to change their character. And when they change the character, they bonded together, and they became a powerful force. And they actually took over a huge territory. And they got the government, you know, with Sharia for 100 years. Okay, so this is practical SN.
Because we need to look at practical things. Okay, floor is open for any other general questions, question.
So this could be related to this topic. And it's probably a whole other topic unto itself. But in terms of opening your heart to save time, I've been teaching high school for a long time in a diverse school. There's a lot of public dialogue about it right now. But in terms of the Islamic perspective, on around addiction, and things that are coming in, through your vision, and through your hearing, so air pods and all the time, kids scrolling hours and hours a day, video games with friends beyond that, beyond the phone that you know, so it's a whole huge issue with young people today and starting to, I think,
become even more prevalent with not just young adults, but people who are beyond young adults, but adulthood. Right? Yeah. So in terms of like having that kind of
exposure to by choice, or just by default, or by some sense of addiction, like, maybe it's something to talk about at another time, but I didn't see it, like cleanly fitting into those categories. But they probably could. Yes, I mean, that this is something this is very serious, this new social media addiction, because there are so many good points about social media. But at the same time, it can take over, you know, people's minds and actually destroy their character. And we can see this happening. And, and that's why, you know, we have encouraged over the years that, you know, we need to spend some time out of the city, in natural environments. Camping, we used to do a lot of
camping, it's less now. But when you go to the camp, put your cell phone up.
Okay, there's not you're not online now. Go into into the actual creation of Allah. And for some people, that's a serious issue.
And as I was saying, I mentioned in one of the previous sessions that we had some young people, we were in Spain, and we were taking them to these mount beautiful mountains thing. Everybody got their, their cell phones, right. So we were walking through this thing, and everybody's taking selfies. So looking at the mountain, but they did face it's got to be in front of the mountain, right? So they're doing their selfies all along. And then then we said, Okay, wait a minute. Everybody, turn off your cell phone.
Okay, so they all had to turn off their cell phone was about 20 of them. And then we walked along the trail.
And everybody's talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. Like Canadian youth. They love to talk, right? They talk in profit moments.
So salary he didn't talk a lot.
He only talk when he had something serious to say right? But in our society, tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk. So these kids, so he said, Okay, now, no more talking.
So their cell phones are off. And they couldn't talk. And we worked for another 1015 minutes. And then we made a circle. And we said, what did you What did you find? And they said, I could hear the birds.
You know, I could hear the river, you know, the mountain so beautiful.
Like they were witnessing in nature
in a different way, because that artificial selfie thing was not in front of them anymore.
And everybody, we have to go through this. We have to, we have to try to do this. And I know for some people that your job, you know something, you're at school, that's fine. I'm talking about random surfing and surfing and surfing and just, you know, getting controlled, binge this and you know, whatever, that can be an addiction where it starts to control your mind.
And if you think that you're not addicted, turn it off for one day.
And if you start to get withdrawal symptoms and scratching and whatever and depressed, and ever so that that's a drug addict, right?
Go ahead. Yeah.
Expanding on ambition
is essentially like,
Yeah, so So ambition, you know, what this means is too much ambition. If you're a person should have ambition. You should want to be a good student, you should want to be a good worker, or good athlete. You know, you have you know, a goal in front of you, that's good. But when the person wants power, they want position. You see that kind of ambition?
Right, and the ambition, you know, makes them do things that they don't normally do. That's the dangerous one.
Opposite of ambition.
The opposite is also dangerous, too, if the person had no ambition,
right, that they need to get some energy in their life, right? Would that be an entrance?
Chakra? He didn't he didn't call that an entrance. But really, I mean, this is just the deck there could be a lot of things, you know, that you know, what was the word? It is like, you know,
when you sitting around, I forget the actual parable. But it is if you're wasting time and sitting around, that is the devil's play like shaytaan can come to you right?
If you're to idle idleness
I don't this is kind of entrance for the devil right that was on our own as sayings before here in North America. Idleness can be dangerous. You have a question?
floor is open for anybody anybody else
online any general questions anybody has
a simple below one can make as a new Muslim to protect them from the diseases with the heart.
You know, the best two are that we are making constantly is the Fatiha as a new Muslim. When you read the opening chapter,
you know then that there's there's right there, you're saying Dina Serato, Musa Kim. So you're making a dua when you when you say that guide us to the straight path. Right, the path on which you have blessed, not those who've gone straight to the Fatiha itself is a powerful thing for new Muslims. Master the opening chapter, master the opening chapter. And this is this, this is really important. And then we can increase, you know, as we go on. Question again, another one. Is this the same thing that people call?
The topic? He just explained about what he believes? Yeah. No, okay, this, this is a technical term.
In the recent
struggles, and debates that are going on in the Muslim world, right,
is a label that they put on some people
and they call them magically. So that means they call you know, is that that is not the same thing. No. The recent uses of magically, if you're calling somebody like that, that that's a that's a term that one group is using against another. This is before this, this is the 18th century 19th century, right? When this came out and before so it's not the same.
Any other questions are online are there
So, these are some very practical points that are here. And from next week, we will go into the teachings of another one of the great scholars, CD Ahmed Zorach Rahim Allah, He is another one of the great balanced scholars, practical ways that you can improve your life as a Muslim and you could gain a world view if you can master what Sidi Ahmed zaru brought in this text, then you will be you have a basis for your your whole Islam that can last for your whole life. And we want to start to go into this, these teachings some balanced teachings in ESN and basic Islamic way of life. So we'll end with this point. Have a safe journey home. Well after the dot one and hamdulillahi rabbil
Alameen wa salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh